Kissed By The Moon

By TalesByMoonshine

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I sit in my kneeling position as she stalks around me and the anticipation of what she'll make my body do nex... More

CHAPTER 1: Blue Eyes
CHAPTER 2: Silver Moon
CHAPTER 3: Old Friends
CHAPTER 4: New Enemies
CHAPTER 6: New Prospects
CHAPTER 7: The Unexpected
CHAPTER 8: Match Made
CHAPTER 9: Truth Be Told
CHAPTER 10: Charlotte Odair
CHAPTER 11: Getting Ready
CHAPTER 12: The Ball
CHAPTER 13: Miss Odair
CHAPTER 14: Seeking
CHAPTER 15: Miss Odair: Welcome
CHAPTER 16: Fighter
CHAPTER 17: This is New
CHAPTER 18: Changes
CHAPTER 19: Explanation
CHAPTER 20: Discovery
CHAPTER 22: Monster
CHAPTER 23: Distance
CHAPTER 24: Old Friend
CHAPTER 25: Charlotte Knows
CHAPTER 26: Selene
CHAPTER 27: I Am Unafraid
CHAPTER 28: Let's Talk Strategy
CHAPTER 29: Calm Down Charlotte
CHAPTER 30: Fight Harder Charlotte
CHAPTER 31: This Is Betrayal
CHAPTER 32: Two Choices
CHAPTER 33: Plan C
EPILOGUE: Filling in the Gaps

CHAPTER 21: My Darling Charlotte

51 2 0
By TalesByMoonshine

Dear Reader,

Please take this as a 'mature content' warning.  I don't know what else to say about it except to mention that the research I had to do to even know how to write a scene like this will mess my algorithms up for a while.  And to my sister who is reading this, please, for the love of all that is good, don't read this chapter!  Just put the whole book down all together and play outside with the other teenagers!

-  With Love and Gratitude, Moonshine xx


The last few days with Amari have been both delightful and torturous. Ever since that night that we kissed, it's like everything we do has become perfectly synchronised. It's like I can feel more of her in me, beyond the mind link that has her in my head, I can feel parts of her within me, like she imprinted on my soul with just a kiss. A sexy as hell, long, dirty, needy kiss.

Our wolves have also gotten closer, they bother us to go for a run every day now. Venus won't settle unless she sees Eres. Eres is a beautiful black wolf with silver paws and snout, similar to Amari's skin. She's a big wolf, likely the biggest I've seen thus far, and she exudes so much power that I think if I wasn't me, if I wasn't her mate, if I didn't love her, I'd be intimidated. Instead, I'm almost proud of Eres. I feel so protected and safe with her, and she's so gentle and kind to me and Venus that there is no room for any fear.

We haven't had time to return to the archives, but the diaries Amari took out actually held more information about the Selene. Enough for us to theorise that she is the Selene, although, as of yet, there is no mark or change that we have observed. What we do know is that Amari is apparently going to instigate some sort of institutional change that will one day result in the need for someone that comes from her bloodline to 'ascend to the throne". The thought of that is terrifying because it's treasonous, and although the Royals are not tyrannical, they do not take well to treason.

"Morning Luna," A pack member I've learnt is named Aaron says as I arrive to official training without Amari. She says she has a long day and can't train me, so allowed me to go to training and measure my progress. I know I'm not ready, after all, it's been a few days short of a month since I started training with Ames, and even though she's thorough, it takes more than a few weeks to out fight some of the most powerful warriors, second only to the Royal Guard.

I greet Aaron back, ignoring how uneasy being called Luna makes me. Ever since the welcome ceremony, everyone has been calling me that. When I officially joined the pack and was introduced as the Luna-to-be, I guess everyone has sort of accepted me and this greeting has become more common than I anticipated.

I head over to Timothy, and after pleasantries, he puts me up against the same guys I fought last time. Just as I have improved, so have they, but I start to notice the flaws that Amari noticed in me, in them, and I exploit those flaws. Fighting them how Ames had fought me makes the take down of Trevor easier than last time.

When I fight Zach, I start by falling into the same bad habits of trying to over-power him. I obviously can't do that, he's huge. I start to get overcome like I did the first time I fought him; then I smell her. My mate, she's here, and I feel and urge to show her that she hasn't been wasting her efforts with me. I remember all she taught me about fighting bigger opponents. She was very adamant about driving this point home even though I can hardly imagine anyone being stronger than her.

I start to use Zach's momentum against him. Going with the flow of his blows instead of trying to go against them. Using my speed to gain an upper hand and doing my best to put up a better fight. He eventually wins, but this victory isn't easy for him. I feel better about my loss because this time, it's because he was a better fighter, not because I am a shit one. But my pride in myself means nothing to me right now, I want to know what my mate thinks.

Zach helps me up and I turn my head to look at Ames, and she gives me a reassuring thumbs up. She excuses herself from Timothy and does a slight jog towards me that makes me smile. She's so cute.

"That was so much better," she says as she comes to a stop before me, and I can't help but beam. "Do you see the difference using your strengths as opposed to trying to match your opponent's makes?"

I nod my head a yes, "I mean, I lost but I feel a lot better about it," I confess.

"Me too," she admits, "I only wanted to kill him a little bit this time," she jokes, and I laugh.

"What about a quick fight for old time's sake Alpha?" Zach proposes to Amari from where he's standing near the water cooler.

"You want to get your ass beat a second time?" she jests, kicking off her platform slides. She's wearing black, bell bottom, high waisted formal pants with a collared black crop blouse with longs sleeves that she folds up, revealing her toned arms. I practically salivate at the sight, and I know I'm down bad.

She looks at me with a smirk, like she knows that the simple sight of her arms turns me on.


She mind links me, confirming my fears.

Make me

I retort, refusing to be embarrassed.

Instantly she's standing in front of me, looking me in the eyes with a mischievous grin as she slowly pulls her hair back into a puffy, long ponytail.

"Some privileges you have to beg for Miss Odair," she breaths into my ear and I feel my eyes flash my arousal, and that shuts me up. She turns away from me satisfied and faces her challenger.

To say there was even a fight would be an exaggeration. Zach, this valiant warrior who has kicked my ass twice now, was folded by Amari in seconds. She seemed to have even surprised herself. She was quick, strong and decisive. She helps Zach up and he imitates a bow to signify her superiority. In the corner of my eye, I catch someone watching from a distance, both concerned and impressed by what he's just witnessed.

Amari follows my gaze and upon seeing the guy, lets out a barely audible growl before seemingly calming herself down and walking towards me.

"That's Denzel Black," she explains, "not really an enemy but definitely not a friend." I nod my head and make a note to get the story on him later.

Amari leave training and I finish up under the instruction of Timothy, with the companionship of Deidra, Mo and Brie. Although I enjoy their company, I miss my mate. In fact, I miss her every time she isn't within touching distance, and oh how so badly I want to touch her. More so now than ever before.

It's like I have this insatiable need in me to consume and be consumed by her. I want every part of her, and I don't know how to bare the aching need. We talked about it and both of us agreed to wait until after the full moon to mark each other out of concern of what the "change" that all the diaries are writing about could bring. It seemed like a prudent resolution at the time but now? Now it sounds so stupid and masochistic.

Masochistic because as of late, it almost hurts to be away from her. It's like I crave her touch so much that today when she told me she couldn't train me I almost let out a whimper. But being around her? Torture. Every touch is electrifying, everything about her is mesmerising. All she needs to do is exist and I'm panting like a dog in heat trying to restrain myself.

I think if we are going to stay true to our commitment to waiting until after the change to mate then we can't be in the same space. That's exactly what I tell her when I see her after training. The full moon is in 3 days, and we'll be fine sleeping separately until then. It's a long conversation, dragged out by my own indecision, but she relents, and we agree.

I get up to leave her office, the proximity already putting uncouth thoughts in my head. She gets up to walk me out as she always does, but as I reach the door, she gathers my wrists and puts my hands above my head, trapping me in place. My chest rises at the sudden movement, and I see her eyes darken and I know I'm not the only one battling my desire.

"Truth be told, Miss Odair, I'm slowly forgetting why we decided to wait," she growls in my ear, and I'm grateful that she's holding me up because my knees buckle.

She elongates one canine and drags it down my neck, grazing the spot where her mark will go and I shiver, biting my bottom lip hard in an attempt to hold back a moan. I grab her chin and bring her face up to kiss me and she is ravenous. But just as instantly as it all began, it ends, and she opens her door to let me out.

"I'll see you after three days," she rasps before closing the door in my face and I'm left standing there with mouth agape. She's started a very dangerous game.

They next day is spent with both us doing everything we can to tease the other into slipping up. It gets increasingly harder to hold myself back though so I'm grateful that I've gone back to the guest room.  This only offers temporary reprieve because when day two comes, I don't know how I'm going to survive. I can smell her scent everywhere. I am unproductive and constantly distracted. If I lose control for even a second, I find my body automatically carrying me to wherever she is. I even contemplate locking myself in the guest room  just to keep myself away. The night is hard, but I make it to the third day with some relief because I know that there is not much more of this torture left.

However, as determined I try to be, today is by far the worst. I can hardly leave the room I'm sleeping in, and it feels as if I've gone insane. Rita brings me food for the three meals, and I spend my time either in bed, pacing up and down or taking cold showers in an attempt to cool myself off. By the time I have dinner I'm barely functional. Tonight, is the full moon and I know that all I need to do is get through the night, then I'm breaking down Amari's door. All I have to do is try and sleep, but that seems like an impossible task.

A knock on a door later, I find myself standing outside our room, Amari before me, looking just as desperate as I feel. I don't know how I ended up there, but before any words can be shared nor explanations given, our lips collide in a hungry bid to satiate the longing that dominated our existence.

I feel a mixture of release and yearning. The more of her I get, the more of her I want. I push her into the room, and we close the door behind us, lips remaining attached throughout. She whisks me up and I wrap my legs around her waist as she carries me towards the bed. My back hits the mattress after she throws me onto it, and I see her eyes glow for a second as she stares down at me. In a flash, her claws are out, and she slices down the middle of the silk nightie I stole from her.

"I'm gonna miss seeing you in that," she breaths out as she once again backs off to look at me. She raises an eyebrow amused, "No panties? I see you came here with very bad intentions Miss Odair," she muses.

"Really?" I explore, rising up to my knees on the bed so we're facing each other as she stands on the floor. I bare my claws and rip off her little shorts that hid nothing and her tank top that showed everything, "Considering how I've been feeling, I'd say I had the best intentions," I retort. I rip off her red lace panties, and for the first time, I look at her entire nakedness and she is perfection.

We stare at each other for a moment. I admire her body, her small waist, curved hips and perfect perky breasts that my eyes fixate on, so I decide to start there. I capture her dark Hershey's kisses in my mouth. She lets out a moan as I suck on one whilst my fingers gently knead the other. She leans into me as I continue my exploration. Flicking, nibbling and alternating between breasts as she moans out profanities that egg me on.

"Fuck, Char," she breaths out before pulling my face to hers and connecting our lips. She gets on the bed and begins to lay me down whilst our tongues dance together. She tastes like vanilla, and I can't get enough of her. Once I'm laid down, she hovers above me and starts to explore me with her mouth. Her tongue traces from my face, to my ears where she nibbles on my lobe and I let out a moan as I feel the pleasure shoot right to my centre which is now dripping wet. She gets to my neck, and sucks on where she intends to mark me and that act alone almost unravels me.

"Amari please," I beg her to do it and I feel her smile.

"Soon baby," she promises as she continues to suck on that spot, driving me crazy. Her mouth eventually finds my breasts and she returns my kindness, except she's rougher and I like it. The nibbles and the pinches are harder, and the slight pain arouses me more.

She lies beside me and traces her fingers down my body as she continues her merciless assault on my tits. Her fingers trail between my legs but don't quite settle on my core. She teases me until I'm whimpering with need, then she pacifies me by placing one finger inside me. She pumps her finger and I match her rhythm, then she adds another. She increases her pace and uses her thumb to stroke circles around my clit before she starts to rub it and I can't hold back my cries of pleasure.

I feel myself rising to my peak and she increases her tempo. "Come on baby, be a good girl and cum for me," she instructs, and I can't hold back anymore. Just as I'm about to climax, she puts my head to the side, and I feel her teeth sink into my neck. At first the pain is excruciating, but then an overwhelming euphoria takes over and my pleasure bursts.

I let out a cry of satisfaction as she licks her mark and I feel a pattern form down my neck. Her fingers are still working in me but slower, helping me ride out my orgasm until I'm twitching at her touch. She straddles me and starts to kiss me softly, sweetly and I'm lost in bliss.

"I love you," I confess, for the first time to her.

"I love you more," she responds without hesitating, and I can't hide my joy.

She trails her kisses all over my face and neck, and when she reaches her mark she sucks on it slightly, and the flame in me reignites.

I pull her face towards mine and connect our lips. The previous sweetness is lost to lust, and I wrap a leg around her waist and flip us over. I'm now on top and I don't let up on my attack. My lips trail down her body, in pursuit of the mouth to her arousal, too impatient to tease her like she did me. My mouth connects to her, and she raises her hips to grind into my face.

She states sweet and light, and that vanilla scent is driving me crazy. I throw my whole face between her legs and stiffen my tongue to penetrate her whilst my nose rubs her tittle button that's now swollen and needy.

"Oh fuck, baby, don't stop," she moans out, which is funny to me because I don't intend to.

I place one hand under her ass to lift her up, and two fingers from my other hand replace my tongue and plunge into her. My tongue finds its way to her nub and as my fingers explore her tight box, my mouth sucks, licks and tugs.

She tastes so good and eating her out like this sets me ablaze. Her squirming, moaning, calling, all of it, turns me on. I want to always be able to please her like this. To have this tough ass alpha melt beneath me, writhing in pleasure. When I feel that she's reaching her peak, I bring my mouth to hers and replace my tongue with my thumb which continues the assault on her clit.

She happily meets me for a kiss, lapping up her own wetness hungrily, ecstasy rising. Just before she climaxes, I push her head to the side, bare my teeth and mark her. She lets out a pained wail that soon becomes a pleasured one and I lick my mark and proudly watch as a pattern forms down her neck. I help her ride out her orgasm with gentle strokes, avoiding her clit.  I kiss her forehead as she breathlessly grins at me.

She's mine now. Officially and beyond doubt. Our night has only just begun though, I've far from had enough.  

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