By Graceguya1

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This is a continuation ( book 2) of my re-writing of the Grimm's fairytale, Hansel and Gretel as a Telenovela... More



2 0 0
By Graceguya1

Later that night, Luisa is at her and Armando's house. She is in the kitchen, having a glass of water. She feels a little dizzy and then places a hand on her forehead. She asks herself, what could be happening to her, as she has been feeling a little faint of late.

The next day on Tuesday, at night, Emma was at a club with Martin, when he excuses himself to go to the washroom.

Elsewhere at the club, Two people are enjoying drinks, near Martin and Emma's table. One of them has had too much to drink while the other stands and heads to the lavatory. After that, the drunken friend turns around and he sees Emma. He wakes up and sits near her. Emma looks at him horrified.

Meanwhile at Aurelio's house,

He is there with Aranza when he notices, that she is quieter than usual. He asks her what's wrong. She says she is fine and was thinking about her siblings, and what could have happened to them. Aurelio then hugs her. She says that the more time passes the more she believes that her family is cursed, just as people are saying.

Aurelio tells her not to listen to people's superstitious beliefs. Aranza says the tragedy of what happened to her father, brother and sister sometimes makes her think otherwise. Aurelio puts a comforting arm around her. Aranza says that what makes it harder to deal with is the fact that there has been no sign of them so she can't have closure.

Back at the club,

Emma looks suspiciously at the drunk man, beside her. He tells her that he did something bad. Despite the situation, Emma is very curious. She tells herself that hearing his confessions should be quite fun.

At Horacio and Gina's house,

Gina hangs up the phone after she finishes talking to Hector. She then turns her attention back to her son, Hannibal. Horacio, who was in the room, says that she should not be so close to Hector. Gina looks at him like he is crazy. She says that Hector, is more than family, he is her best friend. Horacio says that she doesn't need Hector, because he (Horacio) is her husband and he should be all she needs. Gina gives Horacio a dirty look but otherwise ignores him. She tells herself that she will not engage him in front of their son.

Meanwhile back at the club,

Martin is walking back to where he sat with Emma and he sees her looking shocked. The drunk man is still sitting near her. Martin walks up to her and asks her if she is fine and if she is being bothered. Emma stammers but says she is fine and that no one is bothering her at all.

The drunk man meanwhile rambles on and on about him being a bad person and about how switching the babies was wrong. He adds that the two women could have been hurt. Just then, his friend comes to Martin and Emma's table and apologizes for his behavior. He greets both Emma and Martin and gives Emma a weird look. He then helps his friend back to their table.

Back at Horacio and Gina's house, Gina is looking to avoid trouble, but Horacio is actively looking to cause it. He has never been comfortable with the tight bond between Hector and Gina. It makes him bothered probably even jealous. He looks at Gina and says to himself that the bond she has with Hector, is probably even stronger than what she had with Antonio. Horacio tells Gina that she should cut back on spending time with Hector and focus on their son, and the children they will have in the future.

Gina looks at Horacio irritated and asks him what his problem is with Hector. Horacio says that he just doesn't approve of her tight bond and reliance on Hector. Gina glares at Horacio. She then tells herself, that she has no over-reliance on her bossy brother, who thinks he is smarter than her. She, however, tells Horacio that he is the one who needs to get hobbies and get a life because he is the one who is turning non-issues into scandals.

Back at the club,

Emma is still edgy, over what the drunk man confessed to her. She says that she is sure that it's the same case because what happened is too bizarre and rare. She plays the confession in her head again. The drunk man tells her how he was hired by Alejandro to get drugs to trigger the labors of Adrianna and Gina and the baby switch. He added that he knew someone who worked in the hospital's chemist and knew about such things. He then tells her about his role in the whole plan.

Meanwhile, at the mental hospital,

John is in his room. He has flashbacks, of the first time he met Anna Patricia and of all the times they have spent together since then. He says that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he will marry her soon. He says that he will recover and form a family with Anna Patricia, Hector, Gina, and Aranza.

Meanwhile at the club,

Martin twitches his hand in front of Emma's face. He has been telling her something, but she hasn't responded. He asks her if she is fine. Emma insists that she is fine. Martin looks at her skeptically. He asks her what the drunk person told her and if he hurt her. Emma insists that he didn't hurt her. She adds that he wasn't the kind of person who got violent when drunk but was the kind who gave too much information. Martin asks her what she was told. Emma says that it was nothing important just the ramblings of some random drunk.

Meanwhile back at Horacio and Gina's house,

Horacio is in the study when he receives a call. The caller is the drunk man's friend, and he tells him of his friends' drunken rambling. Horacio then panics. He tells the man that he will deal with the issue.

Meanwhile, Hector is in his house,

He is in the living room. He watches his daughter sleep by his side, then thinks of Adrianna. Just then as if conjured up by the devil, Marianna comes out of her room to start a war. He ignores her hoping she leaves him alone.

The next day on Wednesday,

Emma calls Gina in the morning. Gina immediately senses the distress in her friend. Gina asks her if she is okay. Emma says she is. She doesn't even know where to begin, to tell Gina and Adrianna the truth.

Meanwhile, Isabella is in the bathroom. She is done showering and has her towel wrapped around herself. She goes back to the discussion she had with Horacio the previous day when he called to tell her that one of their most trusted henchmen drunkenly blabbed out what they did. Isabella says that they must do something immediately before Emma tells Gina or Adrianna anything. Horacio asks her what she means. Isabella calmly says that they should get rid of Emma. Isabella then comes back to the present and says that she isn't going to jail and neither is she handing Antonio over to Gina on a silver platter.

Sometime later,

Luisa is with Claudia in the hospital. She came to bring her mother-in-law to the hospital for a scheduled check-up. They had just finished their visit when Luisa has one of her dizzy spells. Clara looks at her half worriedly and half suspiciously, but helps her to a chair. She then asks Luisa if she is fine. Luisa insists she is. Clara looks at her in an I -don't- believe -you- manner.

She says that after two children and four grandchildren, she can tell when someone is downplaying health problems or is afraid of the hospital. Luisa insists that she is fine and that it isn't a big deal. Clara asks her how long the dizzy spells have been going on. Luisa keeps quiet. Clara puts on her stern face and tells Luisa that she loves her like her own daughter and therefore she will do the same thing she would do to Anna Patricia and insist that she sees the doctor.

Meanwhile at Montes De Alba Inc,

Marianna and Isabella are in Alejandro's office discussing the issue about Emma knowing what they did and how to solve it. Isabella says that they should scare her or silence her. Marianna asks her what exactly that means. Isabella says that they have come too far to lose everything because of some insignificant person. Marianna asks her if that means killing Emma. Isabella folds her hand and smiles.

Elsewhere at the company,

Antonio is going into one of the meeting rooms when he runs into Gina. He cannot help but stare at her. She is still as breathtaking as ever. Gina as well looks at him. She then snaps out of it and tries to pass him but Antonio won't let her. He holds her hand. Gina looks at him and tells him to leave her alone. He smiles at her and asks her what she was doing. Gina says that she wasn't doing anything and tries to leave but he still holds her.

Meanwhile at the hospital,

Luisa finally admits to Clara that she has been feeling dizzy for a week. Clara folds her hands and asks her if she has told Armando. Luisa says she hasn't. Clara looks at her reproachingly and then says that they should have her checked because it is better to be safe than sorry.

Luisa still says that she is fine and says that she will take something for it the next day.

Clara shakes her head and tells Luisa that she should learn to be more careful about health matters as she becomes older if she wants to reach her (Clara's) age. Luisa decides to give in; she knows how stubborn Clara is. Clara holds her hand and says that she will be there to walk with her.

Meanwhile, back at Montes de Alba Inc, Alejandro has returned to his office and rejoined Marianna and Isabella. Marianna asks if it will be necessary to go that far. She says they can just bribe or threaten the people carrying out the DNA tests and that no one can prove they drugged Adrianna and Gina. Alejandro says that she has become very soft.

Isabella tells Marianna that she is more concerned about not hurting Martin than the fact that they could lose everything. Marianna rolls her eyes. She denies that she is concerned about him, and says that they need to draw a line. She says that murder is going too far. Isabella sighs and then says that they will. Alejandro looks at her like she is crazy.

Elsewhere, Gina looks at Antonio,

She says that she had left something and was coming for it. She tries to go but Antonio won't let her. She tells him to leave her alone because she doesn't want any trouble with Horacio. Antonio clenches his hand and says to himself that he doesn't care about that fool. How he has missed having Gina that close. She has been and will always be the only woman he loves. Unable to stop himself, Antonio leans in and kisses Gina, and she too kisses him back.

Back at the hospital,

Luisa is in the doctor's office. The doctor had done some tests and asked her questions. She looks at the doctor and asks him how she is. The doctor assures her that she is fine. Luisa asks her what caused the dizzy spells. The doctor says that such symptoms are normal considering she was pregnant. Luisa is completely shocked. Her, pregnant? She has had fertility problems her whole life and it is a miracle she even had Aurelio.

Luisa says that it must be a mistake; she says that she is too old, and has been struggling with fertility issues. The doctor asks her if she has a child. Luisa says that she has a son who is almost twenty-two and that getting him was a struggle. She adds that she tried getting a second child for years until she gave up. The doctor says that it is a miracle that even he has no answers for.

Back at Montes De Alba inc,

Marianna has left Alejandro and Isabella alone. Alejandro asks Isabella if she is serious about leaving Emma alone. Isabella says that she isn't going to risk losing everything they worked hard for. She says that she only said she would leave Emma alone to hoodwink Marianna because she is too soft. She adds that Horacio is also on the same page as them. Alejandro says that speaking of becoming soft; he thinks that Marianna is going to become a liability to them. Isabella says she knows and that is why they will keep her out of this one.


Gina reluctantly pulls away from Antonio and says that their kiss was a mistake. Antonio holds up her face with his finger and says that what they feel for each other isn't a mistake and isn't wrong. Gina says there isn't any point in starting anything because there isn't anything they can do about it. Antonio runs a finger down her hair and kisses her again. The past two years have been pure torture.

Back at the hospital,

Luisa is with Clara on a bench. Clara holds her hands and asks her what, the doctor said. Luisa takes a deep breath pauses then says that she is pregnant. Clara is shocked. She however quickly recovers and hugs Luisa. She then says that it is good news because that is another grandchild to pamper and spoil. Luisa says that she isn't so sure, because she has no idea how her son and husband will react. Clara tells her not to worry, and that they might be shocked but they will be happy.

Later Gina is having lunch with Adrianna,

Adrianna asks her where Emma is. Gina says that Emma felt unwell and didn't come to work that day. Adrianna then asks her what John's doctor told them concerning his treatment. Gina explains what the treatment was about. She then adds that they are just afraid of it failing. Adrianna asks her what happens if the treatment fails and if he will get worse.

Gina says that if it fails he is unlikely to worsen; he will just remain the same. Adrianna says that they shouldn't worry too much and that they should hope for the best. She then asks herself why it is that Hector and Gina are worried about a stranger and have done so much for him.

Meanwhile at the hospital,

John is in his room. He thinks about what the doctor said about the new treatment they plan to use on him. He is afraid of getting worse on one hand but he also wants to get better. He says that he wants nothing more than to recover, to know who he really was, and to build a life by Anna Patricia's side.

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