Not That Into You: a Carlos S...

By soup_for_azriel

13.2K 348 73

Carlos Sainz Jr has it all easy for him. The good looks, the secured driver's seat at Ferrari, a loyal teamma... More

Part Two
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One

Twenty Seven

372 8 4
By soup_for_azriel


It was all too much for her. She felt her head spin with Carlos's words. For some unknown reason she felt tears prickle at the back of her eyes and she rubbed at them vigorously in an attempt to keep the waterworks at bay. A sob bubbled up her throat and Morgan swallowed, trying her best to keep her calm and not let his words get to her.

You weren't that much of a good distraction anyways.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she found another sob bubble up her throat. He was an asshole. A selfish bastard. He had used her and for the first time in her life she had thought what they had shared was something good. Something pure.

But to Carlos it clearly was not.

She found herself leaning against the walls of the corridor as she struggled to get her thoughts together. To Carlos, what had just happened was just a mere distraction. Nothing more. She was foolish to think that their friendship was developing into something more. She was the biggest idiot out there. Morgan sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. Wallowing about this was no good. She needed to get him out of her mind.

She found herself walking towards Hawk's room. He had told her that he'd meet her downstairs in the lobby so they could drive to the hotel Jenna and the rest of the team stayed at.

Morgan pushed thoughts of Carlos away from her mind as she knocked on the door. She was hurt. Angry. Frustrated.

She was also in the mood to do something really stupid.

Hawk opened the door, "I thought we were going to meet downstairs. I'm still getting dressed," he said as he continued buttoning up his shirt.

"Take it off, the plan changed," she said as she pushed him into his room and slammed the door after her.

"Morgan- what-," his words were cut off as she brought her lips to his and kissed him. She could feel Hawk tense but he gave into it as he scooped her up and took her to the bed. His lips were different to Carlos and his kissing was less rushed, as if he had all the time in the world and he wanted to savor her.

She didn't want that.

"I want you to fuck me so hard I lose feeling in my legs," she said as she pulled back.

"Do you want to talk about whatever's bothering you?" Hawk asked as he got on top of her.

She straddled his waist and removed her sweatshirt, exposing her breasts to him. "No, just fuck me," she demanded as she unhooked her bra.

Hawk didn't need to be told twice as he pulled her hard against him and kissed her. He was an efficient lover. He knew how to get the job done and deliver what she asked for. When she had joined the agency, Hawk had been her distraction from what had happened with Isaac. He helped her keep the pain at bay and right now, as unfair as it was to him- she was using him again.

Hawk moaned as he erupted into her but with the satisfaction that he gave her she still felt empty. Thoughts of Carlos was still swimming in her head and she realized that there was nothing she could do to distract herself. Hawk gently eased himself out of her and lay beside her as they silently stared at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry," she finally said.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Morgan bit her lip as she continued looking up at the ceiling. Having sex with a man and then ranting about another with him was just too insensitive. She knew that Hawk wouldn't mind but she didn't feel like it was the best thing to do.

"I'm just mad," she admitted.

"At whom?"

Morgan sighed and she turned to find Hawk giving her a knowing grin.

"As fun as it is to do this, I don't think having sex with me to avoid dealing with your feelings for Carlos is the way to go," he said with a chuckle.

"Feelings for Carlos? Hawk you must be joking!" she snapped as she turned on her side to face him. He turned as well and gave her another knowing look. "I can see it on your face Morgan, you got into another fight with him," he said.

"That doesn't necessarily mean I'm into him!"

"Yeah but that doesn't also mean that you're not."

"Carlos is just Carlos. He's a prick."

Hawk grinned at her, "What was the fight about this time?"

She immediately thought of their steamy breaths, his fit torso, Carlos's lips. Morgan squeezed her eyes shut and ran a palm down her face in exasperation. "It's not a big deal," she said, "he's always a prick."

Hawk gave her a knowing look but said nothing.

"So what did Jenna want us for?"

"Just the usual briefing. The two agents who were with Carlos and the rest of the divers involved in that situation did find more evidence with regards to who and where the attacker was from," Hawk said as he sat up.

Morgan sighed as she turned and stared up at the ceiling, "Can't she wait till tomorrow?" she asked as she lazily let out a yawn.

"You're always tired after sex," Hawk said with a grin before grabbing her ankle and pulling her down the bed. Morgan let out a shriek as she almost landed on her face. "Come on we gotta go or else Jenna will have our necks," Hawk said tossing her hoodie at her. Morgan made a face at him as she started to put on her clothes. Hawk was halfway through putting on his trousers when the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" she asked.

"Probably room service. I did ask the concierge to send a few bottles of water to my room," Hawk said as he made his way to the door. From her vantage point on the edge of the bed, Morgan watched as Hawk opened the door and Albon came into view. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw both Hawk and Morgan both in the midst of putting on their clothes. "I er-," Alex stuttered awkwardly. By the tensed shoulders, Morgan knew that Hawk was as surprised as she was to see Alex outside. "Alex, what's up?" Hawk asked clearing his throat awkwardly in the process. She could do nothing but clutch her hoodie against her chest as Alex still looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Um, it's not that important. Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt," he stammered, "Now's probably not a good time, I'll talk to you about it tomorrow." he said, quickly walking away before Hawk had the chance to speak.

Hawk closed the door and turned to face Morgan.

"Carlos is going to murder me. It was nice knowing you," her partner said.


The next morning Morgan made her way to the room she shared with Carlos. It was past 10 am which meant that he had left for FP1 and for some reason she felt relieved that she didn't have to see him. Truth be told she wasn't the least bit worried about what his reaction may be to her and Hawk. She didn't give a fuck about what he had to think or say about that. She was more worried about their argument moments before she had left the room. Morgan wasn't in the mood to fight with him today and she also wasn't in the mood to spend hours of silence in his presence. Sighing, she ran a quick shower and got slipped into her pair of well loved black jeans and opted for a long sleeved tee before shrugging on her coat and boots. Hawk had left with the drivers for their practice session but Morgan had gotten the day off as Jenna wanted her running operations from their base and so Henri was covering for her. She was thankful for the excuse to avoid Carlos.

She made her way to the lobby of the hotel and waited for the valet to bring her car. She wore a cap and shades hoping that any of the fans outside wouldn't recognize her and as soon as her car was brought to the front she hopped in and avoided looking at anyone who was lingering outside.

The drive to their base in Jeddah was long but she appreciated the quiet. Cranking up her playlist on Spotify, Morgan hummed along to a few songs as she drove. Soon she was reaching the base and she nodded at the few agents outside as she drove in.

Jenna wanted her overseeing the security detail from the body cam footage the agents were wearing and soon she was seated in front of a dozen cameras going through the live footage with another agent.

"The cameras seem to be working well," Kelly, the agent who was assigned to work with her said as she flicked through her iPad.

Morgan stared at the track from one of the agent's cameras. The cars were out and the drivers were racing to get good data in. She watched as car number 55 sped through turns 9 and 10. She bit back her awe at his technique. With the higher lateral G-forces of the track she knew that driving on this circuit was tricky but the way Carlos drove made it look so easy.

"Who d'you reckon would win this weekend's race?" Kelly asked as she bit the back of her pen.

"Probably Max I'm guessing but you never know."

"True. I heard that both Ferrari and McLaren have the best cars so far but then I wouldn't put anything past Red Bull. Sneaky fuckers they are."

Morgan laughed at Kelly's honesty. The girl was right. Red Bull were known to be sneaky with their cars progress.

For the next hour they took down notes on how to better improve the security and where else the agents should be placed at. Every now and then she caught herself looking for Carlos on the cameras but whenever she did, she forced herself to focus on something else.

With FP1 coming to an end both Kelly and her went through their notes together before she complied it all to a file and forwarded it to Jenna to take a look at.

"We got about two hours to relax before we're back here, got any plans?" Kelly asked.

Morgan massaged her sore neck and nodded, "I'm going to the shooting range. You're free to join if you're up for it," she said as she stood up.

Kelly shook her head, "Nah you go on, I'm going to grab lunch," she said.

Morgan gave her a small nod before making her way to the shooting range. An agent at the desk handed her a pair of safely goggles and a laser gun, "Have fun," he said with a chuckle as he opened the door for her.

Luckily the place was empty and Morgan quickly set up her gun before pressing the green button at the corner of the room. Immediately the lights dimmed and she felt the room buzz with electricity as the laser targets began to appear. She stood at the center of the room and let the flow of it all get to her as she internally prepped herself. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned on her heel and pulled the trigger. The holographic figure collapsed into blue blocks just as she heard another approach her. She was quick, always hitting the lethal spots. Her motions were fluid. Effortless. It felt like a silent dance except she was shooting at the figures which kept multiplying and coming at her. For a good hour or so she kept running different modes of the stimulation and tried out different scenarios. She almost got hit twice and cursed as she set up the stimulation and went at it again and again.

She felt the sweat cling to her back and she welcomed the ache in her muscles as she finally stopped. Grabbing a quick lunch from the cafeteria she made her way back to the room where Kelly already sat, ready for FP2.

"Jenna sent the agents our comments, let's see how it goes now," Kelly said as she turned on the cameras.

Morgan took a seat beside her and pulled out her iPad, "Round two here we go," she said with a wink as the cars drove out to the track.

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