My One Piece (Book I)

By Lord_Roronoa

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Monkey D Luffy... A Cheerful, Carefree Young Man from East Blue wearing a Straw Hat set sail on a Small Boat... More

Author Note (I).
Chapter-1 The Execution.
Chapter-3 The Pirate Hunter.
Chapter-4 To The Marine Base.
Chapter-5 Punishment for 7 days.
Chapter-6 My First Mate..?
Chapter-7 A Thief, A Pirate Hunter & A Prisoner.
Chapter-8 The Clown.
Chapter-9 A Mysterious Woman
Chapter-10 Orange Town.
Chapter-11 The Buggy Pirates - I.
Chapter-12 The Buggy Pirates - II.
Chapter-13 Captain vs Captain / Swordsman vs Swordsman.
Chapter-14 A Sling Shooter.
Chapter-15 The Merry
Chapter-16 The Black Cat Pirates.
Chapter-17 The Going Merry.
Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.
Chapter-19 The All Blue.
Chapter-20 A Promise.
Chapter-21 Battle OF The Swordsman.
Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.
Chapter-23 Arlong Pirates.
Chapter-24 Arlong vs Luffy.
Chapter-25 Going After Our Navigator.
Chapter-26 Nami's true face.
Chapter-27 Luffy, Help Me..!
Chapter-28 The Two Wings vs Two Gills.
Chapter-29 Fight or Die Trying.
Chapter-30 Arlong Park Fall.
Chapter-31 The New Beginning.
Auther-Note (II).
Chapter-32 The Loguetown.
Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.
Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.
Chapter-35 Is She Good Or Bad..?
Chapter-36 I'm Sorry, Zoro..!
Chapter-37 Wax Statue.
Chapter-38 Nami's gonna die.
Chapter-39 Return Of The Evil King.
Chapter-40 He is My Big Brother...
Chapter-41 You Must Survive, Vivi..!
Chapter-42 Let Me Join You.
Chapter-43 Zoro and Robin..?
Chapter-44 Partners..?
Chapter-45 Nearly Dead.
Chapter-46 It's Getting Worse
Chapter-47 Worried about a Friend.
Chapter-48 Sanji vs Zoro.
Chapter-49 The Spirits.
Chapter-50 The Shadows.
Chapter-51 Sacrifice for My Captain.
Chapter-52 Death and Alive.
Chapter-53 Zoro (And/VS) Nami.
Chapter-54 A Massacre.
Chapter - 55 The Awakening...
Chapter-56 The End..?

Chapter-2 The King Of The Pirates

254 8 3
By Lord_Roronoa


In the middle of nowhere,
A small boat floating with just One Young Boy sailing it alone with some handful of supplies,

"Shanks used to tell me stories about Pirates and their adventures...
So yeah..! The sea is been calling.." A Young Boy in a Straw Hat says with a Grin,

"Well not exactly calling
Since i can't swim but...
But You get the idea Right..?
I'm setting out to the seas,
To follow my dream,
To find The One Piece,
And becoming...
THE KING OF THE PIRATES..!" The Young Boy in Straw Hat says putting his hand in the air with a victory stance,

"And it's time i get my Loyal Crew...
About 10 men should do...
Ofcourse Women too but you know how it is..." The Young Boy in Straw Hat says pouring water out of his boat,
While a messenger bird squawks at The Boy.

"Ok, Ok, I know...
10 Men, Women and A Bird...
Happy..?" The Young Boy says with a smile pouring water out of the boat,

"So what do you say..?
Are you with me..?
Ready to become the first official member of my crew..?" The Young Boy ask hands on his hips with a grin,

The Bird tilted his head still Squawking and fly away to that boy's surprise,

"Mutiny..! Already..!" The Young Boy says sighing in defeat,

He looked at his boat slowly sinking into the sea and he can't keep pouring water outside the boat all day.
So he decided to empty a barrel full of fish and get inside locking himself up.

The sun sets and the Young boy snores inside the barrel sleeping without a care, floating in the middle of the sea where the waves taking him.
He spend the night inside the barrel curled up and somehow sleeps the whole night.

Morning comes quicker and The Young Boy's barrel came across a battle between Two Pirate Ships,
Firing cannons at each other...

"Take everything from them and throw the bodies on the sea.." A Fat Woman says holding an Iron Mace on her shoulder,

She is the captain on the Alvida Pirates,
Captain Alvida of East Blue.

"Leave the survivors to me..
Let's show them what true terror looks like.." Alvida says holding her mace on her shoulder,

The two Pirates groups battled for supremacy But Alvida and her crew gain the upper hand in ship size and numbers too.
The Alvida Pirates sink the enemy ship, Take in all the survivors as Prisoners and took all their belongings.
Food, Water, Sake, Treasure, Weapons, everything.
Two of her crew members carry a Barrel taken from the sea thinking its one of the enemy's Sake Barrels.

"So, Which one of you is gonna tell me where The Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro is..? I know he board on your ship.." Alvida says questioning the captured survivors,

"He sailed with us for a passage to Sixis Island in exchange for sparing our lives, But as soon as the Island get to our view,
He disappeared, Like a Ghost..
No one knows where or how he disappeared." The Captain of the Survivors says with fear in his eyes,

"Do not lie to me..
I know for a fact he is after my head.
Who else is worthy of his pursuit..?
He only hunt Pirates with Big Bountys." Alvida says threatening the captain of the survivors,

"He did mention The Names of Some of The Pirates on his list while drinking sake..." The Captain of the Survivors says with fear,

"And Ofcourse i was at the top of his list..." Alvida says with a smirk,

"Actually, Your Name wasn't even on his list.." The Captain of the Survivors says with a hesitating tone,

Alvida got mad as she picked up her mace and smacked that Captain's head killing him in an instant,

Clean up this mess..!" Alvida says walking away,

"Coming, Captain Alvida..!" A Young Boy with Pink Hair wearing a white t shirt and round glasses,

The crew members cleared up the body while Koby started cleaning the blood off the floor.

"Who's the most powerful and beautiful Pirate on the seas..?" Alvida asked in a loud tone,

"Captain Alvida..." The Crew says in unison but Koby looked so down.

The Night fall short and Koby was cleaning Alvida's Mace when he hear a sound,
He looked around to find a barrel moving on it's own with a groan.
Koby picked up a knife in defense and slowly approached the barrel in fear,

"Nyaaaaaa Hahahaha...
I SLEPT SOOOO GOOOOOOOD" The Young Boy in a Straw Hat burst open the barrel with a loud thud and laugh,

"Ahhhhhhh" Koby got scared and ran back screaming,

The Young Boy in Straw Hat got confused on why that Pink Haired guy running away,
So The Straw Hat Boy caught up to Koby and covered Koby's mouth with his palm and shushed him.

"Please don't kill me..." Koby says shaking in fear,

I'm not gonna kill you..
Just keep quiet or
you'll wake up the others...
But First things first..." The Straw Hat Guy put his face close to Koby with a serious look,

"Do you have any FOOD..?
I'm HUNGRYYYY..!" The Straw Hat Boy says with a grin and started searching around for food,

"Al-Alvida doesn't let anyone eat before she eats her meal..." Koby says picking himself up,

"Who's Alvida..?" The Straw Hat Boy asks still looking for food,

"Captain Alvida..
She is the Captain of The Alvida Pirates, You're in her ship.." Koby says with a confused look,

"Oh That's great.." The Straw Hat Guy says grinning at Koby,

Wh-Who the hell are you..?" Koby ask with a confused look,

"Oh Yeah..!
My name is Monkey.D.Luffy..!
And i'm a Pirate, Sheshesheshe...." The Straw Hat Boy says with a grin,

"You don't look like a pirate.." Koby says with a confused look,

"What do Pirates look like..?" Luffy ask with a smirk,

"Pirates are trash...
They are scum who doesn't care about innocent people..
They're just thieves and murderers.." Koby says with a disgusted face,

"Not the Pirates I know..!" Luffy says with a smile,

Luffy found chunk of meat and he started devouring the food...
Koby just looked confused cause Luffy is different from the Pirates he knew..

"I don't get it...
Why would anyone wanna be a pirate..?" Koby ask with a confused look,

"Cause it's the best thing there is..
You have the wind in your back,
Salty sea breeze on your face,
Your Loyal Crew by your side...
You never know what's in the horizon..! It's all about being free." Luffy says with a smile eating the meat,

"Nothing's free in Alvida's crew...
She tells me when to eat, when to sleep, It's worse than you imagine." Koby says with a disappointed look,

"So why don't you just leave..?
Why are you a pirate if you hate them so much..?" Luffy asks with a confused smile,

"2 years ago,
I got in my fishing boat to go fishing. But turns out, it was Alvida's boat.
They took me to their ship and made me their cabin boy in exchange for them letting me live." Koby says with a sad look,

"You're pretty Stupid, you know..?" Luffy says with a confused look,

"Gee, Thanks for your honesty." Koby says in disappointment,

"If you hate it, then leave.." Luffy says with a same confused look,

Nobody escapes from Alvida,
If they find out, they'll hunt me and kill me...
Just the thought about escaping scars me so bad i wanna throw up." Koby says with a frightened tone, shaking his head left and right,

"You're a Moron and a Coward..!
Hahahaha, I Hate people like you.
Hahahahahaha..." Luffy says with a laugh while Koby just cried with a defeated smile.

"So what about you..?
What made you set sail to the seas as a Pirate, Luffy..?" Koby ask with a curious look,

"Well you see...
I'm gonna be The King Of The Pirates,
Shesheshesheshe..." Luffy says with a grin,

No way, King Of The Pirates..?
That means you're looking for The Greatest Treasure...
The One Piece..?" Koby ask with a completely shocked face,

"Yeah..." Luffy says with a happy face,

"Yeah, my ass...
Pirates from all around the world is looking for that,
Big Powerful Pirats, The Government, The Emperors, all of em.
There is no way you can find it..." Koby says screaming in a terrified tone but Luffy bonked him in the head making Koby flinch in pain,

"It's not about if i can...
I'm doing this cause i want to...
I decided long ago that I'm gonna be
The King Of The Pirates...
If i have to die fighting for that,
Then i die.." Luffy says looking at his hat with absolutely no fear or worries or any regret.

Koby just looked at Luffy with an awe as he was speechless on how determined Luffy is about achieving his goal. Koby admired that about Luffy.
Luffy just walked away trying to look for a boat.

Luffy and Koby hear a huge sound...
They thought it was a Sea King or something else but it's just Alvida's snoring.
Koby bring Luffy to the deck,
To find him a Boat and help him get outta here before the Alvida or her crew spot em.
But Luffy being goofy as always made a sound which alarmed the crew as everyone wakes up and saw Koby with an Unknown Guy wearing a Straw Hat.

"What is the meaning of this..?" Alvida ask picking up her Mace surprising Koby and Luffy.

To Be Continued....


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