The Dark Promise// Theodore N...

Av Alohowhora

65.4K 1K 136

Theo Nott was captivated. How had he not noticed this girl in all seven years he had attended Hogwarts? One n... Mer

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CH 22

816 14 3
Av Alohowhora

They left the room together, awkwardly looking at each other for a moment. A servant came to collect the scroll and shuffled it off in a rush. The Dark Lord was sure in a hurry to show that she was now part of his property. The young man in front of him was short and a little scrawny. He had short curly brown hair and a scar going across the top of his nose bridge. He wasn't bad looking, just not what she expected from the offspring of Bellatrix and the Dark Lord.

Mattheo chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I uh, got some stuff to do. Important stuff. I guess I'll see ya later?" He rose an eyebrow, waiting for a response. Olivia nodded, still not sure what to make of her new 'husband'. She watched as he walked down the hallway; the back of his t-shirt read 'fucking slayer'. The son of the most evil wizard in the world was a fan of American thrash metal. That was almost comical.

She returned to her room, slipping off the dress and back into her nightgown. It wasn't the same exact one she had been wearing. This was fresh new one, just in the exact same style and color. It was folded neatly on her bed, along with new underwear and socks. She sat at the end of the bed, staring at the wall as she thought about what just happened. She wished she could just have a normal day. A day where she wasn't thrown into the oddest of circumstances.

Now she was married. To the Dark Lord's son. A son she didn't even know he had until two hours ago. Draco Malfoy had eaten her out in her dreams last night and the man she once loved had his feelings taken away from her. Once loved. Did she really not love Theo anymore? She wasn't sure. She couldn't hate him, but could she still love someone who didn't love her back? If only she could talk to him once more. Really talk. Maybe things would be clearer then.

She sighed, crawling back into bed. What she really needed was some sleep. Sleep that wasn't invaded by a blonde headed psychopath. She had her suspicions about Malfoy but wasn't entirely sure. It gave her some relief knowing he had left to go back to Malfoy manor, but she wished she had a wand so she could lock her door. The thought of someone just walking in unannounced unnerved her. She was about to turn off the lamp that sat on her bedside when her anxieties had come true.

The door opened, Mattheo stepping in before softly closing the door. He wore plaid pajama pants and the same Slayer shirt he had worn earlier. Destroyed converse sneakers were tied to his feet and a large duffle bag was draped around his shoulder. His wand was in his mouth, since he was carrying two large liters of Coke in both hands. "Hey, I brought you a pop." He mumbled through his wand. He walked over and held it out to her.

Olivia's eyes were wide. What the hell was going on? She had been asking herself that a lot lately. She cautiously grabbed the soda from him. "Thanks?" She said, watching as he took his wand out of his mouth and threw the duffle bag on the ground. "My mum told me I have to start sleeping here." He looked around the space. "It's been a while since I've been in this room."

He stood there awkwardly, waiting for her to say something. When she didn't, he sighed. "Sorry, I haven't really had a girlfriend before much less a wife. I'm not really good at these things." He said, fumbling with the cap of the bottle. A realization hit her when he said that. This guy was a dweeb. A pipsqueak. She could kick his ass. There was no reason to fear him. She crossed her arms in front of her, speaking in a serious tone. "Well, I hope you don't expect anything tonight."

His eyes widened as he got the gist of what she was saying. He placed his hands in front of him in a defensive way. "Woah, No that's not was I was implying at all. I was just thinking that since I have to stay here, we could just hang out. I'll even sleep on the floor." He bent down, patting the plush carpet. "See nice and fluffy."

Olivia couldn't help but giggle at this clown. "You don't have to sleep on the floor, but you still have to keep your distance." Mattheo laughed, feeling a little more at ease now. "I gotta warn you I'm a snorer. They tell me I have a deviated septum." He stuck the end of his wand up his nose, digging it around. Olivia laughed again, a big one this time. A belly laugh. It felt good to laugh again.

"So uh, you wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked. This confused her. She looked around the room. "On what?" Mattheo's ears perked up, pulling the duffle bag on the bed. He unzipped it, putting both arms fully into the bag. The guy had turned an old Quidditch bag into a bag of holding. Who knows what he had stored up in there.

He pulled out a small TV-VCR combo, sitting it on the end of the bed. He tapped it with his wand, instantly turning it on. Grainy grey static came on the screen. "Ok, we got some options here." He pulled out a few VHS tapes from his bag. "We got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Two: The Secret of the Ooze, the best one in my opinion. I just got a copy of The Waterboy. Adam Sandler is a comedy genius. Oh no, never mind. We are watching Empire." He showed her the cover to the tape. It was the second installment to the Star Wars franchise.

He pulled it from it's worn cover, popping it in the VCR. The movie began to play as he pulled out a box of peppermint toads from his bag. He climbed on the bed, laying next to her as he propped his head against the headboard. He kicked the duffle bag haphazardly off the bed, letting it fall to the floor, some of its contents spilled out. Olivia couldn't pay attention to the movie, she only stared at him with a look of amazement.

After a minute, Mattheo could feel her eyes on him. He took a bite of his toad, speaking with his mouth full. "What? You want me to take my shoes off?" Olivia shook her head, pursing her lips. She didn't know how to exactly word this. "No, that's not it. You're just not how I expected you to be." He swallowed, looking abit nervous. "Well, what did you expect?"

"I'm not sure. I certainly didn't think the son of the Dark Lord would be a fan of muggle movies." Matteo chuckled. "Oh, my mum doesn't know I watch these. She would freak. As far as my dad goes, I have only really known him for a few months. He's been asleep most of my life." What he was saying made sense. Had he lived here his whole life being raised by his mother while his father laid dormant? It seemed like a boring life being stuffed up in a castle. No wonder he was obsessed with movies.

"I've never seen you at Hogwarts. Did you go to Durmstrang?" she asked, that being the obvious answer. He shook his head no. "I was homeschooled. Everything interesting I know I taught myself. I'm really good at charms." Olivia looked at the bag on the floor. That fact was pretty obvious. A bag of holding that size took a great deal of magic. She wondered what else he had in that thing.

"It has everything I own in it. All my clothes, tapes, my broom." He answered as if he already knew what she was thinking. "How do you find anything in that mess?" She asked. He shrugged his shoulders, popping another toad in his mouth. "I have a system."

They continued to watch the movie. It was evident that Mattheo had seen this movie over a hundred times. He recited almost every line. It was starting to get rather irritating. When they got to the scene where Darth Vader slices off Luke's hand and announces he is Luke's father, Matteo got oddly quiet. His eyes were focused on the TV. He didn't even finish his last peppermint toad. He took a big swig of his Coke when the scene was over, continuing with his quoting.

Olivia could obviously see the comparison between the movie and Matteo's life. He was the son of the most evil wizard that ever lived. Luke was the son of the most evil Sith lord. "Luke's my favorite character." She announced, wanting to see his reaction. A soft smile played on his lips as he turned his head towards her. "Mine too."

The credits to the movie began to roll. "That was nice. I haven't seen a muggle movie in a really long-" She was interrupted by a loud snore next to her. He wasn't kidding when he said he was a snorer. She would need to invest in some ear plugs if he was going to continue coming into her room. She bent down, unlacing his sneakers and pulling them off his feet. She pulled the quilt over him before turning to her side to turn off the light. The only light left in the room was the small tv's static.

She decided she liked Mattheo. Right now, she desperately needed a friend. So far, he seemed like he would make a good one.

She awoke the next morning to Mattheo searching around in his bag. "You leaving?" She asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Yea, but ill be back tonight. Got some stuff I gotta do." He said, pulling out a fresh pair of socks. As he slipped his old pair off Olivia thought of something. If Matteo had everything he ever owned in that bag, wouldn't he have a book or two? "Hey, do you have anything for me to read? It's boring being stuck in this room."

He smiled up at her. "Do I?!" He slipped his clean socks on and pulled out a stack of comics. He showed her the cover of a large graphic novel. "You gotta read The Watchmen today and tell me how you like it." Olivia tried to hide her disappointment. What she really meant was a real book, but she couldn't be choosy. Evidently real books weren't his style. He placed the stack of comics on the bed and left the room, holding his converse by the laces. It seemed Matteo always had 'stuff' to do. She wondered what 'stuff' he was talking about.

She spent her day reading the comics he had given her. They were entertaining sure but filled with broody men with tragic back stories. She was hoping for something a little more lighthearted since her life lately had been filled with enough broody men. Mattheo returned later that night. He had changed his clothes, now wearing something a little more conservative. A grey sweater and jeans hung on his slender frame now, but not without the black torn converses. "Did you read what I gave you?" He asked, putting his bag down. "Yea, they were fine I guess." She said, not trying to pretend she enjoyed them.

"Fine?! Even The Watchmen? That's the best graphic novel of the twentieth century!" He was appalled. "Sorry, I'm just not into comics. I was kind of wanting to read a real novel. Maybe something abit...happier." The truth is she wanted to escape, if only in a book for a little while. Matteo nodded his head in understanding. "Girls just don't get it I guess." He stated. Olivia's face dead panned. What did he know about girls? Obviously, nothing. He even stated it himself.

The night had played out similar to the night before. They watched a movie and ate junk food, enjoying each other's company. That was until Mattheo asked her something a little out of the blue. "So, you have a boyfriend? Like a real one?" Olivia turned to him, a little confused as to why he was asking her that. Talking about Theo, or even thinking about him made her chest hurt. "I had one. Before all this." She waved her hand around the room. He understood what she meant, chewing the side of his face before asking another question. "It wasn't Draco, was it?" Her mouth fell open, instantly shaking her head. "Merlin no! I can't stand that creep. Although he can't seem to leave me alone."

He leaned his head on the headboard, folding his hands on his stomach. "Makes sense. I was wondering why he wanted you to live with him at Malfoy Manor. I was kind of surprised my parents wanted you to marry me instead of him. Draco is dad's favorite after all." Was Malfoy his favorite because he successfully killed Dumbledore? Mattheo had told her himself he only really knew his dad for a few months. How else could the Dark Lord favor Malfoy over his own son?

"Why does he like Malfoy so much?" She asked, feeling as though she didn't have to hide her questions from Matteo. He was secretive himself. He wouldn't rat on her. "When he was asleep, Malfoy would give him dreams. He would talk with him in his dreams. It had been his job for years." This confirmed what she had been wondering. Draco Malfoy was a dream walker. A rare magical ability that few in the wizarding world had. That's how he was able to mess with her mind a few nights ago.

"My ex-boyfriend. You might know him." She stated. She was wondering if she should even mention Theo to him. She needed to talk about what happened with someone. She felt all this pain that was trapped inside her. She needed to find solace in someone. Matteo was the only one in her life she felt would be trustworthy.

"Me? I would know him? Who is he?" He sat up in bed, intrigued now. "Theodore Nott." She stated plainly, sitting up herself. Mattheo instantly began to chuckle, trying to hold in a laugh. "What's so funny?" She asked, not expecting that kind of reaction. "You used to date that guy?! He's a little freaky looking huh?" He said, relaxing his face and pretending to be zombie like.

"That's not funny. Theo is very kind and sweet. Or he used to be. At least he's over six foot." She folded her arms, realizing she had hit a nerve with him. "Excuse me? Five foot seven and a half is a perfect height for a guy I'll have you know." He hit her with a pillow, showing her he wasn't too hurt by her comment. She giggled, but he could see the sadness in her eyes. "So, what happened? You cheat on him? Break his heart?" Olivia narrowed her eyes. She wondered why he thought it would be her that had broken them up. "No. He doesn't love me anymore." She pulled her knees up to her chest, staring blankly at the television screen.

"Well, he's a fucking idiot." He stated, trying to cheer her up. When he realized insulting Nott didn't work, he had another idea. "Oh hey, I got you something." He stated, pulling his bag off the floor and onto his lap. She turned her attention to him once more. Not more comics, she thought. Instead, he pulled out a rather short wand, made of cherry wood from the looks of it. "Dad would be pissed if he knew I gave this to you. So be discreet with it."

She took the wand from him, giving it a small flick towards the TV. The tape began to rewind, going back a scene. "Where did you get this Mattheo?" She asked. He shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to tell her where he truly got it. "Around." He stated. This told her everything she needed to know. This was probably a muggleborns wand that had been stashed somewhere in the castle. She was holding a dead man's wand. It was macabre and sickening, but the fact was, it was a wand. She needed something to protect herself if that time came. She tucked the wand between the mattress, turning to him again. "Thank you, Mattheo." She really was grateful. He didn't have to do that for her. He was putting himself in danger by stealing it. "No problem. Also, if you HAVE to have some real books, I can take you by our library. You can move around the place as long as I'm with you."

"I would like that very much." She stated, excited to be in a library again. It wouldn't be the same as the Hogwarts library. Nothing would compare to that. But the thought of being surrounded by books again gave her a chill. 

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