My elite romantic comedy is w...

By EdisonSerna

139K 4.8K 566

Hikigaya Hachiman dies in the car accident on the entrance day of Sobu High School, when he wakes up he reali... More

Author's note
VOL 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Metropolitan High School for Advanced Education
VOL 1 Chapter 2 Throwing Overboard
VOL 1 Chapter 3 Advantage
VOL 1 Chapter 4 Interesting
VOL 1 Chapter 5 Next Steps
VOL 1Chapter 6 Acknowledgments
VOL 1 Chapter 7 Class D
VOL 1 Chapter 8 Homecoming Club
VOL 1 Chapter 9 Interacting
VOL 1 Chapter 10 Parasite
VOL 1 Chapter 11 First Impressions
VOL 1 Chapter 12 Two loners
VOL 1 Chapter 13 Leader?
VOL 1 Chapter 14 Friends
VOL 1 Chapter 15 Friends part 2
VOL 1 Chapter 16 Movements
VOL 1 Chapter 17 May 1st
VOL 1 Chapter 18 Gambling
VOL 1 Chapter 19 Hikigaya Group
Chapter 20 Circumstances
VOL 1 Chapter 21 Blackmail
VOL 1 Chapter 22 Unmasking
VOL 1 Chapter 23 Meeting
Chapter 24 50%
S.S Those who were left behind.
Author's Note 2
VOL 2 Chapter 1 Tranquility before the storm.
VOL 2 Chapter 2 Those Who Reached Me
VOL 2 Chapter 3 Alliance
VOL 2 Chapter 4 Beast
VOL 2 Chapter 5 Confession
VOL 2 Chapter 6 Rumors
VOL 2 Chapter 7 Trap
VOL 2 Chapter 8 In trouble
VOL 2 Chapter 9 The trial
VOL 2 Chapter 10 Change for Yourself
VOL 2 Chapter 11 Do you have 5 points?
VOL 2 Chapter 12 Confrontation
VOL 2 Chapter 13 Shizuku
VOL 2 Chapter 14 The Red Moon
VOL 2 Chapter 15 Stalker
VOL 2 Chapter 16 Potential
VOL 2 Chapter 17 Second Year Status
VOL 2 Chapter 18 Scum
VOL 2 Chapter 19 Phantom Asura
S.S Fiancรฉ
S.S Ideal
S.S Determination
Author note 3
VOL 3 Chapter 1 Paradise Cruise.
VOL 3 Chapter 2 The special exam
VOL 3 Chapter 3 Fast Moves
VOL 3 Chapter 4 Handing out the work
VOL 3 Chapter 5 Maturity
VOL 3 Chapter 6 Doubts Affecting the Heart
VOL 3 Chapter 7 Arrogant
VOL 3 Chapter 8 Exercise
VOL 3 Chapter 9 C Class Camp
VOL 3 Chapter 10 The days on the island.
VOL 3 Chapter 11 Respect
VOL 3 Chapter 12 Relationships
VOL 3 Chapter 13 Unexpected Companion
VOL 3 Chapter 14 incident
VOL 3 Chapter 15 Culprit
VOL 3 Chapter 16 Distracted
VOL 3 Chapter 18 Taekwondo vs. Hybrid
VOL 3 Chapter 19 Utility
Special note
VOL 3 Chapter 20 The fool
S.S Greed
S.S Destroy
VOL 4 Chapter 1 Accumulated problems.
VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday
VOL 4 Chapter 3 Observed
VOL 4 Chapter 4 Another special test
VOL 4 Chapter 5 The zodiac exam.
VOL 4 Chapter 6 Exam Eve
VOL 4 Chapter 7 the first session
VOL 4 Chapter 8 Apologies
VOL 4 Chapter 9 Cards
VOL 4 Chapter 10 Control
VOL 4 Chapter 11 In the shadows
VOL 4 Chapter 12 Among friends

VOL 3 Chapter 17 Burden

807 32 3
By EdisonSerna

Horikita POV

The story Satou-san told us, makes my blood boil, how dare he hurt and threaten my classmates?

He's just a maniac looking for attention, but why Hikigaya-kun?

Looking around, I notice that the expressions of all my classmates are twisted in will go.

Ken: That bastard, I'll be sure to hit him.

Akito: I agree with Ken, he's going too far with the pranks.

Haruka: It's ....a bastard.

Karuizawa: Damn him! Why is he doing that to our comrades?!

Kushida: It's too cruel! We're classmates, I don't understand why he's so mean.

Yukimura: I don't understand why an ape like him was accepted into this school.

Okitani: He's just bullying people.

Sotomura: We can't just sit back and do nothing.

Onodera: That's right, we must report this to the teachers.

Multiple complaints are raised against this Seong. No wonder, it's something like functional members of society think, only criminals think they can overpower people with violence.

Karuizawa-san hugs Satou-san who is crying softly.

Hirata: I understand everyone's indignation, Hachiman-kun, we should tell Chabashira-sensei, someone as extreme as him we can't handle.

Suzune: That's right, Hikigaya-kun, we can't let a bully like him continue to run wild.

I also urge Hikigaya-kun to go report this to the school.

He listens to our complaints with a passive face, I didn't notice, but his expression hasn't changed at all, it's as if his mind is preparing the right answer for us.

He finally opens his mouth.

Hachiman: Ike and Satou-san, can I ask you a favor?

He turns to the two of them. He surprises both of them.

Hikigaya: Since you both are the main victims, I want to ask you to keep quiet about this incident.


Thunderous silence spreads among everyone.

We don't know the meaning of the words he is uttering.

Hirata: This, Hachiman-kun, I think I'm misunderstanding, you're telling them to keep quiet about this.

Hikigaya: You're not misunderstanding me, in fact, I want everyone to keep quiet about this matter.

All: What????!!!!!!

The deafening scream of the entire class echoes through the vast forest. I am no exception, the shock of her statement makes everyone recoil.

Suzune: What do you mean?! We can't keep quiet about this.

Hachiman: We can, and we will, after all he's only after my head, there won't be any problem if I go to him.


Kushida: Wait Hachiman-kun, didn't you hear the story we were just told?! That guy is just a sadist who enjoys beating up others.

Hirata: He's looking for a fight, we mustn't fall for such provocations.

I want to stop him too.

Suzune: Discard that idea immediately, you'll only provoke more damage than necessary, we just have to end this through school.

He remains silent in the face of the warnings we are giving him.

Hikigaya: Are you sure he's going to stop with just a scolding from the teachers?

He leaves us with nothing to say. The answer is obvious to that kind of person.

Hikigaya: I think they already know, this time he might calm down, but next time, or the next time, and if he keeps doing this. Until he gets what he wants, who is going to stop him? Right now there is an opportunity.

What he says is true, he will keep trying until he manages to meet him.

Hirata: That's true, but for you to go there, it means one thing. ........

Suzune: It means you're going to fight him. That's why you want us to keep quiet, this way it'll remain a brawl between classes.

Hachiman: Exactly, so let me ask the victims of this matter their thoughts.

He first looks at Ike, who is still beaten up and looks back at him.

Ike: Only if you promise to hit him pretty hard.

Hikigaya: Done, and you Satou-san.

He now talks to Satou-san who is in Karuizawa-san's arms, when she is called she is surprised but pulls herself together and starts talking.

Satou: I don't like this at all, why should we have to face someone like this? And the idea of you getting hurt I don't like it at all, but.......still, please bring Chiaki back, forgive my selfishness.

With a soft smile that is uncharacteristic of Hikigaya -kun tells her.

Hikigaya: It's okay, Matsushita-san will come back safely.

I'm speechless, I want to stop him,however doing so would mean abandoning Matsushita-san, that's something I definitely can't accept.

Hikigaya: I guess it's decided.

Haruka: Wait, Hikki, what the hell are you doing?

Hasebe-san interrupts him, she being closer to him, she has the courage to confront him.

Sudō: That's right, Hachiman, didn't you say you've stayed away from fighting?

Miyake: You don't need to go back into that world.

Sakura: You said you wouldn't get hurt again.

His group of friends joins in to prevent him from leaving.

Hikigaya: Guys, I thank you for your concern. But this is something I have to do alone.

Ken: You idiot! Don't you look great playing the self-sacrificing hero!

Akito: That's right, except in the condition you're in, if you go, you'll lose for sure.

Haruka: You're being very selfish by doing so.

Hikigaya: it seems like a misunderstanding has been created, I'm not going to go be a punching bag, I'm just going to talk to him, when i arrives he will release Matsushita-san.

She says it as if it was a natural thing to trust that guy.

Sakura: But you don't know if he will keep his promise.

Hikigaya: He will, of that I'm sure, you just have to trust me.

The expressions of his friends are very complex, I also doubt that it will be solved with a simple talk.

Hasebe: You have to come back safe and sound, Hikki.

Ken: No matter what we say, you're not going to back down.

Miyake: You're a big, fat fool.

Doubtful and all, he gets fired. The only one who doesn't speak is Sakura-san, who approaches him.

Sakura: You're a liar, you said you wouldn't fight with someone again.

Hikigaya: I'm sorry, but it's something I have to do, I can't abandon a classmate. I'm that dumb.

Sakura: You really are a big idiot, make sure you come back safely.

Hikigaya: Thank you, and thank you all for your understanding, right now we are going to finish the test, this will be my last order in this exam. Rest up, the results will be out soon, I will try to arrive as soon as possible for the roll call.

He approaches me, his expression stern.

Hikigaya: Horikita, I leave the rest in your hands.

He pulls out the card and hands it to me.

Hikigaya: I don't want to lose it on the way, just keep it, and you should only give it to me.

Suzune: Always leaving the burden to yourself, it's hypocritical what you're doing.

Hikigaya: I know, but my hypocrisy is based on my strength.


He starts to take off his sportswear jacket.

Now it dawns on me, I've never seen him without a long sleeve shirt, always with the uniform covering his arms, even when I saw him in casual clothes it was always with long sleeve shirts.

Now I can see why, his shirt is almost clinging to his body, showing a physique he has worked on, that's why he wore baggy clothes. Even I can see his physique, through the clothes.

But what caught my attention the most were his arms, also that are being quite toned however they are overshadowed by some long scars, now the puzzle is starting to come together, I always wondered why a guy didn't attend swimming lessons. If his body is covered in scars like these, no wonder he wants to hide them.

My chest keeps getting tighter and tighter, is it okay to leave the burden to him alone? I want to answer that in the negative, yet circumstances force us to accept reality.

Suzune: Strength, are you strong?

Hikigaya: I don't know, even for me the meaning of strength is still somewhat unclear, however right now I am the only one who can confront it.

Suzune: ........ You are a fool.

Hikigaya: That seems to be the popular phrase everyone is using at the moment.

he says with a self-deprecating smile, before he goes back to being the stern one, it's like he's preparing for a battle, which makes me doubt even more that it will be resolved with just words.

Everyone is thinking about it, but no one is able to stop his determination.

Hikigaya: Alright, I'm leaving.

He starts running towards the direction Satou-san indicated, seeing his back I can't help but think how lonely he looks.
Is this the burden he's been carrying?

I start to worry about him, and so my desire to be a friend to him increases. I've never had real friends, yet I know that among friends they can distribute each other's burdens.

I just have to become stronger, not only physically, but also mentally.

This time I will pray for the victory of the lonely boy. However I want that for the next time, I want to help him.

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