بواسطة ReikCro

1.4K 96 12

Kruno, a young dentist from a small town starts writing letters to a man convicted of murder. المزيد

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25 (series finale)

Part 6

52 5 0
بواسطة ReikCro

From: Roko Jurcevic 

To: Kruno Matas 

February 11th

Dear Kruno, 

You can't imagine how I felt when I saw you standing there, in front of me. All this time exchanging letters with you, I felt as if I was writing it to someone fictional, someone who doesn't really exist, but is just a part of my imagination. But seeing you there, in front of me, with that big smile of yours, I was smitten. It took me a while to realize I wasn't dreaming. I am just sad they didn't let us shake hands, or hug. I wanted so much to touch you. One hug would be enough for me. 

I hope you don't stop visiting me now. You know, you are my only way of forgetting about the horrendous place where I live. Thinking about you or reading your letters is the only time I feel really happy, in peace. 

My roommate just caught me writing you this letter. The word has already spread among the prisoners that I have someone on the outside. But they think it's a girlfriend that I have waiting for me on the outside. Anyways, thank you for the money you gave me. It will help me with some minor costs and debts I've been having here. The fact that you decided to help me financially is only overshadowed by your willingness to break law in order for me to get it. 

As I told you there, Slavko, that prison guard that helped me get your money, also helped me when I sent you one of my t-shirts. We can fully trust him. Also, I hope you apply some of the advice I gave you with regards to the things that preoccupy you. If your mentor really changed his behavior towards you only because of what people were talking about you in the town, then that's just shameful. Don't let things like this get to you. It's also very unprofessional and tells us a lot about his personality and the narrowness of his mind. 

During the visit, you also told me how insecure you felt about your looks and that that's why you've been going to the gym. To be honest, I couldn't understand why you were feeling so insecure. When I saw you, I thought to myself: "Wow, how lucky I must be for a guy as good-looking as him to pay me a visit." So yeah, you shouldn't be preoccupied about changing anything on yourself. You are so attractive already. 

I have to go now... It's my turn to clean our cell. 

Waiting for some more news from you... 


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