When we are happy

By fanofstoryyy

1.1M 24.9K 8.1K

Penelope pouts her lips and squeezes her eyeballs shut, scrunching her nose. "What the hell are you doing?" ... More

characters/ warnings
Chapter 2: Men
Chapter 3: Night
Chapter 4: Drugs
Chapter 5: Teeth
Chapter 6: Jingle bingle
Chapter 7: Happy
Chapter 8: Crying
Chapter 9: Angel
Chapter 10: Anxiety
Chapter 11: Girls sleepover
Chapter 12: Beer
Chapter 13: Snap
Chapter 14: Yell
Chapter 15: Baby
Chapter 16: Spinning
Chapter 17: Sunscreen
Chapter 18: Dressing room
Chapter 19: Bubbles
Chapter 20: Fair
Chapter 21: Ferris Wheel
Chapter 22: Sure
Chapter 23: Sore
Chapter 24: Belt
Chapter 25: Call
Chapter 26: Promise
Chapter 27: Dress up
Chapter 28: Shit
Chapter 29: Pale
Chapter 30: Cry
Chapter 31: Lap
Chapter 32: Cookie
Chapter 33: Horny, softie, dance
Chapter 34: Close
Chapter 35: Sugar daddy
Chapter 36: Bonnet

Chapter 1: Bike

44.2K 870 899
By fanofstoryyy

The sunlight gleams lighting up the sky as the moon slowly takes its place.

The warmth sinks into my skin and my soul heals crack by crack.

I spot Pat, the post man.

"Hi Pat!" I smile and wave slowing the speed on my bike.

"Afternoon, Penelope," A frown spreads on his face, "You're far from home this late, do you need a ride?"

"It's a ten minute ride, i'll be fi-ooo Pat is there a letter for me today?"

He nods, "At home kiddo,"

"Thank you."

I smile and continue on my way to the florist.

I climb off my pastel yellow bike and click down the bike stand before going through the door.

The owner, Gracie looks at me.

"What are you doing here, P? Your curfew is soon."

"I know," I smile, "I just wanted some flowers for my mum."

She nods in understanding and i dwandle around making a quick bouquet. I often come in, so Gracie lets me do the bouquets how i like.

A worm falls out a pot and goes toppling to the ground.

"Oh you poor wormy." I pick it up and it wiggles in my hand.

I laugh as it tickles, "Aren't you a little cutie patootie."

"Are you nearly done? I've got to get going." Gracie says.

"One moment."

I put the worm in the pot and quickly leave the store putting the flowers in my basket.

I begin riding home and i feel happy.

I like to feel the sun. I like to feel happy. I don't like feeling sad. It makes me feel horrible.

My legs works faster as i try and get home before curfew.

My dad will get mad and i don't want to be hur-i'm peddling and i hear a sudden pop and watch as my front tire deflates.

I quickly climb off and put the stand up.

"Oh no. No, no, no."

I look on my wheel and try and see what's wrong with it but i can't.

I watch as the sun is setting quickly and there isn't going to be daylight for much longer.

I slide my phone out and see it's 6:00pm.

My curfew. And i'm not home.

Oh no.

I need to find somewhere that can fix my bike. ASAP.

I look around for someone to help me. But all i see is a little old man walking by.

"Hello." I smile at him.

He looks at me and smiles, "Hi dear."

My hands shake as my phone begins blowing up with messages from my dad. I ignore them and search in my maps and see just down the street there is a mechanic. That is going to have to do.

I walk beside my bike and make my way over to the mechanic.

Sure this isn't good at all. But atleast i get to see the sun set.

The town slows down. The cars become less frequent. The streets get emptier.

I don't like it when it's like this. It's too quiet.

I sing to myself Ex's & Oh's by Elle King. It's my favourite song ever.

"Ex's and the Oh oh oh's they haunt me like g-hosts." I wiggle my hips as i get into the music in my mind.

When i arrive at the mechanic, there is a massive area for car parking and then a building, with roller doors up and a bunch of cars. Some even hang from the roof!

"Hello? Is someone here?" I walk beside my bike up to the front.

I watch as a man slides out from under the car and stands up.

Holy guacamole.

He's tall, really tall. Easy 6'5.

His brown hair doesn't even match to the darkness of his eyes. His stare is so intense and cold. His arms are covered in tattoos. They are in no petiuclar order, they are just placed randomly. He has no shirt on and i watch as sweat drops down his abs.

He's beautiful.

"We're closed."

His voice is deep and husky. It sounds like when i'm sick but all the time. Woah.

"Can you help me find out what's wrong with my bike?" I smile.

"We're closed."


"Come back tomorrow." He huffs leaning against the car and throwing the rag over his shoulder.

I look up at the name of the store.

Parker's Mechanic's.

"This is going to make me sound like a massive Karen but can i please speak to Parker."

"I am Parker. Like i've said, we're closed, go home."

"I can't go home until my bike is fixed."

He groans and tilts his head back and i watch as his jaw flexs, adams apple bobs.

He should put a shirt on. It's a bit distracting.

"I'm busy. Come back tomorrow." He grumbles and turns around.

"But i need to go ho- omg is that a golf buggy." I look to the right as a golf buggy is there.

The man, Parker, doesn't answer me and ignores me as he's looking for tools.

"I wanted a golf buggy once. They look like so much fun." I lower my bike and go over to the buggy.

I climb into the drivers seat, "Perfect fit."

I honk the horn, "Toot toot. Wait-no that's a train. Beep beeeeeep."

"Get out." I snap my head and see Parker leaning against the car.

"How do you just not sit and play with the cars all day?"

"I do, its my job. Now get out and go home." His voice goes sturner.

"You don't have to be so mean about it." I whisper and get out.

As im walking i trip on a spanner and fall face first into the ground.

"Ouchie, oh my god."

Of course i have to trip over in front of the most handsome man ever.

I rise to my feet and i turn around as Parker is smirking at me leaning against a pillar.

"Cute panties." He points.

I look down and see my pastel purple sundress has raised and caught itself in my bra strap, totally revealing my white knickers with a little bow.

"Holy guacamole." I lower my dress and brush it down as my cheeks ignite in flames.

Our eyes lock and the humour in his eyes die and they turn cold once again.

"So uhm im just gonna go," I look and see as the moon is starting to come out, "I can walk i guess, there isn't many thugs in this town right? I'll be fine. Uhm ill be back tomorrow to bring my bike in. Thanks for your help."

I begin to leave and i pick up my bike, readjusting the flowers when i hear Parker groan.

"For fucks sake, i'll drive you home."

I turn around with a smile, "Really?"

"Don't trust you walking at night. You'll thank a kidnapper for choosing you or some shit." He grumbles sliding on a black shirt.

"Thanks, i guess." I frown, "Is that a compliment?"

A smirk spreads his lips as he shakes his head and turns the garage lights off.

I watch as he closes one of the roller doors with ease. I go to the other roller door and try to reach it. I'm not tall enough.

I jump and grab onto the end of the door, though it doesnt move. I'm just hanging off the roller door.

I look at Parker as he turns to me and frowns.

"I wanted to test out what it would be like to be a bat." I explain.

"Bats hang upside down."

"I can do that." I wiggle my legs and try to raise them.

"Fucking hell, it was a joke."

I feel his hands wrap around my waist and he holds me in one arm while he grabs my bike and puts it beside the golf buggy, holds the flowers and closes the roller shutter door.

He walks to a deep green pick up truck, i assume it's his.

"I can walk, you know?"

"I don't want you to go to-,"

"Look at all those golf buggies!" I squeal and point at the yard of buggies.

I wiggle my legs, "Can we go look?"

"I thought you had to get home."

"Oh yeah, right." I nod.

My mind wonders as he adjusts tools in the back of his ute tray.

By the time i get home it will be 6:30. By the time i get home its past my curfew. By the time i get home, i'll be in trouble.

"Are you cold?" Parker asks handing me the flowers.

"No, why?"

"Youre shaking."

"Im fine."

He opens the car door for me with a frown before lowering me to the ground. I slowly climb into the ute and buckle my seatbelt as Parker closes the door and goes to the drivers side of the car.

"Your name is actually Parker isn't it? Or were you lying that you owned the place."

"My name is Parker and i do own it." He mumbles.

"My name is Pene-hey both our names start with a P. Wait my name is Penelope, did i say that? I don't like it that much, people at school never liked it, but its nice sometimes."

"Where am i taking you?

"Oh uhm, 19 Otto Street."

He nods.

"I like to see what words i can make out of my name. Pen, elope, thats all i came up with," I look at Parker as his hands flex as he changes gears and drives his car easily.

"Your name could make Park or Kerr. Like Sam Kerr in the Australian soccer team."

He glances at me, "You talk a lot."

"My brain thinks a lot."

"Anything important up there?"

"Everything i say is important."

I carry the conversation until the car haults to a stop.

I continue talking until Parker cuts in, "You're here."

I look at my house and see my dad sitting on the front porch in his rocking chair, beer in hand.

I nod and climb out. Parker does too.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning?" He asks, lips tight and brows drawn.

I watch as my dad is staring at me and him. I can feel the weight of his stare on my shoulders.

Why did i stay out so late? I should of been home earlier. It was stupid to think i could make it home on time if i got flowers.

I sniffle and hold the flowers tighter in my hand.


I snap my head to Parker. That is the first time he has said my name and wow. I have goosebumps.

"Bye Parker. Thanks for the ride."

I smile and walk down the path of my house before my smile drops as my dad stands up.

"Why are you late?"

"I wanted to get flowers for mum." I whisper as he prowls in the door behind me.

"Who was that boy?"

"He just gave me a lift."

I walk upstairs and to my mothers room. She's asleep.

I stare at her fragile crippling body as shes hooked to all the machines to keep her living.

I quietly replace the dying flowers as a tear slips down my cheek. I quickly wipe it and kiss mums forehead, "I love you."

I go downstairs back to my angry father.

My mum got diagnosed with breast cancer, soon after i was born. She did recover but over the past few years it did come back.

And my dad blames me.

They were madly in love, i remember it as a kid, They were so perfect, we were the perfect happy family.

But as soon as mama got sick again, my dad started drinking. He got fired from his job, and now hes just angry all the time.

Angry at me.

"You know its your fault your mother is that way?" The anger ripples in his throat as he places his beer down and undoes his belt.

I slowly step back away from him and he steps forward.

"I didnt mean to make her sick." I sniffle as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"You don't deserve to cry." He folds his belt in his hand and my entire body trembles.

"Please don't hit me." I sob and flinch as my back hits a wall.

My dads tired eyes don't show any guilt as he comes towards me.

"Daddy please," I cry, "I never meant to make her unwell. I wish it was me not her."

"Turn around."

"Please." I whimper.

"Turn the fuck around!" He yells.

I turn around and press the left side of my face against the wall waiting for the impact.

I let out a scream as he whips my back with his belt.

"Dad, stop, please." I beg.

"You know the fucking pain you put your mother through? This is what you deserve."

I sob as he continues the hits. I don't have enough strength to stand anymore as i slide to the floor into my usual comfort ball.

"Go to your room."

I stay. I can't get the energy to move.

"Go the fuck to your room!" He slaps my wrist and i yelp scrambling to my feet and up to my room.

I wish it wasn't this way.

I meant what i said.

I wish it was me that was sick. Not her.

first chapter!! i hope you enjoyed

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