Back to School (PJO ff)


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The Big Three are arguing ... AGAIN.Their sisters are finally fed up with all the fighting. Turned them into... Еще

Meeting and Brothers
Seriously? School?
Teachers, Classmates and Children
Demigods! to Goode!
Day with Annabeth
Studies and Assignments
Pizza with the Stolls
Camping Demigod Style
Camping Part II
Capture the Flag
Teachers or Students
Not to Understand the Female Race
The Drama King Returns
The Gang
The Kings of the school
New Best Friend
Deep Trouble
Father and Son Accident
Unusually Different
Little Duo in the Supermarket
Holiday Fun
Christmas Surprises
Demigod Test
Test of Demigodishness
Field Trip
New Story

Sick Days

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When they left the Pizza place they said good bye to the two sons of Hermes. The gods finally learned some more of the Demigod’s lives. They just don’t know that they would experience another mortal situation sooner than expected.

Chapter 7: Sick Days

                The gods thought today was relatively normal day, but they were sorely mistaken. Hades was the first up as usual and after a few minutes so was Zeus.  They had started to get ready for school, after a few minutes they noticed Poseidon’s absence. Zeus returned to the room to wake his brother.

                “Come on, Poseidon” Zeus said shaking his brother “Time to wake up”

                A groan erupted from the sheets.

                “Come on bro wakey wakey” Zeus coaxed but under the sheets Poseidon coughed from inside the covers which wasn’t heard by Zeus which thought of another plan to wake up his brother.

                Poseidon was curled into a ball slightly shivering and wheezing when a sudden weight attacked him and screamed “WAKE UP”

                Poseidon pushed his brother of him due to his weak state he wasn’t able push him off but he manage to cause Zeus to lose balance and fall to the carpeted floor with a thump. When Poseidon flipped open the sheets to glare at his brother. Zeus screamed and Poseidon hit him with the book that was sitting on the bedside table. Causing the younger god to shut up. Hades, who heard the commotion from inside the kitchen where he was drinking some milk, barged into the room with a white mustache; causing laughter and wheezing from the two brothers. Hades caught the wheezing and looked at Poseidon.

                “Hey Poseidon what happened to you?”

                “I don’t know” Poseidon said his voice hoarse “This idiot woke me up when I wasn’t feeling so well”

                “Hey” Zeus said “How should I know that you were sick…or whatever you call that.”

                Poseidon rolled his eyes and coughed again. His body was completely covered in rashes.

                “It’s called a rash, Zeus” Poseidon said “it happens when you’re allergic to something”

                “And the wheezing?”

                “All part of it” Hades said wiping off the milk foam on his lips. “He must’ve eaten something bad yesterday”

                “Probably the olives from the pizza?” Zeus asked

                “There were olives in that pizza?” Poseidon asked bewildered “Oh man, I thought those were anchovies”

                “Which ones?”

                “The little black ones”

                “Yes bro those are the olives I can’t believe you didn’t know that” Zeus said exasperatedly

                “Well I am sorry for my rivalry with your daughter” Poseidon said with a scowl and dots on his face.

                “Well what are we going to do?” Zeus asked “he can’t exactly go to school and I don’t think he can stay here alone”

                Poseidon rolled his eyes. “Please I am over a hundred thousand years old”

                “Yes a god a little over a hundred thousand years old who doesn’t know the difference between olives and anchovies” Zeus said sarcastically.

                “That’s it!” Poseidon said trying to get up to strangle his brother but Hades pushed him down.

                “Enough!” Hades exclaimed “You two need to stop this. Poseidon you need rest so just lie back down. You sure you’re going to be okay here alone?”

                Poseidon was about so say something cheeky when he saw his brother’s gaze and just nodded. Then Hades looked at Zeus.

                “Finish getting ready we have to leave in a few minutes or we’ll be late.” Zeus grumbled. That was until Hades hit him at the back of the head.

                “Fine!” Zeus snapped then he left the room. Hades returned his gaze to his other younger brother.

                “You sure you don’t want us to iris message…”

                “No!” Poseidon said a little too quickly “The last thing I need are our sisters fussing over a small incident. I can take care of myself.”

                Hades tried not to laugh at his brother’s distress. He knew how their sisters are. Very motherly, even if they were their brothers not sons and were only a few years apart. The three gods loved their sisters but they loathe it when their sisters dote on them. Hades shook his head at those memories and reached for the emergency cellphones in the drawer. They didn’t see the need of cellphones so they kept it in the drawers for emergency. He gave Poseidon one of the phones.

                “I will call later to see how you’re doing.”

                Poseidon groaned “Do you really need to?”

                “Unless you want to get scolded by our sisters after this”

                They both shuddered at the thought. They both looked at each other then started laughing. Until Zeus’ voice was heard all the way to the room from the kitchen.

                “Come on, Hades we need to get to school before we get into trouble for being late!”

                Hades chuckled “I think I need to get take care of that before our little brother loses his top”

                “Not his fault he’s the little brother” Poseidon defended “little brothers are meant to be annoying”

                “You were the little brother one you know”

                “Of course” he said smiling weakly Hades ruffled his hair much to his annoyance.

                “Check on you later bro”


                The two gods were close to being late in class. But they had managed to get into the classroom before the teacher had entered the room. Percy entered the classroom smirking almost laughing.

                “So what’s up guys?” Percy said then noticed someone missing “where’s Mark?”

                “He woke up with polka dots decorated on his face” Zeus said laughing. Hades again slapped him behind the head.

                “He forgot that he was allergic to olives and the pizza yesterday had some.” Hades said

                “Yeah I know how that feels,” Percy said “once I had forgotten that I woke up wheezing and rash everywhere. Now when we go buy Pizza, thankfully, Annabeth reminds me of that. So I haven’t had that in a while”

                “So how will he be able to take the test?” Hades asked Zeus rolled his eyes. Their brother is sick and all he is worried about is a stupid test?

                “He would have to take it at the faculty room.” Percy laughed “And good luck with that!”


                “You will have to find that out yourself” Percy said then the two brothers glared at him. But Percy stood his ground. As mortals the two gods didn’t exactly have the fire in their eyes that made people cringe, the one that Percy was used to. “That… has no affect on me. Nico does that to me a lot and so does Clarisse.  Anyway I have a reason I’m not telling. It’s because I wanna see his reaction after the test in the faculty room. It’s actually quite funny to watch the teachers out of class”

                “Why? What do they do?”

                “You will have to wait and see” Percy said smirking.


Back at Home…

                Poseidon was just at their apartment sleeping when he heard sounds coming from the kitchen. At first he thought it was nothing. But then he started to hear footsteps. He got up, with difficulty, from his bed and grabbed the thermos still half filled with water and headed for the door. He had the thermos raised. He opened the door ready to attack the intruder. But he came face to face with a pair of homey amber eyes.


                “What are you doing up?” she scolded “Your suppose to be in bed”

                “Well what was I suppose to do. I heard footsteps” he defended then he stopped being defensive like a little boy in trouble “wait what are you doing here?”

                “You don’t expect us to leave you home alone while you’re sick do you?” she asked

                “Um… yes?” Poseidon said weakly and coughed.

                “No, I don’t think so” Hestia lead him…well more of forced him back to bed. She grabbed a thermometer from her bag and shoved it in his mouth. He gagged from the taste of alcohol from the thermometer. Poseidon was about to pull the thermometer out when Hestia scolded him

                She slapped his hand away. “Don’t you dare pull that out. I can’t believe none of you thought of that.”

                “Tia” Poseidon whined “It’s just a rash it happened before. It’s not fatal”

                “Yeah, cuz I won’t let that happen” she said then looked at her watch again. After another minute, she took the thermometer and tusked. “You have a temperature.” She lightly hit him behind the head, though it didn’t feel light to him.

                “Hey don’t injure the sick” he said then coughed again and tried to get up to talk to his sister casually.

                “No get back down. Well I am going to look through the medicine and make some lunch. Don’t get up unless you need to go to the bathroom,”

                Poseidon groaned and hit his head back at the pillow “I was actually thinking of going back to sleep and I am not hungry”

                “You can go back to sleep. But I am not letting you skip lunch” she said sternly “You need your energy”

                Poseidon groaned again. Hestia glared at him sternly

                “Don’t give me that. We’re trying to help you” she said

                “Yeah, but do you guys have to act like a mo...” Poseidon paused then his eyes widened “Wait did you say we?”

                “Yes, I said we. We have to act like that. It’s an instinct. And we all both know that mother Rhea, wasn’t exactly a mom was she”

                “Yes but…”

                “But nothing” she said “Hera and Demeter will be back a little later, you three should really restock the cabinets. Honestly, I love you three but you guys can be a little immature. Seriously you three have lived for over a hundred years and you don’t know how to pick up for yourself”

                Poseidon just shrugged at this.

                “Anyways enough chitchat” she said “you go to sleep”

                When she left the room, Poseidon looked at the clock. It was 12 o’clock in the afternoon, Zeus and Hades should be having lunch at school by now. He grabbed the cellphone from under his pillow.

                SOS sisters are here at our apartment. HELP!!! He typed then sent it. Then after a while they sent a reply

                Sorry bro but you’re on your own. Zeus is on the floor laughing right now. You can’t believe what the two demigods did to Nico though I’ll show you a picture later. Good Luck. Hades replied back.

                What! @_@ your suppose to be the older one here help me. Our sisters are going to torture me here!!! He texted back

                Sorry bro can't do that while I'm at school so you’re in your own at this...good luck with that. Poseidon groaned in frustration.

This was the part that he didn't like from being the youngest back then. Always being smothered always doted on. It's really annoying. He went back to sleep hoping this was a dream and planning his vengeance.

Hestia woke him up a few minutes later. She practically forced a sandwich and a bowl of soup down his throat, which was still sore from all the coughing.

"So how was school?" she asked smirking

"Fine I guess" he said "I am guessing that you three set us up. Because if just so happens that it was the school Percy attends and that Thalia and Nico suddenly enrolled into school when we all know that those the last thing those two would do is come back to school with people and boys."

"I don't know. I am sure that it was just a coincidence." she said she rummaged through her bag and pulled some kind pills and bottles out of it

"Oh no I am not just going to lie here and let you force something down my throat" Poseidon protested.

"Okay then" she said then she snapped her fingers and he was suddenly stuck on the mattress.

"Tia! Let me go!"

"Nope you’re sick. Now be a good boy and take your medicine"

"No!" he said as he struggled in the grasps of whatever is keeping him down. She made him choke down two different medicines that leave disgusting tastes in his mouth.

"Urg what was that for?" he demanded

"That was your medicine" she replied calmly and gave him a bottle of water “your suppose to take that every four hours”

Poseidon nearly choked on the water “every four hours I have to drink that?”

“Yes now stop complaining and go to sleep” she said then kissed him on the forehead, much to his dismay. Then she left the room and closed the lights “Night Donny”

Poseidon wanted to protest but she left before he could. ... Could this get any worse? He thought.


Back at school Hades put the cell phone back in his pocket.

"So..." Percy asked "what's going on with Mark?"

"Apparently our sisters decided to give us a visit and are at home taking care of him."

"More like torturing him" Zeus mumbled the gods looked at each other then shuddered at the memories of their obsessive compulsive sisters.

"At least there is someone to look out for him" Annabeth said

"Yeah getting sick alone can be hard sometimes" Nico said "that's why I try to prevent getting sick"

"Yeah I have to agree with... Wait" Thalia said then inspected Nico “Where did that jacket come from?"


"Oh yeah where did that come from?" Annabeth asked "I remember we removed that"

"I brought it" Nico said "you don't think I would just walk around without a jacket I mean I can get sick"

"No you’re just finding an excuse, take it off." Annabeth said "you can wear it again later"

"Why?" Nico asked

"Because you took the dare now jacket off" Thalia said

Nico groaned "fine" he removed the jacket. Underneath he was wearing a double shirt. A black long sleeved shirt under a dark green short sleeved shirt. The long sleeve shirt had tattoo patterns printed on it. While the short sleeved shirt had some glyphs and symbols with the word "Dangerous" on top of it. He looked like a skater or some popular guy.

"Aww Nico" Percy teased "don't you look adorable?"

"shut up Percy" Nico grumbled something incoherent, probably a curse of some sort."This is your shirt Percy"

"Aww man I can’t believe Mark missed this" Percy said

"Oh he won't" Zeus said slightly laughing at his nephew's discomfort and snapped a picture with the cellphone. Nico continued to sulk.

"Aww cheer up Nico" Hades said "at least they didn't put you in a skirt." Nico looked at him with wide eyes causing all of them to laugh.

"Awesome idea Matt," Thalia commented

"Yeah Matt" Nico grumbled "great idea maybe we should do that to you"

Hades glared at his son. Nico also glared at Hades. Hades being turned to a mortal made his signature glares weaker so the two death people were equally matched. They would've lasted longer if it wasn't for the bell

"Okay guys!" Percy interrupted causing both of them to jump.

“I think we all need to go to class so we can continue this conversation going home later k?"

"Yeah and we could see how Mark is doing hopefully" Annabeth said "hopefully he hasn't been tortured by your sister as you had said"


The two gods entered the apartment while Percy and company went to Annabeth's place to leave their things.

"We’re home!" Zeus said then all of the sudden Poseidon ran from somewhere in the apartment and hid behind Hades. Clearly running away from something. He looked better compared to that morning. The dots around his face are less prominent but he still looked pale. Right now though he looked distressed.

"Hey guys Wazzup how’s it going how was school and HIDE ME!" he said all at once

"Uhm hi, we're fine, Percy and the others are going to come later and why?"

As if on cue Hera came out from the room holding a pair of scissors. Then she noticed the two gods "hey boys your home. How was school and have you seen your brother?"

"Yeah" Hades said "but one question. What are you doing?"

"Oh your brother needs a haircut" she said "and from the looks of it all three of you do"

"No not really" Zeus said then went to his wife and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hera, where are you? please stop torturing the boy" Hestia called then saw all of them standing in the living room "good you guys are home. I was wondering when you'd show up"

"Yeah were here and I have things under control" Hades said "thanks for watching out for him"

"No problem, if there is any problem call for us” Hestia said then pried Hera out of Zeus. "Come on sis let's leave the boys back to their...brotherly bonding." then both goddesses disappeared.

Then Poseidon gave Hades a glare "you called them?"

"I had to your a hundred thousand year old god in a mortal body." Hades said "I don't think you will ever get better if we left you here alone"

"Do you have any idea what our sisters did?" Poseidon said angrily "I was being used as a doll for the past five hours"

"Well I had to..." but before he could finish that thought Poseidon was on top of him and they were fighting on the floor. There was a knock on the door, Zeus opened it and let the demigods in who were shocked at the scene happening before them

"Uh is that Matt and Mark?" Percy asked


"I thought Mark was sick" Annabeth said

“He is"

"Then why are they fighting on the floor?" Nico asked "something about sisters and torture"

"Shouldn’t we stop them?"

"Oh don’t worry Matt will win this one. Unfortunately he us the strongest between the three of us and Mark is sick so..." then Hades pinned Poseidon to the floor arms above his head.

“Give up?”

“Fine” he said

“Okay then” Hades got off his brother and helped him back up.

“Hey guys” Percy said again

“Hi” they said “

“Glad to see your getting better” Annabeth noted the lest prominent dots all over his body.

“Yeah” Poseidon glared at Hades “After four to five hours of shear torture it was a relief”

“That must’ve been terrible” Nico said “Worse than the what these two did to me”

“And I can’t believe I missed that” motioning to Nico in his usual black clothes and jacket.

“Don’t worry we’ll show you the pics later” Zeus whispered to his brother. Making him smirk and Nico to groan.

“Anyway” Annabeth said “We just stopped by to see how you’re doing. Sorry we would stay longer but Sally wants me to help Percy study at his house. Thalia and Nico have to help Clarisse help with our camping trip tomorrow.

“Camping trip?”

“You know for the Capture the flag game” Thalia said “We are going to pummel those guys to the ground.”

“Yeah its two days and one night in the woods” Zeus told Poseidon “I am actually excited”

“Yeah well sorry we have to go see you guys tomorrow”

When they left the gods were in the room sharing stories of their day and looking at picture of Nico with shock expressions and their laughter. All in all it was an eventful sick day.

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