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I sat alone in my bedroom, my thoughts filled with that beautiful vampire who claimed to love me. I felt giddy and light-headed at the thought of it, and I couldn't help but chuckle. She had been so mysterious and distant towards me at first, and I never imagined that she felt the same way that I did. Now I was stuck with the realization that she craved my blood and had the urge to kill me, but that didn't seem to matter anymore. I would give anything to be with her like this, knowing that I could never be alone again.

I couldn't deny it anymore. Despite her being a dangerous and mysterious immortal, I was completely and utterly in love with Meryl ever since that day in the woods. Every thought I had of her filled me with joy and excitement, as if she was everything I had ever wanted. She was like a dream come true, but the danger and the hunt only made it more thrilling and intoxicating for me. I almost felt like a prey being caught by its predator and I couldn't imagine wanting anything else in the world. The thought of being with her made my heart race and my mind wander to places I had never dared to go before.

Before I met Meryl, I felt as though my life had little to no meaning. Everything seemed so pointless and dull, as if I was just going through the motions without actually living or feeling anything. But now that I knew her, I felt alive and motivated in a way I had never experienced before. It was as if she had ignited a flame within me that had never been there before, filling me with curiosity and a tinge of excitement.

I felt a lingering excitement pound in my chest. I anticipated the next time I'd see her at school, talk to her. I wanted to get to know her more. I was invested in her life to a certain degree which I found hard to articulate. Stupid curiosity? Idiotic love? Whatever it was, it made my stomach feel like it was fluttering.

I looked over at the clock sitting on my bedside table, and saw that it was just past 11. Tiredness began to sink in after a long day at school and I decided it was time to get some well needed rest. I switched off the lamp next to the clock and got into my bed, cradling a comfortable pillow in my arms. My thoughts were filled with Meryl, wondering what she was doing at this moment and if she was also thinking of me. My heart raced and my mind whirled with thoughts, too excited for sleep to take over.

I laid in bed, my mind filled with nervous excitement, waiting for the warmth of sleep to take me away. In the midst of my thoughts, I heard the sounds of nature outside, the chirping of birds and the rustling leaves in the wind. The dim lights in my room slowly lulled me into a sleep filled with surreal dreams.

I dreamt of Meryl.

My dreams were surreal, almost like memories of another life. Everything felt foggy and distant, as if I was just watching everything play out from afar. I tried to focus on the details, but they were just out of reach.

I was walking with Meryl through the forest again, but this time it was night and there were lights all around us. I could see her face clearly in the dim light and her red eyes were like a pair of pools of fire. I felt drawn to her, as if I was meant to be there with her and nowhere else.

The forest was still and peaceful, and Meryl led me deeper and deeper into it. Her beauty was unrivaled, her face framed by her long, dark auburn hair. Her features were sharp and angular, her skin pale and ethereal. She walked with an elegance and grace that seemed almost unnatural at times. I followed her underneath a romantic tree, the branches twining together in a soft embrace, creating a private and secluded area all for us. She turned towards me and her fangs glistened in the faint light, her red eyes peering into mine once more.

Eternal MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora