Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God...

By Huyhuynh406

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King Kong (2005) Belong To Universal Studios. X Kyochuu Rettou from Crunchyroll. Two mercenaries who were got... More

OC's Introduction
Dinosaurs & Monsters Enemies
Prologue 01: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 1
Prologue 02: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 2
Chapter 1: The Survivors/Encounter Raptors
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Island/We aren't alone
Chapter 3: Sight Of Dinosaur/Natives Tombs
Chapter 4: Kamijo's Death/Styracosaurus Attack
Chapter 5: Oribe Is Taken By Kong/Bull T-Rex Attack
Chapter 6: Kong Save Oribe
Chapter 7: Kong V.S Mother Quetzalcoatlus
Chapter 8: Akira/The Stampede
Chapter 9: Therizinosaurus V.S Raptors/Giganotosaurus Attack
Chapter 11: The Talking/Kong & Mutsume
Chapter 12: T-Rex V.S Triceratops
Chapter 13: The Insect Pit Attack
Chapter 14: Beware The Swamp
Chapter 15: King Kong's Hero/Battle T-Rexes
Chapter 16: Kyle's Plan To Capture Kong/Spinosaurus Attack
Chapter 17: Spinosaurus V.S Carcharodontosaurus/The Chase
Chapter 18: Spinosaurus V.S Therizinosaurus/A Lone Wolf
Chapter 19: King Kong's Mad
Chapter 20: Fallen Log
Chapter 21: T-Rex Again?!?/Bon Appetite By Megalodon
Chapter 22: The Two Survivors
Chapter 23: Megaraptor's Attack
Chapter 24: The Rexes Family
Chapter 25: Fasolasuchus Attack
Chapter 26: Kong V.S Fasolasuchus
Chapter 27: Rescue Mutsumi/Kong V.S Giganotosaurus
Chapter 28: Capturing Kong
Chapter 29: King Kong & Bull T-Rex In Tokyo
Chapter 30: The Ending

Chapter 10: The Other Survivors/There's Still More?!

162 4 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Previously Of Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God Of Skull Island.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was driving and the humongous carnivore Giganotosaurus was use his head swung hit the right side of vehicle car and make (Y/N) was still got controlled it and then the Giganotosaurus roar out and then Alex was aiming his gun and shooting at it and he reloading the rifle right away. Then (Y/N) was drove vehicle car goes faster and more faster then the Giganotosaurus finally giving up and he saw the vehicle troop was escape right away.

(Y/N): "Alright, we need to contacting with the others." He said to them and then (Y/N) drove the vehicle troop to somewhere else and when they both were heading out to somewhere else and (Y/N) was parking the vehicle troop to the tree. When (Y/N) was tried his best to start the engine of his troop vehicle but it was running out of engine and the car and then (Y/N) tried his best to start the engine and he cursed out.

(Y/N): "Goddamnit, fucking useless machine!" He said

Jinnou: "Hey, are you actually trying to get us killed from those monsters?!"

(Y/N): "No, I promise. I wasn't sure if there would be any other predators that might be around the corner. I'm still trying to find a place that can be secured." He said to her

Jinnou: "Well it sounds like you're not trying hard enough!"

Ayumi: "Leave him alone! He is trying his best that he can to save us! The only thing everyone is annoyed by is your own selfish behavior."

Jinnou: "How?! By getting us eaten alive by that big freaking humongous dinosaur, just because we're on some insane island?!"

Naruse grabs her by the shirt as she got angry for insulting (Y/N) for not helping them.

Jinnou: "Isn't there a safe place anywhere, not not?!!! There's a questions I want to ask. So how about you shut your mouth and let me do the talking."

Naruse was furious.

Jinnou: "Hey, ummmm....sir! You mind telling me what we were chased by?"

(Y/N): "It was a Giganotosaurus."

Jinnou: "Huh?! What do you mean by that?"

(Y/N): "The biggest carnivore and here I thought that thing looks like a dinosaur but this thing is something else for what I was facing for. That thing isn't a dinosaur...but the creature is terrifying as hell." He told them and make them both confuse for what he said.

Naruse: "Wait, you say that thing is a different dinosaur....what do you mean?" She ask him.

Kyle: "It mean that thing compare to than giant gorilla.

Alex: "He's talking about the big carnivore, girl. The creature was out there was been big like 20 foot tall...but that humongous creature is out there was 32 foot tall." He said to her and he turn his head to look at (Y/N) and he asked him.

Alex: "(Y/N), there is something wrong about this place...This Island where got the buildings and what are those things back there was a dinosaurs...and the other big one. Christ, mate....what the fuck is going on here?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I don't know, Soap. But we need to contacting the other reinforcement and warning them about this." He said to him and then he was take the radio out and contacting with the other crews out there and they both are definitely alive. They both told (Y/N) and Alex that they were encountering some kind of monsters that they were facing for...there were big ones and other monsters were same height as 30 foot tall.

(Y/N): "Shit...." He said to himself and he told the two mercenaries about stick together plan and he will contacting the reinforcement.

Ayumi: "So we just need to be a lot more careful, right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. We just need to keep ourselves prepared."

Naruse and Ayumi agreed.

Kai: "Well, since we've escaped from that humongous dinosaur and got ourselves a funny story, we've probably become lemmings." He said.

Matsuoka: "Lemmings?"

Kai: "Even so, one thing was found. No matter how big or small the dinosaurs are. If we all use (Y/N)'s knowledge and Mutsumi's survival tips, we can take one more step ahead." He said.

(Y/N): "Who knows if we won't make it out alive. Survival of the fittest....also we need to save the person for what we care about Mutsumi and we need to keep moving out until these dinosaur are around here in this island." He said

Jinnou: "Did any of you guys misunderstand something? We all could have died because of those two soldiers!!!!!!!" She shout out to them and then Alex know (Y/N) was been pisses off and he know what he did to save everyone's lives and he tried his best to calm (Y/N) down.

(Y/N) grabbed the gun and pointing at her face that make her shocked and terrifying also same students too now (Y/N)'s face has a serious and also dead glare too that making Jinno was scared at (Y/N)'s wrath for now and also (Y/N) gonna said one more thing at her.

(Y/N): "Don't even tested at me, bitch. Do you want to survive or die?" He asked her and make her was surprise and then Alex who was chilling little bit.

Jinnou: "I-I-I-I-I" She tries to said and got smack by (Y/N)'s handgun and send her to the ground and then he kick her in the face and break her tooth out and make her was screaming out in pain and then (Y/N) just slap her again.

(Y/N): "Shut the fuck up....Bitch, if you are really tough and you will get someday killed by me...talking shit about me and my partner? Huh? You are dumbass." He said to her and make her was crying out in pai by (Y/N) beat the shit out of her badly and he didn't kill her but he teach her a lesson not to messes with.

(Y/N) putting his gun away and also calmed down then Alex was turn his head to look around and make sure there is anything else around here and then they both better keep moving out right away.

Alex: "Hey guys, check this out." He said to them and make them both turn their heads to look and then they saw there was a tomb place and it is biggest for what he can describe and seen it. When (Y/N) with the survivors walk to there right away and they didn't seen it before and make them both were looking at the tomb place that they

Everyone: "Woah!"

(Y/N): "What the hell? This must be a huge tomb base..." He said.

Alex: "What's it doing here on this island?" He asked.

(Y/N): "I don't know....but we have to find out." He said and the two of them got their guns out and reloading their weapons right away and make them both got their guns to preparing on already and then (Y/N) was look around this tomb place and it is big and even biggest abandoned place and nobody else is living here.

Kyle: "I am going to get the million dollar about this island!" He shout out in excited and then the two cameramen who were take a recording at the tomb place and this make the group of survivors are moving out right away and make them both keep moving out. When (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors are moving up there right away and then (Y/N) was notice over there and saw there was a dead body of Dilophosaurus was laying down on the ground and it seems the dinosaur was been killed by something else is here to kill them.

(Y/N): "Dilophosaurus?"

Inou: "What's that?"

(Y/N): "It's one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs of the Early Jurassic Period. However, the dilophosaurus is actually poisonous, spitting its venomas its prey, causing blindness and eventually paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful, but deadly, addition to other species." He said to them.

Soap: "Jesus, so we need to watchout for these little shits who can spits venoms at us, right?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep probably."

Miura gasps in shock.

Jinnou: "Doesn't seem something like those things would come at a time like this in particular."

Naruse: "Just be patient, we'll be ready if they come."

???: "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A loud scream was heard from close distance, they all heard it from their ears and found out what made that scream. Then suddenly, the trees were rustling, and the wind was whooshing. (Y/N) looked up, and he saw a lizard that came from the Triassic Era and the most primitive Theropods.

Kyle: "Proceratorsaurus!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alex: "Shit!" He shout out and aiming his rifle and shooting at these things in the heads.

It walked on its hind legs, which sported feet with five digits each with the middle three being able to bear weight, and its arms ended in long five-digit hand with the first three ending in powerful claws used for grasping prey. Its teeth were shaped like blades and had knife-like serrations running up the front and down the back. Its lower jaw had a special hinge about halfway along its length. Ayumi who was ran through the broken fence to where the Proceratorsaurus was approaching; she ran through the trees, and for a moment, she saw that were two more of those dangerous theropods. They were attacking the two young girls as if they were becoming witnesses. They were helpless and about to become their meal.

(Y/N): "Hey! Matsuoka and Alex, Take the girls!"

Matsuoka: "Right!" She said.

Alex: "On it!!!!!"

Matsuoka with Alex exited with the two students and they scrambled to their safe spot with the group. (Y/N) looks around to see if there were more of the Proceratosaurus, but none came. The group watched him as they were witnesses. There were no dinosaurs coming by, or as he thought when one Proceratorsaurus charged at him. A large roar. Luckily (Y/N) saw it quickly from behind and dodged it. 

When Alex was shooting his gun at those dinosaurs out there and he was keep shooting at them and then finally (Y/N) who draw first his gun out.

(Y/N) draws his assault rifle at the Proceratosaurus and shot the creature's neck in one shot to killed it right now it is fall down on the ground. The Proceratosuarus makes a sound like it is choking. The dinosaur is dying. (Y/N) wondered he had done.

(Y/N) aiming his gun at the head of Proceratosaurus and shot one bullet strike the top of the head of Proceratosaurus.

(Y/N): "I...I killed another dinosaur. First the raptor, now 6 of these Proceratasaurus." He said to himself and then (Y/N) look down at the assault rifle and make him was sigh out and he said to himself that it is fine and then Alex who turn his head to look at (Y/N) and he said.

Alex: "(Y/N), I'm running out of ammos from the FN900. I'm using my pistol gun right now." He said to (Y/N) and he throw the rifle down on the ground and then he take his pistol gun out and checking the ammo of his pistol gun.

(Y/N): "Alright." He said.

(Y/N) sighed in disbelief.

Matsuoka: "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm okay."

The girls started crying, and they were grateful for their rescue. Matsuoka recognizes the two girls; they were students that also came from the Hoshou Academy High School and were members of the track and field club. They introduced their names as they continued sobbing tears. One is named Emiko Miyasano, and other is Kayo Suzuki.

Emiko/Kayo: "Thank you so much!"

Emiko: "*Sobbing*"

Kayo: "*Sobbing*"

They both wiped their tears and finally relaxed and took a deep breath. Mutsumi and the others came by out of the bushes and saw it was just the two students that were rescued by the Captain of the softball Club and the two soldiers.

Matsuoka: "So, is it just the two of you?"

Miyasano: "Our group is beyond here."

Suzuki: "Well, we were out looking for food, but out of nowhere we saw those creatures that were about to attack us. But you took one of them down, thank you once again."

Miyasano: "Just one question, what were those things?"

(Y/N): "Proceratosaurus. Dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic Era."

Matsuoka: "We were just doing what had to be done." She said with a smile on her face.

Matsuoka: "Though you guys could still run fast since you're in the Track and Field Club."

Suzuki: "There are more of us who've survived. Let us join up!"

Alex: "There's more survivors?" He asked her and make her nod her head.

To Be Continued.

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