Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God...

By Huyhuynh406

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King Kong (2005) Belong To Universal Studios. X Kyochuu Rettou from Crunchyroll. Two mercenaries who were got... More

OC's Introduction
Dinosaurs & Monsters Enemies
Prologue 01: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 1
Prologue 02: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 2
Chapter 1: The Survivors/Encounter Raptors
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Island/We aren't alone
Chapter 4: Kamijo's Death/Styracosaurus Attack
Chapter 5: Oribe Is Taken By Kong/Bull T-Rex Attack
Chapter 6: Kong Save Oribe
Chapter 7: Kong V.S Mother Quetzalcoatlus
Chapter 8: Akira/The Stampede
Chapter 9: Therizinosaurus V.S Raptors/Giganotosaurus Attack
Chapter 10: The Other Survivors/There's Still More?!
Chapter 11: The Talking/Kong & Mutsume
Chapter 12: T-Rex V.S Triceratops
Chapter 13: The Insect Pit Attack
Chapter 14: Beware The Swamp
Chapter 15: King Kong's Hero/Battle T-Rexes
Chapter 16: Kyle's Plan To Capture Kong/Spinosaurus Attack
Chapter 17: Spinosaurus V.S Carcharodontosaurus/The Chase
Chapter 18: Spinosaurus V.S Therizinosaurus/A Lone Wolf
Chapter 19: King Kong's Mad
Chapter 20: Fallen Log
Chapter 21: T-Rex Again?!?/Bon Appetite By Megalodon
Chapter 22: The Two Survivors
Chapter 23: Megaraptor's Attack
Chapter 24: The Rexes Family
Chapter 25: Fasolasuchus Attack
Chapter 26: Kong V.S Fasolasuchus
Chapter 27: Rescue Mutsumi/Kong V.S Giganotosaurus
Chapter 28: Capturing Kong
Chapter 29: King Kong & Bull T-Rex In Tokyo
Chapter 30: The Ending

Chapter 3: Sight Of Dinosaur/Natives Tombs

277 7 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

On the deepest jungle of mysterious island, (Y/N) with Alex and two cameramen with the group of survivors began searching for a place to find themselves invulnerable. Matsuoka was cutting down the vines when they were making their path on the trial. Kai pauses and sees something a distant away.

Alex: "(Y/N), take a look at this!!!!!"

(Y/N) nods for the others to take a look. They head over, and as (Y/N) approaches, he stops to where Soap was looking. Looking down, they find a strange, hollowed-our construction made of sod and branches. Maybe six feet around. Just now noticing the other's stare, Naruse looks down into one of the bowls at her feet, a half-buried nest. It's filled football-sized eggs, laid in a spiral. This isn't the only best she sees. Oribe counts twelve in all, laid out in an oddly symmetrical pattern. The last to arrive, (Y/N) recognizes the species in a horrified instant from before.

(Y/N): "Raptors. I knew they would be a problem."

Soap: "So these things have an eggs too?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep."

And as he says the words, off in the distance, they hear the cry of some herbivores around by the chorus of snarls. They continued to walk to the foliage on their path. Further in the forest, they hear a medium thump and shaking trees which came close.

Naruse: "Did you hear that?"

(Y/N): "I heard that."

Alex: "This isn't good." He

Matsuoka: "What was it?"

Alex: "I don't know...but whatever it is...let's stick together alright." He said to them.

They all tracked down right along with the animals as they move in the foliage. Miura became scared and came close to Matsuoka. Kamijo, Jinno, and Kai wondered what caused the shaking from the trees. And ahead of them thick foliage blocks the path to the height of about fifteen feet. But around them, a crashing sound gets louder and closer, the swaying trees shivers right beside them. They all remained still, and above their path, they see a sudden movement.

When (Y/N) with Alex got their guns out and aiming whatever it is coming from the bushes of the jungles and the two operators got their guns out and prepare to shoot right away. When the two cameramen who was got the cameras on their hands and then they are prepare to take a pictures and also recording at whatever it is come out of the forest by itself and here it it is a real dinosaur was came out for what the magnificent in.

A row of Stegosaurus fins. The spade—shaped fins run along a ridge down in the middle of the animal's back, about three feet tall each. The group became amazed, and the stegosaurus continues on, they get a good look at it through a break in the foliage. It's a large dinosaur with a small head, a thick neck, a huge lumbering body, and a dragging tail with long spikes in it make it a peculiar and unique dinosaur. Stegosaurus is easily one of the best known dinosaurs and is recognized all over the world. It is the largest and most famous member of the stegosaurus family.

Alex: "Jesus's a....real life dinosaur, (Y/N)." He said to (Y/N).

Kyle: "Magnificent!!!! I am enjoying this scene right here!!!!!!" He said and he was recording all everything around here and make (Y/N) with Alex tries to take a look at it and then the two of them were sigh out and they both don't even like it.

(Y/N): "My god...." He said to them and he was remembered about these dinosaurs for what his elder brother told him about the story.

Oribe: "it's beautiful!"

A second stegosaurus comes by, a baby about a quarter the size of a first animal, following the adult. While the group is reaching to that, the earth vibrates and a third stegosaurus, by far the biggest of the tree, walks out of the foliage right behind them, crossing within ten feet. Apparently unconcerned right behind them, crossing within ten feet. Apparently unconcerned about these little creatures in their environment, the stegos continue on across the stream bed. Oribe raises a camera and shoots pictures. Her shutter is muted, so that muffled CLICK is all that's audible.

(Y/N): "It's a Stegosaurus. It's okay. They're herbivores. They feed on leaves or plants."

Miura: "Sugoi!" (Amazing!)

Alex: "I like those fins on their backs. But are they dangerous when they have those spikes tails to attack?"

(Y/N): "The spikes on its tail are also the subjects of some controversy. Every color of stegosaurus showed it with the spikes sticking up into the air and it has become accepted that these spikes stuck out horizontal to the ground, which would have been a potent defensive weapon when swung at a hunter. So yeah, it's really dangerous."

Kai: "Imagine carnivores or humans could get themselves killed by the tail of spikes from this one and you're done it." He said.

Matsuoka: "But are any of the dinosaurs intelligent, like those raptors?"

(Y/N): "It depends on their behavior and anatomy, because it is difficult to know how smart dinosaurs were because their brains, while others had small ones. A dinosaur's intelligence was suited to its lifestyle and the tasks it needed to perform. But a stegosaurus brain is incredibly small."

Kai: "So it's brain is a size of walnut?"

(Y/N): "It was once thought to have been the size of a walnut, but a CAT-scan proves that it was actually the size of kitten. In fact, most scientists originally believed that it's brain was too small to control such a large creature and that it used an auxiliary "Brain" located above its rear legs to help control its movements."

Alex: "Haha, sounds like nice at all." He said to (Y/N).

Naruse: "So the brain supports the body to move?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, something like that. Anyway, let's just keep moving." He told them to keep moving on right away.

Time Skip Later.

When (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors are begin to moving out right away and they both tries to moving out to somewhere else in this island and then they both were walking with their own feet and then (Y/N) was with the group of survivors are in the other deep jungle right over there. They both went to walking over there and make them both were stop right there and then they both saw something over there and then (Y/N) told the survivors were stop right now and they were stopped.

(Y/N): "Hold on a minute, guys." He said to them and make them both were stopped and then they both confuse and when they turn their heads to look at the other sight over there and make the group of survivors were look at the strange place of this temple place. Where the rest of survivors are gonna take a peek at it and then they both saw the temple place looks like big and also it had some kind of strange mark from the skull of gorilla over there and this place is big and terrifying and they had no idea who else is living here.

Kyle: "This is it! This is the Skull Island from my grandfather told me about!!!!!!" He shout out and he was holding the camera was recording and then his assistant who was recording the whole thing.

Ayumi: "Wait, does anybody else living there?" She asked (Y/N) and Alex.

(Y/N): "I don't know...but nobody else is living there...and whatever it is...this isn't good." He said to them and except Kamijo who wasn't listening and same to Jinnou too.

Kamijo: "Who the fuck care?!? All I want to know if they have their phone contacting at the chopper!" He said.

Jinnou: "Or maybe that they have foods?!" She said to them and this getting (Y/N) with Alex and group of survivors getting annoyed and (Y/N) turn his head to look at the two idiots and he said.

(Y/N): "This place is a temple, morons. Let me make this clear to you...this place are savage where the motherfucker cannibals who gonna kill you and eat you alive! Do you want to get eaten or not?!" He asked Kamijo and Jinnou and make the two of them were silent and they have nothing else to say and then they thinking (Y/N) was right.

Kai: "Look, (Y/N) is right and he is the only one who can lead us to survive...but if you two keep annoying and we'll die." He said to the two of them and then they both were keep their best to be silence and when (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors are heading to the temple place right away and they need to get there fast as they could.

When they both went inside there and then they both were horrified for what they saw this place looks like a village with some dead skulls also part of the skeletons on the ground and this is getting creepier and make them both felt bad about it and they don't like this place. Then (Y/N) was with Alex and the group of survivors keep moving fast as they could but they heard the drumming and make them heard of it.

(Y/N): "What the hell?" He asked himself.

Alex: "Is that a drum noise?" He asked the others.

Kyle: "Probably....someone else is living here and whatever it is...I need to know more." He said to the others and then they both were getting scared right now and they have no idea what's going on and then they both were walking fast as they could. When they both were walk to there and then there were more people around here and they both dressing up some kind of ridiculous costume and they were holding a spears with their hands and they both were tries to guarding where the rest of others.

(Y/N): "Who are they?"

Kyle: "The Natives." He said to (Y/N) with the others.


The natives are the inhabitants of Skull Island. They live in villages outside of the 70 foot wall, and they worship Kong like a god. Whenever they come across a woman with "the golden hair" that arrives on the island, they sacrifice her to Kong. They have their own language in which they speak and do not seem to like outsiders coming into their village. They appeared as main antagonists of the game and then minor antagonists of the film.

They're also known as Skull Islanders.

They are largely portrayed as tribal with stone age technology and culture. Their skin is of a almost black compltexion and like real tribal-people their clothing largely consists of loincloths. Though most of their language seems made up, there are actually some words in malay such as "Tabe", ("greetings") and "mala" ("friend, woman").

Little is known about their diet or their place on the island's food-chain, but they could be omnivorous like normal humans, however it is not known if they farm or hunt.

Oribe: "My god....this is their villager." She said.

Ayumi: "This island is get us more know about it...and seems to be mysterious about it." She said.

Kamijo: "I don't like this at all." He said to the others.

Jinnou: "Me neither....and I don't like these people who were tries to do with the woman over there." She said to them.

Miura: "Are we gonna do something for them? We can't let them-" She tries to said and Naruse put her hand on the shoulder of her and she said.

Naruse: "No, we can't...anyway we need to move before they tries to seen us." She said

Kai: "Christ, they are here...we must be enter their own territory." He said to them.

Kyle: "I think so...and this isn't good...I know what are they doing with the other woman." He said to them and then (Y/N) was with the others saw there was a woman who was sat there with her face like worried and she is scared of her own death. Then (Y/N) wasn't know what are they chattering and they were speak some kind of languages and they have no idea what they are gonna says.

But one of them was the Chief who was notice (Y/N) with Alex, Kyle, and the group of survivors are here and then he was shout out with a strange language to the others and make them both were turn around to look.

(Y/N): "SHIT! THEY SAW US!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them both were got out and then the two mercenaries got their assault rifles out and prepare to aim and shoot then the group of Natives got their spears out and prepare to stab at any intruders. When Kyle was heard about the strange language from the chief and he told the group of Natives to after them....capture one of the women.

(Y/N): "Denham, what did he say?"

Kyle: "He want to capture the women who gonna marries for the word called 'Kong.'" He said to them and this make group of survivors who are confuse about it.

Alex: "Fuck it! Waste them!" He shout out to them and then the two of them were gonna aiming their weapons at these group of Natives and begin to shooting out at them.

When (Y/N) with Alex shooting at the Natives who are charge toward at them and then the two of them were took out some Natives who tries to throw the spears at them and make them both dodge out of the way.

(Y/N): "GO! GO! RUN!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them both were running away and then they both were start to running away from here and the group of survivors who were running away. When (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors are begin to moving out fast as they could and then (Y/N) was aiming his assault rifle at these natives and shooting at 7 of them. When they both were reaching to the exit of this village place right away and they cannot staying here for awhile and these maniacs of the village tries to murder at (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors.

When one of the Natives tried to swung his weapon at (Y/N) and Alex then the two of them dodge out of the way and (Y/N) goes a roundhouse kick hit at the native's face and he got hit and send to the wall with his neck break.

(Y/N): "Come on, let's go! We almost there!!!!" He shout out at them.

To Be Continued.

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