The Search For Cinderella: Se...

By alexisgracexo

936K 38.4K 9.8K

(CAN BE READ AS A STAND ALONE) Taylor Grace lives with crazy step-mother and sisters in her Beverley Hills ma... More

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42.7K 2.1K 496
By alexisgracexo

After an insanely rushed morning, 100 girls were standing outside a large square building with no windows. Each girl was touched up by the few make-up artists running around but we were all still wearing our own clothes. I was wearing high waisted ripped denim shorts and an off the shoulder black crop shirt with my doc martens. I felt nervous, as I anticipated seeing Noah James in the flesh. Not only was he my role model but out of thousands of people across the United States he was the number one junior boxing champion. I didn't want to freeze up, or be incredibly awkward nor did I want to seem like every other fan girl he would encounter, I didn't know what to do and I was running out of time.

I was surprised to see Stacey and Bianca as I didn't think they would get through, but they didn't notice me or maybe they just ignored me which I wasn't complaining about. I stood in line with Jasmine; she was wearing a short black t-shirt dress with her own Doc Martens as well. She was quiet and calm and held her mysterious aurora around her.

Soon we started filming. The show had a new MC this year; apparently, Elliot was fired after the end of last season due to a clash with everyone on set. The new guy, Marcus Bay, came from California as well, more specifically, by the beach in a trailer. His blonde-brown hair was in long dreadlocks just passed his shoulders, he was dressed in baggy, and I mean extremely loose, gypsy pants along with a white muscle tee singlet and canvas shoes. I'm not sure how he made it into the film industry but at least he was nice. As soon as Marcus said action, the cameras moved, the producers ran around and all the girls moved closer to the entrance. Soon enough, Noah James stepped outside.

He was exactly what I had imagined him to be in real life; tall, muscly and straight up handsome. I could hear the girls cheering politely as he put on a smile and waved at everyone. He oozed control; his face was structured and strict with only a hint of a smirk lingering on his lips. His body was tall and proud, almost bordering arrogance, as he took in the sight before him.

Soon we were called to action and girls walked forward one by one introducing themselves to Noah before heading inside the big building behind hum, or if they were unlucky, they had to do retakes. I was girl number 79 so I was waiting around for a very long time. It wasn't until after 1:00pm that the girl before me went. I was nervous now as all the girls had practised what they would say and how they would act. I had a tendency to put off whatever made me anxious till the last minute. This was right now; in front of a camera, my role model and 100 girls.

"Action!" Marcus called and my heart dropped to my stomach. I walked as smoothly as I could do the front doors where Noah stood. As he became closer my heart beat increased rapidly as if it would fly out of my chest. I never realised how intimidating one boy could be.

Finally, I am in front of him and I breathe in before saying, "Hi, I'm Taylor Grace". He was shaking my hand, but his attention was not on me at all, instead his eyes were solely focused on the big pink and white scares which lined my arm all the way past my elbow. I felt sick. Why did I not even try to cover them up with foundation?! That was part of my past which I did not want or need to remember; in fact, I had pushed it so far back in my mind already.

I ripped my arm away from him and he finally looked up at my face, curiosity and concern lingering in his eyes before indifference masked his face. I looked like a deer caught in headlights and I had to stop myself from running away, "It's nice to meet you." I choked out.

He nodded at me; his mysterious persona was back, "Welcome to The Hub." His husky deep voice murmured, and I was soon ushered inside by a crew member, I was so thankful I didn't have to do a retake.


The Hub was three levels of empty wooden floor. The first level was full of girls waiting around, a few couches lingering around, a refreshment table and chairs spotted around the place. The next two levels were gym space, with boxing rings, bags, gear as well as the equipment you would normally find at a local gym. This was my heaven, minus all the girls.

Once all the introductions were done and everyone was inside, we slowly made our way upstairs through the two sets of stairs and one elevator. Finally, all one hundred girls were seated in rows facing a small stage where Marcus was waiting around with a young cameraman reading through a script. I was sitting next to Jasmine again and sadly, Ashley. Once the crew was set up and Marcus did his vocal warm-ups, the young cameraman called action, hushing all the girls down.

Marcus introduced America to Season 2 of The Search for Cinderella and then Noah James stepped out causing a roar of applause and cheering.

"Welcome girls to season two! We're going to be having an action packed year this year! To begin with, we're going to be having one on one interviews this week and we will then see which girls will be in the top 50 this time next week!"

Girls clapped and screamed as they hoped to whoever they believed in that they would make the top 50. I came here for one reason, to meet Noah James, to thank him. I remember talking to Ms. Graham during the lunch times I spent hiding out in her office about the adoration I held for Noah James. For how much I wanted to thank him for keeping me going.

I guess I did meet him briefly, except his only image of me would be the awkward girl with ugly scars down her arm.

Girls clapped and screamed as they hoped to whoever they believed in that they would make the top 50. I came here for one reason, to meet Noah James, to thank him. I remember talking to Miss Graham during the lunch times I spent hiding out in her office the adoration I held for Noah James. For how much I wanted to thank him for keeping me going. And I half met him, except his only image of me would be the awkward girl with ugly scars down her arm.

A/N: so sorry for the late update! And sorry this is so short! THANK YOU FOR THE 15K READS ALREADY

How have you guys been?! :)

QOTU: Favourite song atm? x

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