My White Knight

By N0rth3rnL1ght

234 0 1

Uther Pendragon is once again ruler of Camelot. But when Merlin's magic is revealed Gwaine and Lancelot both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

11 0 0
By N0rth3rnL1ght

Arthur..." Merlin begged but Arthur Pendragon wasn't listening Arthur had found both Merlin and Evina in the crystal cave I thought you were picking herbs for Gaius Arthur said i am and my sister had offered to help me look and our search lead us to well.... the crystal cave Merlin lied he had found his magic

Arthur had paid no attention to Evina only advanced at Merlin.

All Merlin felt as the sword Excalibur was plunged into his chest was pain like fire. Hurt and betrayal flashed in his golden eyes as he stared at Arthur whose face held no emotion, only disdain filled his eyes Merlin knew eventually he would die at some point he just never expected it to be at Arthur's hand.

His eyes widened as he stumbled over his own feet hitting the ground with a cry his vision began to blacken as he heard a recognizable voice

Dead or alive? Real or imagined? Past or present? These things are of no consequence. All that matters is that you heed the words of your father who loves you. Do not let go, Merlin, do not give in.

Merlin tried so hard to listen to the voice of his father who loved him but the pain was far greater than the voice telling him Not to let go, telling him not to give in. But since when did Merlin ever do as he was told?

What Gwaine saw as he entered the crystal cave was enough to make Gwaine sick was Merlin lying on the cave floor with the sword Excalibur sticking out of his chest Merlin! Gwaine cried, shaking his shoulders.

I failed.

No Merls you didn't.

I'm so sorry Gwaine cried looking at Merlin. He did his best to ignore the pained cry that escaped Merlin escaped his friend as the knight carefully lifted Merlin into his arms.

I'm getting you to a hospital Merlin just fight it a little more.... Fight the darkness Merlin knew that voice, it was distant but familiar Merlin just fight it a little more.... Fight the darkness Gwaine cried again. He ran past the battlefield with Merlin's sister chasing after him. But unfortunately Gwaine didn't get far before Lancelot was catching up with him.

With a weak grip Merlin pulled Excalibur from his chest weakly curling his fingers around Excaliburs hilt Merlin smiled weakly

Your more deserving of this sword than Arthur will ever be..... I know you'll make a better noble than Arthur..... you are my brother.... and..... once and future king Merlin gasped.

The day was drawing to an end. And let's just say that work for Javiera Balmaceda Pascal was boring everyday the same but that would soon change on a cold Friday night.

As Javiera was playing Candy crush on her phone she heard a loud knock.... No if Javiera was being honest it was more so a loud bang that happened twice it in Javiera's opinion sounded frantic very frantic but it also sounded like it was from someone very dangerous she could tell someone was trying to ram their way into the waiting room with his shoulder.

Sorry, we're closed for the day Javiera said over the intercoms but when there was no answer Javiera just shrugged it off a mistake as she saw the metal door rip right off its hinges like it was nothing Javiera suspected magic and Javiera was right as a young girl stepped into the room her eyes glowing like molten lava

Your going to be okay Merls both Gwaine and Lancelot said at the same time

In front of her was a sorceress and two knights dressed completely in blue the sigil that of a dragon the wings of an owl wrapped around the hilt of a sword that scared her more than she'd like to admit but what scared her the most was the blood stained sword Excalibur in one of the knights hands and she couldn't help but wonder who the man killed.

Are you a doctor ? Lancelot asked softly though like Gwaine he never lowered his weapon

No, she stammered cowering in fear. Well, is there one here? Gwaine asked his voice with a slight edge but it was more frantic than Javiera thought would be possible for a knight especially one with that much blood staining his sword.

You.... You're kind of cute. Javiera found it odd that two knights and a sorceress who's eyes were still glowing like molten lava were standing in the waiting room asking for a doctor.

Is there one here? Gwaine shouted causing Javiera Pascal to flinch Gwaine calm down Evina said causing The knight to surprisingly drop his voice but his blood stained sword never once left its intended target Javiera's chest.

Javiera could only nod she was just too confused causing both knights and the sorceress to sigh in relief before both knights Sirs Lancelot and Gwaine said you're not going to die buddy I won't let that happen.Your going to be okay Merls Gwaine said

Um Mr.... knights who are you talking to? Javiera asked confused but both knights said nothing they were too busy fighting the tears from streaming down their cheeks

Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot had lowered their blood stained swords as the group walked in silence down long twisting hallways until they finally reached the room where they gently more than Javiera thought would be possible for knights lowered Merlin on the bed in front of her younger brother Dr Pedro Pascal.

Javiera could see surprisingly tears welling up in both the knights and the sorceress eyes. Is that why both the knights didn't answer because they were trying not to cry in front of someone?

You have to help him dammit I mean please. If the kid died Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot knew they would have turned to the darkness ( they already felt something inside themselves snap)

Were going to make sure nothing can get in or out both knights said wait what do I call you for a long time both knights said nothing Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot the knight with Excalibur replied eventually before closing the door behind him.

If Javiera made one wrong move against these knights Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot would kill her and she knew this but she still decided to make a move she just needed to call for backup maybe even the police. Javiera groaned they had cut the Comm lines smart looks like calling for backup wasn't an option

The knights Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot had like they said moved the furniture to make sure nothing can get in or out but there was no sign of the knights and Javiera found worrisome but when she did find them she let out a gasp.

Gwaine was on his back eyes staring at the white popcorned ceiling in Lancelot's arms gasping in big gulps of air trying to breathe his hand reaching for Excalibur the blood stained sword on the floor inches away

Javiera knelt by the unmoving figure and called out, "Hey, knight, everything okay?" He told you.... It's Gwaine okay Gwaine are you okay? Does he look okay Lancelot snapped Gwaine hey come on if you die Merlin is going to kill me himself and walk on my grave Lancelot said

He got poisoned, didn't he? Javiera asked I don't know what happened Lancelot cried

She helped him to his feet though he could walk and the progress was slow as they reached the treatment room.

Javiera knew she shouldn't do this what if the knight lashed out

Closing her eyes she slapped him hard across the cheek but he didn't lash out like Javiera had expected only letting a confused "huh" slip from his lips

It was quite easy to bring Gwaine back to the land of the living. Somehow Arthur had regained his memories of Merlin and his magic.

Knocking him out Percival ran all the way to the hospital pushing past the row of furniture before he continued running bursting into the treatment room. The knight's size had of course intimidated the young woman. Percival ?! Gwaine asked. {By the time the knight reached his friends he couldn't breathe}.

Arthur.... I don't know how.... but he remembers everything about Merlin he knows..... you'd have taken Merlin to a hospital he just doesn't know which one.

I knocked him out hard but that won't stop him he'll come here with an army he doesn't really trust the round table knights so it won't be them he sends

The roundtable knights Leon and Elyan are going to distract King Arthur's army while Gwen distracts Arthur for as long as she can Prince Andrew has been banished from the realm of Camelot.

If Gwen fails then Leon and Elyan are going to take over, Percival explained.

We know that the Knights Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot brought the magical brat here. If you play nice and hand him over, you might get out of this alive," a voice rang through the small hospital Pedro had remembered {Gwaine had told them that the Knights of Camelot were after the child}

Just then they heard the door blown open with Merlin in his arms Gwaine had slid under the bed Lancelot rolling under beside him Percival was too big so Percival, Pedro and Javiera formed a plan it seemed like both Gwen and the knights had failed. The Knights of Camelot entered running up the stairs with a loud battle cry Lancelot covering Evina and Gwaines mouths to keep them quiet.

Percival? Why are you here? Arthur asked I was injured on the battlefield on Camlan and the wound had recently reopened after I punched you in the face Percival lied. King Arthur nodded now that I think about it Percival why did you punch me in the face Arthur asked.Percival sighed before running a hand through his hair seeming to think about King Arthur's question.

I was angry at myself for being so blind I was angry at Gwen, I was angry at the Knights of the round table, I was angry at the world but most of all I was angry at you Percival said before going on to add you were the first person I saw as I couldn't find Gwaine I couldn't find Lancelot I couldn't find Leon nor had I found Elyan I couldn't very well hit a girl and punching myself wouldn't have the same effect I am sorry sire, Percival finished.

Arthur laughed it seems everyone is mad at me for some reason{ For some reason are you really that stupid? } Percival thought {that reason everyone is mad at you is because you plunged your sword into Merlin's chest} Percival thought Merlin was a friend to mostly everyone { Mabey Arthur even ended Merlin's life if the doctor couldn't get Merlin stable} Merlin was like a brother to Gwen and a Brother to all the Knights of the round table Percival, Lancelot Gwaine Leon and Elyan.

{ Percival forced himself to smile.}

But sire, Sir Bedivere spoke, confirming Pedro's suspicions. what if he's already dead.

He's not here. King Arthur and his Knights searched and searched but they couldn't find the child. He's not here, Sir Bedivere said to his angry King before they each stormed out of the hospital.

When Lancelot Evina and Percival had fallen asleep Javiera decided to ask as Evina snuggled into Gwaine's warmth.

Why do you care about this boy so much clearly he has magic Javiera asked eyeing the man's blood stained sword the blood stained Excalibur who's blood is staining Excalibur

Javiera asked

I'm not a knight of Camelot I'm a knight of Vernum a magical Kingdom

I don't agree with the laws Camelot has. I have.... tears fell from his eyes as he corrected himself, had a little brother who had magic. He was born with it. There isn't... wasn't a evil bone in his body.

All he wanted to do is help people with his magic, keep them safe, and yet according to the law, he's evil for something he did not choose and has done no harm with.

He was innocent, just as most magic users are, Gwaine had tried to be strong but Gwaine knew he couldn't keep up the act .

I'm sorry Gwaine cried falling into the woman's arms this is probably making you uncomfortable crying in your arms but the girl just ran her fingers through Gwaine's hair.

"Your little brother had magic? Do you?"

Gwaine shook his head. " He's not....wasn't actually my little brother, not through blood anyways, but he sure as hell felt that way to me I knew he thought of me and the others as the older brothers that he never had but always wanted, me Percival and Lancelot especially as we were the ones who had spent the most time with him took care of him and his sisters.

Behind closed doors he had admitted it to the court physician Gaius Lancelot was the one who had heard him yelling and all that

Memories assaulted Gwaine's mind all of Merlin and they would not stop sending wave after wave of guilt washing over him pulling him under nearly drowning him as the Memories assaulted Gwaine's mind all of Merlin and they would not stop sending wave after wave of guilt holding him under not letting him crawl up for Air.

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