Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God...

By Huyhuynh406

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King Kong (2005) Belong To Universal Studios. X Kyochuu Rettou from Crunchyroll. Two mercenaries who were got... More

OC's Introduction
Dinosaurs & Monsters Enemies
Prologue 01: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 1
Prologue 02: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 2
Chapter 1: The Survivors/Encounter Raptors
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Island/We aren't alone
Chapter 3: Sight Of Dinosaur/Natives Tombs
Chapter 4: Kamijo's Death/Styracosaurus Attack
Chapter 5: Oribe Is Taken By Kong/Bull T-Rex Attack
Chapter 6: Kong Save Oribe
Chapter 8: Akira/The Stampede
Chapter 9: Therizinosaurus V.S Raptors/Giganotosaurus Attack
Chapter 10: The Other Survivors/There's Still More?!
Chapter 11: The Talking/Kong & Mutsume
Chapter 12: T-Rex V.S Triceratops
Chapter 13: The Insect Pit Attack
Chapter 14: Beware The Swamp
Chapter 15: King Kong's Hero/Battle T-Rexes
Chapter 16: Kyle's Plan To Capture Kong/Spinosaurus Attack
Chapter 17: Spinosaurus V.S Carcharodontosaurus/The Chase
Chapter 18: Spinosaurus V.S Therizinosaurus/A Lone Wolf
Chapter 19: King Kong's Mad
Chapter 20: Fallen Log
Chapter 21: T-Rex Again?!?/Bon Appetite By Megalodon
Chapter 22: The Two Survivors
Chapter 23: Megaraptor's Attack
Chapter 24: The Rexes Family
Chapter 25: Fasolasuchus Attack
Chapter 26: Kong V.S Fasolasuchus
Chapter 27: Rescue Mutsumi/Kong V.S Giganotosaurus
Chapter 28: Capturing Kong
Chapter 29: King Kong & Bull T-Rex In Tokyo
Chapter 30: The Ending

Chapter 7: Kong V.S Mother Quetzalcoatlus

214 7 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to Alex.

When Alex with the rest of the group survivors are walking with their own feet and they both were heading to somewhere else and then they both were walking fast as they could and they have nowhere else to go. When Alex was with the group of survivors are walking fast as they could and then they both were got to be safe somewhere else and then Alex was already contacting with his partner and he heard his own partner is gonna be fine. They both were walking and keep moving then they both heard some dinosaurs are over there and make they both were moving up there.

Kyle: "It's amazing!" He said to himself and then he with Roland take a camera out and recording at the family dinosaurs are over there and it seems they both were eating some grasses and drinking the waters right away.

Kyle: "Roland, take a recording at the dinosaurs over there." He said to Roland and make him was nod his head to the cameraman.

Roland: "Okay, Mr. Denham." He said to Kyle.

Kyle: "This island is amazing! It is amazing as hell!!!!!" He said to them and make him was laughing out with amaze on his face.

Kai: "Okay, would you stop the recording already?!? Can't we get moving on?!?"

Kyle: "I almost done with it, kid. So I suggest you shut up right now." He said to them and make them both are annoying.

Jinno: "Jeez, these two idiots are get themselves killed by recording all everything on the island. Don't you really believe it?" She asked Alex and make him was sigh out and he said.

Kyle: "Yeah....I hope these two pricks better pack everything up right now cause I want to leave out on this island."

Naruse: "Same me neither..." She said.

Ayumi: "Can't we get moving on please?!? I don't want to stay here!" She said to them and then Kyle and Roland told them that they both are done right now and then they both were begin to walking up there fast as they could. When they both are in the deep jungle and they start to walking with their own feet.

When they both were walking fast as they could and then Alex with the group of survivors are in the deep jungles by themselves and they both were walking to somewhere else in this place and after they both were walking to there right away and then they spot there was something else is over there. There were some dinosaurs are appear by themselves and they both are ate the dead body of herbivore dinosaur alive and this make the group of the survivors were take a cover right away and they turn their heads to look at it and they could seen these creatures could be crawlers and these dinosaurs looks like Dimetrodon.

Kyle: "Dimetrodons!" He said and then he was take a camera out and recording at these dinosaurs and then Alex was shook his head and he doesn't like it and make him was turn his head to look back at these two creatures are eating the dead body of dinosaur and keep eating fast as they could and then Alex doesn't like this and he want to leave right away and he want to get the fuck out of here fast as he could. When Alex was sense something else behind or maybe he definitely heard of it and then he was turn his head to look at behind and he see nothing else behind back there.

Ayumi: "What? What is it?" She asked Alex.

Alex: "Nothing, I thought I just heard something...anyway we should get moving right now." He said to them and make the group of survivors are moving fast right away before some other dinosaurs tries to eat the rest of them. When Alex with the group of survivors are walking to there right away and make them both were walking there and until they both were heard some kind of snarl coming up here right away and make Alex was turn to look and he saw there was a Dimetrodon was sneak up behind at Kai.

Alex: "LOOK OUT!!! BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!!" He shout out to him and make Kai was dodge out of the way and then Alex aiming his rifle at the monster and begin to shooting at him.

The creature was finally death and make the creature fall down on the ground and then Alex with other group of survivors heard more of these Dimetrodon is coming here and make them both were coming here and then Alex told them to run right now. When they both were begin to running fast as they could and then they both begin to moving out right away before these dinosaurs are came here to eat them all and then Alex was turn his head to look at these creatures were coming for them and then he was begin to running with the group of survivors.

They both start to running away from here and make the both run fast as they could and then Alex was seen there were five of these creatures are behind at him and he was use his submachine gun begin to shooting back at the dinosaurs. When he was keep shooting at these creatures and then Alex was keep shooting at them very fast as he could and then he was run right behind at them.

Out of nowhere one of these Dimetrodons who was attack at him and then he was use his gun to block the creature's attack and then he was use his gun and hit at the creature in the face and break his tooth out. When Alex was take his pistol gun out and he was aiming his gun at the creature and he take a shoot at it.

When Alex was shooting at the creature in 7 times and make the creature was roar out in pain and fall down on the ground and dies and then he heard the group of survivors called Alex and told him there was an secret tomb in here and tell him to quick get in there fast as he could right now. Then Alex was begin to moving out right away and he is heading back to the group of survivors and he need to get in the tomb for his own safety right away.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was walking in the deep tomb and he wasn't sure to know where he was going and he take his hoodie jacket off and make him put the jacket inside his backpack right away and he was getting hot in this place and now it is time for him to move out and search for Oribe right away...his childhood girl that he was love about. Then (Y/N) was walking straight toward to there and then he saw there was a spear over there...where it is stab at the dead body of skeleton.

(Y/N): "Christ, poor bastard." He said and he was walking to the spear and he grab it in his hand and then he will use the spear when he think there was danger and he will stab at these creatures who stood on his way. When (Y/N) was walking and he is heading out of there and when he was got out of it and he saw there was a tomb place was really huge as hell and he wasn't unexpected for what he really see.

(Y/N): "Holy Christ...another tomb place?" He said t himself and he was walking up thee and when he was walking around and he didn't see anything and make him just mind his own business and then he walk to there and he could seen everything was clear all around and he need to better keep moving. After (Y/N) went inside there and he saw there was a lot of things inside the tomb but then he was notice there was a box over there and it is from the chopper was dropping those weapons down here.

(Y/N): "Sweet!" He said to himself and make him was use the spear hit the box and make it was drop down on the ground and then (Y/N) was open it out and he was surprise to see there was a weapon for what he gonna need. When (Y/N) grab it in his hand and then he was observing at the weapon that he is gonna hold is....PN90 submachine gun that he was gonna need it with him.

(Y/N): "Alright, this is getting good." He said to himself and make him was load the weapon up already and then he heard the voice comes from someone and that is Oribe.

Oribe: "HELP! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!" She shout out to whoever that is and she need her help.

(Y/N): "ORIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and he was running toward to where her voice is and when he was got there and he saw her was alive and then (Y/N) called out to her.

(Y/N): "ORIBE!!!!! IT'S ME!!!!!!!" He shout out to her and make her turn to look at (Y/N) and she was smile with relief and she said.

Oribe: "HELP, (Y/N)!!!! I'M TRAPPED!!!! HE'S COMING!!!!!!" She shout out and this is get (Y/N) confuse more and make (Y/N) heard there was a monster's noises coming over there and make him was turn his head to look over there and he saw another creature appeared by itself. When the creature was landing down on the ground and make it is let out a roaring at her and then this creature was big even compare to the insect creature that he killed it and this one is more like a leopard or lion.

(Y/N): "MUTSUMI!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to her and make her saw this and she was saw it and make her was dodge out of the way and then (Y/N) aiming his submachine gun and begin to shooting at the creature with his PN90 goes full auto.

When he was finally kill it and the creature was fall down on the ground and dead also (Y/N) was lower his gun down and he said.

(Y/N): "Oribe! I'm going to get you out of there!" He shout out to her.

Oribe: "B-But how?!? I'm stuck here and I can't jumped!!!!!!" She said to (Y/N) and then he need to think but he turn his head to look over there and he saw there was a flying huge bird is coming here right away.

(Y/N): "MUTSUMI!!!!!!!!!!! INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to her and make her turn and she saw there was a flying creature was looks like Pteranodon...and it is big like even tall than giraffe and this creature was flying here to grab Mutsumi...Quetzalcoatlus and it looks like the most tall creature for what (Y/N) seen.

(Y/N): "ORIBE!!!!! RUN!!!! RUN!!!!" He shout out to her and he was aiming his submachine gun at the creature and take a shoot at it but some other Pteranodons who were stood on his ways and (Y/N) shooting at the creatures with his submachine gun.

(Y/N): "Get the fuck out of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and make him was shooting at these creatures and then the giant dinosaur grab Oribe with her talon foot and got her in the foot and then the creature was flying right away.

(Y/N): "ORIBE!!!!!!!" He shout out.

Oribe: "(Y/N)!!!! HELP!!! HELP ME!!!!" She shout out and (Y/N) was about to after her but then out of nowhere there was a giant gorilla let out a roar and make itself appear and he was swung his arm to grab the treehold and then he begin to fly up and doing the gorilla style to climbing and jump.

Kong: "*ROAR*" He was roar out.

(Y/N): "Holy shit...Denham wasn't kidding....that is a huge fucking gorilla." He said in surprise.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Kong.

When the Quetzalcoatlus was grab her and bring her to the nest right away and the dinosaur was about to eat her and then Kong appear out of nowhere and he land down on the ground where the nest of Quetzalcoatlus and make him let out a roar. Then the mother saw this and let out a roar at him too...and another Quetzalcoatlus was appeared itself...and that thing is a male.

(A/N: Imagine Kong fighting Warbats as Quetzalcoatlus.)

Oribe: "Y-You save me..." She said in surprise to see the giant gorilla who was save her life and she was finally safe by the giant gorilla.

Oribe: "W-Why?" She ask at him and he doesn't answer at it and then he grab her in his hand and begin to moving out right away.

To Be Continued.

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