Eternal Moon

By cyberghost_1

370 108 45

Living in the rainiest part of Canada is mundane for Jason. Every day is the same as the last, but things tak... More



8 4 4
By cyberghost_1

CONTENT WARNING: Suggestive wording, self inflicted harm (mild)

I opened the door to my own house, letting Meryl enter first as we prepared for what was sure to be a memorable night. The anticipation was almost too much for me to bear, and I could feel my heart begin to pound wildly as my mind was filled with thoughts of her.

As I saw her enter my house, I suddenly felt a rush of emotions sweep over me. I wanted the night to last as long as possible, and I could only wonder what we would do in the privacy of my own home.

Meryl quickly started looking around my house with her piercing eyes, her lips slowly moving into a small and adorable smile.

"Wow," she exclaimed softly, her voice filled with a sense of awe and wonder. "Your house is amazing."

I could feel my face start to turn slightly red, not really accustomed to receiving compliments like these. I was almost speechless as I watched her look around the house, but at that moment I couldn't care less about what she thought of the surroundings. All I cared about was what she wanted to do together.

"Hey mom, I'm home-" I began to say, but then let out a small yelping sound as she suddenly entered the room.

My mother quickly raised an eyebrow at the sight of me and Meryl together, her tired voice muttering a quick 'hello' as she looked over both of us. She was clearly surprised by the fact that Meryl and I came home so late, but I could already tell by her expression that she wasn't really upset, just curious.

She then began to walk away to head towards the kitchen, looking back periodically while she spoke with Meryl.

“There’s cookies on the table. We also have stuff in the fridge.” Mom insisted that we should eat. My mother glanced towards me one last time, giving me a small and slightly amused smile before she started to walk away. I let out a sigh of relief as I took her words about the snacks to heart, turning back towards Meryl with a small and affectionate smile on my face.

"Let me take you to the kitchen first," I quickly said, my voice filled with a playful tone. "I'm sure my mom will appreciate it if we both eat something before we head upstairs."

I then took Meryl's hand and began to gently pull her towards the direction of the kitchen.

I took a small plate of cookies and put it on the kitchen counter, before pulling a chair and sitting opposite of Meryl. She was still sitting on the kitchen counter, her legs slightly crossed and her feet dangling slightly off the edge.

I took one of the cookies and started to eat it slowly, feeling the sweet and soft ingredients melt in my mouth as I looked over at Meryl. She was watching me eat with a small and cute smile, her own body slowly and elegantly moving towards me as she reached towards a cookie.

I continued to eat silently, occasionally taking a quick glance at Meryl as she did the same.

Her gaze felt strangely intimate as she gazed deep into my eyes, her slightly red eyes seeming to burn into my very soul. I felt a sense of deep desire building up in me, and I could sense her passion growing by the moment.

As the both of us finished the cookies, I put them to the side. I felt my heart begin to pound wildly as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Meryl was still sitting on the counter, but now I could feel her body pressed right up against mine.

Our eyes met once again, and I could feel her gaze linger for a moment longer as she stared into my own eyes. I felt her breath on my neck as her hands slowly reached to pull me in further towards her.

Meryl slowly brought her lips closer towards me, our bodies pressed intimately against one another. She gave me a single, gentle kiss on the forehead, her soft and delicate lips feeling almost angelic as she pressed them against my skin. It was a moment of pure and unadulterated love, and I could feel my whole body begin to tremble as she pulled away.

I held Meryl's hand as we started to head upstairs, and as we entered into my older brother's bedroom, I began to give her a quick tour. It was a fairly spacious room, and I told Meryl how much time I used to spend in it playing video games and listening to music. I could see her nodding and smiling as she took it all in, her eyes glowing with both fascination and a slight playfulness.

The tour of my brother's bedroom subsided quickly. We exited, and I opened the door to my bedroom, feeling a rush of excitement and passion as I led Meryl inside. It was relatively cozy, but still full of life like my brother's room, with a few punk rock band stickers decorating the walls and some glow in the dark stars scattered across the ceiling.

I then opened the door to my balcony, feeling the chill of the night fill the room as I let Meryl in. I had spent a lot of time sitting outside on this balcony, looking out into the night sky and listening to the sounds of the wind and the distant city.

I stepped out onto the balcony, and Meryl followed after me, wrapping her hand around mine.

I felt my heart beat faster as I stood next to her, taking in the cold night air and breathing in deeply. As I looked over at her, I noticed that her red eyes were shining in the moonlight, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of calmness and adoration come over me. I smiled softly at her, my face filled with contentment as I let my body relax against her own.

We stood there for a while, just taking in the atmosphere and enjoying each other's presence. The night was both cold and refreshing, and even the air itself seemed to hold a certain sense of romance to it. After a few moments, we both began to get a bit cold, so we decided to head back inside.

I told Meryl to wait for me as I went inside to change, wanting to make sure that we both changed into more comfortable clothing before we made our way towards the bed.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment, realizing that Meryl's lipstick was still smearing against my neck and lips. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment as I tried to scrub it off, but to no avail. I let out a small sigh of frustration as I looked back at my reflection, my clothes still covered in some of her soft lipstick.

Meryl was still waiting for me by the bed, staring at me with a playful and yet sympathetic smile on her face. I could see her giggling as she watched me try to clean my neck, and I felt myself blushing even harder.

After a few minutes, I finally managed to get rid of most of the lipstick stain on my neck and lips. I changed into more comfortable clothing, before heading back to the bedroom and lending some of my own clothes to Meryl so that we could both be comfortable.

Meryl was still waiting by the bed, and as I handed her my clothes, she let out a small but adorable chuckle. I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched her change into my clothes, feeling a sense of warmth and excitement wash over me at the idea of her in my shirt and sweatpants.

Watching Meryl change, I felt my face grow hot as I glimpsed at her bare back, taking in her smooth and slightly toned skin. I gulped, but for some reason I felt a sense of intimacy instead of lust as I took in the sight. It was almost beautiful in a way, and I felt myself grow even more weary as I caught a glimpse of her bra strap as she changed. She was ethereal, and I was head over heels for her.

Once we both got into the bed, Meryl slowly pulled me towards her and began to spoon me. I could feel her freezing embrace around me as my body slowly felt more and more relaxed. It felt like we had finally reached a moment of pure and unadulterated intimacy, and I couldn't control the heat that grew on my face.

I wrapped my arms around her gently, my face buried in her neck as I let out a soft sigh of contentment. My body felt completely relaxed, and I felt my mind fill with thoughts of her and the night that we were about to share together.

Meryl let out a slight yawn as she asked if she could watch TV, and I gave her the remote, turning it on for her. She looked at the numerous channels for a minute before settling on one to watch, and I slowly started to fall asleep.

I was just about to pass out when I heard the news about a missing person, the image of someone's face flashing onto the television. My eyes slowly reopened, and I saw the worried look on Meryl's face as she looked back at me. I then fully woke up.

As the missing person's face appeared on the news, I noticed that Meryl's face quickly dropped into a horrified stare. She quickly turned towards me, a concerned look on her face.

"Have you been listening?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah, I was." I responded with a small hint of confusion in my voice, but quickly grew more concerned as I saw her expression. As I looked back at the news report, I saw that it was a picture of my older brother, and in an instant, my heart rate went from zero to a hundred.

"No way...this can't be..." I said out loud to myself as I looked back at the news report. I immediately began to think about my older brother, Cole Harper, and his disappearance. Cole had gotten married two years ago and was known for being very reliable, so it was hard to believe that he would just disappear out of nowhere.

I thought about how my mother and father would react to the news, and I felt my anxiety begin to build as I slowly turned back to face Meryl. My mind was filled with a sense of disbelief as I struggled to take in the shocking information.

As the news report switched over to an interview with Cole's wife, Ruby, I felt my stomach sink as I saw her and their infant child on the television. She looked different from the last time that I saw her, as if she lost colour in her skin, which immediately caught my attention. I shrugged the thought off as I looked back over at Meryl, now noticing how her expression seemed to indicate that she knew something.

I noticed that her bright eyes were staring intently at the screen, and as I followed her gaze towards Ruby, something just didn't seem right.

Meryl finally turned towards me and looked at me straight in the eyes, her expression one of slight fear and hesitation as she prepared to tell me something.

"I...I know Ruby personally." She said softly, her voice sounding even more solemn. "And..she is a vampire."

My heart dropped as Meryl confirmed my previous suspicions, and I could feel my body fill with both confusion and a sense of fear.

"She wouldn't do that...right?" I asked quietly, barely able to get the question out of my mouth. I looked up at her, and despite her expression of confidence towards Ruby, I couldn't completely trust her words.

Meryl shook her head and reassured me, "She wouldn't do that. Cole means a lot to her, and she would never do anything to hurt him."

Meryl looked at me for a moment, and I could see the sincerity in her eyes as she spoke to me. "I would never do anything to hurt you too." She said softly, and I felt a small smile break out across my face.

I took her hands in mine, reassuring her, "I know...I trust you." I said with a nod, but despite everything she had said, I still felt somewhat torn as I thought about everything that has happened up to this point.

As Meryl took me into her arms, I could feel a rush of warmth and comfort wash over me. I felt my muscles relax, and I could feel my mind slowly grow a little bit more calm as she held me closely.

Meryl kissed me on the forehead, still hugging me tightly as she turned the TV off. I felt her lips against my skin, and all of the chaos and worries of the previous moments seemed to melt away as I began to drift into a sense of peacefulness in her embrace.

As I lay in her arms, I could see Meryl's bright eyes slowly close in thought, as if she was lost in her own mind and trying to form a plan or solution to the current situation.

I eventually mumbled that I just wanted to sleep, but Meryl seemed to be ignoring me for the moment. She brushed a finger gently along my cheek and forehead again, before gently tucking me in and stroking my hair.

"Just try and get some rest...we'll figure all of this out in the morning." She quietly whispered, before giving me another small kiss on my forehead.

I knew that the police would probably show up to the house as soon as they could, and I felt my body tighten as I thought about having to explain everything to them.

Meryl seemed to be thinking the same thing, as she sat up and shifted over to the edge of the bed, looking out towards the driveway as if she was expecting something to happen.

I could hear a deep and unsettling groaning coming from Meryl, and I knew that something was wrong. I looked over at her, and as I saw her slowly clench her fist, I knew what I had to do.

" need blood," I said quickly, knowing that the hunger was getting to her. I looked out towards the nearby window, but there seemed to be nothing outside to catch.

I ran over to the bathroom and frantically searched through the drawer until I found a safety pin. I quickly went back over to the bedroom and knelt down in front of Meryl, my eyes locked with her own as I prepared for what I had to do.

I could see the struggle within her eyes, as if she was fighting against her inner hunger and trying to resist it. But I also knew that there was only one way to make her feel better after everything that she had just been through.

Meryl glared at me, her eyes now filled with a burning hunger as she growled at me once again to not give her my blood. But knowing that she was really in need of it, I slowly shook my head and tried to reassure her once more.

"It's need to drink, Meryl." I said softly, before pricking my own thumb with the safety pin. I felt a small amount of blood drip down my finger, which Meryl quickly caught with her fangs.

I placed my thumb on Meryl's tongue, and I could hear her growl as she began to suckle on it. I felt her teeth on my finger, and while she didn't bite down hard, I could feel the warmth of her breath and the texture of her teeth.

Meryl was like a baby with a milk bottle, and I couldn't help but find her act both alluring and silly. She went into a frenzy of suckling as she took in the blood, her eyes rolling slightly back into her head as I felt her suckle more aggressively.

I felt a sense of euphoria as she drank directly from my thumb, and it was almost as if it felt like a drug to her. Meryl licked the blood clean from my thumb, and even after the wound had stopped bleeding, she continued to suckle in the spot as she licked it clean.

It was as if she had entered a trance-like state and felt the urge to keep going, and I could see her eyes flicker as she attempted to resist the hunger. But the taste of the blood was proving to be too addictive for her.

Meryl's suckling gradually slowed down until it came to a halt, and she pulled away from my thumb. I saw a guilty look cross her face as she glanced over at me, her eyes slightly tearing up as if she was fighting against the guilt.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered softly, her voice sounding almost childlike. It was as if she felt like she had done something wrong, but I couldn't blame her for what she did under such desperate circumstances.

"It's okay..." I said with a chuckle, trying to reassure her. "You needed it."

I could see Meryl's eyes slowly turn from a glowing red back to green as her thirst was quenched. She seemed relieved for a moment, but I knew that it wouldn't last for long.

"It...won't last long," She said softly, her voice sounding somewhat sad as she got up and looked towards the door. "I'll be back after I hunt."

She gave me one quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room, and I took in a deep breath of air as I laid back in bed and tried to relax.

I had been on the verge of falling asleep when I heard someone land on the balcony once again. I sat up quickly and looked out towards the balcony, but all I could see was a dark shadowy silhouette.

It was clear that this wasn't Meryl, and I felt a sense of confusion as I wondered who was outside. The silhouette slowly began to move, and I noticed that it was coming closer and closer towards the balcony door.

I watched quietly, trying to see if I could make out any details, but the shadow was too dark to see any distinct features.

I suddenly felt my vision go dark as someone placed a bag over my head, and I could hear the sound of a bat hitting the back of my head with a sickening cracking sound. I felt my body go limp and my head begin to swim, but right before I blacked out, I could hear the distinct voice of a man speaking...

"This will all be over soon, I promise." He whispered softly in my ear, his voice sounding sadistic. That was the last thing I remembered.

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