LoveStruck | Choso Kamo

By jajayfeathers

131K 3.6K 4.4K

Everyone loves and know Y/N. She has good grades, dress well, loves pets, has an association, her parents are... More

few words before starting...
lovestruck part one
1. You leesh!
1 part 2. How cute
2. Bullshit
3. Sweetheart
4. Rumors
5 part 1. Lies
5 part 2. Melting
6. Ghosting
7. Bad boys problem
8. A cute scar on your ugly face
9. Psycho
10. My girl
11. Late night walk
12. Not our goodbyes
lovestruck part two
bonus chapter
13. Muse
14. Reunion
16. Flowers
17. Here we go again
18. Cry
19. Pottery lessons
- author note ; please read it
- q&a for 50k
20. Stop being cute
21 part 1. Santa tell me
21. part 2. Santa tell me

15. All by myself

2K 81 84
By jajayfeathers

cr to affectbitter on twitter

tw : some sexual references

(~ 2700 words, i hope you are comfortably seated and not in a rush lol
don't mind the title of the song, i just wrote this chapter with it on replay)



Choso noticed the change of your expression when Yuki called him and he tried hard to hide his satisfied smile.

Did he call her "bunny" on purpose ? Not really. Yuki had this quirky habit of addressing everyone as "bunny," and it somehow caught on with Choso.

He met Yuki one day at his tattoo parlor, she wanted a centipede tattoo on her back. Yuki is the type of person who makes new friend whenever she goes and she managed to make the not friendly Choso smile with one question.

"What kind of girls are you into ?"

Since then, they became friends with some benefits... They met, she teases him, he let her mess with him, they kiss, they fuck, she makes fun of him, he gets annoyed and they repeat it with no strings attached.

Choso allowed himself to be close to Yuki for the sole reason of avoiding loneliness and the ache of longing for your presence. He even slipped up once, moaning your name when she was on top of him... Yuki didn't talk to him for months. What annoyed Yuki was that Choso seemed unfazed by it all; she was just a passing distraction to him. Normally, she is the one having this attitude with guys not the other way.

After spending an hour together, you left Choso, the recent call leaving you cold and annoyed. He seemed to sense your change in mood, but he played it off like it was nothing – almost as if it amused him.

Funny how the tables had turned. He was always the one being jealous, jealous about your relationship with Yuta, jealous about all the guy who waited an opportunity to sleep with you in highschool, jealous about your new "bond" with this guy Hiromi... Choso seemed to believe that it was now your turn to taste jealousy. Perhaps, after what you had put him through, it was only fair.

Three days had slipped by with no messages exchanged between you and Choso. People changed and deep down, you understood that Choso was not the same person you had left behind. You had been absent from his life for so long; it was only natural that he changed. But why did it irritate you so much?

Tonight you had a big event, a party held by the city to celebrate all the young and new influent person who make New York "shine".

"So, what did you feel when you saw him at the gallery ?, Yuji's voice came through the phone's speaker.
– You can't imagine... When my eyes met his, I was ready to risk it all just to see him smile once again... smile at me!, you admitted with a sad pout."

Nobara and Yuji gazed at you, sympathy in their eyes. You missed them terribly. Video calls were no longer enough; you needed them beside you right now.

"But I can't help feeling insecure. It's like I no longer fit into his life, you confessed, applying lipstick for tonight.
– Girl, if you think he's the one, then you need to fight for him. He fought for you, so it's your turn, Nobara declared firmly.
– Trust me, I am not saying this just to make you happy. He still love you, Yuji chimed in.
– Really?, you asked with a little hope. But this girl...
– Don't worry about her. Are they in a relationship ? No ? Then, go for him!, Nobara retorted, rolling her eyes.
– I feel bad for Hiromi...
– Let me repeat myself. Are you in a relationship? No? So, we don't care !, Nobara raised her voice.
– I swear Y/N, with this dress one touch no, no, no, ONE LOOK and he will be on his knees asking for your hand !, Nobara proclaimed with conviction."

You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief.

"Okay, okay, I will give you an update... I have to go babies, my uber is waiting for me, with a wave and blown kisses, you ended the call, their cheers following you as you headed into the evening."

A final look in the mirror and you finally left your hotel room to join the uber. As the car pulled up in front of the reception venue, a subtle knot of excitement and nervousness formed in the pit of your stomach. Taking a deep breath, you stepped out of the vehicle, your heels clicking softly against the pavement. You made your way to the rooftop where the party was taking place. The place was crowded yet, the ambiance was chill. Music pulsed through the speaker but it wasn't too loud, you could still hear your partner talking.

You navigated through the crowd, greeted by the gazes of many, both familiar faces and strangers. The deputy mayor himself came to extend gratitude for your efforts, while whispers circulated around you, making you nervous.

Influencers, fellow doctors, and young designers alike came over to exchange greetings and take photos with you. You even forgot the reason why you were so eager to came at this event... Choso. When you finally had a moment for yourself, a waiter gave you a glass of Mojito.

"Excuse me?, a soft, feminine voice pulled your attention, a gentle tap on your shoulder accompanying the call."

You met the gaze of a young woman with long, straight black hair, and a charming mole on her chin. Her smile radiated warmth and genuine admiration. She wore a purple siren dress adorned with sequins and lace, her diamond earrings sparkling under the lights.

"Oh, hi!, you smiled at her.
– Y/N that's right ? It's lovely to finally meet you. I'm Rika Orimoto! I'm a huge admirer of your work, and I truly mean that – I follow you on every social media, even ResearchGate!, she beamed so happy to talk with you.
– Oh my! I appreciate it, you are so sweet, you chuckled."

You smiled, appreciating her enthusiasm. Yet, something about her face triggered a familiar feeling.

"You look familiar, did we met ?, you asked curiously.
– Hmm..., she seemed to hesitate, a blush touching her cheeks. Maybe because I am Yuta fiancé, she confessed with an embarrassed giggle."

Your eyes widened. Right, Yuta was engaged. You'd forgotten about that detail entirely.

He got engaged at Christmas, he even invited you for the engagement party but you were in Afghanistan for an humanitarian mission. Things changed a lot between you and Yuta, he suddenly became mature and friendly when his dad gave him some responsabilities. He broke up with Himeko and apologized to you about his shitty behavior. Sometimes, he calls to check up on you and tells you all about his life. Rika is the youngest of the Orimoto clan, an influent family in Japan's politic and according to what Yuta told you, it was love at first sight when he saw her on Osaka streets trying to escape her bodyguards to go in a party.

"Really ? Nice to meet you Rika ! That's so fun, what a small world! No need to be embarassed, we are cool with Yuta, you reassured her with a friendly smile.
– Ah, honestly... when he mentioned you were his ex, it was hard not to feel a bit insecure. I mean, you're amazing, she chuckled embarassed.
– Do you hear yourself ? Stop saying that, you are beautiful Rika, you playfully nudged her.
– Thank you ! I really want you to be here at our wedding next month, she laughed.
– I missed your engagement party, I will not miss the wedding !, you promised with a grin."

You conversation with Rika lasted for a good thirty minute, you were really happy to meet her. Her nickname 'Princess Orimoto' was not a misleading one - she really did look like a princess, elegant and lovely. You bet that Rika helped a lot in Yuta's character devlopment.

Your moment was interrupted by another guest who came to greet Rika, you took the time to look around you... searching for Choso's presence. In the middle of the lively rooftop party, you finally spotted Choso on the other side. Your eyes met and he gave you a slight nod, acknowledging your presence. No greetings, no exchanged words, just a nod. Despite your hopes, Choso didn't come over to talk. Trying not to let it bother you even though you were pretty disappointed, you mingled with other people at the party, enjoying their stories and laughter.

What you didn't know was that Choso was stealing glances at you when you weren't looking, trying to hide that he found you incredibly beautiful even breathaking. To him, in that dress, you seemed like a goddess descended from the stars. He imagined himself, touching softly the skin that your backless satin dress was showing just to mess with your back jewels. Your makeup, your dress, your hair made him weak.

Seeking a moment of solitude and a breath of fresh air, you found your way to the rooftop's edge. The city lights spread out before you, creating a mesmerizing view of the numerous buildings.

"May I ask about what you are thinking so fondly miss L/N ?, someone interrupted your moment of peace."

You turned your attention to the person speaking. You raised your eyebrows when you noticed the man in front of you was an actor from your favorite netflix show. Tall, blond, blue eyes and a nice smile... he was cuter in real life but he wasn't your type at all.

"Hi, you offered, James, right?"

The way he looked at you like a hungry lion made you feel uneasy.

"I have a few questions, he said with an irritating smirk."

Curious, you tilted your head, waiting for him to continue.

"Isn't it tough being a female doctor in those underprivileged countries you've visited? I mean, it's not the best environment for women. They should be in a safer space for their 'delicacy,' he looked at the sky to give himself a pensive look.
– Delicacy? Seriously, how old are you?, your frown deepened and you scoffed.
– I wouldn't want my wife to be..., he began but you interrupted him.
– I don't think we are that close to talk about this kind of things, you pointed out."

He ignored your comment and snapped his fingers to call a waiter, summoning them to get you a drink. You found it so rude and declined, annoyed, but he persisted, ignoring your refusal. He insisted and you kept declining but he couldn't take no for an answer.

Choso, who had been quietly watching, stepped in. He came over with a serious expression on his face. His presence felt strong, like a protective shield. The actor's attitude changed as soon as he saw Choso.

"Hey, man, we're just talking, the actor tried to defend himself.
– She said no. You should respect that, Choso retorted firmly."

The actor seemed to realize he was in the wrong and muttered an apology before leaving. You were left with Choso, who seemed relieved that you were okay.

"Are you alright?, he asked.
– We say hi first, you scowled, folding your arms.
– We did say hi, he chuckled, clearly amused by your sudden change in attitude.
– When ?
– Earlier, I nodded at you, he said with his husky voice, looking deep at you.
– That's not a proper greeting, you blushed a little bit."

He merely smirked in response.

"You look good, you blurted out, flustered."

He looked very good with his Prada set, even though it wasn't his usual attire. IIt was the first time you had seen him in such formal clothing, and you couldn't help but admit he looked incredibly sexy. The suit emphasized his tattoos and his muscles.

"I can't say the same about you, he replied."

You raised an eyebrow, ready to retort, but he caught you off guard.

"Because it would be an understatement, he gave you a wide smile."

You laughed, your cheeks burning, and playfully shoved him.

"I didn't saw your boyfriend, he stated.
– Hiromi is not my boyfriend, I told you, you sighed. And he wasn't invited.
– Or else you would come with him?, he asked while leaning against the edge.
– Maybe, you shrugged."

You noticed him clenching his jaw. A silence fell between you, and you felt strangely embarrassed.

"It's getting late and the party is ending. Want a ride ?, he suddenly changed the topic.
– Did you come with your bike ?, you asked intrigued.
– Yes, doll, he chuckled.
– I am up then, you said leading the way to the exit."

Choso's presence behind you was both reassuring and exciting. Outside, the air was cooler, a refreshing contrast to the warm atmosphere of the party. The soft city lights casted a gentle glow on both of you.

Choso's bike wasn't the same as the one he had in highschool. He swung a leg over and patted the seat behind him, inviting you to join him before wearing his helmet and giving you yours. Your fingers brushed slightly when you took the helmet and cursed at yourself when you felt goosebumps just at the mere touch.

You couldn't deny the thrill coursing through you, it was like old times. Settling onto the motorcycle, you held onto Choso's waist as he expertly navigated the streets to your hotel. As you leaned into him, you couldn't help but let out a joyful laugh. You missed this. You missed him.

But eventually, the motorcycle slowed, bringing you in front of your hotel. You got off the bike with a twinge of disappointment that it was so short.

You took a step forward but felt your ankle twitch, your heel broke off suddenly and a second later, you felt Choso's big arms around you. He was holding you close and saved you from a nasty fall.

"You good princess ?, he asked very concerned.
– Choso, people are staring at us, you giggled a little flustered.
– I can't let you down. Your heel broke, how are you going to walk ?, he frowned.
– It's okay, I will walk with no heels on, you tried to ease his concern."

He sighed and suddenly carried you like a princess. He carried you so easily as if you had the weight of a feather.

"Choso, put me down !, you exclaimed with eyes wide open.
– Shh, I am gonna carry you to your room, he ignored your complains."

People at the hotel's reception looked at you amused, founding you cute. You were so embarrassed and tried to hide your blush by snuggling up to him. He didn't say a word but a cute smile never left his face. His gaze was full of devotion and love.

When he laid you carefully on the floor of your room, you wanted to thank him but like the other day in the gallery his phone started ringing. When he took his phone out of his pocket, your smile disappeared. It was Yuki again.

"Don't pick up the phone, please, you said while grabbing his wist to stop him from answering his call."

He raised his eyebrows, he wasn't expecting this. His eyes switched between you and his phone.

"What do you want Y/N ?, he finally cut the tension between you."

You bite your lips nervously and took a step forward.

"I want you all by myself, you managed to say without a stutter."

He smirked and leaned forward.

"You don't mean it, he whispered before nibbling your ear gently."

You gasp and close your eyes. You couldn't even hear his phone ring. He traced your back with his fingers with all the care of the world.

"Have a good night Y/N, he said with his husky voice before pulling away."

He was ready to leave you but you stopped him by grabbing him by his shirt. On tiptoe, you placed your lips timidly on his.

Your hearts were beating so fast, you thought they will explode soon. Choso couldn't believe what was happening, all he fantasized for years were happening right now.

Your timid kiss quickly became a real kiss full of passion.

He pushed you up against the wall, a hand on your thigh lifted your leg to put it around him and another one was around your neck, pulling you closer.

don't thank me for this *chef kiss* chapter

what's your thoughts? do you think things are happening fast or its ok its ok?

the next chapter will be steamy but don't wait for too much 😘

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