AGENT 003 |taegyu|

By omgyubee

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Beomgyu,who work at an agency as an agent was sent on a mission to join a gang and find out what their planni... More

The coat and coffee
The arranged marriage
The day of marriage
Princes and gangs
The 'foes'
Bedtime story
Mission plan
Unexpected Meeting
The sucessful robbery
Criminal party
Familiar faces
Underboss selection
New leader
Task completed
Parties and birthday
Long lost sibling?
Coerced acting
Untold secrets


52 5 0
By omgyubee

" i know who exactly he is "

"me? Then who am i "

"Lee Beomgyu. Lost his mom at his birth. Lost his father at the age of five. Got adopted. By the one and only Lee. Who sent him to a boarding school in Daegu at the same age. He came back to Seoul after 10 years, yet stayed separate. Afterward graduating high school at 18. Started college at 19. Now he is 22.But her dad wanted him to get married. He dropped him out. He left his wedding which was yesterday. This is where our boss comes, who was working part-time with him,and seemed to had taken an interest. So he helped his, bring him here. Our boss was going to return to gang activities anyway, so he left part-time as well. "

There was an awkward silence.Jake had his mouth open as he understood everything.Ni-ki was also surprised as he didn't know much about Beomgyu.

"I think you know more about me than I know about myself"

He joked. But this guy was serious, this guy who looked normal just a few hours ago, found out so much about him. There was a chance he could find his real identity.

"I didn't know more than half of this "Taehyun said.

"you never asked me about my past "

"you could've just told me "

"I'm not an open person, you know it "

"I assure you that, he didn't even open up to his middle school best friend Yubin" Heeseung suddenly interrupted.

Beomgyu choked on the food he was eating. Taehyun passed him a water bottle. After recovering from the shock he looked at Heeseung

"you even know that? So you know who was my crush in middle school? "

"wasn't it your English teacher? And it could be a senior who played basketball"

"Beomgyu you had a thing for teachers?"

"What? n-no, just my basketball players! What else do you know? My biggest enemy? "

"Kim A-yeong, when you were in high school "

"favorite shop? "

"Tokyo's sweet, near your apartment "

"favorite drink?"

"Americano "

"Favorite actor? "

"Angelina Jolie"

"wow "

"current best friend? "

"uhh... Don't know "

"finally something you don't know "

"I'm not that interested in your life "

"yet your not? I regret it here now. You guys are no joke"

"we're enhypen gang. We might not look like it. But we're capable of unimaginable things"

Ni-ki then suddenly gasped,

"Hey!What do you mean we don't look like it? Don't I seem cool? "

They had begun arguing, like normal friends. Beomgyu could tell Heeseung is a dangerous fellow. If he didn't balance his fake identity since he was little, he would be dead now. Beomgyu confused looked at Taehyun.

"do I really have to live with them? "

"Beomgyu,they are like my brothers. I will not tolerate anything against them"

"sorry, I didn't mean any offense"

"it's okay "

"so all of you were meant to become gangsters because of your families right? "

"that's right, Jungkook's family dealt with leadership since the beginning. When this gang was made, our ancestors helped this."Jake said

"didn't you ever think of this as something wrong"

Then Heeseung spoke

"this is something we like to do, if we don't, we feel lifeless "

Beomgyu nodded acting as he understood. He took a deep breath.

"I thought about this a lot, the whole time yesterday. Can you guys teach me gang stuff?"

There was a moment of quietness when all of them just stared at Beomgyu.Soon they burst out laughing. Even Taehyun let out a laugh.

"Beomgyu,your just a little boy who, yet doesn't even know how dangerous our world is"

"besides, what reason do you have? "

"I just left my Foster family and the place I used to live. I don't have anyone else. I had to break contact with my friends to keep them out of danger. I have nowhere to go. No job. No college anymore. The only place I'm safe is here. Within the protection of this gang. So I thought instead of being a burden to Taehyun , why not help him out"

When Beomgyu was speaking they kept looking at each other. This got Beomgyu a bit nervous. Had they figured something out?

"Beomgyu your not a burden to me "

"what he means to say is, you can't do that. You don't have any skill " Ni-ki said

"well I have never been into bad stuff. But I do have a black belt in Judo, Karate, since I was 16"

"oh prince you know how to fight? I don't believe it"

"it's true, she was good at karate. "

"but still you need to be clever and-- "

"my IQ is 146 "

Once again silence

"don't you think we should put him under consideration?" Jake asked.

"impossible. I won't accept that"

"But Taehyun-"

"I said I won't accept it "

There was anger in his voice. Beomgyu looked down.Taehyun picked up his phone .

"bring him in. Let me show you a piece of what we do. "

Soon the door opened. A couple of men in black suits entered. Along with a beaten-up man. Beomgyu knew this guy. He was a high-ranked police officer. Beomgyu was startled. This man also knew him, As his team after helped Beomgyu missions where he needed police's help.

He looked up at Beomgyu. His eyes narrowed. 'what is he doing here' is what he was probably thinking. Beomgyu was in trouble, he had to do something. Taehyun handed a gun over to Beomgyu.

"go kill him "

"what??? Why?? "

"that's not important. You have to do what I tell you to "

Beomgyu grabbed the gun and got up. He walked to where the man was standing. Beomgyu had to get rid of him., he knew who he was.

"I'm sorry I have to do this "

Beomgyu pointed the gun at him. His hands were shaking. He was halfway done with pulling the trigger but he still didn't shoot.

"the clock is ticking" Heeseung said.

Beomgyu put the gun down, suddenly the guy ran towards him and tried to grab the gun. Beomgyu could shoot him but still, he didn't. Instead, he dodged him and hit the back of his head really hard with the gun. This made him faint. A clap was heard to where Ni-ki was standing

"not what we wanted but still, impressive "

"I'm sorry, I can't kill someone. Especially if they're innocent. "

"so what your saying is, you'll kill someone who's not innocent? "

"I'm not sure "

"this guy uses to be our dog. But it turned out he leaked our information to TXT."Jake said as he took the gun from Beomgyu.

"He was a traitor "he then shot the unconscious guy.

Beomgyu looked displeased. He walked back upstairs without saying anything. Of course, he had to look like this was the first time he saw someone die.

Heeseung sighed,"has potential but can't take lives, that such a waste"

"I'd say we should put his in the planning squad, because like he said, sitting here all day probably sucks. Besides we need someone reliable to report while Yeonjun is gone. It'll make it easier"

"if he is reliable "

(A couple of days later )

Beomgyu was in the car with Taehyun, he had no idea where they were going. He had avoided Taehyun for the past couple of days. Not that he's always home. But he came more often than before. Probably to check up on Beomgyu. He acted like he was angry about what happened the other day

"where are we going? "

"oh you decided to speak?"

"just to make sure I'm not gonna experience another death "

"I'm sorry for what Jake did in front of you "

"I know it was Jake, but I get a feeling that even you..."

" that I do the same? Wrong. I do worst"

"do you really have to "

"Beomgyu we're going to Busan "

"Busan? Why "

"to meet my family"

"you have a family ?"

"a big one. They're the ones whom I do what I do"

Beomgyu had to keep up with the 'I'm mad attitude'.But he was quite happy. If TXT knows about Taehyun's family, it would get way easier. Finally, he was getting somewhere with his mission rather than staying home all day.

After driving for a few miles, the car stopped on the ground. And they walked into a helicopter. The whole ride was really quiet. Taehyun was sitting opposite Beomgyu. He kept looking outside and he kept looking at him. At first, they landed in large green grassed ground. He didn't question him. They had started to walk and eventually reached a place.

This place had a lot of large house-like buildings. There were so many teenagers sitting on the grounds, they were talking stuff until they noticed Taehyun. Taehyun forwarded along with Beomgyu smiling at whoever he saw on the way. Everyone was also waving at him. Beomgyu was so confused at this rate .

"why are we here? Is this a university? "

"no, it's not "

"why are we here"

Before Taehyun could answer Beomgyu's question, a boy ran to where they were walking. He looked around 15.

" I'm sorry! I heard that we were not to disturb you when you come because you'll be accompanying a guest. But I really wanted to meet you "

" it's okay. I don't think I met you before"

The boy introduced himself and said' hello to you 'and kept talking about how good happy he was

"hyungnim, seeing you in person is like a dream. I really look up to you. "

Soon the talk ended and they kept walking forward .

"your so famous here, what is this place"

Soon even little kids started to come out happily as they all waved at Taehyun.

"a shelter? An orphanage? "

"that's what people call it, kids it's a home. And to me they're family"

"and that's this got to go with you"

"I originally started gang activities when I was 16. At 17, my dad handed this shelter to me. His had remained a secret only the elders knew "

"wait a minute, so all this belongs to you? "

"I'm just carrying out what my forefathers had been doing for years "

"but why?"

"it's pretty common right, rich people enjoy luxury, waste money like its nothing. And then we have the other side, people dying because they can't pay their surgery bills. Parents throwing their children away because they are a burden. People who are murdered by poverty. Yet people on top don't care., they continue to grow money in their gardens. Eating it all away. And here's what bulletproof gang does. We steal money from the rich, use it for the poor. That's how we run this shelter. This provides free schooling for kids, makes sure they get enough food and money. At 18, they are given a home of their own and enough money for the next few years of their lives"

"so you make good use of the money you get. What about killing, that destroys someone's life "

"we don't mind destroying worthless lives for worthful ones. This is the Busan branch. In the past 10 years, 18 branches across Korea. 15 across china and 20 across other Asia countries were opened "

"that's more than forty. Even in other countries? "

"our gang is the biggest gang in Asia. Of Course, we have branches in other Asian countries. I've made someone else the CEO. But most of the kids here know me as a good donator. They had looked up to me, just like the boy you saw. Had they known I am a gang leader. Do you think they would feel the same way? "

"is that what you're hiding your identity? "

"yeah "

"why are telling me this? why are you showing me this all "

" because you were the first one to say, that I had reasons for what I do"

"I knew you were a good person. Now that I know about all this, I really want to work with the gang"

"Beomgyu I wanted to give you a safe place. Not drag you into illegal stuff "

"illegal? I don't care, this is not wrong. "

"I have many people to help me with this "

"but I want to stay next to you and tell you that every step you take...Is right"

Taehyun took a deep breath and got up. Soon after getting into one of Taehyun's cars, the driver drove them off to a very-rich- unrealistic looking mansion.

"Taehyun is this your house? "

"yes "

"how many houses do you have, exactly? "

"it's better if you don't know, but this is my main house. "

"it's really beautiful"

Beomgyu splashed water on his face and looked in the mirror. He looked super confused and bothered. what was bothering him?

'why is he so right? No matter how you look at it'

He looked lost in his own thoughts, his worried expression soon got serious and he washed his face one last time. Again he looked up in the mirror

'but TXT is always correct. Agent 003, do your own job. Put these useless emotions aside'

Yeah, he sometimes talked to himself when he felt super anxious. He got out and entered his room. Beomgyu stepped out of his room, he felt hungry so he started to search for the kitchen. No matter which door he opened, he couldn't find it. All of them were either guest rooms, dining rooms or everything except a kitchen. Beomgyu went upstairs and he opened the first door he could find. His eyes landed on Taehyun whose hairs were wet. It looked like he had taken a bath. He was wearing a rob which was half-open. Beomgyu could see his perfectly structured abs. He got a little lost there, when he snapped back into reality, he was already in front of him

"uh sorry, I was looking for the kitchen"

"it's then 3rd door to the right"

"oh thanks, I'll take my leave"

Beomgyu turned around, he didn't know why he felt nervous. This feeling was new for him. Just when he was about to walk, he felt an arm around his waist.

"I dont think i'll let you leave"

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