By lovejj1234

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❝ᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴛᴇ ᴏғ ʟᴏᴠᴇ❞ currently re-editing ✰Our fate of love the story of park jimin Jeon jungkook and park ta... More

❀❀Epilogue ❀❀


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By lovejj1234

Just trust me

Surprise double update 😚

Jimin was sleeping peacefully in zitao's lap who was caressing his hairs .....it's hard for him to handle jimin but after crying for hours jimin fall asleep and zitao he was looking at jimin but he  looked back when his daughter came inside jimins room and pouted  while looking at jimin .

,"appa can i sleep here with mama please"

She asked her dad who nodded and she immediately laid beside jimin and put her little hand on her mama's hand and fall asleep too ......zitao was smiling looking at his daughter and his jimin both were looking so cute sleeping together no one can say they are not blood related....he can't see his daughters sad face who need jimin and if he left his small bean will be sad so as he .......that's why he did this .....but did he ask jimin what he wants no .

He hurt two hearts .

His eyes were getting heavy and didn't realised when he fall asleep beside jimin and his daughter.

Next morning.....!

Jimin was the first one who woke up with heavy head ......he look at his left side and saw his daughter were sleeping and zitao who was sleeping beside him holding his waist.......he gently pushed his hand and kissed his daughter than went to bathroom but .....

When he saw himself in mirror the image of taehyung and jungkook came infront of him .......he closed his eyes and cried again .....who doesn't feels hurt seeing our love naked with someone it hurts right that's what jimin was feeling.....hurt , broke , pain ,and he can't even  describe what he was feeling right now .

,"You said koo-kie you love me than why you - what shou-ld I do now i w-as ready to tell you everything I was ready to leave everythi-ng behi-nd for yo-u kookie ......but now i don't think our love is same anyone we lost our love .... because of me it's my fault i let you go....it's all my faul-t i deserve thi-s"

He wiped his tears and look himself in mirror again .

,"Am sorry princess......i can't give you your appa he is somone else now .......your mama is bad i let your appa go .....but I hope he will live happily with hyung i guess it's our fate but I want hi-m b-ack"

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and held his hand .......his head is aching so bad when he saw clearly he got shocked to see himself naked with taehyung who was also naked they were on bed ....he didn't know what happened last night why they are here naked on same bed ....but when he slowly looked around he realised they were in some room in the award show venue ......he can't believe he cheated his jimin .."n-o he will hate m-e i can't lose h-im"

He immediately stood and wore his clothes and run away to find jimin leaving naked taehyung alone .

But it's too late it's already morning and jimin is not here ...he was so nervous and can't believe he touch taehyung no he fucked him ...."how did i - i fuck-ed tae - jeon jungkook you are stupid....what will jimin say if he got to knew i cheated on him ..i was going to tell everyone about us on his birthday but..i ruined everything.....will he leave m-ee no

Jeon jungkook

Stop this

He will never leave me


But -you fucked someone jungkook....are you going to hide this from h-im arghhhhhhhhh

Jungkook SLAPPED himself and pulled his hair and slapped himself again ...he felt disgusting to even touch taehyung when he loves his jimin now is he going to lose him again no he can't let him leave .

Meanwhile taehyung also woke up and looked at himself with confused eyes than he remembered what happened last night........he kissed jungkook but they were in bathroom and how jungkook kissed him back and naked him  and than ......................"jungkook kissed me and  - but he-.....aish taehyungggggg

He pulled his hairs and cupped his face ......he also remembered How jungkook was moaning jimins name when he was kissing him .............he feels bad for him it's true that he always wanted jungkook to make him his but not like this and now yoongi is back maybe his feelings is back too .... He also can see how much  jungkook loves jimin that he --------was saying jimin's names when he was drugged and ............... How he-

Taehyung now realised that someone gave him and jungkook drugs and how they end up in room ............who did this he have to find out .

Yoongi was crying on floor  Hugging his knees he didn't sleep at all crying non stop after seeing taehyung......he wants to hug him so bad but he can't he hates him right.....no he doesn't he loves him soo much that he still trust him .

But he was angry that tah

Suddenly door opened and when he look up he saw his  namjoon Hyung who run towards him and hugged him and pat his hairs.

,"Yoongiah don't cry ......i knew it you were not ok that's why you didn't picked my calls "

,"Hyung i am not ok I saw him i met tae ....i said i hate him but i don't....i love you hyung i love him  but what he did h-"

He cried in his hyung's embrace and told him how he met taehyung.

,"He is innocent yoongi .."

,"Wha-t "

Yoongi pulled away and looked at namjoon with confused eyes.

,"Yes he didn't know anything that you are still alive he loved you yoongi ..... I can tell you he didn't left you ...........your mother and your bestfriend did all this they -"

ᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵃᵗᵉ ᵒᶠ ˡᵒᵛᵉ

Now yoongi will take his love back but it's not easy and what you guys think about Jimin , what will he do ?

More plots and drama is coming ❤️

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