My One Piece (Book I)

By Lord_Roronoa

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Monkey D Luffy... A Cheerful, Carefree Young Man from East Blue wearing a Straw Hat set sail on a Small Boat... More

Author Note (I).
Chapter-1 The Execution.
Chapter-2 The King Of The Pirates
Chapter-3 The Pirate Hunter.
Chapter-4 To The Marine Base.
Chapter-5 Punishment for 7 days.
Chapter-6 My First Mate..?
Chapter-7 A Thief, A Pirate Hunter & A Prisoner.
Chapter-8 The Clown.
Chapter-9 A Mysterious Woman
Chapter-10 Orange Town.
Chapter-11 The Buggy Pirates - I.
Chapter-12 The Buggy Pirates - II.
Chapter-14 A Sling Shooter.
Chapter-15 The Merry
Chapter-16 The Black Cat Pirates.
Chapter-17 The Going Merry.
Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.
Chapter-19 The All Blue.
Chapter-20 A Promise.
Chapter-21 Battle OF The Swordsman.
Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.
Chapter-23 Arlong Pirates.
Chapter-24 Arlong vs Luffy.
Chapter-25 Going After Our Navigator.
Chapter-26 Nami's true face.
Chapter-27 Luffy, Help Me..!
Chapter-28 The Two Wings vs Two Gills.
Chapter-29 Fight or Die Trying.
Chapter-30 Arlong Park Fall.
Chapter-31 The New Beginning.
Auther-Note (II).
Chapter-32 The Loguetown.
Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.
Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.
Chapter-35 Is She Good Or Bad..?
Chapter-36 I'm Sorry, Zoro..!
Chapter-37 Wax Statue.
Chapter-38 Nami's gonna die.
Chapter-39 Return Of The Evil King.
Chapter-40 He is My Big Brother...
Chapter-41 You Must Survive, Vivi..!
Chapter-42 Let Me Join You.
Chapter-43 Zoro and Robin..?
Chapter-44 Partners..?
Chapter-45 Nearly Dead.
Chapter-46 It's Getting Worse
Chapter-47 Worried about a Friend.
Chapter-48 Sanji vs Zoro.
Chapter-49 The Spirits.
Chapter-50 The Shadows.
Chapter-51 Sacrifice for My Captain.
Chapter-52 Death and Alive.
Chapter-53 Zoro (And/VS) Nami.
Chapter-54 A Massacre.
Chapter - 55 The Awakening...
Chapter-56 The End..?

Chapter-13 Captain vs Captain / Swordsman vs Swordsman.

95 2 0
By Lord_Roronoa


Can't a guy take a nap..?
Heck of a way to wake a guy up..!" Zoro says getting up from the wreckage,

Alright... You're ALIVE.." Luffy says smiling in excitement,

"How the hell are you alive..?
That blast was powerful enough to destroy a block.." Nami ask in shock but was glad that he's alright,

"Well i seen worse...
Looks like the party is getting more exciting.." Zoro says with a smirk,

"SHESHESHE, Yeah it sure does.." Luffy says laughing with a grin,

"This is no time for jokes..." Nami says with a worried tone,

"Don't worry, Nami..
I made a promise to Shushu...
And i don't like to back down from my promises.." Luffy says with a proud smile surprising Nami that even Zoro was smiling at Luffy's Honor.

"Well in that case..." Zoro says tying his bandanna on his head,

"You're gonna go too..?
But Zoro..! You're wounded.." Nami says with a worried tone,

"Sorry Nami..!
If Luffy's gonna live up to his promise then i can't stand by and do nothing.
I have my code of honor aswell." Zoro says with a smirk,

"Besides we need that map...
So, you're with us..?" Luffy ask Nami with a grin,

Nami just smirked in defeat and follow Luffy along with Zoro.
They get to where The Circus tent is and Zoro started slicing the crew off as soon as he saw them.
Nami helped Zoro by backing him from behind since that's where his injury is.

"Here goes...
YOU STUPID BIG NOOOOOSE....." Luffy says yelling, freaking the heck out of The Buggy Crew Members,

"Grrr... That Staw Hat Brat..?
Nobody messes with me and get away with it... Fire the Buggy Balls." Buggy says grunting in anger yelling at his crew,

We should run away...
He's gonna fire The Cannons..." Nami says in a frightened tone,

"For once, i agree with This Loud Mouth Women..." Zoro says getting a little concerned,

Nami bonked Zoro hard making a Lump on his head.

"You guys hide...
I got this.." Luffy says with a grin,

The Buggy Pirates fired the Buggy Balls at them,

"Gum-Gum-Nu Ballon.." Luffy says stretching his stomach into a Big Baloon catching the ball and throwing it back at Buggy.

Cabaji ran at Luffy to strike him but Zoro put his swords in the way shielding Luffy.

"Ah.. Roronoa Zoro..!
It's an honor to fight you...
As a fellow Swordsman,
I am looking forward to kill you." Cabaji says attacking Zoro but he blocked all of it,

Cabaji noticed the wound on his back as he sneaked behind and kicked Zoro in his wound making him bleed.

"He's fighting dirty...
Going after Zoro's injury.." Nami says in anger,

"Aww, Did i kick you too hard, Zoro.?" Cabaji says mocking Zoro, kicking him again on his back making Zoro scream in Pain,

Zoro is hurt...
He can't fight with this injury...
HELP HIM.." Nami says screaming at Luffy but Luffy just stare at Zoro,

"It's disgraceful to watch a grown man groan...
Now die, Roronoa Zoro..!" Cabaji says running towards Zoro to kill him,

"You annoying Little Bastard..!
You dare make fun of my wound..?
Then go ahead.." Zoro says standing tall looking dagger at Cabaji,

Cabaji stabbed through Zoro's stomach,
His knife get behind Zoro's back via the wound...
Nami look horrified as she covered her mouth with her hands in horror.

"Oh Gee, ZORO..!" Luffy says in shock,

Zoro stand there Unfazed with death glare and blood lust in his eyes...

"Is that handicapped for ya..?
Now let me show you how superior my skills are to yours...
And why they call me THE DEMON OF THE EAST BLUE.." Zoro says sending shivers to Cabaji's spine..

"Yeah Zoro..!
Beat his ass..." Luffy says screaming in excitement,

"My swords are aimed to be
I refuse to be mocked by a puny Swordsman who follows order from a Circus clown..." Zoro says putting Wado Ichimonji on his mouth,

"I see, you're a fool...
A strong resolve may get you going...
But i don't let anyone mock me and get away with it.." Cabaji says with anger,

Zoro and Cabaji engaged in an Intense sword fight.
They both goes at each other with full throttle and Cabaji jumped in the air.
Zoro was ready to block it but Buggy sneaked his hand to grab Zoro's leg.
Zoro got distracted but Luffy stepped on his hand making Buggy flinch.
Zoro got no time to counter Cabaji so he jumped away landing on the ground.

"I had enough of this..." Zoro says grunting in anger,

"So you finally given up, But i don't need my Captain's help to defeat you. You're weak, Roronoa..." Cabaji says laughing which angered Zoro even more,

"I think you misunderstood...
What i mean is, I'm tired of watching your stupid little clown show.." Zoro says getting up,

"Is that so..?
Them how about, MY REAL SWORDSMAN SKILL..?" Cabaji came at full speed,

Zoro prepared and like a lightning,
He passed Cabaji cutting his chest with blood shattering as Cabaji dropped on the ground unconscious.

Way to go, Zoro..!
Isn't he great, Nami..?
Huh... Nami..!" Luffy jumped in joy and looked to his side to see Nami is missing.

I suppose, you can...
Ta-Take it from here..
I'm gonna lay down for a while.." Zoro says dropping on the floor,

Just leave it to me.." Luffy says stretching his arms to attack Buggy,

Buggy dodged it and tried to cut Luffy's hand. Luffy just jumped on the air, retreating his hand from harm.
Buggy gets 3 knives on each hands between his knuckles.
Throwing his hand in the air to stab Luffy cause Luffy can't dodge in mid air. Buggy manages to cut Luffy's cheek but more to it,
He cut a little part of Luffy's Hat.

No one damages my Hat and walks away with it...
ANYONE WHO LAYS A FINGER ON IT IS GONNA PAY.." Luffy says screaming in angry,

Buggy looked confused as why he got so angry over a Hat.
Nami on the other hand managed to find The Map along with a Whole Bunch Of Treasure.
Nami noticed Luffy standing there really angry and heard what he said.
That is when she realized what he said about a promise he made to the one who gave this hat to Luffy.

Buggy knowing That Hat means more to Luffy, sneak attack on Luffy with his hands and put 3 holes on Luffy's Hat with a laugh.
Luffy got more than angry as he got Furious.

"You call this Ugly old hat a Treasure..? How stupid..?" Buggy says with a laugh,

"That's a Hat Shanks entrusted to me.
I made a promise when he gave me that Staw Hat..." Luffy says with a calm tone with a deadly aura and blood boiling like Lava..

You're telling me this used to be Shanks's hat..?
Grr, No wonder it seems so familiar." Buggy says dropping it on the floor, stepping on it in annoyance,

Luffy lost his mind and ran at him with full speed..
Buggy tried to split himself to escape but Luffy landed a powerful kick on Buggy's guts while Buggy fall on the ground in pain.

Luffy without stopping punched his face again and again in rage,
He picked up Buggy,

"Now tell me..!
How did you and Shanks know each other..?" Luffy ask with an angry grunt,

Buggy just pushed Luffy back and jumped back splitting his Upper Half to fly and Lower Half to stand.
Buggy then explained How Shanks and Him used to be comrades on a same Pirate Ship when they were younger,
How he stole a Devil Fruit and how Shanks startled Buggy to mistakenly swallow the fruit..

"So, Shanks saved your Life when you were drowning..?" Luffy ask Buggy with a grin,

But i ate it and lost my Treasure Map." Buggy says yelling in annoyance but noticed Nami with the treasure,

Buggy noticed Nami speaking away with his treasure as he chase Nami with his Upper Body while the Lower remain infront of Luffy. When Buggy was inches away from catching Nami almost killing her,
He stopped with a shocked face in pain.
Turns out Luffy kicked Buggy in his nuts.

Buggy chopped his body into tiny pieces so he won't get kicked in the nuts again.
Every part of his body fly toward him but his feet can't fly.
While Buggy chasing Nami,
Luffy grabbed his feets and removed his Shoes, tickling it, beating it, kicking it and Punching it.

"I had enough of this...
Now come back to me Chop Chop Parts..." Buggy says calling all his body parts back,

But to his surprise,
Nami caught some of his body parts and tied it up while a Buggy's Head, Two feets and Two Hands attached making a Mini Buggy.

Now He can't fight, Fly or Run away with it. Luffy just grinned and stretched his hands to punch Buggy far away...

To Be Continued....


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