Between the Lines

By E_Walsh

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Second born to the King of Asgard, secretly the unwanted son of the king of Jotunheim; forever the spare heir... More

Chapter Pairings
Pronunciations & FAQ
Boys Will Be Boys
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Secrets and Lies
Heavy is the Crown
Little Dove
Not Part of the Plan
Heir to the Jotunheim
The Void (TW)
This Dangerous Weapon (TW)
Thunder and Lightning
Glass Cage
Echoes in the Deep
An Unspoken Attraction (TW)
Flight Risk
The True Nature of Chaos
Is This Love?
Call You Mine
A New Direction
Learning to Fall
Everything and Nothing (M)
May I Stay, Said He
Hanging with the Boys
Glorious Purpose
The Price of Power
Rock and a Hard Place

Fork in the Road

29 4 2
By E_Walsh

          The feeling of Eibhlin's lips, her soft touch, and the refreshing scent of her hair still lingered on my skin as I rushed along the pathways of the city atop a Chitauri cruiser. I fired at them, keeping them from getting too close to the mortals, laughing at my newfound feeling of freedom. The Other would be furious, the Mad Titan more so, yet I was the one truly in control thanks to their gifts. They, too, had underestimated me; I was not Loki of nowhere, I was Loki of Asgard and I would not die today!

    Having lessened the attack, for now, at least, I focused my attention on the portal. If it could be closed, the Chitauri would be cut off from the hive mind of Sanctuary and the overseers; they would look to me and me alone for what to do and I could just have them destroy one another. As I leaped from the chariot to the roof of the tower where Dr. Selvig still slept off the blast he had suffered at the hands of the metal-clad billionaire, I reached for the Tesseract only to be violently shoved back by its energy field. This was going to require more. Teleporting to the platforms on Stark's tower, I gathered the scepter from where it had landed during my scuffle with Eibhlin. It felt heavy in my hands still, a good sign; though I knew it would not last long.

    Meditating, I utilized the power within the staff to reach out to the only person I thought might be able to help me; hoping against hope it would work. As her green face came into view, the image blinked away, my body screaming in pain as I was yanked swiftly back to Sanctuary. I prepared myself to stand against The Other once more, yet as I lifted my head from my crouched position it was not him I saw, but Him.

    "You would betray us, Asgardian," his deep voice boomed as he lifted me by the back of my collar. His blue eyes narrowed as he held me as if he would eat me. "You think you can just walk away?"

    "I don't have to play your games, Mad Titan. I am a god!"

    "You are nothing. A lifeless little star that I will drown and drain the life from until what light you still possess goes out. Do you hear me, Asgardian? Your only option for redemption is me."

    My stare was cold as he continued to hold me aloft. "You think far too highly of yourself. You are no longer my only option-"

    "Ah, yes. The woman..." his smirk was unnerving as he turned toward Nebula who sat nearby along with Gamora, a projection in her hand of Eibhlin and I kissing. "Pretty little thing, but it's her abilities that make her all the more enticing." Nebula's projection shifted and I watched as Eibhlin hurled daggers left and right, portals opening from wherever they struck as she dove through them with the grace only my Little Dove could possess. I watched in awe as she fell through portal after portal before coming to land on the ground beside the Romanov woman. "Exquisite. Abilities worthy of my dark order, wouldn't you say, Ebony Maw?"

    From the shadows came a man whose face resembled that of a fish; his heavy brow ridge shrouded his blue eyes making them seem to glow as his philtrum protruded like a flat mountainside down from his brow line to his top lip. Small horn-like bumps lined his temples as his thin almost translucent hair fell like a spider's web over the back of his head to his scapula. His skin was the same mottled tone as The Others, though not as slimy. This man, Ebony Maw, smiled steepling his ringed fingers as he nodded; the long robes he wore seemed to shift in an unseen breeze.

    "Yes, my lord. My humble personage does believe she would be an even greater asset than this lowly... god..."

    The Mad Titan smirked turning his head back toward Nebula and Gamora. "And you, daughters; do you also believe she would be a finer sibling?"

    Nebula shrugged; her head bowed though her dark eyes glanced toward me. She nodded softly, before looking at me once again with the tiniest semblance of dread. The longer I looked at her though, the more I noticed her glancing down toward her metal arm that hung free beside her knee; her fingers signaling to me. Watching closely as the titan and his fish-man conversed as if Nebula, Gamora, and I were not present, I saw Gamora drawing a cube beside her foot before she drew a line coming toward it, a spear tip aimed right at the center. She was telling me how to close the portal; how to end things. Nebula elbowed her, her boot coming to crush the drawing as she glared at her sister before her cold metal eyes fell on me as the Titan spoke about how he would bring Eibhlin under his control...

    I could feel my blood begin to boil; I would not allow them to lay a hand upon Eibhlin, or Thor. "You want her? You'll need to let me live then."

    "Oh, I am well aware of that, Asgardian. New rules. You bring me that girl, the Tesseract, and the scepter and not only will I help you to finish what you started, but I will make sure you are never again separated from that girl. But if you fail..." He released me, gathering up a rock on the asteroid's surface only to crush it in his palm. "Do we have an understanding?"

    I tried to remain stoic, though my breathing betrayed me. "Yes... I understand."

    "Good... Now, finish what you started, and don't keep me waiting." I was thrown back to Midgard then, my body sore with the memories of all I had endured under the Mad Titan's command, all that was still to come if I could not figure out a way to be free of him.

    I sat there, clawing at my head as I tried to will the memories away, the control I had fought to maintain slowly dissipating as he entered my mind once more. Above me another Leviathan entered the arena that was the city beneath me; Chitauri soldiers jumping from it to land amongst the others as Stark's 'Avengers' continued to battle with them, my Little Dove in the mix despite my commands that she remain safe, remain with Thor. I watched, wavering between pride and contempt as the Romanov woman and Eibhlin were shot into the air by the soldier; the assassin having timed her jump well enough to catch the back of an oncoming cruiser while Eibhlin threw her blades at another, a portal opening up right behind the Romanov woman.

    A soft growl of malice overcame me then, the softness and sentiment I had allowed to overtake me being shoved down within me once more. "Send the rest," I muttered knowing my thoughts and actions were all being watched. A concern for another time, right now I just had to make it look as though I was cooperating; I had to maintain the illusion of a puppet upon their strings.

    Leaping gracefully from my perch, I landed atop another cruiser, ordering the driver to follow the one holding the redheaded women. I would knock them from the sky for their safety. It was the only thing I could do. Manifesting my helmet back to me, I took careful aim as the driver steered me toward them; all I needed was one good shot. Eibhlin seemed to have learned since our last encounter how to better handle multiple attacks at once though as she utilized her spear to block as many of my blasts as she could while the other woman made the chariot they rode in swerve back and forth to better aid in blocking them from my attack. I drew closer, hitting the edges of the vehicle, Eibhlin's eyes glaring at me as I aimed once more, holding my place as a familiar string of consciousness invaded my mind. Barton...

    Purposefully slowing down, I awaited his arrow catching it far too easily in my left hand. I allowed myself a moment of cockiness as I glanced back toward the bowman, seconds before the arrow exploded in my hand. I went flying from the now destroyed chariot, landing on the same balcony I had already done battle on and nearly destroyed, yet somehow, I still managed to sail through the remaining glass of the balcony, rolling across the stone walkway as glass shards filled the air around me. With a snap of my head, I rose to my knees just in time to see Eibhlin land on the circular deck of the multi-tiered balcony. My eyes focused on her as a sense of dread overtook me, I had to get her away from here. And if I couldn't then I would have to kill her to save her from the fate that she was destined for.

    Rising, I opened my mouth, her name on my tongue as the monster's roar pulled my eyes from my sweet little dove; its green limbs taking hold of me as the creature threw us both back and into Stark's bar area. My back hit the wall of the bar; glassware and liquid exploding around me as I snarled. The beast beat its ape-like fists against the stone floors, coming toward me as it grunted.

    "ENOUGH!" I cried, standing to my feet once more, my torn cloak billowing behind me as I swung my arms down, my shoulders rolling back. "You are, all of you, beneath me," I seethed; "I am a god, you dull creature; and I will not be bullied by ARGH!" The beast had gripped my ankle, dragging me down and across the floor before it lifted me and swung me down into the floor, the stone shattering around me. The beast was not done though as it lifted me once more, hurling me down on its other side, the ground once more caving around me. Again and again, it whipped me around as if I were a ragdoll, as I panted hanging loosely from its hand by my ankles, my legs wrapped around its arm as my own dangled. He slammed me twice more before releasing me, the floor holding my form as it now had an almost perfect depression in the shape of my body.

    I lay there, breathing, too shocked and in pain to do anything more as I heard the creature stomp away. "Puny god," it called out in its deep voice.

    I made every attempt to move, yet the only thing that seemed to work was my lungs, though from the whine that slithered out from my lips, I wondered if they too had been damaged. I took stock of my life then as I lay there, wavering between consciousness and nothingness; I could feel the Mad Titan checking in, could feel his disappointment. Everything I felt at that moment was the opposite of what I had felt when I first met the titan. There was no pride, no joy, and this was so far from the magnificent glory I had felt destined for. My mind had been right all along, this was not me, this was filthy... I had once more been led to believe the lies of another, once more been made out to be nothing more than a jumping point for others to achieve their destinies while I suffered in the background.

    "You have failed, Asgardian," I heard The Other sneer in my mind as I closed my eyes. "Count yourself lucky that you should perish this way; for he would not have been so kind..."

    The pain slithered from my mind, my thoughts silent and empty once more. I could rest... Or could I? If I died, would they still come for Eibhlin? I groaned, thinking about how I had failed her as well. Had I never cared for her, never allowed her to get as close as she had, she would be safe now. I truly was the idiot I had thought myself to be three years ago. I never should have allowed this to happen, I should have listened to Sif... She had been right, I deserved to be alone... It was better, safer that way.

    As my body grew tired, I fought to stay awake. I had to find the strength to rise, to find Eibhlin and get her as far away from here as possible, yet the idea of just remaining here, of succumbing to my wounds was one I tentatively looked forward to. At least in death, I could rest some, even if I would never be able to forgive myself for whatever would befall Eibhlin... My Little Dove...

          I dreamt of her. Of laying in the fields of Asgard with her, her hair long and flowing in the breeze around as the daffodils, tulips, and peonies swayed. She was radiant, her ears shivering as I touched them unabashedly as she lay in the grass in a simple gown, her arms bare and just as soft as her ears beneath my fingertips. I swore I could feel her hands on my cheeks as she cupped my face, her thumb stroking the corner of my mouth as she gazed up at me with those eyes I so loved. If this was Valhalla, I could rest easy...

    "Sif said we were alike..." her voice was gentle, yet there was a pain within it as I listened. "She said that we both could raise or fell empires."

    I tilted my head, kissing her wrist. "Oh, my sweet Little Dove, you know that such is untrue..."

    "Do I? I do not doubt her, yet I had so vehemently defended you. 'Loki, my Loki, would never destroy empires, that is not what he desires,' I told her."

    "And you were right to, Little Dove. I do not want to hurt others, to fell kingdoms as... as Odin did..."

    "But you do, Loki... You enjoy it, just as he does..."

    "No, no Little Dove; I am not a murderer like Odin, I am... I am a Liberator."

    She trembled and sighed, blinking away unshed tears. "No, Loki... No, you are not." Her words pierced my heart, the flowers wilting around us as she released me and pulled from my touch. "How could I have been so wrong? How could I have ever believed that we were alike when we are so very different..."

    "We're not, we're not," I cried as I embraced her, her body turning to ash in my hands. I looked around, the heavy scent of smoke filling my nostrils as I turned to see the golden palace aflame; sharp, unrelenting screams of pain and terror raining out around me. Something wet hit my hand, rain perhaps? When I looked down though, I saw the blood dripping from the dagger I now held. As my gaze lifted once more I could only gasp. Odin's body lay on the floor at my feet, his throat deeply cut. Mother and Thor lay nearby, still clinging to life as they begged me to tell them why over and over.

    I felt panic, felt dread as I looked around, backing from the scene as my body shook. "No... no..." I muttered, the dagger slick with blood falling from my hand as I bumped into something behind me.

    I spun about to see the titan himself smiling down at me. His hand grasped my throat, lifting me into the air once more as his hold tightened. "I warned you Asgardian... You should have kept your word."

    Gasping, my eyes shot open. Relief washed over me as I realized I was still on Midgard, that it had all been a dream. A terrifying dream.... With a groan, I began dragging myself toward the nearby stairs to sit up; my body taking a count of all of my injuries. I could see the blood running down my nose from the gash in it, though it did not feel broken. Lifting myself with a grunt, I sighed, the silence in my head almost pleasant until I realized that I was not alone after all. Hesitating, I took several gulping breaths before I turned to look at them; Earth's Mightiest Heroes as the mechanical man had claimed, and my little dove all staring down at me, one of Barton's arrows aimed at my head.

    "If it's all the same to you... I'll have that drink now," I said hesitantly, the green monster grunting at me as the Metal man shrugged and nodded.

    "Yeah, sure. Alright, get him up and on his feet, we can all stand around posing later." Stark said as he began to walk away, his armor slowly retracting into his wrists. "By the way, feel free to clean up."

    "Who gets the uh, magic wand," Romanov teased as Eibhlin and Thor lifted me to my feet, Eibhlin nodding at Thor as she moved me toward a chair by the bar, shoving me down into it roughly before she secured my wrists into restraints.

    "Strike team's comin' to secure," muttered the soldier as the elevator dinged open, four soldiers and one bald businessman-looking fellow exiting.

    I was given a single malt whiskey, the glass handed to me more out of pity than any sort of gentleman's agreement. Still, I graciously accepted it, for once keeping my mouth shut as I watched Agent Romanov hand the scepter to the bald and bespeckled man. I smirked as she warned him to be careful with it, Barton chiming in about having your mind erased as he smirked over at me, passing his secret crush a drink as well. A soldier in a black shirt passed me, lifting an elongated metal case up and onto a table as the billionaire watched, his stance showing disapproval at the removal of his could-have-been toys.

    Eibhlin's eyes continued to watch me as she stood before me, a dagger in her hand held back against her vambrace, her gaze only looking away as Thor's voice raised above the muttering around us. She carefully monitored the situation, moving forward to put her feet near mine so she'd know if I moved. I watched the altercation as well, Stark pulling out a communication device which he set between himself, Thor, the Romanov woman and the balding man, Fury's voice coming out the other end.

    With the heroes distracted for the moment, I decided it was worth it to try and have a conversation with her. "Eibhlin... I..." Words failed me. How was I supposed to explain the impossible to her?

    "Please, do not..." she muttered back softly, her lilting voice still so calming even as she scolded me, a dagger held at the ready to dispatch me if the need arose. "My heart cannot handle any more disappointment from you, Loki."

    It was like a knife to my chest. As if she had stabbed me with one of her enchanted daggers sending my heart off to Bor knew where... "I... I never meant to disappoint you, Eibhlin," I said softly, looking down at my feet as she finally sat across from me on the remains of a chair. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

    "If that was so true, then you would have followed through when you said that you were going to put a stop to this," her whisper did nothing to hide her agitation, her green eyes looking up at me as she chewed on her plump bottom lip. "You would not have lied yet again when you said that you were going to try to end this as you kissed me. Instead, you nearly killed me and Nat. And for what? You said there was another person; was that a lie too?"

    "No... No, Eibhlin. Please believe me..." I wanted, no, needed her to understand, to believe me. I needed the corollary to be her accepting me as she always had; for Eibhlin to still be my Eibhlin as much as she needed me to be her Loki.

    "How can I possibly believe a word that comes out of your mouth when every action is contrary to it," she hissed back, though the malice was missing. In its place, disappointment had blossomed and that was perhaps even worse.

    I paused, trying to find the best way to convey everything. As I began to piece together how I could share the details of my experiences over my time away, I began to feel a growing sense of trepidation. I didn't want her to know. Not because I didn't trust her but because I didn't want her to have to carry another burden of mine. A sigh left me then as I looked over her beautiful freckled face once more, knowing that I had nor would I ever deserve someone like her. "Because... Because I would never lie to you, not about that... Not about your safety," I admitted softly. "Please, I beg of you... I, I wish I could say that everything that occurred was entirely mind controlled, but that truly would be a lie," I hated myself. I'd never felt lower, but I couldn't stop the words from spilling forth. "I wanted to do what I did, I wanted to help Him because He truly made me believe that there was no reason not to." Her eyes wandered over me as she contemplated what I had said. "I, Eibhlin I am not a good person, I... I meant it when I said I never wanted to be king, a throne... But I was born to be. It is my glorious purpose that I cannot escape, but I...I would have made it easy for them... I would have been a good king of Asgard."

    She sighed then, her bottom lip quivering for just a moment before she bit down on it. "How did you meet him?"

    "I never met Him," I lied, unsure of why. "I only met those He worked through, yet... we conversed." I caught myself in my own web, knowing that if I was not capable of giving her honesty, I could never demand it from her in the future in return. Still, it was all so much to admit to, and much of it I was not ready to. "He has a great interest in the Tesseract, and as I knew of it, I agreed to track it down and deliver it to Him in trade for the Nine Realms. He gave me an army and the scepter to make my task easier... Things, things become fuzzy after that until Thor, until you..."

    It was another lie, but all the ones I had told just then had been steeped in truth, or at least most had. Her sigh was heavy, a second even heavier one leaving her moments later as her eyes fluttered, urging back unspent tears. She leaned toward me, her scent washing over me once more through her closeness as her legs anxiously bounced before me, her breasts shaking with her motion mere seconds after each leg bounce. It was hypnotizing, yet her next words were not as flattering. "Do you understand how foolish you have been," she asked softly, emotion making her voice crack as she hugged herself tighter. "How much damage you have caused? I do not know if there will be anything that Thor or I can do to save you from the All-Father's wrath!" She was afraid for my safety? She still had my back even now, even after all I had caused her. I truly did not deserve her.

    I bowed my head, once more looking at my feet. Somehow, I had been gifted the outcome I had so desired, for Eibhlin to still be my Eibhlin. Yet even as she reached over and took my hand, her thumb tracing over my knuckles as she held it gently letting me know that she would still see what could be done, I could not accept that I earned it. I felt my jaw twitch as I tried to think of something clever to say, something to either tear her down or to appear aloof once more. I didn't like the shame nor the uncertainty I felt as I gazed into her eyes, as a hollow filled in my chest with what pieces of her she had left to gift me. Squeezing her hand, I tried to pull myself back from the edge, to calm myself once more as I began to accept that perhaps Eibhlin was the one person I was incapable of projecting upon.

    "We shall be leaving shortly. The Tesseract will be our way back," Thor said as he came near, his voice thick with frustration.

    "Then why do you look as if we have no way to return?"

    He sighed, a heavy hand running through his blonde hair as he glanced toward us before his blue-eyed gaze moved to stare off into the distance. A gentle breeze blew through the shattered windows we sat near, gifting his hair lift as it floated around him in such a way as to make him look like the effortless hero so many saw him as. How I hated it. "They will not allow us to safeguard the scepter, and I had to fight to bring Loki home with us." That shocked me. Not the agents still looming in the background not wanting me to remain here to face persecution, that was very much par for the course. Thor fighting to bring me home though... that had been a surprise.

    "I suppose I should be grateful for this," I asked callously. "To return to Asgard to rot within my own personal tomb?"

    Thor gave me a dangerous smile, his eyes almost mocking. "I could have Eibhlin dump you on what remains of the Jotunheim for the remaining Frost Giants to take care of you, if you'd prefer, Brother?"

    "Asgard it is," I said with a sheepish grin. Thor nodding almost approvingly as Eibhlin groaned.

    "Must you two always fall into such a pattern," She asked exasperatedly, gesturing between us. "Is there nothing more you would like to say?"

    I glanced at Thor who simply huffed and looked away, his overly muscled arms crossing over his chest. I sighed, looking away as well; what was the use of telling them I was grateful if neither wanted to hear it? In a huff of her own, Eibhlin rose and stormed out through the broken windows to the balcony. I watched her go, my heart once more feeling heavy as I did.

    "She's not wrong..." Thor muttered after a short while. "There is more I'd like to say..."

    I met his eyes once more, the stern look gone as he sighed. "Go on... Tell me."

    "What would it gain? You will always be the same Loki, the same mischievous little twerp I have forgiven time, and time again. You're so... conflicted. I have no idea if this damnation you seem so hellbent on hurling yourself into is something I can pull you back from. You walk this line, one I never know if I can trust you to remain on the right side of."

    "You act as if I have wronged you, personally."

    "Well, you did bite me once."

    I smirked, nodding. "Yes, good times."

    "They were. They always were which is why I cannot understand where I have gone wrong. Loki, I would give the world for you- not this world, but a world," I chuckled, shaking my head at him.

    "You cannot give what you do not own."

    "And you cannot rule what you do not love."

    I sighed alongside him, watching as he moved to sit on the remains of the chair Eibhlin had been sat upon moments prior; stifling a chuckle as it broke and sent him to the floor. He waved to his friends, laughing his injured pride off before he pulled the chair beside me over and across from me. Clearing his throat, he attempted to talk again. "I cannot, nor will I, attempt to make you promises as to what awaits you when we return home. I will speak on your behalf though; I will try to keep you from Father's wrath."

    Searching his face, I saw no dishonesty. "I am not afraid of him... I am afraid for Eibhlin though. Did she really disobey Odin to come here?"

    Thor nodded slowly. "I still don't know how she did it, though I was not surprised to see her arrive. She was the first to offer to come to retrieve you. She'd follow you to the ends of the universe if you'd allow her."

    I smirked, chuckling softly as I thought it over. I did not know what I had done to earn such devotion, such a strong belief that I was worth saving when I had shown her nothing but cruelty for most of her life. As I glanced over to see her shaking hands with the billionaire, I couldn't help but take her in once more. She was so elegant, so poised, and confident. I had never seen her radiate so much pride; it was a look I never wanted to see her without that same glow. And from this moment forward, no matter what the outcome was to be, I'd make sure she never lost it ever again. 

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