Don't Blame Me | Charles Lecl...

By nati_lec16

18.4K 260 17

Charles Leclerc has two girlfriends - official one, Diana, and a secret one, Angie. What's going to happen i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 7

973 10 1
By nati_lec16

It was hard for Diana to get back to work after she left Madeira. Her schedule was full of different photoshoots and campaigns, she also got her first runway walk as a special guest for Louis Vuitton fashion show. It's going to be in February, but she had to start preparing for it a lot earlier. She wanted to walk like a real runway model, but it's much harder than it seems. Due to her travelling for work, she had to video call her trainer and do sessions online.

Two weeks before the show she arrived in Paris. Fortunately she also had a photoshoot booked there around the same time, so it just saved her another flight. She's been to Paris before but only for short amounts of time, basically just for work. She didn't have much time to see anything then, but now with almost two weeks she could tour the whole city and probably another parts of France.

Giving that Pierre is French and was visiting family, he was happy to offer to be her guide as soon as he found out that she's there. It was extremely nice of him and additionally she could finally meet his new girlfriend, Kika. They've been dating for only a month but he couldn't shut up about her since the first time he saw her.

Constant travelling had it's downsides though. Diana wouldn't be home for her brother's death anniversary because the show was at the very same day. It's going to be the first time she's not with her family on that day and it made her extremely anxious. She missed her brother so much and the support of her family made it a little easier for her to cope, but this year she's going to be all alone and also stressed with her walk.

Pierre called her that he's waiting for her in the hotel lobby. As he promised, he planned a whole trip around Paris to show Diana all of the best places. He said there's so much to see that they physically couldn't do it all in one day, so Diana had to be prepared for an intense two days of sightseeing.

For the first day, Pierre and Diana were alone. They went to see the Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Pantheon while walking through the Latin Quarter where they also had a wonderful dinner and the Palace of Versailles to finish off their day. Diana instantly fell in love with all of the views, architecture and culture. She couldn't get enough of listening to French people, everything they said sounded like a love confession for her.

The only thing she didn't like was the driving culture. It seemed like they couldn't care less about scratching and bumping into other cars, most of the cars with French registration plates had dents all over them. They parked too close to each other, not giving others enough space. Diana couldn't see herself ever driving around here although she thought she's a good driver.

Kika joined Pierre and Diana on the second day and it seemed like Pierre adjusted their touring in Kika's favor, leaving the places she wanted to see the most for when she's going to be present. It didn't bother Diana, she found it absolutely adorable.

Kika seemed like the sweetest person in the entire world. She was beautiful, kind, funny and didn't let Diana feel like a third wheel at any time, engaging her in all of the conversations she had with her boyfriend and including her in most of the pictures. She was also a great photographer so Diana had tons of amazing photos to post on her social media.

After visiting Orsay Museum, taking a walk around the Champs-Elysées and having a dinner, they made their way to the Catacombs. Human remains carefully arranged in the tunnels made Diana think about how fragile the life really is. The guide they booked was great, he was talking about the history of Paris in a way that made people actually want to listen.

To lighten the atmosphere after such a gloomy yet fascinating place, the group decided to head to the most popular place in Paris - The Eiffel Tower. They had some snacks along the way including the most delicious crepes Diana ever had.

It was cold outside, but there was still a lot of tourist. Fortunately the snow melted a week before Diana landed in the capital of France, the last thing she wanted was to deal with this white, useless stuff. When it got dark, Kika announced she had a great idea for a photo, but Diana had to take her coat off.

"I'm all about sacrificing myself for art, but I can't get ill before the show" Diana said, not sure if the idea was in fact as great as Kika presented it to be.

"Just give me a minute and you'll get dressed again. Trust me, I can make it in one shot and it's going to be gorgeous" Brunette convinced her. "And we'll go grab some hot chocolate right after, promise"

Diana decided just one minute wouldn't make much difference and agreed. Kika was right, the picture turned out amazing and it was so quick the blonde didn't even get cold.

"So, is there any progress with you and Charles? Are you talking at all?" Pierre asked when they were on their way to get hot chocolate. Diana tried to avoid the topic for the whole two days, but there's no way she can steer clear from a question like that.

"No, not really, I haven't heard from him in a long time" Diana smiled and looked down. Pierre noticed her abashment and let go.

But that was a straight up lie. Diana and Charles texted every day and called each other in the evenings. For the last two days they had to give up texting because Pierre could've notice, but other than that they've been in touch all the time. They haven't seen each other personally since they left Madeira and Diana missed his presence, but she knew he had a lot of preparation to do for the upcoming season. He told her he spends a lot of time in Maranello on the simulator to figure out the right configuration for the car and also goes to the gym 2 times a day with Andrea.

After their kiss at the club and another one in the patio they agreed on taking things slow. They figured out it's going to be the best to let their relationship develop naturally and if their feelings won't pass with time they could start dating for real. For now they were just friends. Incredibly attracted to each other, but just friends.

When Diana was saying goodbye to Pierre and Kika, she couldn't express her gratitude for getting to see the city with such a great guide. Exploring new places was something she always loved to do and she was thankful Pierre took his time to show her around. Getting to know Kika was also great, Diana really liked her and was glad she made Pierre happy.

When she was closing the door to her room she got a text from her agent saying that he needs her to come for fitting and rehearsal at 7 in the morning. The show was only three days away and the anxiety was slowly kicking in. For now she just worked out more than normal and practiced walking, but with an actual rehearsal it all started to become real.

Diana couldn't sleep the night before the show. She was all nervous, it felt like her intestines were twisting around each other, her hands were shaking. She was tossing and turning in bed, even played some white noise, but nothing helped her fall asleep. She managed to nap for three hours, but when her alarm went off she was feeling worse then after heavy drinking. 

She took a cold shower to wake herself up, but it didn't do much. As a last resort, she decided to order a super strong coffee on her way to the venue. It didn't work as it was supposed to - she was still super sleepy and got more jittery than before. She was glad she didn't have to do her own make-up and hair, it would be a disaster.

Mommy ❤

Are you ready darling? Your dad and I have our fingers crossed for you!! ❤

I'm scared Mom, I don't think I can do this 😭 I miss you, I wish I was home with you to visit Josh.

It's okay sweetie, you've got this. Josh is right there with you

Thank you Mom, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you x

Love you baby x

The text conversation with her mom made Diana tear up a little, fortunately her make-up was waterproof. This show was incredibly important for Diana's career and she was highly aware of that, but the pressure she put on herself was unbearable. 

When she was coming out of the bathroom, she saw a familiar looking person standing down the hall. She knew his posture well enough to recognise him from behind. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and impatiently shifting from one foot to the other. When he heard the sound of Diana's heels on the tiles he turned around and started walking towards her. 

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Maranello" She said while kissing his cheek. 

"I took some time off to support you here. You texted me in the morning about how stressed you are so I thought you'd like me to be with you" Charles handed her the bouquet, a mix of freesias and peonies, her two favorite flowers. "These are for you"

"They're beautiful, thank you" Diana hugged Charles and they stood there in silence for a while. Diana didn't want to let go, mostly because she needed to go do some touch-ups which meant the show was about to start. Her stomach was upset with all the anxiety she felt and Charles' arms felt like the safest place in the world right now. "For the flowers and for being here. It means a lot to me"

"I'm gonna spend the rest of the day with you if you like it or not, you shoudn't be alone on your brother's death anniversary" He looked at her like she could shatter every second when the tears started coming to Diana's eyes. She didn't expect to be moved by such a small act of kindness like showing up when she needs it, but here she was, fighting back tears again that day. 

Some voice called her name from the room nearby and Diana knew it's time to say goodbye to Charles for now. She hugged him one more time and he placed a soft kiss on her hand. 

"I really don't want to do it" Diana whined when she let go of Charles. 

"You're going to be great. I'm gonna stand in the back, but still directly in front of the stage, so just imagine you're walking towards me, okay? And breathe" Charles took a few deep breathes with her, squeezed her hand and headed in the direction of the seated area. 

The last preparations went by much quicker than Diana wanted. When she lined up behind the curtain alongside other models her legs were shaking like they were made out of jello. She felt the urge to bite on her cuticles like she used to do in childhood, but she reminded herself that her hands also needed to be in perfect condition for this show. 

When it was her time to go on the catwalk, she took a deep breath and tried not to trip over her own feet. "You've got this, you've been walking for ages now, so just do it" She thought and took her first step. 

As soon as she stepped out, the amount of lights and camera flashes overwhelmed her. Diana almost missed the beat she was supposed to walk to. She tried to immediately find Charles in the crowd and when she did, he was standing precisely where he told her he's going to be. He was smiling wide, showed her thumbs up and motioned with his hand up and down, gesturing breathing. 

Diana did exactly what Charles told her to - she walked towards him. For him, technically speaking. She saw he coudn't keep his eyes off of her, she wasn't even sure if he blinked. The confidence she gained from that single look was astronomical. It didn't matter what everyone else in the room think, Diana felt amazing when Charles looked at her like that. She also didn't break the eye contact until she had to turn around and walk back. 

When the blonde was behind the curtain again, she coudn't believe she just walked her first runway. She thought she did a good job. All that was left to do was to give back the clothes she was wearing, remove the make-up and finally have something to eat. Diana texted Charles that if he hasn't changed his plans he could wait in the hall for her and she's going to be out in about 30 minutes. 

He was waiting. With a bag in his hand. 

"You were amazing! Congrats Di" Charles went to hug Diana immediately after she came out of the room. "I thought you might be hungry so I ordered some food, it just arrived so if we hurry a little we can eat it while it's still warm" 

This heartwarming gesture made Diana wonder if he's like that for everyone or does she get some special treatment. She woudn't mind if it was just for her. As well as his long stares, protective arms, endearing smiles and comforting presence.

"Please tell me there is a fried rice in this bag" Diana said pleasantly surprised. She was craving fried rice every year on her brother's death anniversary because they always used to eat it together. 

"Of course there is. I remembered you would want to eat it" 

Diana kissed Charles' cheek and they made their way to her hotel. He drove his Ferrari 488 Pista to the show, so they quickly got to their destination. 

"You have to let me drive it someday, this car is unbelievable!" Diana said delighted with Pista's performance and looks.

"There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you behind the wheel of my baby" He laughed, but Diana took it as a challenge. This car was too good not to test drive it.

"We'll see about that" She winked at Charles and they headed to her room. 

They turned the TV on and began to eat fried rice on the bed. Once the emotions about the show started to fade, her grief was rising. She was too busy to feel it before, but when she was all done with work she coudn't drive away thoughts about Josh. 

Diana texted her Mom once again letting her know everything went smoothly and expressing her regret about not being home as well. Charles noticed she seemed a bit subdued. She didn't talk much, just stared at the movie that was currently playing with empty eyes. It was hard for him to look at her when she was sad. She always had so much life in her, she was talkative and fun and that's what Charles was used to. He didn't know how to act with gloomy Diana, so he simply took her hand in his and started to draw circles with his thumb on her palm. 

Diana took her eyes off of the TV at the sudden sensation of someone else's skin, but didn't withdraw her hand. Charles had a worried expression on his face and was looking directly at her. The Brit sighed deeply and laid on her side facing Charles who repeated her action. A piece of hair fell on Diana's eyes, but it didn't stay there for long as Charles tucked it behind her ear with his free hand without a second thought. 

"I wish you could meet him, you know? You would've liked each other" Diana started quietly. "He was my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. We were really close. He was always there for me whenever I needed him. I remember he defended me from my classmate cause he was pulling on my ponytail when I was 10. Even when he started drinking he was a good brother, he promised to teach me how to drive but he didn't have a chance" She sniffled, but continued talking. "I always asked him not to drive under the influence. That day he wasn't even driving that fast, the road was just icy. He lost control of the car and hit a tree directly at driver's door. His rib punctured his lung and he had an open leg fracture. He bled out in his car..." A tear rolled down Diana's cheek. Charles moved closer to Diana and put his arm around her, gently stroking her back. "The police said if he wasn't drunk he could've corrected the slide and come out of it with a few bruises. But that was just a suspicion, no one knew what coud've happen if he was sober"

Diana stopped for a while because sobbing made it hard to talk. She needed a moment to calm herself down and stop hyperventilating. Charles was still holding her in his arms, patiently waiting for her to let it all out. He wished he could take all of this hurt away from her, although he coudn't save her from what had already happened. But he wanted to protect her from anything bad in the future. 

"My parents were devastated. I've missed a month of school because I coudn't function. None of us could. There was a hole in our hearts nothing could fill. I don't remember anything from the funeral, I was crying non stop, I think my head just rejected the memories. Josh's room is still intact, we coudn't change anything. We didn't even clean up the bottles from his desk or clothes lying on the chair. That's all we have left of him and I know it's not healthy to cling to his belongings like that but there's no force in this world that would make us change anything in there"

Charles felt for Diana. He knew what she was going through because of the death of his father. Being so vulnerable with someone required a lot of trust and he was glad he could be that person for her. He wanted her to feel safe around him, free to tell him anything and everything she desired. 

"Thank you for telling me that" Charles said after a moment of silence, suspecting that Diana told him eveything she needed to say. "I'm sorry this happened to you, you didn't deserve it. I wish I could meet Josh, he sounded like a great guy" For all this time Charles didn't stop stroking Diana's back and she didn't stop crying. He decided to change positions and sat on the bed with his back to the wall. "Come here" He patted the place in-between his spreaded legs. 

Diana crawled in there, her back to his chest. Charles embraced her lovingly, letting her head fall into his shoulder and her body melt into his. She stopped sobbing, but the tears were still falling from her eyes.

"Thank you for being here" She whispered and Charles squeezed her a little harder.

"Anytime Di. You know I'll always be here for you" Charles answered after kissing her in the head.

Diana felt really taken care of. Something she hasn't felt in a long time from a man is comfort and safety and Charles was giving her all of it at the moment. She was used to looking after herself without anyone else's involvement besides her parents. She didn't have a friend she could talk to, basically no one she wasn't related to. But now Diana realized she had Charles, a wonderful man, by her side. Even as a friend, it meant the world to her.

Charles was laying there, taking in the feeling of holding Diana. She fitted perfectly in his arms, like they were made to wrap around her. It felt good. Right. Meant to be. Exactly what both of them needed right then. And there was no sexual tension in between them, just pure need of being there for someone.

Diana finally stopped crying and her breath started to steady. She was really tired, but too comfortable to move anywhere, so she just threw a blanket over herself and Charles, rested her head on his arm and closed her eyes. She didn't plan on falling asleep, she just wanted to cuddle for a couple more minutes. Her body had a different plan though. The heat of Charles' body under the blanket made her heavy-eyed and she was asleep in no time.

Charles realised Diana fell asleep when her breath changed. It was undisturbed, she didn't sniffle anymore. Her body relaxed, completely falling into Charles' chest. He smiled to himself and thought he could get used to it. Then he placed a soft kiss in Diana's hair, trying not to wake her up. He was comfortable enough to try and fall asleep himself, so he leaned his head on the headbord.

Soon enough they were both sleeping peacefully, cuddled up with each other like it was the most normal thing in the world for them.

I was thinking of adding a little bit of drama to the story! Or maybe some steam? Tell me what would you like to see next ❤

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