By Sylviarace2

325 31 0

In the world of Remnant, a place where science and fairy tales coexist, human civilization is pledged by dead... More

Chapter 0.1 - Prologue: Red
Chapter 0.2 - Prologue: White
Chapter 0.3 - Prologue: Black and Navy Blue
Chapter 0.5 - Prologue: Aqua
Chapter 1.0 - Prologue: Legends, stories scattered through time...
Chapter 1.1 - Team RWBY
Chapter 1.2 - Team REBL, the first team of young professional huntsmen...
Chapter 1.3 - The two girls in Black and White with Visions...
Chapter 1 - The Fall of Beacon; part 1
Chapter 2 - The Fall of Beacon; part 2
Chapter 3 - The Fall of Beacon; part 3
Chapter 4 - The Fall of Beacon; part 4/Final
Chapter 0.6 - Prologue: Indigo
Chapter 0.7 - Prologue: Orange
Chapter 5 - The Realm of Darkness; part 1
Chapter 6 - Team RNJR's Story
Chapter 7 - Weiss and Lily's Story
Chapter 8 - Yang and Roxas' Story
Chapter 9 - Blake's Story
Chapter 10 - Rave, Oscar and Sonya's Story
Chapter 11 - The Realm of Darkness; part 2
Epilogue - Little Red Riding Hood's notes
Chapter 0.8 - Prologue: The story of the family of Gods of Light and Darkness
Chapter 0.9 - Prologue: The Branwen twins and the Flame Acolyte
Chapter 12 - Welcome to Haven
Chapter 13: Dread in the Air
Chapter 14: Unforeseen Complications
Chapter 15: Lightning the Fire
Chapter 16: Necessary Sacrifice
Chapter 17: Known by its Song

Chapter 0.4 - Prologue: Yellow and Crimson

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By Sylviarace2

~ Normal pov ~



Yang Xiao Long is shown riding her motorcycle through the streets of Vale. She eventually stops in front of a club that is blasting music.

As she walks through the club, she saw Roman Torchwick ending a conversation with Junior. She makes her way to the bar where Junior stands.

Yang: Strawberry Sunrise. No ice. Oh, and one of those little umbrellas.

Yang said.

Junior: Aren't you a little young to be in a club, Blondie?

Junior mocked.

Yang: Aren't you a little old to have a name like Junior?

Yang giggled.

Junior: So you know who I am. You got a name, sweetheart?

Junior asked.

Yang: Yes, Junior, I got several. But instead of sweetheart, you can just call me sir.

Yang replied and she suddenly grabs his groin and squeezes it painfully causing Junior to cry out in pain comically.

Yang: People say you know everything.

Yang continued to say. She brings her scroll up to his face, showing him a couple pictures.

Yang: Tell me where I can find them and I'll let you go.

Yang demanded.

Junior: I've never seen them before, I swear!

Junior strained.

Yang: Excuse me?

Yang asked.

Junior: I swear, sir!

Junior replied, straining. Junior's henchmen began to gather around.

Yang: Hmm, looks like we have an audience. This must kind of embarrassing for you, huh? Awkward...

Yang said.

Junior: Listen, Blondie Sir. If you want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. Now!

Junior warned, straining. She lets go and Junior sighs in relief.

Junior: You'll pay for that!

Junior threatened. He puts on his sunglasses and walks away from her. Yang follows closely behind.

Yang: Oh Junior, I was just playing with you! Don't be so sensitive! Come on, let's kiss and make up, okay?

Yang teased. Junior stops and turns around.

Junior: Huh? Uh, okay.

Junior said. As he leans in, she punches him in the face, sending him flying across the room. The henchmen run towards her.

Activating Ember Celica, Yang jumps into the air and punches down, sending them flying back. She takes out all the henchmen and even the DJ when the two Malachite twins step into the room.

Miltia: Melanie, who is this girl?

Miltia asked her sister.

Melanie: I dunno, Miltia. But we should teach her a lesson.

Melanie replied back.

Yang loads another belt of ammunition into her weapon and takes out the twins after a struggle. The holograms in the club suddenly turns off and a spotlight shines on Junior as he brings out his bazooka.

Junior: You're gonna pay for this!

Junior growled. He begins to attack, but in the end is taking out in a fierce punch by Yang, who grew angry at having some of her hair pulled out in the fight.

He flies out of the window, landing in front of Ruby. Yang comes outside shortly after.

Ruby: Yang? Is that you?

Ruby asked.

Yang: Oh! Hey sis!

Yang greeted her little sister.

Ruby: What are you doing here?

Ruby asked her sister. Yang sighs.

Yang: It's a long story.

Yang sighed. She then someone remembers something or rather someone that she needs to ask her sister about it as she looks at her sister.

Yang: Hey Ruby, have you seen Roxas by any chance?

Yang asked Ruby. Ruby shook her head as the answer.

Ruby: No, but I thought he was with you.

Ruby replies, Yang shook her head and sighed again but with a smile on her face.

Yang: That Dragon boy is so stubborn. But, he is my Dragon boy after all. We probably should find him before something happens to him...


Meanwhile Roxas Evans is shown riding his motorcycle through the streets on the other side of Vale.

He stops in front of that dingy part of town, he gets off the bike and strides inside. His boots clunking against the pavement. The place smelled like smoke and garbage, with a hint of old blood from an unknown source.

There are several men loitering around, each armed to the teeth. Roxas is being careful not to reveal his draw attention to himself. He finally sneaks into a dark alley, when he came out the other end, there's a dust store getting robbed. His eyes narrowed, sickened by the crime happening in this city.

He walked inside and walked to one henchman, lightly tapping him on the shoulders. The henchman turned around, only to be met with a blunt of Fire Axe, knocking the guy out.

He stealthily did the same thing to all the other henchmen. Roxas spotted one threatening to shoot as she shakily tried to give him her belongings.

But then, the henchman was thrown aside by a strike of fire, revealing Roxas behind him.

Roxas: Go! Get to safety!

Roxas yelled out and the woman obligated.

He rushed to another room, ready to fight the boss, Roman Torchwick.

Roman: Come on, what's taking so long?

The orangeheaded man asked irritably.

Roxas: Oh, I think your shipment of stolen goods will be a while.

Roxas said, making his presence known.

Roman: Roxas Evans himself. I should have known a goody-two shoes like you would ruin my fun as usual.

Roman said, sneering at the red-haired boy.

Roxas: Roman Torchwick, the so-called criminal overlord. Although, if your henchmen are any indication, that claim might be a little exaggerated as usual.

Roxas said to the overlord.

Roxas: I want some answers from you, right here and right now. People told me that you and Junior both knew everything.

Roxas continued as he brings his scroll up for Roman to see, showing him a photo, Roman's eyes widen when he saw that photo, meaning that he knows that person.

Roxas: You need to tell me where I can find her and I'll spare you or else...

Roxas demanded.

Roman: If you ever want an answer from me, then you're going to have to go through me first. But however, you'll get nothing from me and I'll have to prove you wrong.

Roman growled as he refused to give Roxas the answer. He shoots a bullet at Roxas, though Roxas was able to deflect with his axe.

He leaps backwards, dodging the incoming bullets as he tries to make his way closer to roman. Roman aims another bullet at him, this time he dodges it with ease as well.

Fire Axe fueled by fire dust, he slashes at Roman. It doesn't touch him, but the power of the dust pushes him back and it also made Roman's hat on fire. Roman panicked, trying to stop the flame from burning his hat.

Seeing his chance, Roxas uses his semblance, runs behind Roman and summons slashes of fire, knocking Roman down. Thinking he finally had Roman to be defeated, Roxas was about to put Roman in cuffs but he was being knocked down by the person who whackd him with the umbrella.

Roxas got up and turn around to face the person who hit him, revealed to be Neopolitan with her umbrella weapon in her hands known as Hush. Neo smiled at the red-haired boy.

Roxas: Hey there, Neo, right?

Roxas waved. Neo nodded.

Roxas: Okay, look, I'm kinda in the middle of doing this mission, so if you could not be a bitch, that'd be delightful.

Roxas explained, Neo frowned and pointed her umbrella at Roxas.

Roxas: Okay, understood.

Roxas then walked up Neo, who appeared to be smaller than Yang but she was unpredictable, seeing as he has never bought her before. He was about to attack Neo, until he was blown away by her umbrella. Roxas growled as he got his semblance activated and got his axe ready and swung at Neo, who looked like she dodged without effort. They both kept on going, which makes Roxas even angrier. Neo, however, put up more of a fight then he fought as she managed to send him to the ground.

Roxas: Maybe I should've thought this through.

Roxas frowned as he got back up on his feet, but he was soon attacked by Neo, who still looked like that she was dodging with ease. She then managed to kick him at the same time.

Roxas: Ah, my face! You asked for it!

Roxas growled as his face was kicked by Neo. He was recovering a bit from the beat down that Neo had given him. Roxas angrily walked up to her, who just tilted her head and smiled. Roxas went for the offensive manoeuvre again, but Neo still managed to dodge with ease. Roxas even tried to use his weapon to get her to be knocked down, but her umbrella stopped the attack. Neo was about to kick him, but he managed to catch it and throw her across the room. Neo thought that she was about to land softly, but Roxas managed to went quickly behind her and punch her in the back, sending her down.

Roxas: FINALLY! Achievement unlocked...hit Neo.

Roxas shouted in victory. Neo saw that she got hit and did not want to play nice anymore. She went on to the offensive strategy and sent Roxas into the ceiling, knocking him unconscious. He tried to get up, but was hit really hard in the head, making sure that he stays down.

Neo was about to finish Roxas off with the blade she took from the umbrella handle. She was soon stopped when a young woman with black hair sliced at her. Neo started to get fearful. The girl had a Grimm mask that covered her whole entire face. She took out her red katana which almost had a huge blade and Neo retreated, seeing as she was going to be overpowered, taking Roman with her and use her semblance to disappear like a shattered glass.

Roman: Until next time, Dragon boy!

The girl looked at Roxas, holstering her sword and creating a portal. Roxas was getting up from being unconscious and saw Yin for about a split second. Before the mysterious girl headed to the portal, she turn around and faced Roxas, she took off her mask revealing her true appearance which even shocked him that he can tell that her appearances is exactly just like Yang's but different appearances.

The girl threw a piece of envelope to Roxas for him to catch it before she put her mask back on and left as she went through the portal and the portal disappears.

Putting the letter in his coat pocket, Roxas came out of the place where his motorcycle is, in front of Ruby and Yang as they were waiting for him and let's just say that...they are not happy at all.

Yang: Roxas, what the heck happened to you and what were you doing inside that place?!

Yang asked her boyfriend, being worried sick when she and Ruby both saw Roxas in a bad conditions like he was being beat up. Roxas looked up to them and smiled like nothing happened.

Roxas: Oh, hey babe and Rubes!

Roxas greeted them. Yang rushed over to Roxas and gave him a huge hug but almost crushing him because of her strength.

Ruby: What are you doing here and what happened to you?! Did you know that Yang was worried sick about you? And did you know how I was worried sick about you too?

Ruby asked Yang's boyfriend. Roxas sighed.

Roxas: It's a really long story. And I'm really sorry.

Roxas sighs.

Yep, looks like both Roxas and Yang are going to have to explain everything...


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