Pose | Q. Hughes

By kaprizovsbaby

32.2K 367 47

Cecily Perkins got the job of her dreams. After so many ups and downs, she finally had her dream life, but so... More

CH 1
CH 2
CH 3
CH 4
CH 5
not an update
CH 6
CH 7
CH 8
CH 9
CH 10
CH 12
CH 13
CH 14
CH 15
CH 16
CH 17
CH 18
CH 19
the end is near
CH 20
CH 21
last authors note

CH 11

1.3K 13 2
By kaprizovsbaby

"We kissed, Kayla! Oh my god!" Cecily yells to her friend from over the phone. Kayla was just as excited as she screamed into the phone too.

"Start from the beginning. Oh my god it's happening!" Kayla yells.

"Okay, okay. So, I went over to his house to apologize for hurting his feelings. We sat and talked for a little bit and then he said, "I'll tell you why I'm upset." Or something like that. And then he said he likes me and that seeing me go out with Auston really hurt him. I told him that me and Auston are just friends and then he leaned in and kissed me." Cecily said quickly.

"Oh and then Brock walked in and I left." Cecily added on. Kayla gasped.

"He walked in on you?!" Kayla yelled.


"That's the worst thing that could have happened." Kayla groaned. Cecily laughed.

"I'm at the rink so I'm going to let you go." Cecily said to Kayla.

"Tell me if anything new happens!" Kayla quickly speaks.

"I will." Cecily said as she hung up the phone. She got out of her car and walked into the building and to the office. She set down all of her stuff and grabbed her camera. She headed over to the rink and set up her camera for practice. Every so often Quinn would look at her and she would take a photo of him.


Cecily was waiting by her car for Quinn. She had invited him over to her house over the phone, and he didn't have a ride home since Elias drove him here. She looked up as someone walked out of the building. Quinn was walking over to her with a smile on his face.

"Hey Cec." He smiled as he spoke.

"Hey, Quinn." She said as Quinn tried to grab her into a hug. She giggled and tried to pull away from him.

"Quinn! You're all sweaty!" Cecily said as Quinn fully wrapped his arms around her. He laughed as the girl finally gave in.

"You don't actually care though." He said. Before he let go of her he kissed her forehead. He made his way to the passenger's seat and Cecily got into the driver's seat.

"Do you need to go home for anything or are you just going to shower at my place?" Cecily asked Quinn. He shrugged.

"I'll just shower at yours." He said. Cecily nodded and the drive to her apartment had begun. As they drove it was silent other than the occasional questions. Quinn reached over the center council and placed a hand near her knee. Cecily's cheeks burned. She looked over at Quinn for a split second, but he was looking out of the window.

The two arrived at the apartment building and got out of the car. Cecily led the way to the elevator and to her apartment.

"And we made it." Cecily said. She walked over to the couch and sat down, just to stand back up again.

"Before you take the bathroom I'm going to take my makeup off. You can put your stuff in my room." Cecily said as she took off to the bathroom. Quinn looked around for a second and walked to her room. He placed his stuff in the corner, out of her way, and then pulled out the extra clothes he brought. Just as he walked back to the bathroom Cecily walked into her room.

"I'm going to put on a movie, if that's okay with you?" Cecily asked. Quinn nodded.

"Anything you want is okay with me."  He said as he walked out of her room and to the bathroom. After his shower he changed in the bathroom when Cecily's phone went off. She must have left it in there after she took her makeup off. Quinn being curious he looked at the notification.

(Auston Matthews) has sent you a message!

Quinn knows she's not seeing Auston, but there's a part of him that thinks she is. He can't help it. He's been used by so many people, maybe Cecily is doing the same. But, she's not. He knows that. He'll just ask her why they're still talking. Quinn grabbed her phone and walked out the bathroom and into her room. She smiled when he walked in, but it slowly flattered when she saw Quinn's frown.

"Quinn, what's wrong?" She asked as Quinn made his way over to her bed to sit next to her. He sat down and sighed.

"Why is Auston still texting you?" Quinn asked in a whisper.

"Because we're friends." Cecily responded. Quinn nodded softly and looked away from her.

"Quinn. I promise you I'm not seeing him." Cecily said to the sad boy.

"Here, I'll let you go through our messages." Cecily said as she took her phone back from Quinn.

"No it's okay. I don't need to see them." Quinn responded. He felt like he was invading her personal space by going through her messages.

"I don't care if you don't need to. I want you too." Cecily replied. She wanted to make sure Quinn wasn't second guessing her response. She opened her and Auston's messages and scrolled all the way to the top. She handed the phone to Quinn and he started reading. Cecily rested her head on his shoulder. Quinn read through all of it, including they're newest conversation.


I'm taking Quinn to my apartment
after practice

so don't text you because you're
getting some?
got it

you're such a child oml

Quinn's face slightly turned red at the messages. He wasn't thinking about it then, but he definitely was now. He handed her phone back to her. Cecily giggled at his reaction before she spoke again.

"See, I'm all yours."

"All mine?"


"Like you're my girlfriend?" Quinn asked with hopeful eyes.

"If you want me to be." Cecily replied with a smile. Quinn nodded and leaned into her, making her fall backwards onto the bed, so they were lying down. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. Cecily wrapped one of her arms around Quinn and went to her camera app on her phone with her free hand. She raised the phone above them and took a picture to send to Kayla and Auston later.

A little later Quinn had moved from his position on top of Cecily, to next to her. They were both watching the Gilmore Girls, a show Quinn didn't care for until now. It was the best show ever for him. He loved how Cecily loved it, which made him love it even more.

"Are you hungry? I am." Cecily said as their current episode came to an end. Quinn looked over at her.

"Yeah. Do you want to go get something?" He asked. Cecily nodded and got off of her bed. Quinn paused Netflix and got up with her.

"Do you want to cook or do you just want to go to through a drive through?" Quinn asked his girlfriend.

"Let's cook together," Cecily said. She smiled at the thought of them cooking together.

"Let's go to the store then," Quinn said as he grabbed Cecily's keys. Then he held her hand and they walked out of the apartment together. They walked to the car and Quinn got into the driver's seat, and Cecily got into the passenger seat.

When they got back to the apartment they started cooking. Quinn cooked chicken and Cecily cooked pasta. The rest of the night went on with the couple being happier than ever before.

A/N: I didn't know how to end this chapter. I knew I wanted them to get together by this chapter though.

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