New Life of Sin

By m3liox

7.4K 166 147

Book 3 of the Sin series It's been eight years since the disappearance of Angel and Tracy, Alastor still sear... More

Trigger Warnings
1. Friends at last
3. Someone Worth My Time
4. I've been waiting
5. Downstairs it is
6. Reunited..for now
7. The Man I Love
8. Our Dream
9. Clueless
10. Daughter
11. A + A
12. Together in Hell
13. Trama
14. Daughter of the Vees
15. Fear
16. Heaven's Curse
17. Feliz Cumpleaños
18. You're Next
19. Family
20. A Night Out
21. Confession
22. Christmas Eve
23. Merry Christmas
24. Fall of The Vees
25. History Repeates Itself
26. The Blanc Family
Oc Info + fun facts

2. Go to Hell

342 9 12
By m3liox


I look up from my phone, hearing a knock on my door. "Did you have a good first day?" mama asks, stepping into the room closing the door behind him. "It was ok." I answer blankly already feeling the direction this conversation is going in.

"Look your birthday is comin' up and I was wondering if you want to invite your friends over or a gift you wanted?" I look up at him before promptly looking down again. "Tracy you know I can't do that I'm sorry."

"Then why did you bother asking!?" I yell, slamming my phone onto my bed. "Every year there's only one thing I want and you know that! I don't think I'm asking for much!" I yell, tears welling in my eyes. "Tracy just listen-.."

"No you listen for once because I'm done staying quiet! I've gone 8 years without seeing papa and all I want is just 5 minutes to talk to him! Is that too much to ask for!?" I cry, holding my head in my hands.

"Tracy it's not as simple as that.." He sighs before continuing. "If things weren't so complicated I would talk to him for you at least." He pats my back as I release shaky breaths.

"Look I can't make any promises but I'll try and figure something out ok?" He cups my cheek in his hand, wiping my tears. "But in the worst case scenario I can't do anything. Do you want to invite those friends over?" I nod my head, still in tears.


"Y'know for someone depressed you seem awfully smiley today." Emi whispers, the sound of kids laughing and screaming surrounding us. "Are you kidding!? I might get to see my papa, of course I'm happy."

"Well we're happy for you Tracy, but I'm not so sure about going over to your house. I mean you're already pretty intimidating. I can't even begin to imagine your parents." Tori laughs nervously.

"My mama is nice unless you do something to upset him or me. I don't know so much about my papa though.." I rub the back of my neck nervously. "Well what was he like, you might not remember much but what did he do as a career."

"I can't tell you exactly but let's just say he was a pretty important his affair was on the news." I say nervously, Tori and Emi just staring at me. "What!?" They both yell, everyone on the bus looking in our direction.

"Keep your voices down, you guys are the first people I've told about this!" I mutter. "Maybe we can find something on your dad? If he was on the news it would be pretty easy!" Emi cheers, pulling out her phone.

"Trust me Emi, you'll just be wasting your time. You won't find anything on my papa, not on any phone or electronics here." They both stare at me confused. "You dad was on the news, there's got to be something!" Tori whispers.

"Trust me there isn't, it's completely lost for you guys." They both go silent for a while before Emi suddenly lets out a blood curdling scream causing me and Tori to flinch and cover our ears. "Fucking hell Emi what was that about!?" Tori yells, slapping Emi.

"There's a bug on me, get it off!" She yells, patting her lap. "Are you kidding me, you freaked the both of us out get it off yourself!" Tori yells, turning to face me. "She must be really scared of bugs huh?" I laugh.

"Yeah but she's terrified of spiders, she can't be around them." Tori laughs, me laughing nervously. "Tori, shut up, you know I don't like talking about it!" Emi yells. At least I won't be telling them I'm part spider demon.

"We should go dress shopping, make this whole birthday thing an actual party." I stare at her blankly. "Oh come on I know you're like emo and hate dresses." She laughs, pointing at my outfit.

"But I think we could find something you actually like!" I frown at her, sinking into the seat. "Yeah sorry but no, dresses have never been too flattering on me. I only looked good in them when I was six."

"Come on smile! I'm sure you would look amazing, maybe we just need something in your style." I frown at her. "You're starting to sound like my papa with all this 'you're never fully dressed without a smile bullshit'." I growl.

"Well he's right and we're going to find something so you're less naked." Emi laughs. "Go to hell." I growl. "Already in it Tracy." Emi laughs. "You have no idea." I whisper. "I'm sorry what?"



"Mrs. Smith It's too hot to be doing laps outside!" Emi yells, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "Tracy, how are you not sweating?" Tori asks, putting the back of her hand to my forehead. "Spent the first 6 years of my life somewhere really humid all the time, I'm just used to it." I shrug.

"You're not even hot are you ok!?" Tori yells, pulling her hand away from me. "I feel great. I don't know how you're complaining though it's really not bad." I laugh. "It's like 90 degrees out here and we're doing laps, a kid just passed out a few minutes ago."

"I think Emi is about to pass out too." I state blankly, turning to look back at Emi who resorted to lying face down on the ground. "Oh she's fine just recharging." Tori laughs, walking away. "Hey Tracy!" I hear someone yell from behind me, recognizing the voice immediately.

I turn to face her and her little minions. "What do you want Rachel? Could you not go the first week without bothering me?" I murmur, already knowing where this is going. "I was just saying hi, I didn't expect you back after you jumped off the roof." She laughs.

"Can't you just leave me alone!? Or is your life with your little minions so boring you have nothing better to do but bother me?" I yell, feeling my claws starting to come out. Tori places a hand on my shoulder as my breathing gets heavy.

"No but your dads life sure seems to be since he couldn't find anything better to do but give my dad head!" She yells, lunging towards me, grabbing me by the throat. "Rachel get off of her!" Tori yells, running away to get a teacher.

I manage to get on top of her, punching her in the face and she tries to scratch me to try and get me off. I slash her in the face with my claws before the teachers run over and pull us away from each other.

"You're nothing more than a suicidal freak with ugly scars all over you and a whore of a dad!" She yells, trying to run towards me before a teacher grabs her by her arm, dragging her away.


"Clearly there have been some issues with Tracy." The principle states blankly, me sinking into my seat as mama glares at him. "Are you kidding me!? That girl was bullying Tracy she should be the one getting punished!" He yells, slamming his fists on the table.

"My girl is an angel, it's your freak of a daughter who should be punished, look what she did to Rachels face!" Rachel's mom yells, pointing at the slash marks on Rachel's face making me grin.

"That is enough!" The principal yells, slamming his fists on the table before continuing. "Since both of them were involved they will both be suspended. Rachel for 2 weeks for starting the fight and Tracy for a week for participating! Now Mrs. Jones, please leave my office!" He yells, sitting back in his chair as they storm out.

A silence takes place before he sighs, straightening his posture. "Sir I am really sorry for what happened but it was that girl who was botherin' Tracy." Mama explains, patting my head.

"I understand from what I know Tracy has been making progress, correct? Making friends and going to therapy along with being on antidepressants?" Mama nods his head as I put my hood over my head in an attempt to forget I'm here.

"Ever since her suicide attempt things have been hard at home with self harming and constantly being watched to make sure shes ok. It's a hard time for her right now especially since she misses her papa, I'm trying to get in contact with him but I can't get through to him."

"Look Tracy is a good girl, she has been getting straight A's in all her classes and seems to enjoy being with her two friends. But I'm afraid she may need to attend more therapy, help her work through her issues." He sighs, looking down at me.

"I understand and I'll be makin' sure she gets what she needs."


Angel dust

"I'm really sorry mama." Tracy mutters. "Just go to your room, you're not in trouble, I just need to talk to Tomás." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. She nods before walking away. "So a fight?" Tomás raises an eyebrow at me, looking up from his newspaper.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do I mean I have no way of gettin' in contact with Alastor and I can't risk going down there especially at a time like this and now I got some bitch on my ass because her daughter was bullyin' Tracy again." I groan, feeling stressed.

"She's going through a tough time right now, I'm sure a little more support from her mama will help. You always figure something out, I'm sure you'll reach Alastor." He whispers, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Besides, you have enough going on with the wedding. How about you let me try and talk to Tracy?" I sigh before nodding. He kisses my cheek before walking away.


I knock on Tracy's door. "Come in." She yells. I walk in, Tracy on her phone, Fat Nuggets next to her. "So I heard you got into a fight, want to talk about it?" I ask, closing the door behind me and leaning against it.

"Not really." She mutters. "Look Tracy I know this is a tough time for you right now but you know you have your mama and me right?" She looks up from her phone nodding. "I know I'm not your real papa but I understand where you're coming from, my mama also left my dad so I only had her."

"I know, I don't hate you. You make my mama happy. I just wish I had my papa too." She cries, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know and he's trying to contact Alastor but how about we go out for a day? Actually get to know each other before I marry your mama."


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