The Secret Job- JIKOOK


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Mafia/Stepbrother Jungkook runs a Mafia with this friends behind his family's back besides his Brother, Jeon... Mais

New day
Just lovely....
Night out
A Walk In The Park
6 Years
Baby shower
The Boys Are Back Together
Dance Day One
Love can happen (Day two)
You just had to say it
Have To Stay
They Are Brothers, They Are Fine
Can't Be Away From Each Other
Give Me A Good Ride
New House And New Tattoos
Baby Shopping
Wild One
About To Pop
Welcome To The Family
Don't fight
Hawsa's Wedding
Behind Backs

His special someone

978 54 14

The next day (it's not allowed me to show the MV because of the age restriction)

Jungkook got woken up as he was sleeping in his bed as he heard knocking on his door. Jungkook left out a groan as he made himself get out of bed, getting up out of bed then walked over to the door, opening it to see Jimin. Jimin looked up at him, smiling at him as Jungkook gave him a sleepy look with his hair a mess and his eyes half opened.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. What do you want?" Jungkook ask as he left the door open so Jimin can walk in.

"Umm I need you to take me to school. I'm going to be late." Jimin says even though he wasn't even dressed and still in his pj's.

"Your not even dressed!" Jungkook whine as he fell back onto his bed, on his back.

"I was about to but then I noticed Yugyeom already left! He was supposed to take me today, he said last night!" Jimin says then walked over to Jungkook and started to poke Jungkook on his back.

"He left? God damnit." Jungkook says then smacked Jimin hand away as Jimin giggled, quickly moving away. "Go get dressed. I will take you to school." Jungkook says and Jimin listen, nodding his head and left Jungkook's room, closing the door.

Jungkook left out a sign as he got out of his bed then went to the bathroom. Once he was done in the bathroom, he went to his closet and got dressed for the day. For his hair, he tie up in a ponytail.

As he was about to leave his room, he heard his phone go off. He looked at it to see Yugyeom calling him.

"What asshole?"

"Oh damn... Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Yugyeom ask as he was kinda taken back at Jungkook words.

"Nah I'm fine besides the point that you told Jimin that you will take him to school today." Jungkook says and Yugyeom left out a sign gasped.

"Oh shit. I forgot... Hahah sorry." Yugyeom says, letting out a nervous chuckle and Jungkook just left out a sign.

"It's fine. Why you calling me?"

"It's seeing if you were coming to the base."

"Yeah I'm coming after I drop Jimin off!"

"Okay damn! Stop yelling at me!" Yugyeom whined back at Jungkook as Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Bye!" Jungkook says then hang up on him, shaking his head as he put his phone in his pocket.

Jungkook left his room, heading to Jimin's room. He knocked on the door to hear Jimin call him in so he walked in to see Jimin quickly fixing his bed as he was now dressed.

"Ready?" Jungkook ask and Jimin nodded his head.

"Yep. I got everything and ready to go." Jimin says with Jungkook nodding his head as Jungkook looked at the plushie on Jimin's bed.

Jungkook remembered how excited Jimin was yesterday when he saw the stuff in the bag that Yoongi got him. But the one thing Jungkook couldn't wrapped his head around is the chocolate that Yoongi got him. Yoongi had to take a good guess at what Jimin's likes as Yugyeom and Jungkook do talk a lot about Jimin with Yoongi.

"Jungkook you okay?" Jimin ask, pulling Jungkook out of his thoughts.

"Yeah I'm okay. Umm.. come on. Let's get you in the car." Jungkook says and Jimin nodded his head then left his room with Jungkook following him.

They got in the car, with Jungkook driving and Jimin in the passenger seat. As they were driving, they talked about random stuff then Jungkook remembered that he wanted to talk to the school about what phone number to call. So when they got there, the two got put and walked into with Jimin following Jungkook.

"Go to class." Jungkook says as he walked up to the front desk.

"Noo." Jimin says and Jungkook left out a sign.

"Good morning. I would like to change his emergency contact number to mine please." Jungkook says to the lady who nodded her head.

"I know who you are but just to make sure. Your Mr Park stepbrother correct?" The lady ask and Jungkook nod his head as Jimin leaned his head on Jungkook's arm.

"Yes I am. Here is my....  Get away." Jungkook says as Jimin giggled as Jungkook gave him a little push, getting Jimin off of his arm as Jungkook grabbed his wallet to get his ID.

"Thank you. I will change this one to his emergency number." The lady says, taking Jungkooks ID from him and Jungkook nod his head with a smile.

"Nice. Now I don't have to worry about my mom not picking up her phone if I am bleeding out or if my bone is sticking out of my leg." Jimin says in a sassy way as Jungkook chuckled, agreeing with him.

"Is that the top number?" The lady ask and the two look at her.

"Yes ma'am. His mom is always busy at work so that's why I wanted to change it."

"Ohh I understand now." The lady says as she put Jungkooks phone number in the computer system. "Okay all done. Here you go and have a nice day." The lady says, giving Jungkook his ID back with a smile and the two smiled back at her.

"Thank you miss bell!" Jimin says as the two walked out of the office.

"Okay now get to class. I will see you later." Jungkook says and Jimin nod his head. "Hey. Call me if you need me just like yesterday."

"Yeah yeah I know. See ya later!" Jimin says then started walking away as Jungkook watched him with a little smile.

Jungkook started heading back to his car but as he was walking, he noticed something. He stop at his car to see the guys he saw Jimin with when he came back from his house. They were talking to each other but then saw Jungkook looking at them so they quickly walked away, making Jungkook even more confused. Jungkook doesn't really have to worry about Jimin because Jimin can fight, he has gotten into so many fight with Yugyeom so many times that Jungkook lost track. But Jungkook just left out a sign, shaking his head and getting back in his car. Jungkook got to the Mafia base that is a warehouse in the middle of the forest, parking his car and getting out when Namjoon came up to him.

"Hey boss." Namjoon said and Jungkook gave him a small smile.

"Hey. How are things going?" Jungkook ask.

"Umm kinda okay."

"What happened?" Jungkook ask, knowing that is never good when Namjoon says that.

"There was reports that there was a car down the street following the shipments trucks, we just got this morning. DK says that he think it was the Night Mafia car because it looked like one of their cars." Namjoon said and Jungkook left out a sign as he ran his fingers through his hair as he had taken his hair down in the car.

"Of course it was. Put more guards up. The cameras are still working?" Jungkook ask and Namjoon nod his head. "Okay I want to see the footage." Jungkook says and Namjoon nod his head at the request.

"Okay will do. But I don't get why they were following us. I know we have always had trouble with them." Namjoon says as they walked into the old warehouse.

"They always like to start shit. Probably trying to see what we got so they can ask for it like last time." Jungkook says with Namjoon nodding his head.

"We will handle it. Did you go to Jimin's school like you said?"

"Yeah. I told the lady that his mom works a lot so just changed it to my number. They already knew who I was." Jungkook explained as Namjoon nod his head.

"Well you will definitely answer we all know that." Namjoon says with a smile and Jungkook smiled back, nodding his head.

"Hey Namjoon!" Yugyeom calls him as he walked over. "Jay b needs help."

"Okay coming." Namjoon says then started walking with Yugyeom following him but the two got stop by Jungkook.

"Hey. Where is Yoongi? I need to talk to him." Jungkook ask, looking at Namjoon and Yugyeom.

"I think he is in his room." Namjoon said And Jungkook nod his head then started heading to Yoongi's room that is downstairs in the dorms.

When Jungkook got there, he knocked on the door to hear a "come in" from Yoongi so he walked in to see Yoongi working out.

"Hey." Yoongi said.

"Hey. I need to talk to you." Jungkook says and Yoongi stop and stood up, looking at Jungkook as Yoongi knew that Jungkook was going to have questions after yesterday.

"When I sent you to the store the other day. You got Jimin a plushy and a chocolate.. I don't care about the dog plushy but the chocolates. The honeycomb chocolates." Jungkook said and Yoongi looked down as he grabbed a rag and wiped the sweat off his face. "Did you know that is Jimin's favorite chocolate?" Jungkook ask but Yoongi shook his head but then started getting a little nervous, making him fidget a little bit.

"I thought he might liked them." Yoongi says but Jungkook shocked his head as Jungkook can tell that he was hiding something.

Jungkook can read people like a book so easy and he knows that Yoongi always tells the truth but right now, something is wrong. Yoongi never acts like this when Jungkook has to talked to him about something serious.

"No that's not it. What are you hiding from me?" Jungkook asked, looking right at Yoongi but Yoongi wouldn't look back at him and keep his head down.

"I just saw them and thought he might like them. That's all." Yoongi says still looking down but Jungkook shook his head then walked closer to Yoongi.

"Yoongi, What is it that your not telling me?" Jungkook ask, making Yoongi look at him by turning Yoongi towards him and they made eye contact.

"I guess." Yoongi said but Jungkook still wasn't believing him.

"No it's not! What are you hiding from me Yoongi?!" Jungkook says raising his voice. "Yoongi you know I don't like when people hid things from me. So how did you fucking know that Jimin likes that kind of chocolate?" Jungkook ask as he pointed at Yoongi and Yoongi left out a sign as he sat down on the end of his bed.

"Fine! Fine..." Yoongi yelled at Jungkook looking at him. "I use to know Jimin." Yoongi said and Jungkook froze up in shocked.

"You... You u-used to know.. Jimin?" Jungkook ask, making sure he heard him right and Yoongi nodded his head, looking a little sad.

"Yeah. He was like a little brother to me." Yoongi says as Jungkook sat down on a chair in front of Yoongi.

"Why did you hide this from me?"

"Because I didn't know how you were going to react. I thought you might hate me." Yoongi said but Jungkook shook his head as he moved his chair closer to Yoongi.

"I don't hate you hyung. I just wanted to know why." Jungkook says and Yoongi just kept his head down as he wrapped his arms around himself.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi as he remember all the times Yoongi has talked about a person who was special to him. This special someone who Yoongi talked about was someone who he had to leave behind in Seoul because he was in trouble with some others in the Mafia and he had to move to daegu for the safety of his friends with his parents. Yoongi has always told story about his old friends and his special someone but never said the names of his friend. But turns out that his friends are Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin who he has known since childhood.

"He was the special someone." Jungkook said and Yoongi finally looked at him, nodding his head.

"Yeah. He was."

"How did you know him?" Jungkook ask.

"He was 5 when I first met him. I was 10. He was getting picked on by some older kids because he had to wear glasses. I didn't like that so I took care of him and the boys. After that he was by my side all the time. Even when we were hanging out with Hoseok and Taehyung, he was stuck to my side, always laying his head on my shoulder because he said it was his safe place." Yoongi said as he got a little smile as he remembered Jimin always staying close to him and falling asleep on his shoulder. "I left him tho. I had to leave them." Yoongi says, looking down.

"Why?" Jungkook ask.

"You already know the story. When I got into the Mafia business, someone keep following me. He was 11 the last time I saw him. I didn't want to leave them but I was scared that the person would hurt them to get to me. So like you already know I told them that I was moving back to daegu and they still think I am back in daegu." Yoongi says, looking at Jungkook as Jungkook can tell that he was telling the truth as Jungkook has heard the story many times before but never knew that it was about Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung.

"He talks about you. He says that he used to know someone who moved to Daegu. He misses you, go back to him, Hyung." Jungkook says but Yoongi shook his head.

"I don't know if I can. I'm scared that he won't even talk to him." Yoongi says but Jungkook shook his head.

"He will. Yeah he might be mad at first but he will. Taehyung and Hoseok won't even care they will just be happy that you are back." Jungkook said And Yoongi looked down, running his fingers through his hair. "I know you killed that person who was following you, hyung. I remember the story."

"Yeah I did for them because I wanted to go back to them but I am scared now. That was first time I killed someone. What happens if they finds out?" Yoongi ask, looking at Jungkook as it looked like he was about to start crying.

"They won't. I have been hiding that I am a fucking leader of a Mafia from them for almost 5 years." Jungkook says as he tried to help Yoongi get it in his head that he can go back and be friends again with Jimin.

"I haven't seen him since he was 11. For 6 years." Yoongi said.

"And? You still look the same, hyung. He will remember you." Jungkook said but Yoongi just looked back down, shaking his head.

"I-I don't know.. give me time to think please." Yoongi said and Jungkook nod his head, standing back up.

"Okay, hyung." Jungkook say then started walking to the door. "Hyung." Jungkook said and Yoongi looked up at him. "When he saw those chocolates.. he was really happy." Jungkook says and Yoongi got a little smile on his face, looking down.

Jungkook left Yoongi's bedroom, heading to his office and once he got there, he left out a sign as he sat down in his chair. Jungkook always knew that Yoongi was hiding something from him and he just had to pushed Yoongi a little to know what he was hiding.

He just wasn't expecting Yoongi to be Jimin's childhood friend.

But now he has to hide another thing from Jimin that he wishes he could tell him but has to wait. Jungkook knows about Jimin and Yoongi's relationship from hearing stories from the two so he knows that they were close to each other, Jimin really saw Yoongi as an older brother and Yoongi saw Jimin as a little brother. Jungkook was honestly a little  scared to have feelings for Jimin now that he knows the truth in-between Yoongi and Jimin as Yoongi has literally killed someone for Jimin's safety.

Skip to 5 hours later!

Jungkook was just getting home, walking into the house when he heard singing coming from the kitchen. Jungkook took off his shoes then started heading to the kitchen to see Jimin doing the dishes as he was singing along with the music coming from his phone. Jungkook smiled as he watched Jimin head bob to the music as Jimin kept his head down to make sure the dishes were clean. Jungkook cleared his throat which Jimin heard and started looking around until he saw Jungkook standing on the other side of the island, smiling at him.

"Oh hey." Jimin says then quickly dry his hands.

"Having fun?" Jungkook ask as Jimin turn off his music and Jimin's face got a little red.

"I get bored when I do the dishes. I have to make it entertaining." Jimin says and Jungkook chuckled as he walked over to the refrigerator to get something to drink. "How was work?"

"It was okay. But you know I like -" Jungkook got cut off by Jimin.

"To keep work at work. Yeah yeah I know but I had to at least ask." Jimin says as Jungkook nod his head then took a sip of his drink.

"How are you? Your stomach okay?" Jungkook ask and Jimin nodded his head as he got done doing the dishes.

"Yep all good. That medicine your friend got me really works." Jimin says and Jungkook smiled at the mention of his friend as in Yoongi.

"Yeah he knows how it is for you because he has periods too." Jungkook says and Jimin left out a little"ohh okay" as he nodded his head. "Hey can I ask a question?" Jungkook ask, moving a little closer to Jimin as Jimin was cleaning up the water around the sink.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Umm speaking of friends. Your friend that you talked about. The one in daegu. How old was he?" Jungkook ask and Jimin gave him a rise eyebrow with a confused look.

"Like older than me or how old was he the last time I saw him?" Jimin ask as he pointed to himself.

"Both." Jungkook says and Jimin gave him a "What?!" Look but then left out a sign.

"Umm I was 11 the last time I saw him and he was 16. He is 22 now." Jimin says as he did the quick math in his head then gave Jungkook a nod with a smile.

"Aww okay." Jungkook says, nodding his head at Jimin. "Holy fuck! Yoongi wasn't lying!" Jungkook thought to myself as he was in shocked but try to hide it from Jimin as he looked down.

"Why are you asking?" Jimin ask, making Jungkook look at him as he heard his voice.

"Umm nothing really, you just have never really said what his age was... Or his name." Jungkook says then took a quick sip and Jimin slowed down until he was fully frozen.

Jimin has never said Yoongi's name because honestly it hurts to bad. It hurts Jimin because he hasn't seen Yoongi in 6 years so it hurts him to say his name or even think of him. It's hard for Jimin to say his name because he misses Yoongi that much that he doesn't even like to think about him.

"You know I don't like to say his name." Jimin says as he didn't look at Jungkook and Jungkook looked down as he moved a little closer to him.

"I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." Jungkook says as he reached behind Jimin to rub his back and Jimin just gave him a nod.

"It's okay." Jimin says then gave Jungkook a little smile.

A.N. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JEON JUNGKOOK... It's his birthday in Korea not in the US but still



I screamed so loud that I scared my pets so bad that all three of them took off running 😂😂

But God damn! Had a heart attack!


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