
By JuliannaSeagram

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These chapters are just random Brainia alternative stories That I thought of. More

Crisis on Infinite Earths~ (Earth 1's final last days)
Our love❤️between Worlds💙🌎🌍💚
Sick Together
We'll figure this out, "Together"
Cheering up Brainy
Without You
Nia Drunk🍾
Bring you back to Life✨🧪
I Dreamt✨of flying🪽
Saving Dreamer🌀!
Brainy's big romantic❤️gesture
✨Falling with you🌠!
Future Vision✨
❤️Date Night🌙
Still into You
Brainy in "Love"❤️
Standing up for Nia!
💙Forgotten You💚
I dream✨of Brainy💚
Invisible Brainy
Double Date❤️💖
Elevator Kiss❤️
Always You💚
Nia's fear vision
Sweet Dreams✨
Love❤️is a battlefield💥!
Evil Brainy
Rooftop party!
Summer Vacation🏖: Cruise🛳
Another Coluan in town!
Always in Your💚Dreams✨
Minds wiped
Brainy moves in with Nia
Brainia💚💙wedding anniversary✨
Nia Nal💙Ace Reporter!
I dreamt✨of an alternative reality!
A Forced Break-Up!
Trapped in a Musical🎶✨
The Future✨
Forgotten our Anniversary?
Evil Nia
For the rest of my life💙💚
The Prophecy📜of "Dreamer🌀"
A kiss💋turned into something "Amazing"
Feelings✨comes back!
Dancing🎶 in the dream🌀realm with "You💚"
The newest Member of the "SuperFriends"
I'm feeling✨ "Happy" today!
Double Trouble!
No more secrets!
Brainy💚saves Dreamer's life!
Rogue Doppelgängers💚💙: Breaking💥 and entering!
The Truth comes out!
Brainy💚comes back!
True love❤️kiss works "every time"
Dreamer🌀saves everyone!
Love❤️is the ultimate "Sacrifice"
Justice never sleeps💤...
Dreamer🌀is Pregnant?!
Wicked people!
Nia's da💥Bomb💣!
Nia Nal💙missing?...
Welcome to Earth🌎-17:
Brainiac-1.0 Strikes Back!
Do You💚see a future✨with me?💙
A hero gone "dark"
A "blind" Brainia💚💙date❤️!
Nia's Wedding dress...
Bring me back to life!
A lot has changed in 3 "Years"...😅
There's a Love❤️Spell📜over National🏙City!
Brainy has visions🌌?
Jealous of Lena??
A Magical Virus...
Brainy and Nia's Lost Daughter??

A New Beginning✨

35 2 0
By JuliannaSeagram

~{Chapter 43}~*This chapter is about Nia being Pregnant and Brainy is the father! When he finds out about it he doesn't know what to think Or feel... And Their child is half-human, half-Naltorian🌀, and Coluan💚. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*In the morning*
*10:15 a.m.*
Nia woke up moaning in pain as she was feeling light-headed when getting out of bed. Then walking to the door🚪Her vision getting a little fuzzy, and blurry while reaching out for the doorknob but she fainted on the floor... as her legion ring Brainy made for her was blinking red in these types situations and has the ability to fly.

*Meanwhile at the DEO*
Brainy just got into work about an hour ago when he got an alert from his tablet that Nia's legion ring panic alarm🚨was going off in her being unconscious. His eyes widened in shock and told Alex and the others as she looked at him and said. "Go to Her! Agent Dox. she needs You." Alex said urgently ordering Brainy to go help Nia right away! he nodded in doing just that. And immediately rushed out of the building flying fast to Nia's apartment to find out what happened. if necessary to get her to the DEO stat for medical attention.

Brainy arrived at Nia's apartment as he landed on her balcony and went inside to see where she was... until he noticed her bedroom door was closed tight and opened the door🚪to see Nia passed out on the floor. He immediately ran to Nia's side and held her dearly in his arms and said. "Nia. it's me, I'm here! Please wake up," Brainy said softly to her as he tried to gently wake his girlfriend up. But no response and she was breathing thankfully. He scanned the room with his eyes stood up holding Nia and quickly flew out her Balcony door heading back to the DEO for Alex and Lena to run some tests on her to see what caused Nia to be like this...

*Back at the DEO, in the med bay*
Alex and Lena were monitoring Nia's condition as both looked at Brainy with confused and nervous looks. "So, what's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Brainy asked worriedly and hopes that Nia is okay. "Nothing seems to be wrong with her," Alex stated softly as she looked at Nia's vitals on the screen that she was fine. Well, not completely😅. Lena added. "Expect that she had a dizzy spell moments ago." She said looking at Nia's brain activity. Brainy was confused about what they meant by that. He may be a 12th-level intellect. but this was something that he knew nothing about. "What's that supposed to mean?" Brainy asked softly as Lena and Alex sighed looking at each other realizing that one of them had to tell him... but they were worried about how he would react😅.

Alex walked over to Brainy looked him in the eye, and said. "Brainy, Nia is Pregnant." She confirmed the diagnosis of Nia's condition. His eyes widened in shock when as he stood there in silence for a while without saying a word. Then, it hit him! "But that's impossible! I mean. Our species aren't compatible with each other... And to create something like a child. It just doesn't make any sense." Brainy said stating the facts finding it impossible for this to happen! "Well. according to the screen on the monitor... There are two heartbeats. And the DNA🧬doesn't lie. The baby is in fact a perfect match to You and Nia's..." Alex stated the evidence of Nia being Pregnant and Brainy is 100% the Father of the Child. No doubt about that! He looked at the Monitor when Alex said that and it's true.

Kara added. "Which makes you a father! Brainy," She said excitedly as she walked in the room after overhearing the news about Nia being pregnant and Brainy is the biological father! "Kara?" Brainy questioned as he was surprised to see Kara here and thought she was at CatCo today since she's Editor-in-chief now. "Sorry. super hearing," Kara said. Brainy nodded with a smile as he looked at Nia thinking💭about the future with her and their daughter and he loved🥰it! But still worries for her and hopes Nia will be okay when giving birth to their child.

Speaking of, Nia was dreaming🌌, as she saw a glimpse of the future✨Seeing her child. Her daughter. And knew if her dream was showing her this... could only mean that She was pregnant and smiled happily💗to know it. Nia Nal is a Hybrid after all! True Women at Heart💙. She saw her daughter again but as the next Dreamer🌀. then saw her face to see She had the features of Her and Brainy combined! When the thought crossed her mind that Brainy was the father of her child. This made Nia overjoyed😊with happiness💗and she knew that was because her daughter in her vision had green skin and was harnessing dream🌀energy✨into its physical form. This means that Her daughter isn't only Half-human, Naltorian🌀 but also, Coluan💚. A 9th-level-Intellect to be exact! Nia was so happy to see this and she always wanted to be a Mother! She couldn't wait to wake up from this dream to tell Brainy! And hope he won't overreact.

Nia woke up from her dream✨after seeing that vision of her daughter in the future... then noticed that she wasn't in her apartment but was at the DEO in the Med Bay. She saw Brainy and the others standing beside her with worried looks on their faces. Like they had something very important to tell her but she already knew what it was😅. Thanks to her dream✨of the Future about her daughter Nia she had😉. Brainy got close to her and said as he held her hand in his. "Nia, You're awake! Sprock. I have to tell you something... It's important. I-I... uh, Y-y..." Brainy said happily in tears🥹to see his Nia Nal awake as he stuttered his words about to her... But already knew as she interrupted him to say. "Brainy, I already know I'm pregnant..." She smiled. "I had a dream flash✨of the future and I saw Our daughter," Nia said happily as she sat up straight in the Med bed and then placed her hand on her stomach feeling the baby kick. Brainy smiled brightly that Nia dreamt of the future✨to already know the gender of their Child. I mean Daughter.

Nia added. "But there's something else..." She
paused smiling brightly at Brainy. "Well, what is it?" He asked her dearly. "Our daughter is half-human, Naltorian🌀, and even Coluan💚. Also, she has both of our abilities and powers✨." Nia explained. "Wow, That's amazing! Nia Nal. And very rare to have a child of both of our abilities. I'm so happy!" Brainy said ecstatic with happiness. And when Nia said that about Her and Brainy's daughter being both of their species and having their powers... John's eyes glowed red as he sensed there was something more to Nia's pregnancy. And he was right there is! "I sense there is something more to this then we let on," he paused dramatically. "I did a psychic scan and saw that your daughter is rapidly growing inside You, Nia." He paused again for dramatic effect. "She will be born in less than a week or a few days..." John stated the facts based on his psychic scan as Brainy and Nia were in complete shock when he said that. "Wait, What? Isn't that too soon?..." Nia questioned nervously😅.

"Yeah, she's right. It is way too early! After all, Nia is half-human... can't our child be born in 7 to 9 months like any other human woman would with human babies? So, why is this any different." Brainy asked quickly. Lena sighed as she pulled the baby's data scan from her tablet and said. "Well, that's because your daughter isn't like any other baby. According to the data I've collected... She's unique in so many ways possible! And from what I can tell is that she has computer coding in her cells and Naltorian purity." Lena stated the medical facts on the screen from the screen showed. Alex nodded in understanding that as she said. "That actually does make sense... Since your daughter is the first of both your species combined..." Alex said agreeing with Lena on that being true.

*A few days later*
For the past two days, Brainy has been taking good care of Nia and he noticed she has been acting odd lately😅. Like not herself! Such as uncontrollable eating, mood swings, solving mathematical problems in seconds, and falling asleep more than she usually does... "Nia, are you ok?" Brainy asked concerned as Nia was scratching her head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Brainy. Why do you ask?😅" she said nervously. "Well, I noticed you haven't been yourself. And I know your pregnancy is a mystery to all of us... Especially, me. but I want to help you in any way I can," he said worriedly wanting to help and to be there for her no matter what. Nia sighed sadly as she looked at him and said. "Okay, yeah, I admit. I have been feeling not myself lately. Like my brain has been boosted and my emotions are all heightened." She admitted not being herself over the past few days...

"I see. Well, is there anything I can do to help?" Brainy asked her dearly. Nia sighed. "I don't think you can. Brainy, The only way for me to be my old self again is for our daughter to be born..." Nia stated. He nodded in that being "correct" Then Nia gasped lightly as she felt her water break and said. "Which is right now." She said. "What?!" He asked out loud. "Brainy, my water just broke... The baby is coming!!!" Nia yelled out about to give birth to their child. Brainy was in shock but was 100% prepared. "Okay. Don't worry, Nia, I know what to do... Just breathe while I call Lena to get the Tower ready for you to give birth..." Brainy quickly got the bags to bring to the Tower and called Lena on the phone📱. Nia sat on the couch and began controlling her breathing😮‍💨while feeling a contraction. But it quickly went away in a second as she thought💭about how beautiful her daughter would be. Then Brainy came back off the phone with Lena and said to Nia. "Okay, I talked to Lena and she said they're just getting Med Bay ready now... So, we should probably go now." Brainy spoke urgently. Nia nodded as she got her purse and jacket on and said. "Okay. ready," she said with a slight smile. Brainy nodded with a smile as he held Nia's hand in his and they headed out the door🚪to the tower for the birth of their daughter.

*An hour later*
Brainy went into the emergency room to see if Nia was okay and she was... then he saw his daughter right before his very eyes "Isabel" is the name of Nia's mother they both agreed on. Little Isabel had green skin, brown eyes, and, blonde small strains of hair. He sensed his daughter had a pure heart💛like her mother did. "See. Brainy, I told you that everything would be okay." Nia said happily holding little Isabel in her arms lovely💗. Brainy smiled. "You were right. I shouldn't have doubted you," he said. "So, do you want to hold her? Cause I need to rest," Nia asked him softly. "Yes. Of course, I love to." Brainy answered excitedly with a lovely smile to hold his daughter for the first time. "Nia, she's beautiful. our daughter even has your eyes I-I..." Brainy held Isabel in his arms admiring how she had her mother's beauty as he looked at Nia to see that she had fallen asleep already. Which caused him to smile brightly😊❤️as he stepped out of the room and showed his little miracle to the others. Kara was overjoyed with happiness💖as everyone else was too. And they each got a chance to hold her and all loved it☺️!

*A Year later*
After Isabel had turned 1 year old, Brainy and Nia decided to get married💍. And they did! To be an official family she took his last name and is "Nia Dox". Their daughter "Isabel Dox". They all were one big happy family... Isabel was the newest family member of the superfamily and when her dream powers started manifesting she'll be a Superfriend. And the next Dreamer🌀too. Only time will tell!

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