Mummy's wild child (Waterloo...

By Carolineeexx

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Kenzie Mason is the youngest daughter of Rachel mason. She is wild and out of control and has a reputation wi... More



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By Carolineeexx

Kenzie knew how things were changing with Tom. They had gotten so much closer recently. He had really been there for her.

She knew that she was developing feelings for him. But she couldn't go there. He was her teacher. And she couldn't cross the line like that.

Things with Kenzie and Rachel were still tense. She felt as though Rachel wasn't supportive of her decision to stay with her sister.

She was happier with Alyssa. She felt comfortable. And she didn't have to worry about anything other than her homework.

She felt like Rachel just wanted her at home to put on a good mother act. Kenzie knew Rachel was a good mum. But recently she had been putting Adam first which hurt her.

She knew how she needed her mum to be there for her. But she wasn't. She was more interested in Waterloo Road.

All Kenzie knew was that her life had been going in different directions. And she wasn't sure that she could cope with it all.

When she woke that morning, she heard her sister having sex. She rolled her eyes knowing that Max was probably there.

She climbed out of bed and left the bedroom. She saw Esmè sitting on the floor by her bedroom door. "Why are you there?" Kenzie asked her niece.

Esmè giggled. "I can't gets out till gate is open. Me in jail," she told her.

Kenzie rolled her eyes but smiled. She lifted up the little girl. "Mummy and daddy are busy," Esmè told her.

Kenzie nodded. She smiled. "Well how about we go and make some breakfast. Then when mummy and daddy come down, we can surprise them?" She said.


Kenzie smiled. She knew that things weren't easy. But she had her family who cared.

Around half an hour later, Alyssa walked in. Max behind her. Max smirked. "Oh. I think we've been caught," he said.

"No offence sir you were caught the moment i woke up. Don't worry though. Me and Esmè made breakfast," Kenzie joked.

Esmè giggled. "I not in jail anymore!"

"I can see that. Kenz. You don't have to make breakfast you know," Alyssa said.

Kenzie smiled and nodded. "I know. But I got bored. And Esmè looked like she was about to break out of jail."

Esmè giggled and nodded. "Me was!"

Kenzie went into school. She smiled as Alyssa hugged her before she walked off. Kenzie smiled as Tom walked over to her.

He smiled. "Hey. I hope you've got your essay. If not, tell me now. So I don't have to give you detention in front of everyone," he said.

Kenzie smiled. "I don't have it. Sorry. I have done it. I just didn't pick it up this morning. I can tell you exactly where it is," she told him.

Tom groaned. "Kenzie. You're driving me up the wall. Next class. Get it to me. Or you will have detention."

Kenzie was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Rachel walked in. She sighed. "I've been told you're sleeping with your teacher. Is that true?" She asked.

Kenzie frowned. "What? No. Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter. If I find out you are, and you've lied to me, there will be consequences," Rachel said as she turned and walked off.

But who had told Rachel she was sleeping with her teacher?

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