Deku The Number 1 Black Hero...

By ChrisRiley0

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After deku move to American at age 4 when move from from Chicago to Japan He was look in a different way from... More

description and last day middle schools
forgiveness and training (TW: homophobic slurs)
the entrance exam
the secret out
new Harem and first day
2v2 and reunion forgot
goat tier songs And class representative
USJ and hidden qurik
The past And new family members
The Ex
life as rapper and attention
the plan and hero killer
rasict crush and sport festival start
1v1 and breakup new girlfriends
who want smoke with izuku
hero name and internship
internship and hero killer run it's back
Final exam
girlfriend's meet family (kinda filler)
Forest Training Camp (racebend)
Jamal Training and toga betrayed
league of villain want the smoke and toga betrayed pt 2
Jamal vs league and kidnap
smooth criminal
hero or villain
the past
provisional license exam and meeting old friend
everyone jump UA
the big four and new song
The race
planning,the raid
Lemillion and king vs overhaul
black whip & hospital
dabi meet rei
old music and mall
izuku past and Hawks breakup
Hawks one night stand
Inko hero license
Camie confession
number one hero
truth about dabi and Melissa
high-end pt1
high end pt2
ex-boyfriend return and endeavor tell the truth
UA traitor and joint training
izuku vs WWPC
haircut and ex-boyfriend revenge
Hawks side chick
The round table and dragon girlfriend
mei gift and danger Sense
the before Christmas eve(filler kinda)
nejire parents and album finished
Christmas and UA traitor
shoka promise and villains new mission
podcast and open challenge
uraraka backstory and with the family
Mirko meet Dabi and endeavor agency
endeavor agency and burnin
Izuku revenge
therapist session and the promise
exposed and old friend
Izuku forgives nejire
Dabi Promise
New Quirk And Accident Call
gigantomachia and what are we?
burnin give up and Mei Cookie
Izuku The Girl
cookout and thing come out
one night and training
Meta liberation army vs Lov
Shigaraki vs Re-Destro
Toga past
wild burnin confess
War arc part 1 Dabi Redemption
War Arc part 2 Uraraka's freedom
War arc part 3 This is only the beginning
War Arc part 4 Izuku vs Shigaraki
War arc part 5 Izuku Rage
War arc part 6 Until we meet again
Family reunion
Hero To vigilante
We need a hero
Izuku Vs Muscular
Izuku is the prowler
Planning and izuku dream
Izuku find Uraraka secret
Your The Not The Only One
Fox Lady
Izuku vs everyone round 2
Izuku talks about his feelings
Izuku Forgive Uraraka
The Deal
Don't kill her
Urakaka is innocent
Getting everything situated
Temporary Alliance
The new Dabi
All hands on Deck
Army defeat
The death of All for one
Aftermath(Timeskip 5 month)
Therapist and Ippan Josei
Deal fullfill
I'm pregnant
The announcement
Comeback Song
Nejire Revenge
Eri And kota get in trouble
Star and Stripes Returns
Don't count Toga out
I want a divorce
Rei Readjustment
Izuku Sister Cassidy
Enji Unwelcome Vist
I have A brother
Family therapy
Blackmailed and Cassidy's go to Japan
Izuku meets Cassidy's
Cassidy new mom
Rei Divorce Enji
Report Card
Jasmine is Pregnant
Mom and Daughter's and warning time ⚠️
Cassidy Vs Kendo
Child Birth
Cassidy's Disowned
Inko offer
Inko Adopt Cassidy

Inko Past And Meet Aunite

147 6 0
By ChrisRiley0

Izuku was resting in his room after he finished when he got a call from his mom, Izuku woke up and picked his phone up and realized it was his mom and answered

Phone call

Izuku:Hello mom

Inko:Hey sweetie I need you to come here it's an emergency

Izuku:Yes ma

Inko:I need you to come alone

Izuku:Oh uhm yes ma

Inko:Meet me at Principal Nezu's office

Hang up

Izuku then got up and got dressed and then went to Principle Nezu's office When he went there he found Inko, All Might Eri, Kota, and a few military soldiers inside the room

Izuku:Their no way I'm getting drafted

Inko:What no nigga I wanted you to meet someone

Izuku:Ok I was already at war so I was confused

Inko:Ok I wanted you two to meet my old friend from when was living in America Cathleen Bate or Hero named Star and Stripes

Izuku looked around and noticed a woman that 6'2 who looked identical to all might

Cathleen:Inko is this Little Jamal He has gotten so big I remember him when he could fit inside the palm of my hand

Izuku:Who are you...You know me

Cathleen:Know you I was like your aunt before you moved away...You don't remember me

Izuku:No I don't I don't remember you

Cathleen:How come you don't remember me

Izuku(Thinks)I don't maybe because I was 3 or I didn't get self-awareness around that...I got self-awareness when I was like 6 or 7 years old(Speak)I just don't

Cathleen:Well I remember you were born...Inko does he know

Inko:Yeah I been told him I was Rage

Cathleen(Sigh)Ok so I guess you know the story right now you guess move here right

Izuku:Yes ma you Nana and Grand Torino had to stop my mom from doing villain stuff and Then she was deported

Cathleen:She wasn't deported but it was highly suggested for the government to go some other countries so she started a new life

Izuku:So that's why we're here in Japan you told me that it was to get away from dad

Inko:I'm sorry for lying but that was mostly the truth...Izuku it's time to tell the truth about your father

Eri:Mom what are you talking about Dad is right there

Kota:I'm also confused

Inko looks down at them with a caring heart and voice

Inko:Eri and Kota what did I say about this type of stuff

Kota/Eri:Is it when grown people are talking we need to be quiet or leave the room

Inko:That right now I'm asking nicely Please be quiet grown people are talking...Toshinora You know the drill

Toshinora immediately both Eri and Kota out of the room

Cathleen: You're a good mom

Inko:I know but back to what we were talking about...Izuku How can I put this Don't think of me in any sort of way

Izuku:Of course not your always going to be my mom no matter

Inko sighed deeply

Inko:Izuku the reason why you last seen your biological dad when you were 4 is because he didn't want to be part of your life

Izuku:Mom are you serious

Inko:Yes I serious

Cathleen:Inko are you ok

Inko:I'm fine...Izuku let me tell the story...A long time ago when I was Rage I met this person named Hisashi Midoriya we and him got together and this was around the time my name was huge so I was living a double life of being Rage and Dating him as Inko James before I was captured by the heroes me and he got into

Izuku:Mom I know what your talking about you don't need to go into detail and please don't mention that part

Inko:Ok let's just say it was a night of passion that fine

Cathleen:It fine

Inko:Let me continue after I gotten put in jail for my crimes


After 4 weeks in prison, Inko started to feel morning sickness and started to throw up and someday she didn't even feel like moving let alone talking, Inko then took a pregnancy test in jail and it came back positive and then Inko gotten visitor in jail When inko has gotten the visitor place she realized the Cathleen is their

They both sat down and picked up the phone

Cathleen:Hey inko

Inko:Hey Cathleen

Cathleen:How are you holding up in there

Inko:Well besides everyone being afraid of me everything alright

Cathleen:Good to hear

Inko:Why are you here Cathleen

Cathleen:I wanted to apologize I had to put you in I was doing my job...I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship or anything please you are the one close first I have been friends since school

Inko:Cathleen I know and I understand, to be honest...I Would ask the same thing but Cathleen I need to talk to you seriously like no bullshiting around

Cathleen:Ok Inko how bad is it

Inko:Cathleen I'm pregnant

Cathleen was shocked

Cathleen:Seriously For how long

Inko:5 going on 6 weeks

Cathleen:Are you sure

Inko:I took the test 5 times all came back positive Cathleen I'm pregnant

Cathleen:I..I don't know what to say...Who the father

Inko:A man Hisashi Midoriya when were dating but as soon it came out I was Rage we broke up

Cathleen:Now inko are you sure it is because this a serious claim that you're making right now

Inko:I put that on both of my grannies' souls that this is his baby because around the time He was the only person I was sleeping with no condom

Cathleen:Oh that just...Wow both of them

Inko:I'll add my mom's soul as well that his baby

Cathleen:Alright I get it...Did you tell him

Inko:When I called him and told he immediately hung up the phone and every day I ask him to send money for me so I can survive here but he doesn't care

Cathleen:I'm sorry to hear...Look I'll help any way I can

Inko:Thank you Cathleen please I want to ask something please do everything you can to get me out of here

Cathleen was confused by the request

Cathleen:Inko are you mad I can't do that why would you suggest that

Inko:I don't want to give birth while I'm still here I need to be with my baby I don't want this baby to turn out like me I need to be there and I'm scared

Cathleen:Scared of what

Inko:I'm scared of the possibility of my may happen...What if I get stabbed and it kills the baby...What if the Jail system treats me badly just because I'm Rage

Inko started to tear up and cry

Inko:I wouldn't forgive Myself if I let anything bad happen to this baby...I'll give my life up to make sure this baby survives anything so please help me out even how the last time I needed help

Cathleen felt bad for Inko and she understood her situation

Cathleen:Inko I'll do everything in my power to help out in this situation I couldn't imagine myself in this situation and if the role was reversed you would do the same thing

Inko:Thank you Cathleen I appreciate everything Cathleen one more thing and promise me this

Cathleen:Yes what is it

Inko:If I do have this baby in jail I want you to adopt it


Inko:Cathleen please if I have this baby in jail I don't want anyone to take it away from me I want my baby in the care of someone I know who going to take care of it and I want that person to be you please Cathleen if this goes bad and I'm still here after I give birth adopt my child until I get out jail, please

Cathleen:You have my word I will do it

Inko:Thank you Visiting hours are almost up so I need to head back but I thank you If I could I would but I can't OK

Cathleen:Alright it been great talking to you...I'll do everything in my power to help you out either getting you out or being a temporary mother I will

Inko:Thank you see you later

Timeskip 8 days later

Inko was chilling in his jail cell until some guard came to her cell and opened the cell

Guard 1:Rage get up your free to go

Inko:OH now

Guard 2:We have an order to let you go...I don't know why but it is none of my business

After Inko went through the process of getting out of jail she was released from jail and the first thing she saw was Cathleen lot of pros(of America)And some people who were in charge

Inko:Who are you guys

They introduced themselves and they gave Inko a set on house arrest and 24/7 by the heroes since she was pregnant and a lot of people were complaining about arresting a pregnant vigilante

A few days later

Cathleen visited Inko in her apartment and Inko opened the door she looked like she was crying

Cathleen:Inko are you ok

Inko:No I'm not he not...He not

Cathleen:He not what who are you talking about

Inko:He said he wanted nothing to do with me...And he said that baby wasn't his and when I showed him the dates added up he wouldn't take responsibility

Cathleen:I'm so sorry that happened to you

Inko:He call me a slut and a lair he said if I lied to him about being a vigilante I must be lying to him now which I'm not...I don't know what to do anymore

Cathleen:Inko is going to be ok forget about him he trash...but there is something good about you that came out of that relationship

Inko:What did

Cathleen then rubbed her stomach

Cathleen:Is this Little angle here this is God blessing you with a baby inko be grateful that you have gotten something out of this even if the relationship wasn't the best

Inko:Your right I need to stay strong for the baby I'm Rage if I could give the top heroes from different countries a fight I can do this how hard can this be

Cathleen:Did you have to add that part

Inko:No but that is a accomplishment how many people do you know that can say that

Cathleen:...You got me there what do you need you hungry

Inko:Well I'm craving lobster tail can you give that to me

Cathleen:No problem

Inko then gives her the money for the food and Cathleen leaves

Inko(Thinks)I'm glad not alone

Timeskip 9 months later after Inko gave birth

Inko was on the hospital bed she woke up after resting

Doctor:Congratulations Ms. James you gave birth to a healthy baby boy you want to see him

Inko(Thinks)What type of dumbass question is that(speak)Yes I do please I want to see my baby boy

The doctor leaves then Cathleen came inside the room

Cathleen:Inko are you ok

Inko:I'm fine just I'm hurt and tired both physically and mentally but it was worth it

Cathleen:OK How long did it take

Inko:3 in half hours

Cathleen:Wow Damn that wasn't that long right

Inko:Cathleen unless you find the man you love don't ever get pregnant you love a man don't make the same mistakes as me


The doctor came inside the room with the baby(Izuku)And gave it to Inko

Doctor:OK I'll give you the bill afterwards

Inko took a look at her son and immediately started to love him and she felt like all the thing she had been through was worth it and she felt like she'll do anything to protect This baby(Izuku)

Cathleen:So have you thought of a name

Inko:Yes actually Izuku Jamal James

Cathleen: That's a unique name but it's cute where did Jamal come here

Inko:Jamal my middle name

Cathleen:No way I did not know that and Inko don't worry about the bill the US government has covered it

Inko:Wow really but why

Cathleen:Think of it as an apology and to make sure you won't do vigilante stuff because that was one of your motivations right

Inko:Right and thank you...It ashamed his father is not here but I think I'm going to be okay

Cathleen: That's the spirit your the toughest Woman I know so you'll get through it

Inko:Cathleen do me a favor give me a wheelchair and help me get home I can't do a thing

Cathleen:But you need to rest Inko

Inko:I know but when I recover

Cathleen:Am I like an auntie now?

Inko:Of course

Flashback ends

Izuku:Wow...Just wow I never knew that the number one hero in America is my aunt

Cathleen:And you didn't remember me

Izuku:Like you just said I was too young to remember anything how was I supposed to know

Cathleen:But anyway I'm Glad to see you again...You were a big baby

Izuku:Yeah Mom told me a lot

Inko: It's true isn't...But Izuku now you know the whole story I want to make a Promise Is too always take responsibility for whatever you do...And don't be a deadbeat dad

Izuku:Mom I'm not like my deadbeat dad he ain't nothing...I don't care how many kids I have I already have an army of kids so I taking care of all of them hell even kids that aren't even mines every kid needs a father

Cathleen:You are more mature than most people in America do you have a girlfriend or something

Izuku:How about a girlfriend with S

Cathleen:OH I guess you just take your father's gender you also took his ability to pick up women

Izuku:My dad was a pimp

Inko:No but I'll do this his ability to pick up women Is a another level your not on his level but you close

Cathleen:How many Izuku 2 or 3


Cathleen:GODDAMN 17...17

Izuku:17 and some of them are pro Heroes

Inko:And the Wild wild pussycats

Izuku:Wait you know

Inko:Izuku I'm not dumb I may be out of my prime but I'm not dumb

Izuku:Aren't you angry or something

Inko:Nope more grand baby's for me

Cathleen:Wait inko aren't you married

Inko:No but My man is all might

Cathleen:You dating my master

Cathleen smiled and then asked

Cathleen:What he like in bed

Izuku: That's my cue to leave all right it's been nice meeting you bye

Izuku quickly leaves the rooms

Izuku was leaving heading back to his dorm when he felt someone climb on his back and cover his eyes

Burnin:Guess who


Burnin:Guess who come on Izuku you're supposed to guess


Burnin:OH using my name now isn't me

Ryukyu:Now guess again who


Nejire:Got that right now guess again


Burnin let her go and she got off of him

Burnin:Izuku you know it been a whole minute since we have seen you

Izuku:Yeah and I'm sorry for pulling the stunt I did at the hospital

Ryukyu:You better be I was worried

Izuku(Sigh)Look everyone I need to confess to something and I want to know it didn't mean anything it was only a one-time thing...I cheated on you guys

All of them were unfazed but more kindly expected it

Burnin:Now you see why we called you a hoe because you do stuff like this

Nejire:Who was the girl

Ryukyu:I'm interested she better have been worth it

Izuku:First off rude and second off I promise you it didn't mean anything it was only in one-night thing and also I kind of had to do it to get information out of her

Burnin:Hoe and information This information better be go but who was it because I'll only get angry if she's ugly

Nejire:I'm not surprised and I agreed with Burnin that she better not be ugly

Izuku:Alright Alright It was Lady Nagant BUT it was a good reason and nejire I kinda revenge on Watchdog

Nejire then smiled evilly

Nejire:I'm listen

Izuku:So Lady Nagant was his girlfriend and I Had sex with her because she didn't know what a BBC was

All of them:OH ok keep going

Izuku:And After I gave her the

Ryukyu:No details we want details

Izuku:OK The pussy was fire but I could tell she was inexperience with anything big but it was good

Nejire:Was she better than me and be honest

Burnin:Yeah was she

Ryukyu:I like to know

Izuku:No she wasn't but she had the stamina I even took videos and pictures

Nejire:Send those to me


Nejire:OH no reason I just want to watch them

Nejire was halfway telling the truth

Nejire(Thinks)This going to ruin him(Speaks)And also The next time you have sex with her I want to join in just me


Nejire:Don't worry about it is that a promise

Izuku:OK I will wait aren't you mad or upset

Burnin:Izuku I'm sharing you with 16 other girls it doesn't phase me anymore I'm dating a hoe

Izuku:Stop calling me that

Burnin:It's true but don't worry your my Hoe OK

Ryukyu:Did you wear a condom izuku I don't want any disease or another girl besides me or the harem pregnant

Izuku:I wrap it up ok I'm not trying to get burnt and I won't do it again

Burnin:OK you better but you owe us a favor all of us to make up for it

Izuku:Fine along their something achievable

Nejire:Great but seriously send me those pics I'm serious

Izuku:Ok fine

Izuku sent those videos and pictures to Nejire

Nejire:Thank you I'll make good use of these

Nejire(thinks)I'm going to ruin his life with these pictures he blackmails me so I'll do the same for him let's see how he likes it...But would I be just as bad as him...Who cares he deserves it for everything he put me those...I'm coming Watchdog or Haji

End chapter

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