Back To You €Mike Chang

By olismyname17

39.1K 1.3K 262

in which no matter what stands in their way, Mickey Hummel and Mike Chang always find their way back to each... More

Cast: Season 1
Act one: the storm
The Rhodes not Taken
Vitamin D
The Power of Madonna
Bad Reputation
Dream On
Cast: Season 2
Act two: The Aftermath
Friend or Foe
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed

Journey To Regionals

959 44 8
By olismyname17

A/N: Important message at the bottom 

please don't be a silent reader

[Three weeks ago]

"Jamie, why did you take me here?" Mickey asked his friend once they reached the auditorium of Carmel high.

The older teen insisted the younger spend the day with him and had been pretty nervous the whole time, which Mickey picked up on. Jesse had taken him to the café, animal shelter, breadstix, and now Carmel.

"Um, maybe you should uh sit. Yeah, take a seat please," Jesse told him, slightly fumbling over his words, watching as Mickey sat and standing in front of him,"I uh, brought you here because I have something really important to tell you and I found that this was probably the best place to do this so uh," Jesse paused taking a breath as he knew what he was going to say next would be hard for the latter to take in,"I'm leaving McKinely," he told him softly

"You're what?" Mickey asked him, his eyes wide not believing what he had heard,"You're leaving, Jamie?"

"Yeah," Jesse sighed, giving Mickey a sympathetic look, grabbing his hands,"Look hummingbird, as much as I love this and appreciate our friendship but I don't feel welcomed at McKinley and I'm obviously unwanted. Please don't be mad I jus-" He told the boy who was basically his younger brother

"Jamie, relax" Mickey chuckled with a small smile, standing and rubbing Jesse's hands,"I get it, you have every right to want to leave. I'm not thrilled but I understand and I'm happy for you. Plus we can still see each other outside of school, we're gonna be ok as long as you're happy I'm happy" He told him sweetly, rubbing his cheek tenderly as Jesse leaned into his touch

"You're really wise for your age," Jesse teased, tearfully repeating his words from when they both first officially met,"I'm supposed to be giving you guidance as your elder," He chuckled as Mickey wiped his tears

"That goes both ways, Jamie" Mickey told him softly, his own tears beginning to prick his eyes as he blinked them away,"You gonna be okay?" He asked the older boy once his tears began to cease

"Um, y-yeah I'm okay," Jesse sniffed, nodding his head as he breath deeply as if preparing himself as his friends from Vocal Adrenaline walked from the wings and took places on the stage,"I have prepared a goodbye for you Hummingbird, and though we still will see each other I still want to give you a proper 'see you later'," He told him and walked to the stage as the music began to play

[Hummingbird by Leslie Odom Jr. - Jesse St. James & Vocal Adrenaline]

Mickey then ran onto the stage and jumped into Jesse's arms, finally letting his tears fall,"I'm gonna miss you, Jamie" he whispered to his big brother in everything but blood

"I'm just a phone call away," Jesse whispered back, the two staying in each other arms for a while making up for the time they'll lose


"No one wants any pizza?" Mr.Shue asked the solemn teens before moving on, "All right, well, uh, let's get started. Thank you for coming to the first annual New Directions' Regionals' setlist nominations party"

"What's the point, Mr. Shue?" Artie asked sadly, "Coach Sylvester's one of the judges. She's gonna crush us."

"Artie, you don't know that" Will tried to lift the boy's spirit, but they all knew that the woman was gonna do everything in her power to make sure the club ended

"Yes, we do." Santana informed, "'She told us at Cheerios practice."

"It's true," Mickey mumbled, leaning his head on Puck's shoulder,"She's not gonna give us a chance,"

Brittany nodded her head as she thought about their practice,"Yeah, she said, I'm going to crush Glee Club." she said monotonously

"A whole freaking year." Puck sadly said, shaking his head in disappointment causing Mickey to lift his head and look around at the rest of the club members

"All that hard work for nothing" Tina started crying next to him, catching the solemn attention of everyone else,"I'm sorry." The girl sobbed, "I just really love you guys. You know how many

Facebook friends I had before I joined Glee Club? Two. My parents. Rachel was right. Being a part of something special it made me special. l just can't believe it's going to be over in a week."

Mickey looked around and saw the sadness on all of their faces and knew he had to do something. The boy even felt bad for Tina and that was saying a lot as he never really liked her all that much.

"Wait." Finn asked confused, "Who says it's going to be over? We'll all still be friends."

"Please." Mercedes said, also on the verge of crying, "You think Puck, Santana, and Mickeyare going to even acknowledge my existence once we're not in Glee Club together anymore? Or stand up for us?"

"She has a point." Puck agreed as Mickey tilted his head slightly in agreement

"Mr. Schuester?" Rachel cried, "Do you think instead of nominating songs, we can just... all go around the room and talk about things that we loved about Glee Club this year?" As all the girls began to tear up, Mickey moving to comfort Santana and Mike Brittany


"Sue," Mickey spoke softly as he walked into her office, just as he had done plenty of times before but this time was different. This time Mickey wasn't here to just talk or get advice or keep her company, he was here to deal with a big problem that Sue was the cause of

"Hey, mini me," Sue greeted him, not noticing the tension in his body,"What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to make deal with you," Mickey said tensely, not liking the fact he had to do this with the woman he thought of like a mother,"And you're gonna agree to it," his words causing her to raise a brow

"I am, am I?" Sue questioned, leaning back in her chair, intrigued,"Well, what's the deal, little one?"

"You let Glee go to regionals, you let them compete and you let the judges choose fairly. You don't interfere, you don't sabotage, and whatever the outcome is that's that. You let the club for once have a fair chance and maybe just maybe they'll win and maybe they won't but at least I'll know it's fair." Mickey told her seriously, and took a deep shaky breath, preparing for the next part of what he was going to say

"If we win you back off for a while, you let the club bask in their glory for a few weeks, be happy. If we lose and somehow Figgins still lets them continue, which I sure will end up happening and I'm never wrong about these things. But I won't join them again, I'll be your cheerios captain and you will have my full attention and be my number one priority. And if you want I'll even help you sabotage the glee club, whatever you want" He finished, holding out his hand to the woman,"Copasetic?" He questioned with a tight smile

Sue stared at him amused for a second, taking in everything he said,"You as my captain and spy? Well, how could I say no to that, 2.0?" She said with a chuckle, shaking his hands,"You got yourself a deal," She accepted

"Knew I would," Mickey muttered to himself, pushing down the feeling of guilt he felt in his body. He knew his decision was irrational in a sense but he also knew it was the only to give the club a fair chance and get Sue off their back for a while.

He knew that without this club his brother and his friends would be devastated. He knew as much as Santana and Puck tried to act like they didn't care for the club, they did and would miss the club dearly if it were to be disbanded. Mickey had a feeling they still wouldn't win but he also had a feeling that something was gonna work in the clubs favor and they were gonna get another year....

..And his feelings were never wrong..

Mickey waited sadly with the rest of the glee club, when Rachel and Finn suddenly marched into the choir room, "Mr. Schuester, Finn and I have something we want to say to you."

"Me first." The Spanish teacher stated,"Have a seat. Nine months ago, there were six of you in here. And we sucked. I mean, we really sucked. Bad.!" The og members laughing remembering their terrible rendition of Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat, "One day, all of you are going to be gone. And all of this, all of us will be nothing but a hazy memory. It will take you a second to remember everyone's name. Someone will have to remind you of the songs we sung, the solos you got or didn't get. Life only really has one beginning and one end, and the rest is just a whole lot of middle. And I love you guys too much to let you not make the most of it. Now, I was going to quit once, but you guys brought me back with "Don't Stop Believing." It was a nine, but we are going to make it a ten"

"We're doing "Don't Stop" at Regionals?" Rachel asked, as the rest of the glee club looked up in hope, one boy in particular giving a tight smile

"And then some." Mr. Shue stated as the teens cheered, "We are doing a Journey medley. Because who cares what happens when we get there when the getting there has been so much fun? Rachel? You had something you wanted to say?"

"Just that we're all really glad you didn't become an accountant." Rachel said cheerfully as the rest of the glee members laughed in response, the mood in the room much more encouraging.

"Regionals, here we come!" Mr. Shue stated pumping a fist in the air as the New Directions cheered before getting straight to work on their Journey medley.

And boy did they practice hard. From that meeting to Regionals, they worked their butt off. Yet, there was a lingering worry of Vocal Adrenaline and Coach Sue as a judge. So, when they heard Aural Intensity's songs through the speakers, their confidence was shot even more.

"'A mash up of Olivia Newton-John and Josh Groban." Puck said outraged, "Are you kidding me? Somebody tipped them off about the judges."

"Guys, we can't get distracted by what the other teams are doing." Rachel told them, with a confident smile

"We just got to keep our heads in the game and focus." Finn said, agreeing with Rachel.

"Even though we know we can't win?" Santana asked as the rest of the glee club glumly nodded.

Mickey sat still away from the group, the tension clear in his body as he breathed deeply. Suddenly he felt hands on his shoulders making him jump slightly

"Sorry," Mike apologized as he began to rub Mickey's shoulders,"You okay? You seem more tense than usual," he asked him worriedly

"Uh, yeah I'm fine," Mickey mumbled, unconvincingly leaning his head back onto Mike's stomach


"Yeah, no no I'm not okay, can we go somewhere more private?" Mickey muttered, he and Mike going to an unoccupied restroom and locking the door,"I just uh I made this deal with Sue and if we don't win this I-"

"You made a deal with Sue?" Mickey asked him, letting go of his shoulders and turning him to face him,"Mickey why would you-"

"I just wanted you guys to have a fair chance, Mikey" Mickey told him softly, smiling small holding his best friends hands,"I wanted you guys to not be sabotaged or cheated out of this competition and the only way I could do that was by making a deal with Sue," he told him honestly

"What was the deal, Mickey?" Mike asked him in a whisper, scared to know what Mickey had given away,"What did you give her?"

"If the club wins she backs off for a while, give you guys some peace," Mickey started slowly, knowing the next part would be tough to say,"If we lose, and let's face it we will probably lose and even if we do we'll probably still get another year because that's how this club works, you fight for what you want. If you find some way to keep the club for another year, I can't be a part of it anymore and I have to be completely devoted to the cheerios and Sue, and even help her destroy the club." He told him, his voice cracking towards the end as he saw Mike's face drop

"Wh-why would y-you do that, Mickey? Wh-why would you-" Mike stuttered, dropping Mickey's hands and stepping back

"Mike, it was the only way to ensure she would play safe, so you guys could have a fair chance," Mickey basically pleaded for him to understand,"Mik-"

"Why do you keep saying, you guys, Mickey you're as much part of this club as the rest of us. You care about this club just like the rest of us, why is that so hard for you to admit,Micks?" Mike raised his voice in frustration, causing Mickey to shrink into himself holding his arms tightly to stop himself from flinching

"I did this for you guys okay, not for me-" Mickey started, only to be cut off

"Oh my God, Mickey just for once can you stop being so damn selfless and admit that you care, admit that you love us and this club that you would even give up something so important to you, just so we could have one fair chance out of all the shit Sue put us through?" Mike ranted, walking up to Mickey and taking his face into his hands, resting his forehead against his,"You wanna win, and you want to stay in glee club, you're not fooling me"

"I do, I do," Mickey whispered, letting out a shaky breath as he cried softly,"I really wanna stay in this club with you but I would rather you guys be happy than we all be miserable. This was the only way I could do that,"

"It's ok," Mike said softly, kissing his forehead as Mickey cried into his shoulder,"It's gonna be okay,"

[Back with Club]

"Yes" Mr. Shue encouraged, "If this is only about winning for you guys, then l owe you all an apology, because I've failed you. And we should just all go home, because it means we've already lost. Besides, we have got something that the other groups don't."

"What?" Rachel asked in confusion.

"Finn's dancing." Mr. Shue joked, as the glee club laughed, "Right? Come on. Now let's get out there. We got two minutes. Aural Intensity Is almost finished. Bring it in." Mr. Shue requested,

the entire glee club circled around for an enthusiastic show circle before going backstage, where Mickey and Mike were waiting for them.

"Ladies and Gentleman, our second competitors, winner of the Central Ohio Sectional, McKinley High's New Directions!"

{JPm still yours "Faithfully" -Journey(Sung by Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson)

"Any Was You Want It/ Lovin' Touchin' Squeezing"- Journey( Sung by the New Directions)

Don't Stop Believin'- Journey(Sung by the New Directions)}

After they finished their medley, the New Directions quickly walked off the stage,cheering and hugging each other the entire way.

"That was awesome!" Finn yelled, high fiving Mickey who smiled big, the rush from performing still very strong

"Oh, my God!"

"We've got second place in the bag." Tina cheered

"Screw that. We are going to win this!" Rachel stated confidently

Suddenly, a new voice rang through the celebration, "Quinney?"

Quinn, turning around, stayed in shock at the sight of her mom. As everyone tried to tiptoe around the obviously


Turns out a sudden family reunion was just what Quinn's baby needed to finally see the world. The club ended up in the hospital, waiting patiently for the baby to come..

"I bet it'll come out with a mohawk," Santana commented, a smirk shown on her face

"I bet she'll come out with her hands on her tiny hips," Mickey joined in with the teasing, the two best friends earning laughs from the club

"Maybe she'll have twins," Brittany added, with a small smile earning confused glances and chuckles

Mercedes soon entered the room, making them all stand

Santana quickly stood up, "So?" the rest of the glee club waiting for the girl's answer.

"A healthy baby girl." Mercedes said, the glee club cheering once more.

"How about Quinn?"

"Tired, but fine.!" Mercedes responded, hugging her teammates, "Quinn and Puck want some time alone with the baby so we should all head back to Regionals and leave them alone." As the

rest of the teens nodded understanding.

They lost...

To put it even more harshly, they didn't even place and it made Mickey feel a feeling he wasn't quite aware of. They were no longer a club, and even if they found a way to make something work Mickey couldn't be a part of it and would most likely be their new enemy.

After all the glee clubbers arrived in the choir room, Mr. Shue finally broke out the amazing news, "We've got another year."

The teens gasped in response, some even going out of their chairs to hug the people next to them. It was a miracle.

"What?" Artie asked in confusion, always the more logical one.

"Come on," Mr. Shue livened, not really fretting on the little details, "We got another year!" The entire glee club responding in loud cheers and applause, glad that their little family had not come to an end.

"Okay, you guys, I think this is the perfect opportunity for us to start rehearsing for next year's Sectionals immediately.." Rachel began to ramble

"Guys, you've all worked really hard this year, and you deserve a break." Mr. Shue stated joyfully, leading Rachel back to her seat, "Take the summer off. Have some fun" The glee clubbers still high fiving in delight, "Oh, but before you go, I have something for you. You all sang for me the other day, so today I'd like to return the favor. Puck, if you're ready."

The boy nodding before grabbing his guitar going to sit next to Mr. Shue as the rest of the glee club waited patiently for their teacher's performance.

[Somewhere Over the Rainbow-Israel Kamakawiwo'ole: Sung by Will Schuester and Noah Puckerman]

When he was done, the club clapped for him the mood of the room, happy and bright...a moment that was ruined by Mickey standing in front of the club with obvious distraught on his face.

"I'm quitting glee club," Mickey said softly, breaking the happy spirits of the members

"What you can't-"

"What are you talking ab-"

"This isn't funny-"

The members' voices began to overlap as they all yelled their opinions of this new found news. No one wanted the Hummel boy to leave, and especially not after such a happy time.

"Wait, guys give him some space," Will stopped the yelling and gestured for them to take their seats, and turned to Mickey who looked blankly at the floor,"Mickey what's going on?"

"I made a deal with Sue, and if we lost I had to leave the club. We lost so I'm a full cheerio now," Mickey let them know, rubbing his hands together as his anxiety got the best of him

"Why would you do that?" Will asked him, the question they all wanted the answer to

"I wanted to give you a fair chance at winning regionals, and I gave you that," Mickey told them, looking at all their faces, giving each of them a small smile,"It's not like we have to stop being friends, I just won't be in the club anymore," He shrugged, trying to push down the feeling of guilt in his chest

He was suddenly engulfed in a hug, from the club all saddened by the news

"Well, we'll miss having you, kid" Will told him softly, with a sad smile 



I am so proud of myself for actually finishing a whole season because there were multiple times where I thought of dropping this book. For a while I thought that no one was actually reading it and I felt as if I was wasting my time and then I got comments telling they liked my chapters or they couldn't wait for a new one and you guys lifted my spirits so thank you very much. 

My important announcement is...


I have two more glee books on this account both of which I would love for you to read. 

The Prince in a Dress is a story between a Klaine and an Oc 

Once Upon A December is a story between Brittana and an Oc

please read them and comment 

2) If you have any request for any fandom or even still glee, please let me know. I am open to any suggestions as long as I know of the fandom. 

Thank you for the support

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