Waves Of Love (Revitalized)


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Nejire Hado. Quirky. Beaming. Outgoing. Izuku Midoriya. Not so Quirky. Not so beaming, and most definitely n... More

Prologue: Pageant Queen
I: The Reason
II: Hope
III: Sweet As Candy
IV: Truth Of The Matter
V: Weight Of The World
VI: Floaties
VII: Cookies and Milk
VIII: Impromptu Sleepover
IX: While It Lasted
X: Funny Kind Of Feeling
11: This Dream And You
12: Haircut
13: Question Of The Ages
14: The Next Step
16: Headlines Pt. 1
17: Headlines Pt. 2
18: This Dream Come True
19: Rules
20: Opinions
21: The Source
22: Rain
23: Sundial
Epilogue: Greatest Gift of All

15: Care Package

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"Hoh shit!"
"Move bro hurry up!"
"Watch out she's coming!"
"Go go go get out the way!"

'What in the world is going on here?!'  Midoriya thought as he stood in his normal place where he waited for Hado he always did, except today was anything but normal due to what was happening. Third years, panicking and frantically coming down the stairs were like a stampede of frenzied buffalo as the first year dared not to step out from his safe space other wise risk being trampled underneath the older students. Mob by mob the third years rampaged, Midoriya's confusion reaching it's peak when even Togata and Amajiki came rushing down the steps. 'What are they all running from?!'

Drifting around the platform of the staircase was Haya with her own expression of panic and fear for her life, the third year skipping every other step and nearly falling on her face when she leapt over the last three and landed on the first year's floor. "Midoriya!"

"Haya-senpai?" Haya grabbed onto the outside of Midoriya's arms and brought him close. "What's going on?"

The third year panted three times, then took a large breath in through her mouth with head recoiling back, and leaning forward again with a finger pointing to his face. "Goodluck."

"Wha-Good luck?" Midoriya repeated before Haya turned and bolted down the corridor alongside the herd of other third years running for their lives. "WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?"

His question would not see an answer unfortunately as Haya continued to dash down the hall and away from him, leaving the first year even more curious as to what everything was about. And with the disappearance of the third year horde complete and utter silence filled the halls of U.A, Midoriya turning back to face the stairs again with a harvest of questions sprouting in the soil of his mind. Thinking about it the halls were now very creepy in a sense, there was an eery, almost foreboding aura like a mist that blanketed the floors he stood on. There was a slight chill running down the length of his spine, like Death's finger toying with him as he stood all by his lonesome. What was this mysterious feeling?


"Huh?" The sound of a footstep at the platform was heard before the body emerged from the handrail of the stairs, Midoriya instantly beaming at the sight of periwinkle hair coming into view. "Hado-senpai hey! You should have seen it all these third years were just rolling down here in a hurry it was really weird. It's almost as if they were running-"


"-from......some, thing......."



In complete silence Hado stepped into full view at the top half of the stairs, her body turning to have her front face in his direction as her right foot lifted, and stepped back down.





The end of everything and anything.


The cacophony of feelings of immense dread and doom fell over Midoriya's shoulders as if an anvil had just been dropped from the skies, his heart slamming into a fight or flight state with goosebumps covering over every pore of his skin. An aura that was unlike anything he's ever felt was emanating from Hado as she stood at the top of the stairs, a glare so menacing and strong it made steel look like a sheet of paper. The urge to regurgitate was constantly at the back of Midoriya's throat as his legs didn't know whether to crumble on the spot or turn and run the other direction until they fell off at the pelvis. The USJ, All Might during the final exam, his first encounter with All For One back at Kamino Ward, none of them held even a lighter to the menace that was Hado's current aura. It made the previous three seem like a newborn puppy standing next to a full grown Tyronnosaurus Rex. 

The most difficult of gulps crawled it's way down his throat as if he had swallowed a tiny rock or pebble. This was a sickening feeling to experience, even worse not knowing what it is exactly to cause his body to feel this sort of chaos within. "S-S-Sen, pai?"

Hado remained at a complete silence, her eyes fiercer than a tiger on the hunt. Midoriya shuddered in his spot and opened his mouth to speak again before flinching when the third year lifted her left foot and moved down a single step, the impact of the foot falling on the step also equivalent to that of a Tyrannosaur. Step by step by the girl came walking down the stairs until she made it to his floor, the air between them crushing from the tension that she brought. What felt like judgement in human form approached Midoriya until she came to a stop in front of him, her voice low and strong.


'What is this feeling? Is this because I didn't have time to wash the cup I used this morning before school?' Midoriya nervously formed a grin on his face, or at least attempted his best to do so. "U-Uh h-hey heh, S-Senpai. H-How's it going?"

"Why are you just standing here by yourself?"

"Uh, I-I thought we were going to the library like we always do. Y-You know, to draw and, s-stuff?"

The third year huffed in annoyance. "Don't you ever get tired of drawing in those stupid notebooks all day long? Every day it's draw this draw that draw that and draw this, don't you have anything better to do with your time? Go write in those hero guides like you usually you do you nerd. Quit bothering me."

And with that Hado turned away from Midoriya began walking down the corridor, leaving a wide-eyed open mouthed first year standing by himself with nothing but the air to keep him company. The further she strolled the less tense the air around him became, breathing becoming a little bit easier with every passing second. The shock and confusion of what just occurred had the student in an iron grip even after the girl disappeared from his sights, his shoulders sinking to the earth once everything was over and done with. "What the heck was that all about?"

"Hm-hm, ahhhhh boys, boys boys boys." From behind Midoriya came the chuckle of Midnight that he swiveled around to, finding the teacher leaning against the frame of an open door with a mug raised in front of her lips. "So funny to see them experience their first encounter with a girl whenever she's at that time, honestly I think it's very adorable to see you so confused."


"What you just experienced, was a girl during her time of the month handsome."



"Mm-hmm." Midnight nodded before taking a sip from whatever was in her mug. "That's a period sweetheart it's nothing special."

"NOTHING SPECIAL?" Midoriya repeated. "Sensei did you see all those students running down the stairs just to get away from Hado? They were running for their LIVES how am I going to believe that's nothing special?"

"Well I say nothing special in the normal sense of what most girls get. Cramps headaches even MORE cramps that make us feel like our insides are exploding. When it's a woman's time of the month trust me when I say they're not in the mood for any type of nonsense. Now Hado, hoh goodness, I don't think I've ever seen anybody shift so much the way Hado does whenever it's her time of the month. She even makes some of the teachers shake like little babies."

(Beginning of the school year)

"Oh ~Sniiiiiiipe~, Aizawa Yamada and I are heading out for some drinks." Midnight announced as she slid open the door to Snipe's classroom. "Wanna tag along-"

"*sobsobsob* *SNIFFLE* Please forgive me Kami please forgive me Kami please forgive me Kami I'm sorry for anything I've done I'm sorry for anything I've done I'm sorry for anything I've done-"

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Midnight exclaimed as she found Snipe curled up in a ball under his desk while rocking back and forth. The man shook more violently than a leaf in the autumn breeze, his arms squeezing around his knees with all their might as he prayed to the deities above. "What's gotten into you?!"

"Girls....G-Girls are scary-R-REAL, scary. One second they sweeter than a jar of honey the next they're all riled up like a pit of rattlesnakes. Hado....N-Nejire, Hado....Oh Kami protect me this year."


"It's hilarious."

"Her time of the month huh? Hmm, that sucks. Guess the library hangout's canceled then."

"Oh yeahhh, you two do often go down the library together don't you?" Midnight noted which she followed up with flirtatious eyebrow raises. "Girlfriend? I won't tell anybody."

"Hmph, no she's not my girlfriend Sensei we're just friends." Midoriya answered. "We usually go down to the library together so we can draw, but it seems we won't be able to. Was it the cramps that made her all upset and dangerous like that? It felt like I was staring right into the face of death."

"Oh it wasn't THAT bad Midoriya, it can be a little overwhelming if you're not used to it but in reality it's not as bad as guys make it out to be. You know what you should do? You should get her a care package."

"Care, package? T-That thing that always shows up whenever Kaminari plays video games in the common lounge?"

"Hm-hm, no silly not one of those things that are in a video game I'm talking about something authentic, something nice that will help this time go by a little easier. You go to the store and you pick out a gift basket if they have any, or a tiny bucket will do whichever floats your boat. And in that little basket you fill it up with all kinds of treats and goodies from the store, stuff that the person you're giving it to will like. For this example it's Hado right? Sooooo....if I remember correctly, she likes....tea, jasmine tea to be exact. Chocolate candy oh she LOOOOVES chocolate candy, and hot chips too but the foreign ones you know the ones that are more Western-ish. She likes flowers so a soft perfume would go really nicely, and plushies. She could never get enough plushies."

"A gift basket huh? That sounds....not, bad actually." Midoriya beamed. "Yeah...Yeah that sounds perfect for Hado! I'm sure she'd appreciate something like that, thanks Midnight-sensei!"

"Mm-hmm." Midnight nodded once more as she watched the student bound on his new journey for a nearby store with the essentials he required, the pep in his step soothing to her spring fervor of young adults. "Awfully excited to get her a care package wasn't he? If I didn't know better I'd think there's something more between the two. Though, I am getting this strange feeling however. Doesn't feel like this is the first time I've helped either of the two in regards to the other....Eh, oh well. Weird sense of déjà vu I guess."



"-chocolate candies, and floral scented perfume. Yeah, yeah this is good." Hopping out of the elevator and whispering to himself was Midoriya who overlooked a small woven basket in the grasp of both hands, a series of items neatly stuffed and organized inside of the basket. Items included were a bag of sorted miniature chocolate candies with a much larger chocolate bar, a large bag of hot potato chips with two bottles of strawberry soda, a soft velvet-like great white shark plushy that he won at a claw machine that he luckily passed by, a box of jasmine tea-bags, and another box of cheap floral perfume but with a scent so lavish it felt as if it was made for millionaires. "This should help Hado out a lot with her situation....or at least, I'm hoping it does."

Sweat lathered his palms in a thin layer over the surface of his skin, the indication of nervousness making itself clear just by a simple glance at the way he cautiously eyed the third year's door. For some reason it felt as if he was a sacrificial lamb dressed in all the proper necessities as they walked straight onto the lion's den to meet their doom, the lion's den being nothing other than a girl during her time of the month. With every step he could feel a chill in the air grow thicker, the foreboding hallucinations of dread and chaos toying with his mind. It reached it's peak when he came to a halt outside of Hado's room and was now face to face with her door, a moment of pause to gather what was remaining of his shaky resolve in order to continue onward. Behind this door was the very definition of disorder and danger, the aura oozing out from the cracks in the doorframe and wrapping around his limbs.

'If this is how a girl is always like during her time of the month...' He thought as he raised the front of his left knuckles to knock on the door. 'I'm not sure if I could ever deal with having a girlfriend. This is scary enough as it is.'

A gulp pushed itself down his throat and he pushed his knuckles forward to knock-


But was unable to when the door clicked and swung open, leaving Midoriya frozen like a weeping angel as he was now face to face with a grumpy looking Hado. Still in her school uniform minus the vest, tie and with the top two buttons of her shirt undone the girl subtly glared at the wide eyed first year who merely stared back in a blank state of mind. "What."

"U-Uh hey, Hado-senpai! How are you?" Midoriya greeted. "You look good."


"Definitelynotsayingthatagain *AHEM*. Sorry to bother you if you were in the middle of doing something but I wanted to bring you something since it looked like you weren't having the best of days today. Here."

Midoriya held the gift basket out to Hado who looked at the basket with an unamused expression before taking it for herself and looking over it. Her eyes darted from chocolate candies, to potato chips, to the velvet shark plushy, and back to the chocolate candies. "What is this."

"It's a care package. Midnight suggested this kind of thing for me since it seems like it's your time of the month, and-"

"Did you just assume that I'm on my period."

"U-UH N-NO no of course not I-I didn't know what it was that bothered you in the first place! It was Midnight who told me about your situation really. You're the first girl I've experienced having a sudden mood shift like this so I knew SOMETHING may have been bothering you, I just didn't know what. So, I went out and bought some stuff that I hope you can enjoy to make things easier for you."


An awkward silence came out of nowhere as Hado simply stared at the gift basket in her hands with a blank expression that was either slightly annoyed or completely unamused the first year couldn't tell. But after several moments had passed of the silence he slowly began to shuffle towards his left and away from her room. "A-Anyways that's all I really came here to do so I'll uh, I'll just be heading out now heh. Have a good night Hado-senpai-"



Hado turned her back to the left of the door frame to point her right hand to the inside of her room. "Stay. I wanna talk with you."

"Heh, y-you sure? I don't, I don't really intend on bothering you during your personal time Senpai I mean there's no need for me to intrude on anything-"


"Yup I'm staying."

Midoriya quickly shuffled his way inside of her room, his arms tucking tight against his sides as he squeezed past Hado to enter. Once inside the girl followed suit as she kicked her right foot behind her to shut the door and close them in, the first year having already set himself in a proper seating position in the middle of her room with absolute record time. "Against my bed."

The first year shifted onto his butt before dragging himself across the floor to have his back meet the edge of Hado's bed, the third year also taking her place on floor on his right side. Their shoulders were touching but he dared not mention it lest he ran the risk of annoying her with a comment that's better off not mentioned. His knees were slightly tucked into his body, his hands quietly patting over his kneecaps after no words were exchanged between them at first. She wanted to talk? It didn't seem that way. "So uh, y-you wanted to talk with me?"

Hado sighed what he believed to be an annoyed sigh but was proven wrong by the softer tone of her voice compared to how she's usually spoken to him today. "I'm sorry."

"Eh? Sorry for, what exactly?"

"Today. I'm sorry I haven't been my usual self today I just, well you know what the deal is with how I am today. I have really bad headaches, I can't stop having cramps and no matter what I eat I keep feeling like I'm so hungry all the time. When I'm like this, nobody ever usually talks to me or wants anything to do with me. Even Yuyu tries to avoid me that's how bad it gets. I don't, try, and make people avoid me. It just happens."

"Oh, well, you don't really have anything to be sorry about Senpai I understand your situation. I mean I don't UNDERSTAND understand cause you know I'm not a girl but, I understand things happen with us and our bodies and, it affects how we act towards others. I was worried at first I thought it may have been something serious or really bad for you to be so different all of a sudden, but then when Midnight explained to me what the deal was it became a huge relief for me. I'm glad it wasn't anything too serious."

Hado turned her head just enough for her to squint at him. "Why are you calling me that."

"Hm?" Midoriya hummed as he too turned to look at her. "Calling you what?"

"Senpai. I told you when we went to the amusement park together to call me Nejire, and you allowed me to call you Izuku. So why are you calling me by a formality?"

"O-OH I-I thought that was just a thing for that day not all the time. W-Was it, supposed, to be the new thing between us?"

Hado turned away from him with a pout. "That's why I brought it up in the first place."


"NOTHING just, STOP calling me Senpai from now on alright? It's Nejire. Anytime you speak to me or mention me to anybody else at any other point it's by the first name. GOT IT?"

"U-Uh, yeah. Got it."

"No, wait. I didn't...UGHHH!" Hado groaned. "I didn't mean to say it like that I'm sorry. I just...I have headaches okay?! And I hate having to say something that feels like it should have been obvious to understand that somebody cause it just frustrates me and makes the headache even worse. I mean I'm not saying that you're dumb or anything I just want you to UNDERSTAND-"

"Nejire." Midoriya smiled. "It's okay Nejire, you don't have to explain yourself. I didn't understand that we were on a first name basis now, so that's my fault. I'll remember to use your first name from now on though I promise."

"Good. Good that's, that's good to hear. Thank you. You said I'm the first girl that you've experienced having a mood change because of the fact that I'm on my period. Am I really?"

"Hmph, you are actually. Which is funny considering I've been around Uraraka a lot longer than I've been around you but I never really noticed anything change about her the way I do with you. Guess she's just really good at hiding it or something. Or, does she not have it? Can girls not have periods?"

Hado chuckled. "Every girl has their period you dummy if they didn't that would be alarming. So you've seriously never noticed a girl be different when it's their time of the month?"


"Seriously. Ochaco Tsuyu, any of the other girls in your class or girls in your past classes. You've never noticed a thing."

Midoriya shook his head. "Nope."

"How? I mean we all take our periods differently but even then I still think it's noticeable when it comes around."

"Well, guess it has to do with the fact that I was never around girls before U.A to begin with hmph, as pathetic as that sounds. Not that I'm more interested in guys or anything it's nothing like that, it was just....before U.A I was, I was a nobody. Nobody knew anything special about me or, heck they didn't know ANYTHING about me in the first place because I wasn't like everyone else. In a world where being weird is the new normal, being what was once considered normal is weird to everybody else. Growing up Quirkless for practically my whole life I was never picked out from the crowd as somebody who was worth having attention brought to them. Nothing special about me, why bother, right?

Girls at my old schools were always attracted to the bigger stuff you know? Strong Quirks and flashy powers and big strong handsome guys such as All Might stuff like that. So knowing the fact that there was nothing about me that made me fit in with any of those attributes, no girl ever showed any interest towards me. Not talking in a romantic sense but, on a social level too. It was always the guys with the cool Quirks that were walking 'chick magnets' as they say. So because of that I didn't really have a friend that was a girl who would show me how their time of the month would affect them behavior wise, you're the very first to do so.

I mean, I guess I could have experienced it with Uraraka if I didn't hang out with you so much but, that's not really a trade off I'm really interested in to be honest. Knowing how Uraraka is like during her time of the month or being able to hang out with you and have fun in the library like we always do? I think the answer between the two of those choices is pretty clear if you ask me heh. And I'm not saying I wouldn't want to hang around Uraraka cause she's a good friend you know I like being able to spend time with her and Iida whenever possible they mean a lot to me. But, I like spending time with you as well, and seeing as how it isn't going to be long before your graduation comes around...just trying to spend as much time as possible with you before you go out and do bigger things than me. Knowing my luck, I probably won't be remembered once you're gone-"


From out of nowhere came a hard slap that turned Midoriya's head completely towards his left, his right cheek singing hot as if it had just been lit aflame. Unsure whether to feel pain or confusion he slowly rotated back around to face Hado who was glaring at him with a new ignited fury. "OW?"

Growling the third year reached with both hands to grab the collar of Midoriya's blazer and bring him closer, their faces merely inches apart as she spoke angrily. "You listen to me and you listen to me good Izuku Midoriya because I'm only going to say this once and if I have to say it again I'm going to become your worst nightmare. Don't you ever, EVER, say that I'm not going to remember you once I graduate because if you think for EVEN A SECOND that I'm going to forget everything that we've done together this year you have another thing coming your way! I like spending time with you! I like going down to the library after school every day so that we can draw together because if I didn't, I wouldn't meet you where you always wait for me before we go down there!

How stupid can you be to think that I wouldn't remember you once I graduate from this school? You think I'd just forget the kind of person that you are after I've had so much fun being able to know who you are and how you treat others? No! Those other girls from all your previous schools might forget you but I won't! You hear me?! I WON'T! You're too funny and kind and, and-and a really good friend for me to forget who you are! Even if I have to say your name a million times before going to bed, if that's what it takes for me to remember you Izuku then, then fine! I'll say your name a million times, heck I'll even say your name a BILLION times just to be sure!

So, you do whatever it is that you need to do to ensure you never forget what I'm about to say to you, drill it into your skull if you have to I don't care. I enjoy spending time with you. I like being around you. I care about you. And if there's ever a second that you think I may forget about you once I'm gone, then call yourself a dummy, because that's not going to happen. You got that?"

Midoriya gulped. "Y-Yeah."

"What are you going to call yourself if you think I won't remember you?"

"A dummy."


"Because it isn't going to happen."

"Good. You call yourself that a hundred times if that's what it takes." Hado released her grip on his blazer and without warning lunged forward to wrap her around the center of his body and embrace him, her head planting over his chest where his heart beat underneath. "Dummy."

'What is even going on anymore?' Midoriya thought as he looked down to the top of Hado's head. 'Within the course of a minute I've just been slapped, given a lecture, called a dummy, and now I'm being hugged?! Why are periods so confusing?!'


"U-Uh, yes?"

"Stay like this for a little bit. The headache it's...it's going away a little bit."

"O-Oh, okay then, sure if it helps."

For his first time experiencing a girl during their time of the month, he's uncertain as to how he should chalk everything up to. Earlier in the day he was terrified (still is), then he thought it wasn't too bad as she seemed to have calmed down a bit, and that thought was immediately slapped away by a literal slap on the cheek, followed by a lecture, and ending it all with a giant hug that seemed to work wonders in making the cheek forget it was ever slapped. From very drastic mood swings to the fear of being crushed by a deathly aura, these time of the month periods were going to be a very confusing thing for him to wrap his head around. Though, the hug was really nice, and really soft too.

'If this is how a girl is always like during her time of the month, or if this is just how Nejire is....maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a girlfriend. If only it was her.'

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