L O C K -U P | c. leclerc

Por sainz_leclerc16

148K 3.8K 775

Book 1: Drive Her Insane Series __ F1 AU -- When Checo Perez retires, Carlos Sainz jumps at the opportunity... Mais

The Charles & Artemis Playlist
1| The Betrayal
2| The Nightmare
3| Legacy
4| Not so Smooth
5| Before Bahrain
6| During Bahrain pt. 1
7| During Bahrain Part 2
8| After Bahrain
9| Runaway
10| Keep you in my Heart
11| Saudi
12| Number 16
13| Resistance
14| Typical
15| Release
16| The Lord and the Nightmare
17| Mine
18| Three Stooges
19| Spanish Prince
20| New Blood
21| Australia
22| Principal Matters
23| Braking Point
24| Shatter
25| Rupture
26| Solace
27| Comrade
29| Without You
30| 1976
31| Number 12
32| The Lord and his Princess
33| The Greatest Win
34| Summer Break
35| Checkered Flag

28| Lauda

2.4K 75 3
Por sainz_leclerc16

A. Devereaux

The lights flashed red.







As soon as all the lights turned green, I accelerated. Going into turn 1, I remembered qualifying and how terrible I did. Still, for the briefest of moments I closed my eyes and remembered my grandfather.

He braved everything. I can do that too. I am my own driver but I will bring a legacy till the day I die. His talent courses through me and I use it in my own.

I let my hands guide me, remembering how the track was like, how many seconds it took. I gripped the steering wheel even harder, conquering my fear. When I opened my eyes, I saw success.

Riccardo: WELL DONE ARTEMIS! You've gained 10 places in just turn one! Well strategised! Just keep the pace on the straight.

Riccardo: Careful with the debris, there's been a crash between Piastri and Verstappen that also took out Ocon and Guanyu.

Artemis: Jesus, are they okay?

Riccardo: Hold on for a moment.




Riccardo: All of them are okay, now focus on the race.

Artemis: WOOHOOOO!! Fuck! Would you believe I was closing my eyes the entire turn?

Riccardo: Artemis, don't do that again.

Artemis: Can't make any promises. Who's in front of me?

Riccardo: Albon with the Williams car in front of you but he's having issues with his brake so that's an easy overtake.

Artemis: Copy.

Just as Riccardo advised, Albon had trouble in the second turn so he turned wide which allowed me to easily overtake on the inside. Fuck yes.

Lap 2 came in and I was beginning to struggle. The words I saw on social media were beginning to get to me again. God, I didn't realise I was so undesirable cause I was shaped like a door...or that I was too cocky and needed to learn my place in the sport.

Fuck it. Fuck them. They don't know who I am and I won't let them get to me. They don't deserve to see me suffer. All they can do is sit behind a computer or type on their phone but they're not the ones sweating their ass off in this car.

It's my time. It's my fucking time.

It's my time to show my talent and not let anyone's fucking penis get in the way.

Riccardo: Alright Artemis, you're doing great. You are 3 seconds behind Bottas.

Artemis: Okay, I'll push on the straights.

Watching my limit, I pushed on the straights after turn 3, feeling the track become mine. Just as I was about to overtake Valterri from the outside, he swerved suddenly and we made light contact.

Artemis: WHAT THE HELL?! Why'd he do that?!

Riccardo: Artemis, you can't afford to be aggressive right now. Just find the space, he'll have no choice to give it to you once you find it.

Artemis: Copy, I'll just gain on him as much as I can.

As Turn 4 came, I found the opening on the inside and accelerated towards it. My feet nearly cramped with how quickly I made the decision. Thankfully, I gained the place.

Riccardo: Good one Artemis. Now, there is quite the gap between you and Gasly in 7th. He is 10 seconds ahead. You are going to need to push for the next few laps.

Artemis: Copy, there's something wrong with the rear tires, I feel some humming. It's too fucking hot in Australia for these poor tires.

Riccardo: You need to take care of your tires for now, we put you on the soft ones so you can gain some places. Once you're in the top 5 we'll box...for now just take care of the tires until you reach that position.

Artemis: Copy.

Pushing to the limit always had its consequences. It's managing the consequences is what matters to win. I do have my work cut out for me since I started last but it's a good challenge. I'll show them that I can start anywhere and win this fucking race.

It's lap 13 and I've started to gain on Pierre but I was starting to lose my rear tires. Fuck.

Artemis: Riccardo, I'm starting to lose my rears. What do you suggest?

Riccardo: You need to take care of them Artemis, if you can overtake Gasly, that would be good but it's up to you if you want to box.

Artemis: I'll push as much as I can, we need to save the tires for the later fighting with the little leagues.

Riccardo: Little leagues?

Artemis: Yeah, cause I'm the big league.

Riccardo: Ayayay Artemis, don't be too cocky.

Artemis: Hey, I have to be, cause I don't have a cock so gotta be cocky.

Riccardo: *laughs* Alright Little Lauda, just be careful okay? I like being your engineer, you remind me of my niece.

Artemis: Aww, is she sweet?

Riccardo: No, she's a handful, but a smart one. Now, let's overtake the Alpine.

Artemis: Copy boss.

I gained on Pierre as Turn 1 came into sight again. As soon as I got into the DRS zone, Riccardo said...

Riccardo: Alright Artemis, overtake is available. Go get him.

Artemis: Copy.

I pressed the button and the wing adjusted to assist the car to overtake Pierre. Thankfully I was able to get into Turn 2 without locking up.

Riccardo: Do you think you can overtake Russell, he's only 0.7 seconds ahead. Otherwise, you can box this lap now.

Artemis: I can... just give me one second...





Riccardo: Well you did overtake him, good on you Little Lauda.

Artemis: I like that nickname.

Riccardo: Well, you were never a nightmare to me Artemis. You listen to me so I have no problems with you.

Artemis: Awwee, I'm going to give you a big hug after this race.

Riccardo: Oh dear, I feel like this translates to a chokehold.

Artemis: Eh. We'll see.

Riccardo: Alright, you're going to have to box on this next lap.

Artemis: Copy boss.

As the next lap came in, I boxed and felt a breath of relief as the mechanics moved like the fucking speed of light.

Artemis: YES BOYS! That's what you call a pit stop!

Riccardo: No need to be careful when exiting, all three drivers behind you have boxed this lap as well. You owe the mechanics a round of beers after this.

Artemis: If I win this one, I'll buy them a round of beers whenever they want a round of beers.

Riccardo: Copy. Now go get them Little Lauda.

Artemis: Of course I will. That's what I was born to do.

Riccardo: Okay then, you are P7 now Artemis. Time to catch the one in front of you. You are 0.9 behind Alonso.

As I approached Alonso, I knew I'd have to give a good fight to the man. He defended like I was about to kill his for Christ's sake. As I tried to overtake him, he swerved, making the space disappear into thin air.

I steeled myself again. I know Alonso, I've watched him when I was younger. My grandfather always told me that to win a race, you have to understand your opponents:

Watch them...observe how they race, a man cannot escape his own patterns. A turn will always be a turn and a driver will always have a same approach to a turn.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I remembered my training and I remembered what I fought for.

As the next turn came, I braked early and finally, I found the space. As soon as I found it, I took it.

Riccardo: Buon Lavoro Artemis. You are now P6. The three ahead of you are fighting each other. Hamilton ahead of you.

Artemis: Who's fighting?

Riccardo: Hamilton, Ricciardo, and Norris.

Artemis: How about we let them fight and we sneak through?

Riccardo: You are Niki Lauda's granddaughter...alright, do your magic.

I smiled, the adrenaline coursing through me. Even if my neck started to hurt with the speed the car was going, I still felt alive. We moved on to Lap 20 and I still couldn't find a gap.

The three of them were fighting and defending like their lives depended on it. Would feel really nice to just swoop past through them.

Artemis: Hey Riccardo, do you trust me?

Riccardo: To an extent Little Lauda, my age helps me see all possible mistakes

Artemis: Do you trust me to pull something crazy to get past these three?

Riccardo: As long as you don't DNF.

Artemis: Not this time.

As we approached the chicane, the three of them chose to fight on the outside. I might just pull a Hamilton during Silverstone 2022. Just as I expected, the inside had space. I pushed the limit and I got through all three of them. Fuck that was exhilarating.


Artemis: HA HA! You knew what I was thinking Fred.

Fred: Hey, I can be a funny guy!

Artemis: They better make me driver of the day.

Fred: Well it's a guarantee. P20 to P3 in less than 40 laps, you're doing the team proud and your grandfather too.

Artemis: Thank you for giving me the dream Fred, but for now, it's race time.

Fred: We're proud of you.

I felt my chest swell. Even if I lost Charles, I still gained a good team who respected me and believed in my abilities. They took a chance on a driver who was deemed dangerous and unwanted.

As I moved further and further from the other three behind me, Carlos' Red Bull started to come in sight. My ear piece crackled.

Riccardo: Artemis, Sainz is 0.8 ahead of you, all you need to do is push on the straights.

Artemis: I don't think that it is going to be easy, he's a good defender.

Riccardo: Then you'll have to work your magic Little Lauda. Go ahead, I'll keep close watch for you.

I smiled. As I continued to approach Carlos. God, I wish I could radio him but I'll just have to settle with talking about it later. Another turn came into view and I saw that he left me some space. Interesting....

I went for the space only for him to brake earlier and take the place in front of me again. Oh he's teasing me now. God, a radio with him right now would be so good. On the straights, I caught sight of the DRS zone and I smirked. I pulled away into his blind spot and pressed the DRS button.

In an instant, I saw my car come flying past him without his knowledge. Ha! That'll teach him for teasing me. Finally, Charles came to view. As I began to approach him, my throat began to dry and my hands started to sweat more.

Artemis: Permission to fight?





Riccardo: Yes.

Fuck yeah.

As a new lap started again, the pressure started to build with only a few laps remaining. Just when I prepared to fight him, he started slowing down...and gave me the position.

What is he doing?!

Artemis: What the fuck?! Is he supposed to give me the place?

Riccardo: No, he's not-

Artemis: Then fucking tell him to fight with me!

Riccardo: He's already been told Little Lauda.

Artemis: Why isn't he? I want to earn the win, not be given it.

Riccardo: I'm sorry Artemis, Xavi is saying that he refuses to do so.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

What a coward?! Why won't he fight with me?!

He just kept defending Carlos from me. Fuck, this feels like shit. As it boiled down to the final lap, he just didn't seem to want to fight with me. The checkered flag came into view, and I won the race but....why does it feel like shit?

Riccardo: CONGRATULATIONS ARTEMIS! You won in Australia!

Artemis: .....Yeah, thanks Riccardo.


As I reached the podium area, Carlos gave me a big hug and said, "I may be only P3 but I'm happy for you mi Hermosa, you are amazing on the track. I even want to give you my trophy."

"Sorry, I only accept P1 trophies," I teased and he playfully punched me in the shoulder and gave a kiss on the cheek then said, "God, you are the package mi Hermosa, enjoy the win and don't drink all the champagne in one go."

"Eh, you know I like my alcohol," I said and he just smiled and let me go. I then saw Charles came into view and saw how he was looking at us. God, why won't he just talk to me. Why did he even break up with me? It felt too wrong.

As I received my trophy I pumped my fist in the air and yelled, "FORZA FERRARI!"

The crowd cheered and I closed my eyes and imagined my grandfather next to me, pumping his fist in the air like he did. I opened my eyes again and they were all still cheering for me. This is the dream...this is the fucking dream.



On a really good high of winning, I went back to my hotel deciding that I wanted a quiet night. As my room came into view, I suddenly heard a voice that would break my peace.


I looked behind me and saw Charles. He still looked so beautiful, how could I be mad?

"No please, just go away, I don't want to see you," I begged and he just moved closer and said, "Princess, I'm sorry."

"No you can't, what you've done can't be forgiven," I said, taking a step back.

"Please, understand I didn't want it to happen-."

"No! What you don't understand is that when I put my trust in you...I wanted you to come with me to everything, whatever troubles you, you tell me," I said, my emotions pouring out like a waterfall.

I wiped away my tears that began falling down and said, "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about Carlos but...I don't want you to just give up on me. Fight with me Charles."

"I can't," he said and that only angered me. I walked up to him and shoved him in the chest and said, "Fucking fight with me Charles."

"FIGHT WITH ME!," I said as I continued to shove him.

"FIGHT WITH ME, DON'T JUST GIVE UP ON US!," I yelled and he just kept on taking the hits. I crumpled to the ground, unable to control my sadness. He tried to embrace me but I stood up and shoved him away.

"Don't touch me," I seethed.

"I love you Artemis, just understand that I'm doing this because I love you," he tried to explain and I slapped him in the face for it.

"If you love me, you wouldn't hurt me. Listen to me when I say this...I'm never...never...letting you hurt me again," I said, enunciating every word, "I feel sorry for all the women you've dated. One thing is for sure, I'm never going to be one of those women again."

"Please, princess-."

"Goodbye Charles."

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