Shantae and the last Genie

By VileTheMandalorian

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It was a beautiful afternoon when Shantae and Sky were flying over the scorching desert, they had just return... More

The boy in the desert.
Home sweet home.
Attack on Scuttle Town
The awakening
Saving a life
Journey to the desert
The Tan Line Temple
The Ceremony
The secret room
The Dangerous Twins
Mechanical Battle
The Truth - Part 1
The Truth - Part 2
Elementary Magic and Problems of a Zombie Girl
Conversations with a zombie

Maybe a new home?

239 9 0
By VileTheMandalorian

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Eventually, morning arrived in Scuttle Town. Inside the lighthouse, Tyson yawned as the sun's rays hit his face. He took a deep breath and sighed relaxed at the feeling that he hadn't slept so well in years. Despite still having injuries, his body was rested and he could feel even lighter despite feeling a certain weight on top of him.

Confused by this, the boy took one of his hands to his eyes to rub them and see what was lying on top of him and when he realized what it was, his face gradually became as red as his clothes.

Shantae was seen lying over him in the hammock as a peaceful, warm expression dominated his features as she slept clinging to him. The boy noticed that he was hugging her around the waist and quickly let go of the girl while wondering how she had ended up on top of him.

Tyson: (Thoughts) Seriously Shantae, you kill me! Your mother might well do something to punish me now!

It didn't take long for the Half-Genie to wake up from her sleep as she slowly opened her eyes while yawning cutely. She looked up only to have her eyes and Tyson's meet as her faces were inches apart.

Shantae blinked a few times as a small blush began to creep across her cheeks as Tyson swallowed hard at how close they were to each other. They could feel each other's warm breath as the tip of their noses touched and the gaze between the two intensified more.

The girl started to lean in to kiss him and the boy sweated with nervousness, but before the kiss could happen, a voice spoke with obvious anger in his tone.

Sky: What the hell is going on here?! Shantae! Tyson!

The teens lying in the hammock jumped startled by this as they looked over the opening to see Sky climbing the rope as she leapt to her feet with a look that burned with fury at the sight of the two of them in the hammock together.

Sky fumed with anger as she glared at Tyson who cringed in the certainty that the blonde would kill him soon.

Shantae got up in a hurry as well as the boy who stuttered trying to explain that it was all a misunderstanding.

Shantae: Sky?! It's not what you're thinking!

Sky: I think that's exactly what I'm thinking!

Shantae: What are you doing here?!

Sky went to the small table, placing a whistle on the stand next to it.

Sky: You forgot your whistle at the hatchery. I came to give it back but clearly you were busy!

Tyson: B-B-But we weren't doing anything!

Sky: You're dead, young man!

Tyson: Not me! I did nothing!

He whimpered as the blonde's presence loomed over him as she gave him a death glare.

Sky: Tyson Tatemukai, you have three minutes to run before I send Wrench after you! STARTING NOW!

The young Genie would assume she was bluffing, but the death glare she gave him and the bird he noticed outside the round window watching him with murderous intent told him this was no joke.

He swallowed hard as he prepared to run away, but soon stopped when the purple haired girl grabbed his arm while the boy looked at her in confusion.

Shantae: Wait! I've been wondering if we could hang out just the two of us sometime if you want. I wanted to know more about my Genie part.

She looked at him with hopeful eyes and the boy gained a small smile forgetting for a moment that he was about to be hunted by a huge hawk.

Tyson: Anytime, just tell me when.

Shantae: So it's a date.

She spoke in a teasing tone, but Tyson could tell it wasn't as much of a joke as it sounded and just smiled in response.

Sky snarled like an enraged jaguar as her eyes narrowed on the boy.

Sky: One minute!

The swordsman highly doubted that two minutes had already passed, but he decided not to waste time challenging the girl any further than he already was.

Without wasting another second he leapt over the net to fall straight through the hole on the second floor and land straight on the first as he grabbed his backpack and ran to the door before opening it and rushing outside as he pulled on his shoes and continued. running away from the lighthouse as fast as he could.

He risked a glance back only to see a now frighteningly large hawk chasing him across Scuttle Town and he thought how good it would be if his Solar Surfer was fixed.

This would be his new life now, living as a new resident of Scuttle Town. He knew Sky was mad now, but in time she would grow to like him. He would come to meet new people, like Mimic, Bolo and Rottytops, and would be able to teach Shantae about her heritage as a Genie and do the best he could to make up for the mistake that took her mother away.

Maybe here he could start over and try to put his tragic past behind him. Maybe here he could have the chance to be happy again, at least he would like it to be.

Days later...

Tyson: Damn, I'm late.

It's been a week since Tyson ventured with Shantae to Tan Line Island. Since then, things have been going great for the last Genie.

In that time he spent living in Shantae's lighthouse who didn't mind having him there with her. The boy, however, did not want to be more of a nuisance than he had already been or to give more work than he had already given and started to do several jobs, going against the will of his new friends who insisted that he rest to recover from his injuries of your last battle.

Despite having some money with him, the boy would need a little more to get a house. Fortunately Tyson had managed to find a house not far from the Shantae Lighthouse, but with a beautiful view of the sea and the city's port.

He could buy it once he had enough money to get a new home and become an official resident of Scuttle Town. The swordsman had managed to get a few jobs around the city, among them the one that stood out the most was as a blacksmith.

Tyson remembered how he used to help his Uncle Owen in the Genie blacksmith shop and it was something the boy was very proud of as he could have been apprenticed to the best blacksmith the Genie Realm had ever seen.

He soon became the newest blacksmith at the Scuttle Town forge working for the owner of the place, Squidsmith.

Squidsmith was a 28- to 30-year-old female. She has white hair with a red ribbon on her head and a fringe covering one of her eyes, her eyes are very dark lilac, she wore a purple top that revealed her belly and hugged her breasts, she wore dark purple gloves and long burgundy boots reddish.

As the only blacksmith in Scuttle Town, the woman needed help at the forge and Tyson couldn't have come at a better time.

She was surprised by the young man who showed a lot of knowledge and skill, handling the instruments well and identifying all the materials used, even those that were good and bad. It didn't take long for her to hire the young man who proved to be very helpful and hardworking.

Squidsmith was even a little envious of how someone so young-looking could have so much experience, perhaps even more than she herself. But she had to admit to herself that it was nice to have company and someone who enjoyed what she did, and she dreamed that maybe if she was a little younger she could try to get close to her new helper.

Tyson in turn was glad he got the job as a blacksmith, it was nice to be able to use what he knew to build things and help others and he saw it as a way of honoring what his late uncle had taught him.

However, despite being good at forging, the last Genie strongly refused to forge any and all types of weapons. It didn't matter to him if it was ranged or melee, he wouldn't make any weapons and refused to repair each one that was brought to the forge.

When asked about it, the boy just said he had his reasons, tried to change the subject by giving vague answers that in the end did not answer anything.

Just like his first job, his second job wasn't cool at all, like being a palace guard or a hunter. But Tyson wanted to get away as much as possible from fights and battles to try to forget his tragic past, but the Jingu Qaun bracelet was in charge of being a constant reminder of his mistakes.

Still, he would try to hold his head high. His second job was quite interesting, though. Still, he could never have imagined that Sky would end up being his boss. God, in the name of Great Shintaro, that girl looked ready to throttle him just on a whim.

After Sky attacked him after finding out that he and Shantae were together in the hammock, she ended up calming down after leaving him with some bumps on his head and a severe headache. After that she offered Tyson a job at her Hatchery as an assistant and the spiky-haired, pointy-eared brunette supposed it was perhaps a disguised apology for being so rude to him.

Ultimately, her Hatchery was growing by the day and she needed help. Also, Sky wanted to keep an eye on Tyson. Of course she had gained a little more confidence in him, she wanted to make sure he wasn't causing any trouble. At least that's what she told the boy.

Turns out the truth is that she felt he was hiding something very bad, a guarded secret and locking up the seven keys that the mere mention of it haunted the boy. Not to mention that the blonde still hadn't completely forgiven him. Tyson didn't blame her, of course. Shantae was his best friend. He would be protective too.

Speaking of Shantae, the Half-Genie and Pure-Blood Genie's relationship was growing stronger. The duo was together whenever they were free. Tyson had gone on to tell her what the Genie Realm was like and that although they were harsh and cold at times, its people could also be full of compassion, as was the case with Shantae's mother and the other Guardian Genies.

Shantae heard the stories she always wanted about her mom and dad, what they were like, the adventures they had and what their love was like. Tyson described that the relationship between the girl's parents was beautiful and that she couldn't be around them without feeling awkward or that she was holding back.

Tyson also took the opportunity to teach Shantae about the language of the Genies, which the girl had some difficulty learning, but with some practice she would learn. He also introduced her to Shapphire's recordings and teachings that were stored in Orbcron's memory, the puzzle sphere that Tyson cherished and Shantae could see that several of her spells were also used by her Shapphire and that made her feel closest to her mother.

Tyson also started to train Shantae in combat, but he never dared to attack her for fear of hurting the girl and knowing that she wouldn't have her chance against him, at least in hand-to-hand combat without the use of powers, because in battle with the use of magic and powers, Tyson would take a beating from Shantae for not being able to use his power without getting hurt, but he knew he would have nothing to do against it.

Mimic even insisted on trying to get Jingu Quan out of the boy's arm and Tyson remembered the thousands of times the old inventor spent hours trying to cause a miserable scratch on the damn bracelet that didn't suffer any damage, in compensation the old man ended up having to find a new toolbox, as all the ones I had were damaged by the enchanted bracelet.

Bolo had also approached the last Genie. The two spent time talking like good friends and even had friendly fights with each other, which the skinny boy lost all of them even using his flail while Tyson faced him empty-handed, but there was nothing to do since the Genie had decades of experience.

Despite receiving several offers to win a new sword, Tyson immediately refused when he claimed that a Genie was attached to his weapon which he built himself when he graduated from the Academy of Genie Knights to then be chosen by his teacher. He had made a big mistake in losing his magic sword, but he knew that a Genie's weapon would always return to its true owner's hands. He would just have to wait for her to come back to him and if he had to face Ammo Baron, who was the one he believed had the sword, he would do so without fear.

This brings us to now. Tyson had just finished his work at Sky's Hatchery and was heading into town to see Shantae. Today he and she planned their next training when Tyson would finally start teaching Shantae about magic. Care had to be taken because magical powers were extremely dangerous if used carelessly, especially for half-Genies who might have difficulty controlling their powers, and thinking about it, Tyson was reminded of the other Half-Genies he had trained before.

He was a little late, and he'd admit it, but that was because Sky had made him clean Wrench's feathers before he left. Tyson wasn't exactly sure why, but he had a strong feeling the blonde was purposely trying to slow him down.

He headed towards the center of town while greeting some people who waved at him and that's when he saw her.

She was standing in front of the city fountain, radiant and beautiful as ever. His tanned skin seemed to glow in the sun, and the fountain's fire hydrants made the scene even more beautiful. She was wearing her trademark outfit; her baggy red pants that had gold bows coming out of the top and a red bra with a gold ring in the middle. Her golden armbands, earrings, and diadem accentuated her flawless body, and her long, beautiful purple hair was tied back in a ponytail. It was noticeable that it was so that she could style her hair more easily, but she still managed to make it look great.

She was simply beautiful to Tyson who started to blush looking at the beautiful girl. He slapped himself hard to stop these thoughts that he considered wrong and tried to drive them from his mind believing that he was not worthy of the girl at all and that his mentor Shapphire would not be happy that he was liking her daughter.

Shantae looked around feeling a familiar presence and that's when her eyes bright as diamonds met his across the square, and she smiled brightly at the boy. Her smile always brightened his day and he knew he couldn't do anything to change that. She ran across the street to meet him, accidentally bumping into a few people in her path. She jumped to stand in front of him and smiled.

Shantae: You're late, silly.

She said sarcastically and he just smiled, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as he pretended to pout.

Tyson: Sorry about that, little one. I had to finish a job.

Shantae just rolled her eyes.

Shantae: Let me guess. Sky keeping you busy again?

She must have guessed she was right by the expression on the boy's face, because she continued.

Shantae: I know she means well, but she thinks you just want to play with me.

Tyson: Of course she would think that, she caught us together that day.

The comment made both of them remember the little incident days ago as the girl gained a little blush as she shyly looked away.

Shantae: II already apologized for that!

Tyson: And I said I didn't need to apologize, I never complained. I'm just curious how you got on top of me.

Shantae: W-Good... I-I... am I sleepwalking?

She spoke more like it was a question and it didn't go unnoticed by Tyson who looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but something inside him told him that she had laid on top of him on purpose.

Tyson: Well, it's not like I'm saying I didn't like it hehehe.

He teased her by leaning close to her with a smirk as Shantae's face turned red with embarrassment and upon seeing this Tyson burst out laughing in amusement as the girl rolled her eyes with a smile that was impossible to suppress.

Shantae: You're so silly. So... what are we going to do, my newest teacher?

Tyson: Um. That's a good question my young apprentice hehe. I'm thinking of starting teaching you about magic.

The girl's eyes sparkled with excitement at the news as she jumped up and down in glee.

Shantae: Finally! It's about time! What are you going to teach me first? Maybe I'll make a wall of fire? Maybe a hurricane? I know, I know! How about that energy giant you made that time?!

The boy smiled at her excitement, it would be fun to teach the girl what he learned from her mother, but he would have to start from the beginning for the girl's safety.

Tyson: Wow wow wow, calm down. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk around and then learn to walk after running.

Shantae: So what are we going to do?

Tyson: You'll find out. How about we go get something to eat and then we'll talk? I hear the chef on Main Street makes the best cooked salmon.

Shantae's eyes widened a little in understanding as he spoke with a smile.

Shantae: Oh, that's right, you haven't been there yet! You will love. It's probably the best place to eat in Scuttle Town!

She then grabbed his hand as she began to guide him as he let himself be led.

Tyson: Really? I bet it must be better than what you cook. *laughter*

Shantae punched him in the shoulder and stuck her tongue out at him and looked ahead of her. They walked like that, absently holding hands and enjoying each other's company until they reached Main Street.

Tyson: We're-

Rottytops: Tyson! Shantae!

A familiar voice shouted from behind the duo. The two turned and, passing through the crowd of people, they soon saw her. It was easy to see his zombie green skinned body passing through the crowd of human residents.

Tyson: Rottytops?

The zombie girl walked past everyone to get to them. She walked over and smiled widely.

Rottytops: Long time no see! I saw Shantae yesterday, but how long has it been for you, Tyson? One week?

Tyson: I think about ten days.

He spoke with a smile as Shantae let go of his hand and smiled hugging Rotty briefly.

Shantae: Wow, what a surprise!

She said excitedly. Rotty then turned to the boy and suddenly hugged him. Her action took him a little by surprise, but he hugged her back.

Rotty pulled back and looked at the two when the Half-Genie asked curiously.

Shantae: So what brings you here, Rotty?

Rottytops: Oh, you know, I thought I'd come over and say hi!

She said, laughing a little too briefly as she glared at the boy.

Rottytops: Tyson, how are you? Good?

She asked, pushing her hair out of her face and the young swordsman noticed that she looked a little shy.

Tyson: I'm great Rotty. I got two jobs and soon I will have my new home sweet home. I got a discount for saving the city. Things are looking up for me.

Rottytops: This is great! You'll have to show me sometime! We could go out together anytime!

Her face got a little red and she played with her hands a little.

Rottytops: N-Not as a date, of course. Just like friends!

Tyson's head tilted slightly. Normally, Rottytops was free-spirited and open about his feelings. But now she looked a little shy. He wasn't sure what was wrong, but he realized that Shantae had also noticed when she spoke to get the zombie girl's attention.

Shantae: Rotty? How did you get here? Did you take a ship?

Rotty appeared to be taken aback. She was even more shy now.

Rottytops: O-Oh, I... Well...

That's when a male voice answered nearby.

???: We took the Zombie Caravan.

Tyson's ears perked up when he heard that half-familiar voice. The three turned to see a tall, green-skinned man approach and stand beside Rottytops.

Shantae: Oh hey Abner.

Abner is a muscular green zombie with yellow eyes and dark green hair. As a costume, he wears a purple jacket, blue pants with a brown belt and a golden buckle, and brown shoes.

Tyson's suspicions had been confirmed when he'd heard that name. It didn't take another second for the two men's gazes to meet and they glanced at each other as the tension building in the place could be sensed by the girls.

Rottytops: Hey, why the weird weather?

Shantae: I don't have a good feeling.

The two guys continued to stare at each other when they suddenly pointed their fingers at each other while having frowns on their faces.

Tyson/Abner: You!!

The girls were fearful with the expressions of the two when they faced each other snarling. It was then that their frowns gave way to nostalgic and excited looks as the two raised their arms in celebration.

Tyson: Abner!

Abner: Tyson!

To Shantae and Rotty's surprise, the two boys ran towards each other while laughing heartily before greeting each other by clapping their hands at insane speed before putting an arm over the other's shoulder as they cackled together like two giggling children.

The girls looked at the two curiously to see them being as friendly to each other as good comrades.

Shantae: So, you two know each other.

Abner: Hmm... you could say yes.

Tyson: It's been a few years since we last saw each other. I was on Spiderweb Island and ended up falling into a hole where I got trapped and hours later Abner appeared.

Abner: I had escaped from a giant spider, but it split me in half and took the bottom part. I managed to escape and that's when I found this porcupine head.

Tyson: This rotten gamba tried to eat my brain, but it was afraid it would end up stuck in the hole and the spider was after it. Then we made a deal.

Abner: I would pull him out of the hole and he would help me get my bottom back.

Tyson: It took some work to defeat the spider, but in the end it was fun.

Abner: Right, I remember you running with your tail between your legs at the end.

He then looks at the young Genie with a smug look and the swordsman just rolls his eyes.

Tyson: That's because you weren't the one who had a whole horde of hungry zombies after your brain. That's why I never dared set foot in that place again.

The two chuckled a bit before looking at the two girls to see them with different expressions on their faces. Shantae seemed to enjoy the story as imagining Tyson being chased by zombies certainly should have been comic.

Rottytops, in turn, seemed sullen with her brother for never having told him anything about her adventure with the boy with the spiky black hair and pointy ears.

Rottytops: Abner, why didn't you ever tell me about this?!

The man just shrugged as he spoke dismissively.

Abner: You never asked. I didn't think it was that important.

Rottytops: But of course it is! If you had told me, I would have met Tyson first and caught his eye before Shantae!

Tyson: Wait, what do you mean? Get my attention?

Upon realizing what she had said, the zombie girl started to blush as she waved her arms as she spoke with shame in her voice.

Rottytops: N-Nothing! It's nothing important!

The others looked at her with some doubt raising their eyebrows before shrugging.

Shantae: Anyway, Abner, I didn't expect you to come to Scuttle Town!

Abner: Yeah, I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important... being around a crowd of people is really not a good idea for someone like me.

He was right in a way, but what he didn't seem to realize was that while some people passing by seemed to be afraid of him, many women passed by admiring him, even though he was a zombie with a bit of flesh missing from his head, allowing a little of your skin hug your skull directly.

Tyson had to admit, it was a little hard to find zombies that actually had any sort of conscience and it was a little surprising that Rotty and Abner could have control over their undead instincts amidst a city full of floating brains.

Tyson: It's being able to meet him again Abner. You still look the same as before.

Abner looked him down at first, but then his expression brightened a little as he chuckled a little before speaking.

Abner: Look who's talking, over a thousand years of existence and you're still the same as you were. Truly your people exceed the limits of time. I heard about how you and Shantae saved my little sister from those Scorpgals, so thanks for that.

Rottytops: Hey! To be fair, I saved him right after!

She protested, but Abner simply ignored her.

Abner: It was really good to see you too, old chap.

Shantae: Abner, you said you came for something important. What is wrong?

The zombie man sighed a bit before answering.

Abner: Well, like I said, we took the Zombie Caravan over here. I didn't want us to go back with them, but we had no choice. Hypno Baron came back and kicked us out of the house.

Shantae frowned at that.

Shantae: Hypno Baron. What is that evil demon up to?

Abner: I'm not sure, but it can't be good.

He then rubbed his chin trying to think of an answer.

Abner: Whatever it is, I was hoping you could kick him out again, Shantae. We were doing very well in that mansion, and I would be happy if you could let us go back.

Shantae: I would be happy too.

She spoke now determined and full of energy.

Shantae: Besides, it's likely that Hypno Baron is planning something really evil!

Tyson: After all, how many of these barons are out there? I remember they didn't exist before. But anyway, I'm going along to help you.

He didn't know who Hypno Baron was, but if he was as dangerous as Ammo Baron was, then he had a big reason to be worried and he wouldn't let Shantae go alone. Besides, Rotty was her friend and he would allow himself to let her lose her home as he had lost his.

Abner: It will be great to have you by our side. We're with the Zombie Caravan, but they've stopped here outside of Scuttle Town and won't leave for another two days. Poe is there now. Once you've kicked Hypno Baron out, they'll take us back home.

Shantae: Sounds good. Tyson and I are leaving tomorrow morning. We'll be sure-

Rottytops: W-wait!

She interrupted suddenly which made Shantae, Tyson and Abner look at her, who soon became nervous again with the attention.

Rottytops: H-Hypno Baron is too dangerous... Shantae can handle him, but he-he's too dangerous for Tyson...

She spoke rubbing her arm shyly evident in her gaze.

Tyson cocked his head in obvious curiosity and confusion, not quite sure where this was going or where this sudden concern had come from. Abner looked confused too, but then he looked at Shantae, who looked back at him. It was as if they shared some sort of unspoken understanding about what was going on with Rottytops, which Tyson couldn't understand and felt a little left out of their unspoken understanding.

Shantae: She's right. It looks very dangerous. You might want to stay out of this one, Tyson.

Tyson: Hi? What are you kidding? I don't doubt that you can take care of yourself, but I promised your mother that I would protect you and-

He stopped in the hallway during his sentence when he saw the look Shantae was giving him and could see the answer in her eyes. She looked at him as if to say, "I'll explain later."

The swordsman sighed in annoyance at being left out as he crossed his arms.

Tyson: Okay. I'll stay out if that's what you want.

Rottytops smiled a little, then blushed at herself. Abner put a hand on her shoulder.

Abner: Thank you Shantae. If you need me, I'll be at the Caravan.

Shantae: Okay.

Rotty and Abner turned, but before the two zombies could leave, Shantae grabbed Rotty's shoulder to get her attention.

Shantae: Before I leave tomorrow morning, you must meet me and Tyson here on Main Street for breakfast. We need to catch up.

Rotty smiled and nodded.

Rottytops: Sounds like a date!

She then turned to Tyson with a small blush on her face.

Rottytops: Plutonically, I mean! As friends!

She explained quickly and Abner grabbed her arm and started to lead her away.

Abner: Come on, you're embarrassing yourself...

He simply said. Then the two zombies disappeared into the crowd.

The two blue-eyed youths stood still for a while, thinking about what had just happened when the boy looked at the girl with doubt in his eyes.

Tyson: What in the name of the Great Shintaro happened here? Is there something I don't know that I should know? Are you sure you don't want me to go? I know I don't have my sword, but if I'm not wrong, I'm pretty much the most powerful creature in Sequin Land, so why-

Before he could continue, Shantae placed her finger on her lips making him shut up.

Shantae: I'll tell you later. That's if you don't find out first. Now, I just want to enjoy some salmon with you.

Tyson scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable with the whole mystery and even more worried about the whole situation. The idea of Shantae facing Hypno Baron alone made him fearful.

Tyson: Do you really have to be mysterious about this? Hmm... look who's talking, the same guy who ten days ago didn't give an exact answer about almost nothing.

Shantae: Exactly. Come now!

She grabbed his arm and started pulling him into the restaurant so they could talk and eat together.

Tyson: (Thoughts) One moment! What are we doing now is a date?

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