You Wanna Be Famous?: TDI x M...

By Timmy184

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In the world of Total Drama a teen named Kai Ryoka suffers from multiple personality disorder. (He is basical... More

Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers - Part 1
Chapter 2: Not So Happy Campers - Part 2
Chapter 3: The Big Sleep
Chapter 4: Dodgebrawl
Chapter 5: Not Quite Famous
Chapter 6: The Sucky Outdoors
Chapter 7: Phobia Factor
Chapter 8: Up The Creek
Chapter 9: Paintball Deer Hunt
Chapter 10: If You Can't Take The Heat
Chapter 11: Who Can You Trust?
Chapter 12: Basic Straining
Chapter 14: Brunch Of Disgustingness
Chapter 15: No Pain No Game
Chapter 16: Search and Do Not Destroy
Chapter 17: Hide and Be Sneaky
Chapter 18: That's Off The Chain
Chapter 19: Hook, Line, and Screamer
Chapter 20: Are We There Yeti?
Chapter 21: Trial By Tri-Armed Triathlon
Chapter 22: Wawanakwa Gone Wild
Chapter 23: Camp Castaways
Chapter 24: I Triple Dog Dare You
Chapter 25: Haute Camp-Ture
Chapter 26: The Very Last Episode, Really!
Chapter 27: Alternate Winner?
Chapter 28: Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Island!
About Kai
Total Drama Action

Chapter 13: X-Treme Torture

654 19 3
By Timmy184

(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... The eleven surviving campers were put through Master Chief Hatchet's brutal boot camp. Duncan was the first to be sent to the brig by Major Harshines for disorderly conduct. Shocker. But what was a surprise was when for a night the Screaming Gophers and Killer Bass team up. When they united, they stole me and Chef's food which I'm still pretty miffed about. Duncan and Kai were the masterminds they managed to pull a B&E to steal some PB&J and afterwards, Kai won the challenge for the Gophers and the Bass sent Katie home. About time

He laughed

(Chris):  This week the campers are pushed to be extreme. Who will crack under the pressure? Find out right now on Total. Drama. Island!



A few days has passed since Katie's elimination. Everyone was sleeping peacefully until the sound of a plane woke them up. In the Gopher cabin Kai grabbed onto the collar of his PJ shirt and the shirt he normally wears

(Kai): 3... 2... 1... GO!

Kai quickly took of the shirt and put his normal shirt on. Kai's head popped through the hole he looked around and looked at his hands. Kai let out a sigh of relief

(Kai): No Vito that's a relief...

Kai put on his red jumper. As Cody was buttoning up his sweater, he noticed something

(Cody): Huh I just noticed we're the last of the guys in the Screaming Gophers

Kai looked around and nodded it was strange to think that there used to be three other guys who shared the cabin with them. Once the two finished getting dressed they leave their cabin to find their fellow campers standing outside and looking up. Kai followed their gaze and saw a smiling Chris in a plane

(Chris): Incoming!

Suddenly the helicopter comes flying down towards them

(Geoff): Hit the deck!

Kai grabbed onto Gwen and dove out of the way. He managed to avoid getting hit. Kai sat up and looked down at Gwen

(Kai): You alright Gwen?

Kai was looking her up and down for any kind of injury. He was happy to find nothing

(Gwen): I'm fine... Thanks for that by the way

She sat up and thanked him as she did. Kai looked around and fortunately, everyone else was able to dodge the plane. Chris stuck his head out a worried look on his face. It quickly turned into a smile when he saw everyone was okay. He laughed

(Chris): Yes! I can't wait to get my pilot's license! Just flexing your muscles for today's...

He steps out of the plane holding a megaphone

(Chris): Extreme sports challenge!

Gwen was still pretty annoyed about Chris almost crushing them and now is throwing them straight into a challenge

(Gwen): Ugh... It's too early for this...

Chris happily ignored her complaint

(Chris): This week, you'll participate in three challenges. First up...

He picks up his megaphone again

(Chris): Extreme sofa bed skydiving! Contestants will plummet, uh... Skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below

He points at a sofa bed which looked like it was at least 100 years old

(Kai): Is that even safe?

Chris smiled as he remembered Chef testing to see if it was safe


Chef glared at Chris and jumped out of the plane he fortunately hit the sofa bed but unfortunately, he was sent flying. Chris laughed the whole time


Chris was laughing he wiped a tear of joy from his eye

(Chris): Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet. And using these

He holds up two parachutes which were in horrible condition. Making the campers gasp

(Chris): Now our lucky contestants are... Kai and DJ

The two were surprised. Kai wasn't feeling too scared, but DJ was horrified. Kai tried to cheer him up

(Kai): You know what they say on Blackcomb Mountain, bro. "Best glimpse of heaven is on the way to hell." Let's do this!

Kai pumped himself up and hopefully it made DJ feel better. It worked a little bit

(DJ): Yeah. Uh, sure. Bring it on...

They went to board the plane wanting to get this over with. Chris had other plans

(Chris): Not so fast. I have to announce the rest of the challenges. The second challenge of the day is... Extreme rodeo moose riding! Contestants will rodeo ride the great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get hooved into a giant pile of socks from the lost-and-found

He points at the pile which had visible stink lines coming off it the campers looked disgusted

Leshawna looked at the pile an unimpressed look on her face

(Leshawna): That stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home

Chris smiled

(Chris): It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers. And Geoff, you'll ride for Bass

Geoff cheered

(Geoff): Yeah!

Cody approached the moose raising an eyebrow in confusion

(Cody): He doesn't look too bucky to me-

The moose kicked him sending him flying into the forest. Chris was having a hard time stifling his laughter

(Chris): And the final challenge... Extreme sea doo water-ski!

A couple interns come in with a TV. Chris clicked a button on his remote turning it on showing where they'll be water-skiing


(Chris): Contestants will water-ski a race course grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line. While a member from the opposing team tries to deceive you


The first thing everyone noticed was that there was no water but instead mud

(Heather): How can we water-ski without water?

(Chris): It's really hard. Check it out

He pressed a button which changed the video. An intern was driving a jetski while Chef was holding onto a rope. He was flying all over the place

(Chris): Haha awesome! Harold, you'll ski for Killer Bass

Harold nodded with a smile

(Harold): Sweet!

(Chris): And Lindsay for the Screaming Gophers

Lindsay was excited

(Lindsay): Kewl! I can model my new bikini!



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): I hope Colby likes my swimsuit

Lindsay stated while giggling



(Chris): Now for the cool swag! Whoever scores the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination, and wins a tricked out Multi Massage Mobile Shower!

He points to the prize Chef appears out of nowhere. He wore an angel costume and played a harp

(Heather): Can it be?

Heather and the other girls stared at the mobile shower

(Chris): Oh, it be!

He responded smiling. Cody had just gotten back as Chris explained the prize, he had an unimpressed look on his face

(Cody): A shower? How about something good?

Heather turned to Cody. She got into his face glaring

(Heather): Listen to me, you little perverted nerd! We are going to win that shower if it's the last thing we do, got it?!

Cody nodded nervously he did not want to incur her wrath


(Chris): Okay, gang. Chow for breaky, then report back in twenty minutes for... The Extreme Sports Challenge!

Chris got into the plane and flew off. Smoke came out of the plane causing those close to it to start coughing


Kai took his plate. It was burnt eggs, green porridge, and a muffin. Kai smiled at Chef

(Kai): Thanks for the grub, man. Could I get seconds?

Chef instantly gave Kai seconds



Chef Confessional

(Chef): What can I say? That kid has good taste

Chef nodded



As Kai walked away with his food, Chef spotted a note and read it aloud

(Chef): "For the girl with smouldering eyes"?

Chef rolled his eyes clearly unimpressed he was expecting something better. He walked over to the bin and threw it out. Gwen and Bridgette spotted the note in the bin

(Gwen): Check it out. It's a corny haiku poem

She took it out and let Bridgette read it

(Bridgette): Whoa. Some dude's crushing big time. It's probably for you

Gwen was surprised

(Gwen): Really? I was gonna say it was for you

(Bridgette): But Kai is totally crushing on you. I've seen the way he always scams an extra muffin for you

Gwen blushed as she looked at Kai. The teen smiled and waved at her. Gwen turned back to Bridgette

(Gwen): Yeah, but Geoff is so into you. Remember at the dock yesterday how he tried to get your attention?


The day prior Gwen, and Bridgette were hanging out on the docks. Geoff sat on a surfboard and held onto a rope. He smiled at Bridgette when suddenly Kai reversed the Jetski into the dock destroying part of it and making Geoff fall into the water. Kai drives off Geoff was still holding onto the rope and was dragged along


The two laughed at that memory

(Gwen): Then again, Geoff probably couldn't pronounce haiku, let alone write one

Bridgette looked slightly offended by that comment

(Bridgette): What's that supposed to mean?

(Gwen): Nothing. He's just not exactly the scholarly type

(Bridgette): Oh, and I suppose Kai is busy boning up on his Neitzche in his spare time?

Gwen glared and took the note out of Bridgette's hand

(Gwen): I think Kai is more Nietzsche than Geoff is haiku-y

Bridgette: "Haiku-y?"

Bridgette scoffed and took it out of Gwen's hands

(Bridgette): Well, at least Geoff isn't a poser. Kai probably doesn't even write his own songs!

Bridgette and Gwen were trying to pull the piece of paper away from each other


Kai and Geoff were finished with breakfast and played sticks they noticed the girls fighting

(Kai): Wonder what's got them worked up

Geoff shrugged

(Geoff): I dunno-

(Kai): HA! I WIN!

Geoff looks down and saw Kai tapped his three fingers onto his two fingers. He falls to his knees and holds his head

(Geoff): NOOOOOOO!

He immediately stood up no longer upset

(Geoff): Same time tomorrow?

Kai nodded

(Kai): Same time tomorrow

The two dapped and went their own ways


Gwen and Bridgette were still playing tug of war with the love poem. Due to the strain of both of them pulling it the piece of paper tore in half

 Gwen gasped and glared at Bridgette

(Gwen): Tell you what, Betty. I'll bet you two nights dessert that the poem was for me!

She stuck her thumb into her chest confidence oozed out of her

(Bridgette): Oh, I'm up for that. Down with that. Whatever. You're on!

The two angrily shook hands


Chris stood in front of the plane explaining the challenge. Kai walked over to Gwen and smiled he pulled out a blueberry muffin

(Kai): Here I got Chef to give me seconds

Gwen accepted it with a smile. The two zoned back in on Chris' explanation

(Chris): Now, remember! Ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing

Kai and DJ step away from their respective teams and stood next to Chris. Heather smirked at Kai she finished drawing an outline with chalk

(Heather): Sayonara, Kai. I hope your attempts to impress weird goth girl are worth the chalk outline

Kai rolls his eyes while Gwen glared at her

(Gwen): Uh, did you ever think that maybe Kai's doing this as a form of self-expression? Like haiku?

She saw Kai and her teammates raising their eyebrows in confusion

(Gwen): Or... Not



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): Okay, so it wasn't my most subtle sleuthing moment



Kai and DJ were now in the plane. Kai was doing alright while DJ was holding onto whatever he could. Chris who was flying turned to them holding a stack of papers

(Chris): If you two could just fill these out...!

(Kai): But we already signed insurance forms at the beginning of the show!

Chris nodded

(Chris): Yeah! But these are for organ donation! I have this cool cannibal challenge I wanna pitch to the producers, and this'll go a long way toward budgeting free props! Here comes the drop, boys!

DJ looked out the window and was terrified

(DJ): I don't see the drop zone!


Down below the Gophers were having a hard time moving the sofa couch

(Heather): Push!

(Leshawna): Why is this thing so hard to move?

It didn't help that everyone on the team besides Leshawna was physically weak

(Heather): Come on, move it!


(DJ): Uh, I don't think I can do this, man!

(Kai): Don't worry, dude. I'm sure you'll hit the sofa bed... How about we jump at the same time?

DJ nodded so Kai held onto the left side and DJ held onto the right. They looked down the ground wasn't visible

(Kai): On the count of 3. 1... 2... 3!

Without giving themselves a chance to think they threw themselves out of the plane. They fell screaming


Cody was looking up at the sky he narrowed his eyes and could make out Kai's form

(Cody): I see him! Move to the right and push it 20cm!


(DJ): Okay, I got this! Wait... What are we supposed to pull?!

Kai looked at him

(Kai): Pull the blue cord first, then the red!

DJ nodded

(DJ): Blue, then red

He pulls the red cord and then the blue cord. His parachute doesn't come out

(DJ): Blue! Red?!

DJ screams in horror and flailed in the air


The Bass pushed the sofa bed with relative ease. Bridgette looked at Geoff she would try to get him to talk about the poem

(Bridgette): You know what's really romantic?

(Geoff): Uh, writing someone's name in the snow with your pee?

Bridgette was slightly disgusted by the answer

(Bridgette): Uh, actually I was thinking more of the written word

Geoff nods in realisation

(Geoff): Oh! You mean like a tattoo? Haha yeah. I've got one on my butt, wanna see?

He pulls his pants down showing off the tattoo. They hear DJ's screaming. Bridgette and Harold speed up

(Bridgette and Harold): Go, go, go!

DJ screams as he slams into the sofa bed. Seeing that he was okay the Bass cheered for him. DJ sat up and looked at himself. He was okay

(DJ): Everything's still here. Nothing's broken? Phew...

Suddenly the sofa bed folded into a sofa and ate DJ he was struggling to get out. The Bass gasped and whistled as if they didn't see what happened. The Gophers look around in confusion

(Cody): Where's Kai?

They saw Kai's arm come out of the couch that ate DJ


Chris landed he still sat in the pilot seat megaphone in hand

(Chris): it would seem Kai caught a ride with DJ. But considering DJ landed first I'll give the point to the Killer Bass. Gophers lose, Bass wins! 1-0!

(Heather): Nice going, Kai!

DJ and Kai got out of the couch and DJ walked over to them pretty annoyed by how she spoke to Kai

(DJ): Hey, don't be rude to him. He saved my life!

(Gwen): He did?

DJ nodded


DJ was falling he was terrified suddenly he was grabbed. He looked up and saw Kai who had a confident look

(Kai): Not to worry! Svetlana will save you!

(DJ): Svetlana?

DJ looked at him in confusion. She did a quick mauver removing his parachute and put her parachute onto DJ. She pulled the cords, and the parachute came out of the backpack and helped DJ land on the sofa bed safely. Though when they were close to the ground the parachute fell to pieces because it was old and worn out. Svetlana guided DJ to the sofa


(DJ): That's the story so don't disrespect this guy

DJ walked over to join his teammates. Gwen looked at Kai smiling

(Gwen): Looks like we have a Hero on our team

Kai chuckled nervously. Trying his best to pretend he had done that



Kai Confessional

(Kai): It kinda stinks that me and my personalities don't share memories. Especially when one of them screws something up and I have no idea what they did. But fortunately, Svetlana doesn't cause trouble. I'm more worried about the others



Chris stood in front of the moose's pen. His signature megaphone in hand

(Chris): Okay, cowpokes! Let's start... the rodeo moose challenge!

Geoff turned to Bridgette smiling as he climbed onto the moose

(Geoff): Rodeo ridin's kinda like surfin'. Once you catch the lip, you just flow with the mojo. Haha

(Bridgette): Yeah! "Flow". Kinda like the ancient art of Japanese haiku?

Geoff raises an eyebrow in confusion

(Geoff): What's a haiku?

Bridgette sighed. Geoff grins as if he just remembered something

(Geoff): Hey Bridge, hah. Wanna see that tat?

He pulls down his pants showing off the tattoo

Everyone who watched was shocked

(Gwen): Whoa!

Bridgette sighed again

(Bridgette): Definitely not haiku-y.

The moose saw Geoffs junk and growled it started to move all over the place. Geoff lets out yells of shock and fear. Chris grinned

(Chris): And Geoff's...

Geoff was sent flying off the moose hitting the pile of dirty laundry. He emerges with dirty laundry in his mouth

(Geoff): Ah!

(Chris): Out!

Chris pulls out his signature megaphone

(Chris): Ooh, that stinks big time for Bass!

He looked at a screen his interns had and narrowed his eyes

(Chris): Wait a minute. Pause that! Let's just rewind that shot and run it in super slow-mo

Chris looked disgusted

(Chris): I'm embarrassed. This is so degrading; I mean just look at me. Can we just please get decent budget together for hair and makeup? I look like I just fell out of bed! Geesh!

Chris shook his head and picked up the megaphone and watched Geoff climb out of the laundry

(Chris): No, seriously. That is some rank stuff. Leshawna, let's get!

Leshawna approached the moose cracking her fingers and neck


Leshawna hopped on she grinned at Chef

(Leshawna): I hope you got a moose burger recipe handy! Heheh. Easy, boy. You don't wanna make me mad, now

The moose let out a yell of anger and ran around the pen

(Chef): Sweet mother of– Aah!

Chef barely managed to jump out of the way. The moose continued its rampage


Gwen and Bridgette were getting into an argument about their crushes

(Bridgette): So? Your guy's a metro with crappy acting skills!

(Gwen): So? Your guy's a grammatically challenged skater flake!

In the background Leshawna was seen fighting the moose for control

(Leshawna): Ooh! Ooh! That the best you got? Ooh! You got nothin'! Whoo!

The moose ran off screen as Gwen sighed as she thought about the facts

(Gwen): Okay. So, it wasn't Kai or Geoff

Bridgette nodded

(Bridgette): Yeah, plus we kind of just assumed it was for us

Leshawna came back into frame. She looked at Chef and Chris for help

(Leshawna): Get me off this thing!

Bridgette taps her chin in thought

(Bridgette): Well, whoever it is, we're gonna find out

Chef tried to help Leshawna, but he was kicked out of the pen. Chris laughed like a mad man

(Leshawna): Ooh! Ooh!

(Bridgette): Deal?

Gwen nods and shook her hand

(Gwen): Deal

Leshawna having enough grabbed it by the antlers, kicked its side

(Leshawna): You will obey me!

The moose skidded to a stop no longer aggressive. Leshawna looked at everyone grinning

(Leshawna): That's how you do it

Chris smiled he loved every second of her turn

(Chris): With that the Gophers win the second part of the challenge!


Everyone stood by as Chris walked into frame a megaphone in hand

(Chris): So, we have a tie! Whoever wins the extreme sea doo waterski challenge... Wins invincibility!

(Lindsay): I'm ready!

Everyone turned to Lindsay and gasped she was in a green bikini and wore pink sunglasses. She posed for Cody

(Lindsay): Watcha think Cody?

(Cody): It's... Grea-

Cody was red in the face and fell onto the ground. Lindsay giggled Kai ran in and checked on him


The guys all surround Cody. DJ picked him up. The guys cleared a table that appeared out of nowhere. DJ placed him on the table and tried to revive him. The girls watch in confusion. They were startled when Chef came in with a Defibrillator. He rubbed them together

(Chef): Clear!

He placed them on his chest. It didn't work

(Geoff): You gotta do it again bro!

Chef rubbed them together again

(Chef): CLEAR!

He placed them on his chest. Cody came back to life. The guys cheer the girls who were watching didn't know how to react

(Heather): We are so dead. Unless... I get to drive the wave jumper!

Leshawna sighed

(Leshawna): Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair did



Harold Confessional

(Harold): This is it. We're tied for the win. Bad to the bone Duncan is driving Lindsay. I'm skiing for the Bass. Winning is inevitable. Goodbye wedgies, wet willies, and toilet face plunges

He held up a toilet plunger

(Harold): Hello...

He put on some sunglasses and spoke in a smooth tone

(Harold): Dirty Harold



(Gwen): Okay, so haikuist candidates are Duncan, Harold, DJ, or Cody

(Bridgette): Well, we know Duncan was crushing on Courtney, so he's out. And Harold is...

Harold slams open the outhouse door. His pants were down and he still wore the sunglasses

(Harold): Ladies

He spoke in a smooth tone again. He grunted in his normal voice as he fell to the ground. The girls weren't sure how to react

(Gwen): Yeah... I'll take Cody, you take DJ

Bridgette nods in agreement


Harold and Heather are going first. Heather smirked at Harold

(Heather): You are so out of your league, Alpha Geek

Chris coughed into his fist

(Chris): Here's the road rules. Oh wait, there are no rules!

Chris states grinning

(Chris): Which means this is gonna be awesome!


Bridgette was sitting with DJ. They were in a good spot to watch the challenge

(Bridgette): So, read any good poems lately?

DJ looks at Bridgette and raised an eyebrow

(DJ): So, ask any arbitrary way-out-of-left-field questions lately?

Bridgette looked at him and then sighs. She shook her head at Gwen


Chris stood to the side of the starting line

(Chris): And... Go!

Heather starts driving. Harold wasn't expecting it and was dragged along

(Harold): Ahh! Oh! Ow! Oowah!

He accidently grabbed a flag

(Chris): Flag one for Bass!

Chris shouts over the megaphone. Geoff and Bridgette grinned

(Geoff): Nice!

(Bridgette): Yes!

Heather looked back her eyes wide

(Heather): No!

Heather tried whatever she could to get Harold to let go. But instead, he got all the flags he needed

(Chris): Five flags and headed home!

(Heather): That's impossible!

Heather was planning on not crossing the finish line. As if reading her thoughts Chris addressed this

(Chris): Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified! but when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!

Heather heard this and gasped



Heather Confessional

(Heather): I couldn't let that little dorkwad win. So, I decided to cut him loose

She smirked



Heather pulled a knife out of her shorts. She intended to cut him loose

(Heather): Game over, guppy!

Harold looks up eyebrow raised

(Harold): Victory is... huh?

He saw a branch get stuck in her crop top and because she was on a moving vehicle it caused the crop top to be ripped off. Revealing to Harold and the viewers at home her bare chest

Heather screams and covers her chest. Harold lost all concentration and let go he crashed into a rock a happy smile on his face

The jetski went through the finish line


Everyone stood in front of Chris. Heather had a new crop top

(Chris): I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration, but it's a total wipe out for the Bass team!

The Bass glared at Harold who was looking up at the sky smiling

(Harold): Boobies...


Gwen approached Cody who was drinking some water while reading a comic. He noticed Gwen and looked up smiling

(Cody): Oh, hey Gwen

Gwen returned the smile with her own

(Gwen): Hey. I have a question if we win, is there a someone special you'll be, uh, showering for?

Cody had a flashback to Lindsay giggling in her bikini and passed out. Kai comes in out of nowhere


Like before all the guys came in and tried reviving the Tech Geek. Gwen sighed

(Gwen): Never mind

She left as DJ ran in with a table and Chef came running in with the Defibrillators


(Chris): Ready, set, ride it like it's sweeps week! Go!

Duncan grinned and started up the jetski. Lindsay held on perfectly. She grabbed a flag

(Chris): Flag one!


The Gophers who were watching grinned

(Gwen): Yeah!

(Leshawna): You go girl!


Lindsay managed to grab another three flags easily

(Chris): Flag two, three, four...

Lindsay grabs the last flag. Duncan growls in annoyance and looks back at her

She wasn't planning on losing

(Chris): Lindsay has snagged all five and is racing home for the win! Duncan is eukered! He has to cross!

Duncan smirked in the direction Chris is

(Duncan): Says you! Yeah!

He spun the wheel and crashed into a tree trying to get Lindsay to fail. Only for her to go up a ramp and go through the finish line all five flags in hand

(Lindsay): Whoo!

Chris looked surprised and looked at an intern

(Chris): She won?

Chris wanted to confirm what he saw. The intern nodded his head Chris grinned and pulled out his megaphone

(Chris): The Screaming Gophers win! And they also won the fancy Multi Massage Mobile Shower for the rest of the show!

The girls cheered while Lindsay smiled at Duncan who was covered in sticks, leaves, and cuts

(Lindsay): Sorry about that Doug, I just really wanted that shower!

Duncan scoffed clearly annoyed that he couldn't stop Lindsay from winning

(Duncan): Ugh, whatever!

Lindsay headed back to her team. Leshawna saw Lindsay and smiled

(Leshawna): Girlfriend, gimme some sugar!

Leshawna pulled Lindsay into a hug. The Bass watched the winning team celebrate their prize

(Geoff): Really could've used that shower

DJ sniffed the air above Geoff and almost threw up

(DJ): Fwoo! Right you are, my skunky friend



Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): So, I landed in a pile of socks. Big deal. I can't stink that bad, can I?



Chris smiled at the camera narrating what had happened

(Chris): The Bass team went belly-up and will now decide which fishy to flush, while the Gophers totally scored some much-needed showers


Leshawna and Lindsay stepped out of the shower. Their hair and bodies wrapped in a towel. Leshawna let out a relieved sighed she loved every second of the hot shower. Cody sat with Kai looking at the shower in confusion

(Cody): I don't get it. What's up with girls and showers?

Kai shrugged

(Kai): They just like looking cleaner and more presentable than us guys


Gwen and Bridgette were still trying to figure out the mysterious person behind the Haikyu. They even found a new one

(Gwen): So, we ruled out Cody and DJ

(Bridgette): I know! So, who could it be?

Leshawna overheard them and came over

(Leshawna): Who could what be?

Bridgette wordlessly handed Leshawna the piece of paper to read. Chris happened to walk over and saw the piece of paper in Lashawna's hand and grinned

(Chris): Another note from your secret admirer, Leshawna?

The girls widen their eyes in shock

(Bridgette and Gwen): Leshawna's the crush, girl?!

Leshawna grinned

(Leshawna): You two know someone else here with a booty as luscious as an apple?

Leshawna turned and shook her butt. Gwen looked at the note still confused

(Gwen): But who wrote it?


The Bass minus Geoff sat on their tree stumps and Chris smiled at them

(Chris): As you know, if you do not receive a marshmallow, you will be forced to walk the Dock of Shame, and you will never ever return to camp. Bridgette and DJ, you are safe

The two got up and shared a smile. They caught their marshmallow. Chris walks away from the campfire and pulls out his megaphone

(Chris): Geoff! You're safe, too!

Geoff was sitting in a tree with a skunk. Chris threw his marshmallow which Geoff caught

(Geoff): Muchos luchos, compadre!

He shouted so Chris could hear. It was down to the final two. Harold and Duncan

(Chris): Okay, that leaves Harold, who bailed big for reasons unknown

Harold was seen slumping down a smile on his face



Harold Confessional

(Harold): Boobies...



(Chris): And Duncan who bailed even bigger because Lindsay left him circling the drain in a shameless-

Duncan got up glaring. He grabbed Chris's shirt

(Duncan): That chick was determined!

Duncan states through gritted teeth. Chris smiled at Duncan's anger

(Chris): Which is why you're safe

Chris holds up the final marshmallow. Duncan grabbed his marshmallow grinning

(Chris): Harold, sorry dude. You're done like dinner

Harold stood up all of his stuff in hand. Harold high fives his teammates

(Harold): Well, it's been fun, guys


Harold walked down the dock of shame he stopped halfway

(Harold): Farewell Total Drama Island! I loved, I lost, and I saw boobies! What more could a man ask for?

(Gwen): You loved?

(Leshawna): You're a man?

(Bridgette): You saw boobies?

Harold looked over at Leshawna deciding to put the feelings in his art into words

(Harold): Leshawna, I meant every word of that poem!

Leshawna widens her eyes in surprise

(Leshawna): Poem? That was you?

Gwen and Bridgette gaped

(Bridgette): No...

(Gwen): ...Way

(Leshawna): Baby, you some kind of freaky!

Leshawna walks over and brings Harold into a bear hug

(Harold): Give daddy some sugar!

Leshawna and Harold kiss making the campers present gasp



Chef Confessional

(Chef): Leshawna and Harold? I was as shocked as you. But you didn't read the letters

He chuckled while rubbing his hands together

(Chef): Ooh, spicy!



Harold boarded the boat. The Bass guys walked over to Leshawna

(Geoff): Wait a sec. So, Harold saw your boobies?

(Cody): That's surprising

(Leshawna): I didn't... Wait a minute!

She steps to the edge of the dock. She was angry

(Leshawna): Who's boobies did you see?!

As soon as she said that Heather stepped out of the shower sighing. Leshawna stared at her for a few moments and remembered she was with Harold and remembered when she had to get a new top. She glared at Heather

(Leshawna): Uh-uh. Uh-uh-uh-uh-oh-oh-oh-oh. Oh, see now, you messed with the wrong sister!

Heather rolled her eyes

(Heather): Oh please. It was a total fluke. You think I'd actually show that dweeb my boobs on purpose? Uh... Ah!

Heather widens her eyes and ran away as Leshawna chased her

(Leshawna): Get back here!

Heather runs away screaming. Gwen smiled and turned to Bridgette

(Gwen): Well, that's settled. Night

Bridgette nodded

(Bridgette): Night



Harold: Duncan, Geoff, DJ, Bridgette (4)

Duncan: Harold (1)

Eliminated: Harold

Elimination Order: Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Sadie, Tyler, Izzy, Beth, Owen, Courtney, Katie, and Harold


That's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it! I don't have much to say so leave feedback if you have any. Have a good day/night stay safe and see ya Wednesday

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