Tequila & Birdcages

By simpforholytrinity

28.3K 1.2K 515

Another one shot book for Sarah characters since I feel like my writing style has improved a bit. More

I can't deny it |c.g|
Passion and Pain |c.g|
Can't Lie |b.d.h|
Jealousy, jealousy |c.g|
Welcome home |s.m|
Showered in Love |b.d.h|
Let's see |c.g|
One and Only |w.v|
Don't Stop |b.d.h|
Playing Dangerous |c.g|
Epiphany |b.d.h|
My Baby |w.v|
You're not the only one |s.m|
At my worst |x.t|
Besties | tammy
Comfort |w.v|
Teasing |a.m.r|
Fender Bender |s.m|
Shy |m.r|
Jitters |a.t|
Back off |w.v|
Daily Life |s.m|
Come Again? |w.v|
Speeding down the back street |b.d.h|
Easy On Me |amanda|
Silent mode |c.g|
An Unexpected Quest |a.m.r|
Freak or Foe? |b.t/d.t|
Warm cuddles |tammy|
My sunshine |e.s|
Dark Nights |s.m|
Family Grievances |h.t|
Bittersweet Tears |s.m+w.v|
Hold me, please |a.t|
Defiance |m.r|
Use your words |b.d.h|
Ryd |s.m|
Anything |a.t+b.d.h|
Listen Carefully |w.v+b.d.h|
Take a rest |c.g|
Let me do it |d.s|
Payback |b.d.h|
Hazy Nights |w.v|
Promises |s.m|
Alice to my Hatter |c.g|
Phantom pains |b.d.h|
Ha Ha Halloween |a.m.r|
Pre-game |c.g|
Hostess with the Mostess |b.d.h|
The After Party ^^^
Welcome to my salon |w.v|
Shame |w.v|
I care |tammy|
Security Blanket |w.v+b.d.h|
Initiation |x.t|
Deja vu |d.s|
For You |c.g|
Dinner Bells |a.t|
Yes to heaven |l.w|
Careful |d.s|
Ride the waves |b.d.h & c.g|
Take me |e.s|
Last day |a.m.r|
Ride the waves II
Trust me |m.c|
One hole is fine, yes |a.m.r|
Period headcanons
I wish/Maybe...
Failure or Blessing? |c.g|
Boss lady |m.r|
If you die, I'll kill you |s.m|
Sober thoughts |c.g|
cherish the day |w.v + c.g|
Wish you were here |d.s|
Overstimulated Headcanon
Caught Red-handed |tammy|
Come closer |m.y|
Spring Break |c.g|
My savior |x.t|
A petite name |j.m|
Time to go |amanda|
My purple poodle |w.v|
Love notes |m.r|

My Fake Valentine | tammy

343 15 0
By simpforholytrinity

WC: 2839

As I stretch my body out of its curled position from sleep, I groan. After a few minutes of just laying there I flip over, ready to start my day. That all crashes down once I check my phone and glance at the date. Valentine's Day. Literally the one day of the year I loathe wholeheartedly.

I know it's supposed to be a day filled with love and cute dates, but I hate it. Every year since I could remember, I've never had a date. All of my friends would post cute little baskets or ramble on and on about plans. Me, however, I never had anyone to do those things with, this year is no different.

As someone who loves love and being in love, this really sucks. I've always wanted to plan cute things for my girlfriend. To surprise her with the cliche big teddy bear and roses. Take her out to a fancy restaurant and watch the sunset, all of it. It's not due to the fact that I've never liked anyone, it's that I seem to choose the wrong people.

So today isn't really my day to say the least, I'm not looking forward to it all. Knowing that I have to face it at some point, I force myself out of bed and make myself relatively presentable. I drag my feet down the stairs of the loft where I'm met with Lou making breakfast. "Morning" I mutter and she turns to face me with a big smile.

"Morning" she exclaims, turning back to her task. I glance over to see she's making cute little heart shaped pancakes. I sigh to myself as I take a seat at the island. Debbie comes down shortly after and hugs Lou from behind. She places kisses on her neck and whispers something in her ear making her chuckle.

The brunette turns around, spotting me, and smiles. "Good morning" she chimes and I reciprocate the greeting as I begin to feel worse. Soon enough Lou is done and she yells through the loft that breakfast is ready. Whilst we wait for the others to come down she makes mimosas. Not just any mimosas though, because god forbid we forget what day it is.

Owning a bar has it peeks it seems, as she makes pink tinted drinks. It's adorable and under other circumstances I would tell her that but not now, not today. The kitchen is soon filled with people, filing into the dining room. I greet them half-heartedly but they don't seem to notice. I guess it's something about being high on love.

Debbie and Lou take the food into the dining room and I slowly stand up. Tammy is the last person to come down, rubbing her eyes softly. This day just got a whole lot worse for me considering she's my crush. She enters the kitchen, both of us being the only ones in pajamas. "Morning, y/n" she smiles tiredly, "morning" I mumble.

I turn and enter the room with everyone else, taking a seat and reaching for food. Tammy takes the only empty seat which happens to be next to me. Everyone talks of their activities for the day whether it be dinner or a boat ride. Some of them even having entire itineraries and secret plans.

I listen as everyone gushes over their partners and my mind starts screaming. I finish my food as quickly as possible, not drawing attention since everyone is distracted. I get up saying that I'm going to shower and they all nod, some of them not looking up. I get to my room and close the door, leaning my back against it.

This is so unfair. I'm happy for all of them, don't get me wrong, I just wish I could share in the joy. It's bad enough I don't have a date, even worse the only person I want to be my date doesn't like me back. I don't even need to think about it anymore, I'm not leaving my room today.

I turn on the tv to distract myself and start watching The Good Place. I forget about everything as I laugh at the silliness of it all. A knock sounds on the door but it falls on deaf ears as I'm consumed in the show. The door creaks open but it's drowned out by my laughs. "Y/n?" I hear and turn my head to face Tammy.

"Oh you're watching the good place? I love that show! Kristen Bell is hilarious" she giggled and I nod awkwardly. "Sorry to just barge in... I knocked but I figured you couldn't hear me" she explains and I nod again. I don't know how she's not aware that I like her. I literally can't function when she's close to me, especially if we're alone.

"Umm well I just wanted to ask if you'd want to do something today? I haven't heard you really talk about someone and I figured—since we both don't have plans..." she stutters out. Is she asking me out? No. Relax. "Uh- sure..." I reply quietly, "great! Did you have anything in mind?" she asks softly.

"Considering you just asked me... no" I chuckle, "right. Sorry. How about we both think of some things and meet downstairs in an hour or so?" she suggests. "Sounds good to me" I answer and she nod before leaving. I have an hour to plan the best day ever and blow her fucking socks off.

I know we're not together and there's barely even a possibility but I want her to be happy regardless. I hate that she's single, especially since I think she deserves the world and I want to give it all to her. So I'll take this day to show my love for her since I have the excuse of it being Valentine's Day.

about an hour and a half later...

I reach the bottom of the stairs and find Tammy sitting on the sofa. Her back is turned to me, so she hasn't noticed my presence yet. I watch her, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she stares at her phone. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she scrolls.

"Hey" I speak up and she quickly turns to face me with a soft smile adorning her features. "Where'd everybody go? It's quiet" I point out, "oh they've all left already" she answers. "Something about big plans" she chuckles while rolling her eyes playfully. She pats the space next to her and I walk over to sit down.

"So... I've got nothing. What about you?" she grimaces, "well I've got a little more than nothing" I chuckle nervously. "Oh? What is it?" she asks excitedly, "it's a surprise" I smirk. She scoffs while rolling her eyes and nudging my shoulder. "Oh come onnn" she whines, "nope. Just get ready" I instruct as I stand back up.

"How am I supposed to know what to wear if you don't tell me?" she counters with a smirk of 'victory' on her face. "Where those cute flowy pants that match your trench coat and whatever shirt you want. Also... if you don't wear sneakers, I suggest you bring socks" I advise and she pouts in confusion. "Go" I chuckle and she jogs upstairs to her room.

I shake my head and smile to myself softly as I get a warm feeling all over my chest. I walk up to my room and get ready myself; waiting for her downstairs afterwards.

one hour later...

We're finally at our first destination and Tammy looks out the passenger window curiously. "What is this place?" she asks softly, "you'll see" I tell her. I get out and open her door before she can, to which she smiles gratefully. We walk inside together and she looks around taking everything in.

I go up to the counter as she wanders behind me and order cards for us. Reserving a bowling lane for later in case she wants to play. I hand her the card and she furrows her eyebrows. I point over to the arcade section and her eyes widen. "Ready to get your ass whopped at basketball?" I ask her and she scoffs, "you will NOT whoop my ass" she states.

"We'll see about that..." I giggle as I run over and she chases behind me.

30 minutes later

After many rounds of basketball and various other games, we only have a little money left on the cards. With the remaining funds Tammy decides to go over to the prize machines. I can see how determined she is to get a little koala plushie. She gets so frustrated after using all the money left on her card trying to get it.

"Let me try" I suggest, "it's impossible! Stupid rigged machines" she grumbles. She is right, I do think they're kinda rigged, but I'm persistent. If she wants this plushie she's gonna get it, even if I have to bribe someone. It takes me a few tries but I surprisingly get it. I glance over to see her mouth wide open as she stares at the claw.

I pull out the little animal and hand it over to her with a smile. She hugs me tightly and thanks me as she holds it to her chest. This literally feels like a movie. We head over to the counter to grab shoes and then proceed to our lane. "Ahh so this is what the socks were for" she assumes and I just nod.

It isn't but I decided on this part very last minute and I guess it works out. We order food and then begin the game. She absolutely obliterates me as I'm the worst at bowling and she rubs it in. "Sorry sweetheart but you suck" she giggles and I agree with her.

Once we're all done we return the shoes and exit the building. "Off to our next stop" I say, "there's more?" she asks surprised and I nod happily. I open her door, she slides in and I close it after making sure she's in safe. I get back in the driver seat and drive us to the main city. I park in a garage and we walk the short distance to the theater.

I buy us tickets at the box office, easy to get since it's a matinee. Tammy links arms with me as we enter the theater and I smile to myself. We take our seats and wait for it to start. Quietly laughing through the entire thing, I can't even look at her without giggling. I'm so happy and it makes it even better that she's happy and I'm causing it.

We exit and she continues to keep her arm in mine all the way to the car. "I LOVE midsummer nights dream! How did you know?!" she asks as I slide into my seat and start the car. "Lucky guess" I shrug with a big smile and she just shakes her head. In all honesty it wasn't a lucky guess, I've heard her talk about it before.

She's said many times that she would love to see it on stage. So when I saw that they had showings today it was pure coincidence but I knew we had to go. I asked if she was hungry yet and she shook her head so I continued on with my plan. I parked in front of the building and she looks up reading the sign.

"A skating rink?" she asks, "mhm" I reply getting out the car. Once again I open her door and this time she takes my hand. My heart explodes in my chest even from such a simple gesture. We enter and she pulls her coat a bit tighter around her. I pay for our skates and hold them in one hand as I reach for hers again.

She takes it and interlaces our fingers as I lead her into the arena. "Ice skating?" she asks even more surprised, "yes ma'am" I chuckle. "Y/n I can't skate let alone ice skate!" she exclaims and I'm not worried because I knew this. This part of the plan might've been a little selfish on my part.

I wanted to show off a bit and I knew that she would have to hold onto me for a portion of it. "Don't worry. I'll teach you" I promise and she nods hesitantly. We get our skates on and head out onto the ice. I hold her hands as I skate backwards and she looks at me with a little fear in her eyes.

"Y/n! I-I'm gonna fall" she yells, "I'm right here. I'll catch you, I promise" I tell her. We switch to me being behind her, holding her waist as I skate. She slowly gets the hang of it and skates herself. Granted she's not as fast as me and I can do like four laps before she finishes one. I stay beside her and we just talk for most of it.

After we're all done there I drive us to our final destination. I got us a reservation at this really fancy restaurant in town. I knew she'd never been here before and neither had I. "Oh my god, Y/n! There's no way you got us reservations here" she exclaims, "oh but I did" I reply just a little bit cocky.

"How?! They're usually booked for MONTHS" she points out, "I've got a friend" I answer. That friend being nine ball, who hacked the system and put us in. We walk in together hand in hand and I open the door for her to go in first. She thanks me, a little blush rising on her cheeks. I internally punch the air as my heart soars.

I give the name and they take us up to the rooftop. I specifically wanted this because that way we can watch the sunset too. Once the waitress leaves, carrying the check with her, Tammy turns to me. "Thank you for today... this is the most fun I've had in forever and it's the happiest I've been in a long time" she admits and I smile widely.

"No need to thank me" I dismiss it and she shakes her head, taking ahold of my hand. "There is. The fact that you would do all this for me and... in a little over an hour at that! You're incredible y/n" she mutters, "you deserve it" I reply simply. She smiles and I see tears form in her eyes. She pulls her hand away to wipe her tears and I frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly, "nothing—nothing's wrong. Everything is perfect" she cries. I move to sit next to her and I take one of her hands covering her face to hold it in mine. "Then why are you crying, Tam?" I ask concerned, "y/n... I have something to tell you" she says and I nod for her to continue.

"I feel terrible I- this isn't how this was supposed to go!" she scolds herself, "how what was supposed to go?" I ask more confused than before. "I was supposed to plan the day and t-take you out to cheer you up. I could see how sad you were that you didn't have anyone to spend today with. But then you—well you did all this and I feel so bad" she cries.

I pull her head to my chest as I shake my own. "Tammy you don't have to feel bad for that. I wanted to do this for you..." I state, "that's not it though" she sniffles as she pulls away. "I feel terrible because... seeing you today... planning all this for me. It's only made me fall more for you and I- I'm in love with you y/n" she confesses.

I stare at her with wide eyes, not expecting that at all. "I thought—well I guess I thought that maybe my little gestures would give it away" she says, "little gestures?" I ask cluelessly. "You know... being touchy and stuff" she mumbles shyly as she looks down at her fingers. "Tammy..." I sigh in relief, still in shock from her confession.

"I love you too" I admit, causing her head to fly up. "Well I planned everything today to make you happy. I figured that even if I could never be with you that today would maybe make it a little easier. I've—well I've been in love with you for a long time now" I confess and she looks at me with wide eyes.

A smile quickly breaks out on her face until her eyes crinkle. Tears spill out of her eyes as she swiftly pulls me into a hug, the chair beneath me almost falling. I wrap my arms around her waist as hers are around my neck. "I love you so much, y/n" she whispers, "I love you too, Tammy" I reply softly.

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