The Gamer Girl [FNiA Fem Hare...

By Demon243

43K 1K 296

(Y/N) (L/N) - genius, billionare, playgirl, philanthropist. A very young billionare in this world, who owns c... More

(Y/N) (L/N)
Harem Pt.1
Harem Pt.2
Harem Pt.3
Chapter 1: "Acquaintance"
Chapter 2: "Mystery after mystery"
Chapter 3: "End of the first chapter"
Chapter 4: "New office"
Chapter 5: "The talking shadow"
Chapter 6: "Attraction"
Chapter 7: "Phantoms"
Chapter 8: "It's time to say goodbye"
Chapter 9: "A dream or a nightmare?"
Chapter 11: "Haloween time"
Chapter 12: "End of Halloween"
Chapter 13: "New gameplay"
Chapter 14: "Secret room"
Chapter 15: "The whole other game?"
Chapter 16: "End of hide and seek"
Chapter 17: "End of the game...?"
Chapter 18: "Aftermath"
Chapter 19: "Custom night"
Chapter 20: "Family reunion"

Chapter 10: "End of nightmares"

1.4K 42 23
By Demon243

A/N: This is probably my laziest chapter I've written, since the text during the nights are just Ctrl C + Ctrl V. Moreover, there's a possibility that next 2-3 chapter will be written the same way. So I'm apologizing in advance. :(


(Your house. Living room.)

3rd POV

Y/N: "This is getting ridiculous." You said it under your nose, while you were sitting in front of your ex's parents, who were sitting on other couch.

Y/N: "Listen, if you're here to try to convince me to forgive your son, then you ca--" You wanted to say.

Ex's mom: "We're here not for this. This is his and yours shit that you need to solve by yourselves. We're here because you're the last one, who saw our son." She said it calmly. Her words made you confused.

Y/N: "What do you mean by 'the last one, who saw'?" You asked it in confusion. In answer, the father of your ex, got out a folded paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and placed it on the coffee table. You looked at it and you saw that it's a missing poster with the picture of your ex on it. "What?" You asked it in shock.

Ex's mom: "He didn't come back home that day, when he went to you. We thought that you and he probably are together again, so we tried to call him, but he didn't answer his phone. Moreover, how can I see, you're not together and this dipshit isn't here." She said it angrily, while you were still shocked by the news, but you somehow pulled yourself together.

Y/N: "That is correct. I have not forgave him and he's not here, and where is he isn't my concern." You said it calmly.

Ex's mom: "That's your business. However, we heard that he's other girlfriend had come to you too. Is that correct?" She asked it calmly.

Y/N: "That is correct. She came to my house and I was arguing with her at the gates for some time." You said it annoyingly as you remembered that day.

Ex's mom: "Oh? And what happened in the end?" she asked it curiously.

Y/N: "She started arguing with some man, while I quietly went back into the house. I think my friend and some of the people from the neighborhood shooed her away." I said it calmly.

Ex's mom: "I see... Well, I know that our son's disappearance is already shocking for you, but..." She said it as she trailed off making you confused. Jack's dad got out 5 photos from his other pocket carefully placed them on the coffee table, so you could see clearly every picture. You looked at the pictures and you almost threw up at what you saw. On the pictures, you could see Jack's newly made ex-girlfriend, but she wasn't alive anymore. On the photos, she was torn apart, legs, arms, even head. Only small strings of muscles connected her limbs and her body. Moreover, every part of her body was covered in stab wounds. "Let me be clear about something. The police asked us to come here and talk to you about them, since in the meantime you're the main suspect and--" She wanted to say, but she cut herself off as she saw your face. Face full of pure fear and shock.

Ex's mom: "Um... (Y/N)?" She called out to you as she snapped her fingers in front of your face. She then moved away her hand, not sure what to do now. You regained some consciousness and actually threw up, shocking and making everyone worried.

(30 minutes later. In front of the gates to your house.)

Detective: "Well, how did it go?" Asked the detective the couple.

Ex's dad: "She literally threw up after she saw the pictures..." He said it calmly as both of them were looking at him with poker faces.

Detective: "Uh-huh..." He said it in some shock.

Ex's mom: "And before she did that, she was looking at the photos with such a scared face. It's totally not her." She said it calmly.

Detective: "She could be acting you kn--" He wanted to say, but the father got out his phone with picture of your scared and shocked face. "Hmm... Then it could be one of her maids or butlers." He said it calmly and in answer, Jack's mom gave detective a notebook.

Ex's mom: "On each page, is the alibi of each maid and butler, which you can check by yourself." She said it calmly as the detective took the notebook and putted it away in his pocket.

Ex's dad: "Also there's this." He said it as he got out a flash drive and gave it to detective. "She said that on this flash drive there are security camera footages of their cameras." He said it as the detective took the flash drive, while Jack's dad pointed at the security camera, which was on the gates.

Detective: "I see..." He said it in awkward tone of voice as he puts the flash drive in his pocket. 'Was she prepared for this kind of situations?!' He thought to himself in shock.

(Meanwhile. Your house. Your room.)

Isabelle: "Do you feel better, Ms. (L/N)?" She asked it worriedly as she moved all of your plushies of girls to you, while you were hugging plushies of Nightmare girls and of a Plushtrap.

Y/N: "A little bit. Thank you, Isabelle." You said it tiredly.

Isabelle: "No problem." She said it with the smile. Suddenly, the door opened and Enzo walked in, closing the door behind her.

Enzo: "I did everything you asked me to, ma'am." He said it calmly as he bowed down and then straighten back up.

Y/N: "Thank you, Enzo." You said it with the tired smile.

Enzo: "Should I call your family and tell them about this?" He asked it calmly.

Y/N: "Yes, but please, inform only my father." You said it calmly. In answer, Enzo bowed down a little and straighten back up.

Enzo: "While I'll be doing that, I do recommend getting your mind off today's incident, with something nonviolent, so you wouldn't be reminded of it." He said it calmly.

Y/N: "Will do." You said it calmly. Enzo walked out from the room closing the door behind him.

Isabelle: "Is it me, or Enzo was angry just now?" She asked it in confusion.

Y/N: "If he was, he's probably angry, because I've seen those photos." I said it calmly.

Isabelle: "Really?" She asked it in confusion.

Y/N: "Yup, I'm sure of it." You said it calmly.

(Meanwhile. With Enzo.)

Enzo walked in the living room and looked at the coffee table. On which were lying the poster and the photos. He stared at them for a few moments before walking up to the phone, picking up the hand-set and dialing the needed number. After a few beeps, someone picked up and Enzo who it was.

Enzo: "Mr. (L/N)?" He asked it calmly.

Mr. (L/N) (Phone): "Enzo? Did something happen? You never call so suddenly?" Asked the man, who you know as your father.

Enzo: "Something indeed happen, and Ms. (L/N) told me to tell only you about this incident." He said it calmly.

Mr. (L/N) (Phone): "...What exactly happened?" He asked it in anger, since his father instincts kicked in.

(Time skip. 30 minutes later. Your house. Basement.)

Your POV

I was sitting at my table with laptop in front of me, on which were photos of the girls, who I found in the game yesterday.

Y/N: "June Lopez. A young college girl, who wanted to start a business by building horror attractions across the country." I said it calmly as I looked at the picture with her on it.

Y/N: "Olive Hernandez. A young college girl and a partner in crime for June. She wanted to be a business partner with June, if to believe some of this information on her social media accounts." I said it calmly as I looked at the picture with her on it.

Y/N: "Andrea Campbell. A young college girl, who was good at programming and robotics. If to believe her photos on Instagram, her house was full of homemade robots that were doing chores instead of her and her parents." I said it calmly as I looked at the picture with her on it.

Y/N: "Ruth Rivera. A young college girl, who had a channel on YouTube, where she posted videos about her being a gamer like a Markiplier or AstralSpiff." I said it calmly as I looked at the picture with her on it.

Y/N: "And finally, Angela Johnson. A young college girl, who won a gold medals in many material art competitions. She has a sister, who disappeared with her and is in the list of disappeared girls that I have on my hands." I said it calmly as I looked at the picture with her on it.

Y/N: "I didn't search information about her sister, since I need to find her first, just to make sure." I said it calmly. I looked at the VR helmet and stared at it for a few moments. "Okay, instead of 2 night, I'll beat 3 today." I said it determinedly as I started to change into my VR suit. When I changed into the suit, I quickly started up the game on the computer, took the VR glasses, walked up to the chair and sat down on it. "Let's hope for the best." I said it calmly as I put the glasses on.

(In game.)

I quickly got in the main menu location, and pressed on the text 'Continue' on the monitor in front of me. I appeared in protagonist's room. I looked at the laptop and saw a text 'Chapter 4: Night 3,' and under it was a picture. On the picture, I could see Nightmare Chica standing at the doorframe with lustful look on her face.

Y/N: "Let's get this party started." I said it as I pressed the enter button on laptop.



Night 3


I appeared in the bedroom. I picked up the flashlight and started to listen in for any sussy sounds. While I was doing that, when I checked the bed, I noticed the diary page on the bed. I quickly got on it, picked up the page, making it disappear, and then got off it and started to listen in, again. There was some noise in the left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall and saw Bonnie hide behind the corner. I then quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. After a few moments, I heard a sound from the closet, so I ran up to it and shone my flashlight at it.

N. Foxy: "BOO~!" She yelled it out, making me almost shit my pants and making me close the doors right in front of her. "Did I scared you that much~?" She asked it in a flirty tone of voice.

Y/N: "Yes, you did! I almost shit my pants. Now, shoo!" I said it angry a little.

N. Foxy: "Meanie." She said it with pout as she then disappeared in shadows. I let go the doors of the closet making it open as I then quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I then quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. I heard someone breathe, so I closed the door.

N. Chica: "Damn it!" She said it angry a little, before I heard her walk away. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room, checked the bed and started to listen in again. Some sound in the left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left/right doorframe and listened in. Someone is breathing, so I closed the door.

N. Bonnie: "Son of a fun." She said it angrily, before she walked away. I let go of the door, before quickly running back up to the center of the room and checking the bed. I looked at the clock and it showed 3 am.

Y/N: "3 hours to go." I said it calmly as I started to listen in, sometimes checking the bed. Sussy sound in the closet, so I ran up to it and shone my flashlight at it.

N. Foxy: "Hi~." She said it in a flirty tone of voice, but I closed the doors in front of her. "Meanie as always, but I like hard to get people~." She said it in a flirty tone of voice as she disappeared in shadows. I let go of the closet doors, quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. There was some sound in the right hallway, so I quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, only to see Chica hide behind the corner. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I stood there listening in every sound, sometimes checking the bed. I heard a sound the left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, only to see Bonnie hide behind the corner. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. Suddenly, 6 am dinged in.

I appeared in the hall with the chair, so I just stood there and listened in. I heard getting off the chair and then her footsteps. It quite down for a few moments, before I heard her footsteps again, and when they were close, I turned on the flashlight. Plushtrap was right in front of me, sitting on the cross.

Y/N: "Better luck next time." I said it with the smile, before everything went dark. I appeared in protagonist's room. I looked at the laptop and saw a text 'Chapter 4: Night 4,' and under it was a picture. On the picture, I could see Nightmare Foxy coming out of the closet on her fourth. "Let's get this party started!" I said it determinedly as I pressed the enter button on the laptop.



Night 4


I appeared in the bedroom, picked up the flashlight and started to listen in, while looking around and checking the bed from time to time. I noticed a diary page on the left doorframe, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and took the page in my hand, making it disappear. I then quickly checked the hall and saw Bonnie hide behind the corner.

Y/N: 'Much quitter now, huh?' I thought it to myself as I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I stood there listening in for every suspicious sound. After a few moments, I heard some sound from the right hallway, so I quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. I heard breathing, so I closed the door.

N. Bonnie: "Damn it." She said it angry a little, before I heard her walk away. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I stood there listening in for any sound, while sometimes checking the bed. I heard some noise in right hallway, so I quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. I heard breathing, so I closed the door.

N. Chica: "Shit." She said it angrily as I then heard her walk away. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I stood there listening in every sound, sometimes checking the bed, before I heard some noise in right hallway, so I quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. No sound, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, only to see Chica hide behind the corner.

Y/N: "You better stay there." I said it calmly as I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I then ran up to the closet and shone my flashlight at it. "I see your feet." I said it calmly as I closed the closet.

N. Foxy: "Damn it." She said it angrily as she then disappeared in the shadows. I let go of the closet doors, then I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I looked at the clock, and it showed that it is 3 am.

Y/N: "Okay 3 more hours to go." I said it calmly as I stood there listening in every sound, sometimes checking the bed. Some time later, I heard some noise in right hallway, so I quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. I heard a breathing, so I closed the door. I heard Chica groan in annoyance, before I heard her walk away. As I let go off the door, I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I then heard some noise in left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, only to see Bonnie hide behind the corner. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and was about to check the bed, but I was cut off with 6 am dinging in.

I appeared in the hall with the chair, so I just stood there and listened in. After a few moments of listening in, I heard Plushtrap get off the chair and then heard her footsteps. She stopped, then after a few moments, she started to run up to me, and then she suddenly stopped. It was quite for a few moments, before I heard her start to run up to me. When her footsteps were close enough I turned on the flashlight and shone it at her. She was right in front of me and she was sitting on the cross.

Y/N: "Sorry, maybe some other time." I said it with the small smile as everything went dark. I appeared in protagonist's room. I looked at the laptop and saw a text 'Chapter 4: Night 5,' and under it was a picture. On the picture, I could see some new animatronic girl standing in the hall with the lustful look on her face.

Y/N: "That's... Something new. Is this will be considered as a boss fight?" I asked it in confusion as I kept looking at the picture. "Well, I already planned to beat the fifth night today, so this will be exciting." I said it with the smile as I then pressed the enter button on the laptop.



Night 5


I appeared in the bedroom, quickly picked up the flashlight, and started to stood there listening in every sound, sometimes checking the bed. However, I noticed that the acronym on the wall behind the bed changed. It was now written 'Z.Z.B.' instead of 'J.F.L.'

Y/N: "That's new." I said it as I turned back around. I then heard a giggle in left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. I heard nothing, so I shone my flashlight in it, but I saw an animatronic girl, who was on the picture back on the laptop, standing a few meters away from me. It scared me, and because of that I quickly closed the door.

N. ???: "Oh, did I scared you~?" She asked it in a flirty tone of voice.

Y/N: "Well, how would you react, if you saw a tall sexy girl standing a few meters away from you, even so you expected her to be far away from you?!" I asked it a little anger.

N. ???: "Oh, so you find me attractive~?" She asked it in a flirty tone of voice.

Y/N: "How can I not find you attractive?! I mean, all of you are attractive!" I said it with the hard blush on my face.

N. ???: "I see, it's good to know that. Anyway, I'll go now, and remember, my name is Fredbear and other one name is Nightmare~." She said it in a flirty tone of voice, before I heard her walk away. I opened the door, shone my flashlight in it, and saw an empty hall and I saw that on the acronym on the wall changed too. It was now written 'N.I.B.' instead of 'O.S.H.' I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I then noticed a diary page sticked to the closet's door, so I ran up to the closet and took the page in my hand making it disappear. As I was about to ran back to the center of the room I noticed that the acronym in the closet changed on the one that on the wall behind the bed.

Y/N: "Huh, this means that the acronym in the right hallway changed on the one that is in the left one." I said it calmly as I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. However, when I checked the bed I saw animatronic girl, who looked like Fredbear, but she looked a little different.

Y/N: 'So this is Nightmare.' I thought it to myself calmly as she disappeared as soon as I shone my flashlight at her. "Sorry if it hurt you!" I yelled it out just in case. I turned back around and started to listen in for any sound. I heard a giggle in right hallway, but this giggle was shorter than the previous one. 'Is she trying to fool me?' I thought it to myself calmly, and right after I thought about it, another giggle was made, but it was in another hall and it was longer than the previous one, so I ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. I heard some breathing, so I closed the door.

N. Fredbear: "Smart one~." She said it in a flirty tone of voice, before I heard her walk away. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I ran up to the closet and shone my flashlight at it. Nightmare was in there, so I closed the closet and waited a little. After a minute later, I opened the closet and shone flashlight at it. I saw that Nightmare was gone, so I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I stood there listening in every sound, sometimes checking the bed, before I heard a long giggle in left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, and I saw Fredbear standing a few meters away from me, so I quickly closed the door.

Y/N: "Damn, she's too quite sometimes." I said it calmly as I heard her walk away. I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I stood there just for a few moments, before I heard a short giggle in the left hallway. 'I already know that you are trying to fool me, Fredy-Beary.' I thought it to myself with the small smile. I stood there some more, listening in every sound, and sometimes checking the bed. I ran up to the closet and shone my flashlight at it. Nightmare was there, so I quickly closed the closet.

Nightmare: "Damn it." She said it calmly as she after a few moments disappeared. I let go off the doors and quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I heard a long giggle in left hallway, so I quickly ran up to the left doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, but she was standing a few meters away from me, so I quickly closed the door and waited for her to go away. After a few moments, I heard her go away, so I let go of the door and quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I looked at the clock and it showed 4 am.

Y/N: "2 more to go." I said it calmly as I stood there listening in every sound, sometimes checking the bed. A few moments later, I heard a short giggle in left doorframe, and then I heard I heard a long giggle in right hallway, so I quickly ran up to the right doorframe and listened in. Nothing, so I shone my flashlight in the hall, but she was standing a few meters away from me, so I quickly closed the door and waited for her to go away. After a few moments later, I heard her walk away, so I let go of the door and quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. I ran up to the closet and shone my flashlight at it. Nightmare wasn't there, so I quickly ran back up to the center of the room and checked the bed. Finally, 6 am dinged in.

I appeared in the hall with the chair, so I just stood there and listened in. I heard her get off the chair and then I heard her run at me. She stopped for a few moments, then she proceeded to run at me. When she was close enough I turned on the flashlight and shone it at her. She was in front of me, sitting on the cross.

Y/N: "Welp, I guess, some other day you'll get me, if we'll meet again." I said it with the smile, before everything went dark. I appeared in protagonist's room. "Time to enter the real world and make some research." I said it to myself as I summoned the menu and quit the game.

(Your house. Basement.)

I took off my glasses, stood up, walked up to the table and placed the glasses on it. I quickly changed into my casual clothes and walked back up to the table. Moved the list and the pen to me and started to search the names that matched the acronyms. After a few minutes of searching, I found them.

List of disappeared girls


Amy Riley Ramirez
Andrea Abigail Campbell - N. Chica
Angela Aurora Johnson - Plushtrap
Ashley Padma Thomas - Ph. BB
Athena Taytum Miller - Goldie
Audrey Raya Miller - Franny
Ayla Lyla Lee - JJ
Bella Elia Jackson - T. Franny
Charlotte Lilly Baker - Puppet
Claire Flora Smith - Bonnie
Clara Amara Mitchell - W. Franny
Cora Zayla Anderson - Foxy
Daisy Ada Robinson - Shadow Bonnie
Eden Mia Walker - W. Chica
Elaina Evelyn Young
Eliza Ivy Wright - W. Foxy
Elizabeth Leah Martin
Ember Gaia Gonzalez - Ph. Puppet
Esther Rosalia Jones - Ph. Chica
Haven Willow Torres
Hope Harper Nguyen
Josie Ana Robinson - Shadow Franny
June Freya Lopez - N. Franny
Kaia Stella Johnson
Kayla Madison King
Lilith Eleanor Hill
Mabel Paisley Torres
Millie Clementine Martinez - Ph. Franny
Molly Grace Ramirez
Nicole Olivia Lewis
Noelle Naomi Thompson
Norah Isla Brown - N. Fredbear
Olive Sofia Hernandez - N. Bonnie
Piper Hayden Nelson - W. Bonnie
Rachel Avery Taylor
River Avayah Williams - Ph. Foxy
Rory Thora Rodriguez
Ruth Hazel Rivera - N. Foxy
Rylee Kai Perez - Springtrap
Sarah Della White - Mangle
Saylor Maya Moore
Selena Chloe Martin
Serenity Nyra Jackson - T. Chica
Skylar Halo Jackson - T. Bonnie
Sophie Murphy Wilson - Chica
Summer Uma Sanchez - Ph. Mangle
Sydney Nova Green
Vivian Reese Lee - BB
Zuri Zoe Brown - Nightmare


Y/N: "Now." I said it as I sat down on the chair and opened my laptop. "It's time for research!" I said it with the smile.

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