Safe With You || Seth Cohen

By potterheadtwihard17

31.5K 865 85

Everyone knows the story of Ryan Atwood, but what about his twin sister Ally Atwood. This is based on the TV... More



737 19 3
By potterheadtwihard17

I smiled as I heard the familiar ring of my phone.

"Hey." I said, smiling as I sat up and walked to my bedroom door.

"It's all clear." Seth said and I laughed as I looked out into the hallway. I made sure to double check for Sandy or Kirsten or -God forbid Ryan- and hurried to Seth's room. I didn't bother knocking and just burst in.

The past week I'd gotten a little more bold about just going to Seth's room, although I did get worried about what Sandy or Kirsten might assume if they saw me leaving.

Seth and I hadn't done anything except for make out, but his parents didn't know that. Plus, I did tell Kirsten I wouldn't sneak into Seth's room and that made me feel a little guilty.

I saw Seth sitting on his bed holding Captain Oats. "All clear? What is this, the Special Forces?" I joked as I walked over to sit by him.

"You're funny, but you realize that sneaking in and out of my room is basically a military op, right?"

I raised my eyebrows at his analogy, so he grinned and continued.

"No, seriously, my mom and dad, they're the enemies. We gotta avoid them at all cost if we don't want to die a slow and painful death."

"You think your mom would kill me?" I asked him with a laugh.

"No, I think she'd kill me. You'd be fine."

"Yeah, I'd never be able to face your parents again though if they caught us."

"They won't, they never come to my room."

I smiled and leaned towards him. "Good, because I missed you."

"Since dinner?" He joked and I rolled my eyes before leaning in and kissing him.

The kiss became more heated and Seth shocked me by pulling me onto his lap.

"Seth!" I heard Kirsten call and then the door opened. I had just enough time to get off of his lap before she walked in.

"Hey, your father's stuck at the..."

Kirsten trailed off as she saw me.

"Two in one night. Wow."


The walk of shame back to my room was certainly embarrassing and I was still embarrassed by it the next morning.

I opened the door to a knock and saw Seth standing there. "Maybe you shouldn't come in." I told him.


"Just hold on, I'll be down in a second!" I told him, closing the door quickly.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to see Seth, Kirsten and Sandy in the kitchen. I very determinedly avoided Kirsten and Sandy's eyes as I sat down next to Seth.

"Morning." Ryan greeted as he walked in. "We're all very proud." Sandy told him and I looked at Seth in confusion. What was he talking about?

"Uh, thanks, and I just wanted to say sorry about last night." Ryan told them.

"What happened last night?" I asked Ryan, feeling very confused.

Then I remembered the comment Kirsten made, something about two in one night. I stared at Ryan in surprise as I realized Kirsten must have seen him and Marissa.

"I think I'd like to know that as well." Seth remarked.

"Uh, well, Marissa was over-"

Seth and I glanced at each other. "Sounds like an interesting night." Seth said, which made me grin for a second, then I remembered that Ryan was staring at me.

I cleared my throat and grabbed my bag from the back of the chair.

"Ready?" I asked Seth, giving him a look that said he better say yes.

"Yeah, let's go." He said quickly, standing up as I did.

I avoided Ryan's eyes as Seth and I walked past him.

When we reached the car, I sighed in relief.

"My mom still hasn't said anything to you?" Seth asked me and I shrugged.

"Maybe she's waiting for the right time. Or maybe she's waiting so she can get me alone then kill me..." I trailed off, to which Seth laughed.

"Oh you're serious?" He asked me as I gave him a pointed look.

"Look, worst case scenario is the silent treatment for a few days." Seth told me.

"Or they could make us break up." I added nervously, which made Seth's grin fade.

Ryan climbed into the car then and looked between Seth and I.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, let's just go." I told him.

When we arrived at school, Seth was questioning Ryan.

"So what exactly did my mom catch you guys doing?" Seth asked.

"Nothing." Ryan said to him.

"Nothing, huh, so you guys haven't uh-" Seth trailed off making odd gestures with his hands.

"Gross, Seth." I told him and Ryan's expression mirrored my reaction.

"No, we haven't even had our first date yet." Ryan told him.

"Oh, so last night doesn't count?" I joked and Ryan rolled his eyes at me.

"Nah, we're going out Saturday night."

"Good, great. But you- you have before, right?" Seth asked and I rolled my eyes at him. Ryan gave Seth a look.

"Okay, wow, that's what I thought. I just didn't want to jump to conclusions because my experience is sort of limited.." Seth trailed off and Ryan glanced at him.

"Yeah, it better be limited seeing as your dating my sister."

"Yep. Absolutely." Seth said, looking nervous suddenly. I jabbed Ryan in the side.

I looked up to see Marissa and Summer walking towards us.

"Hey." Marissa greeted and I smiled. "Hey."

"What're you three talking about?" Marissa asked.

"Nothing. Ryan was just telling us about your big date. He's got a whole thing happening. Sounds amazing." Seth said quickly and I grinned.

"Wow, there's a whole thing happening?" Marissa asked Ryan.

"Yeah, but shh, it's a surprise. It's going to be the best date ever. Uh, I have to go. Ally, walk me to bio." Seth rambled.

"Sorry, Cohen, Ally's walking me to English." Summer said, grabbing my arm. I laughed and waved to Seth as she pulled me away.

"Ry, I don't see why you can't just take her to dinner and a movie or something." I told him as we sat at our lunch table.

"Because somebody promised her the best date ever." Ryan said, glancing over at Seth.

"Okay, maybe I did exaggerate when I was rambling to Marissa earlier-"

"Maybe?" I asked him and he nudged my shoulder playfully.

I laughed and Ryan gave the both of us a look.

"Okay, sorry to interrupt but can you two be any help?" Ryan asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Look, I'm sure that whatever you plan Marissa will love."

"How? I don't have any money to do anything nice for her."

I sighed at this. Like Ryan, I was still conscious about our background. It was odd to be surrounded by such wealth when we never had it growing up. And Ryan still didn't feel good enough. Neither did I.

But I also knew that the Cohens took us in for a reason and we had to stop feeling sorry for ourselves.

"Ry, Marissa knew you came from Chino and she didn't care. Besides, right now, she doesn't have much money either." I said, half serious and halfway joking at the end of my sentence.

The bell rang and I stood up. "Don't worry Ry, it will all work out." I told him, trying to Seth.

Seth grabbed my hand and we headed to French class.


The next day at school, Ryan told Seth and I that Marissa cancelled their date and invited him to a party instead. And to make it even better, Julie Cooper would be there.

"You and Julie Cooper trapped on a boat, huh?" Seth joked.


"Can't wait to see how that one goes." I told him.

"I don't really have a choice, since she's my girlfriend." Ryan said, surprising me.

I knew that Ryan never really did labels, and he never really had a girlfriend before. Unless you counted Theresa, but even then, I didn't think Ryan and her were ever exclusive. No matter how much Theresa wanted to be.

"What? Girlfriend? I thought you didn't do girlfriends?" Seth asked.

"The Newport Beach air must change a person." I said, looking at Ryan.

"I don't really do girlfriends, and I'm not sure this is a good way to start. But at least you two will be there." Ryan said.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on Ally, please." Ryan asked and I sighed.

"Fine, but if Julie Cooper ends up killing me, I'm haunting you."

"Noted." Ryan said sarcastically and I grinned at him before walking away to my next class.


After school, I went over to Marissa's house. She wanted me to help her pick out a dress.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. To my surprise, Julie did, with a large smile on her face.

"Ally! Hi, come on in!"

I was confused, but I smiled and walked inside.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cooper. Um, is Marissa in her room?" I asked her.

"Yes, she's waiting for you." Julie said.

I nodded and turned to walk off.

"Ally, actually, there's something I wanted to say. I'm sorry for the way I treated you and Ryan. I was wondering if we could start over?" She asked me.

I was beyond confused, but she seemed so genuine. I nodded then and smiled.

"Of course, Mrs. Cooper."

"Oh, call me Julie."

I smiled and nodded, then walked to Marissa's room.

"Hey." I greeted as I walked in. Marissa stood up from her her bed and smiled.

"Hey, Ally."

"What's up, you look sort of surprised about something?" She asked me after looking at me for a moment.

"Oh, I just had a talk with your mom."

"Oh, Ally, if she said something mean to you-"

"No,no. It was the opposite actually. She apologized and wanted to start fresh with Ryan and I." I told her.

Marissa smiled then.

"She really seems like she's trying. I feel like I have my mom back." Marissa told me and I smiled.

"That's great. Now what, dress do you want to wear?"

We spent the next hour looking for a dress and just hanging out, then I headed back home.

It was the day of the party and I was getting dressed in my room.

I wore a black strapless dress and had my hair down and curled. I glanced at my reflection one last time before walking downstairs and into the living room.

Seth was sitting down, wearing his suit. I grinned as I saw him.

"You look handsome." I told him as I sat done beside him.

"And you look beautiful. Are you ready to brave Julie?" He joked and I nudged him.

"I don't think it will be that bad. She apologized to me. And she wants to start fresh." I told him.

The shock on his face made me laugh.

"Let me get this straight, Julie Cooper said she wanted to start fresh and she actually apologized?" Seth asked me in disbelief.

"You don't believe it?" I asked him.

"Well, who knows? Maybe she's changed." Seth said with a shrug.

"For Ry's sake, I hope so."

As I said his name, Ryan and Marissa walked into the room.

"Hey guys." Marissa greeted.

I stood up and smiled at her. "Hey."

"So, I'm just gonna run to the girl's room, it's right down the hall right?" Marissa asked, and I nodded.

Marissa walked off and I turned to Ryan.

"Did Julie apologize to you too?'" I asked him.

"How did you know?"

"Because she said the same to me. She said she wanted to start fresh." I told him.

"Yeah, somehow I have trouble believing that." Seth muttered and I slapped him on the arm.

"Give her a chance, at least for Marissa's sake. She's really happy about her parents getting along." I told him.

Marissa walked back into the room then, as did Kirsten. Sandy was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Sandy?" Ryan asked her and she made a face.

"Don't ask."

I glanced at Seth to see he looked surprised that his mom was pissed at his dad. I had the feeling they didn't fight much.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at the party. Ryan and Marissa went to greet Jimmy and Julie, while Seth and I went to stand on our own.

Caleb walked up to us and I rolled my eyes slightly. I hadn't forgotten how much of a dick he was about Seth and I being together, but I would have to play nice.

"There he is, built like a pipe cleaner but looking sharp." Caleb said, to which Seth grimaced slightly, hugging him.

"Hey, uh- same to you, I don't know what that means."

I laughed and Caleb glanced over at me.

"Hello, Ally."

"Hello, Caleb. It's nice to see you." I replied, keeping a fake smile on my face.

Caleb nodded and patted Seth on the shoulder once before venturing off again.

"You can stop smiling now." Seth told me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why would I do that? I need the practice." I joked and he nudged me.

I heard Julie's voice and Seth and I walked forwrad with the rest of the crowd to hear her.

"Uh excuse me, I hate to interrupt, but just a moment of your time.."

I raised an eyebrow as I saw Caleb going to stand by her side with Jimmy and Caitlyn on the other. I turned to see if Seth noticed, and he did because he looked confused. I wondered if he suspected anything between Caleb and Julie.

"I'm Julie Cooper, the co-coordinator of this event. Thank you all very much for coming, through your generous contributions we've raised almost two hundred dollars for the children's hospital."

I glanced over as Ryan walked past me to stand by Marissa. She looked upset about something.

"And don't forget it's tax deductible.." Julie joked.

Julie looked over and gestured to Marissa.

"And there's my beautiful daughter, Marissa, please join us, honey." Julie called.

Marissa walked to the stage, looking very pissed. She glared at Caleb as she passed him, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Thank you, and now I'd like to ask my daughter Caitlyn to pick the winner of the romantic get-away raffle. Marissa, would you like to announce the lucky couple?"

Marissa took the mike from Julie then. "Thanks, and how about another round of applause for my mom.."

I clapped quietly, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew something had to happen. It was a Newport party, after all.

"And for Caleb Nichol.. and for all their work on behalf of the children's hospital. If anyone deserves a romantic get-away, it's my mom and Caleb Nichol."

People in the crowd gasped, while Caleb and Julie merely looked shocked.

"I mean, aren't they just the perfect couple? They've been keeping their romance a secret, but tonight, the secrets out."

Marissa handed the mike back to Julie and walks off.

There is a moment of silence and then Julie handed the mike to Caitlyn.

Julie walked over to Jimmy, who looked very angry, and rightfully so.

"And the winner of tonight's raffle, is Kirsten and Sandy Cohen."

I glanced back at Kirsten, to see she didn't look too happy to be picked.

"You wanna go?" Seth asked me, still looking slightly shocked.

I nodded, and the two of us walked out into the deck.

"Can you believe that Julie Cooper might actually become your grandmother?" I asked him, to which he groaned.

"Please don't remind me."

"Oh come on, it's just another day in Orange County."

"Yeah, and the bad thing is, I have a feeling it's going to get a whole lot crazier." Seth remarked, looking slightly worried as we walked off the yacht.

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