My elite romantic comedy is w...

By EdisonSerna

124K 4.5K 541

Hikigaya Hachiman dies in the car accident on the entrance day of Sobu High School, when he wakes up he reali... More

Author's note
VOL 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Metropolitan High School for Advanced Education
VOL 1 Chapter 2 Throwing Overboard
VOL 1 Chapter 3 Advantage
VOL 1 Chapter 4 Interesting
VOL 1 Chapter 5 Next Steps
VOL 1Chapter 6 Acknowledgments
VOL 1 Chapter 7 Class D
VOL 1 Chapter 8 Homecoming Club
VOL 1 Chapter 9 Interacting
VOL 1 Chapter 10 Parasite
VOL 1 Chapter 11 First Impressions
VOL 1 Chapter 12 Two loners
VOL 1 Chapter 13 Leader?
VOL 1 Chapter 14 Friends
VOL 1 Chapter 15 Friends part 2
VOL 1 Chapter 16 Movements
VOL 1 Chapter 17 May 1st
VOL 1 Chapter 18 Gambling
VOL 1 Chapter 19 Hikigaya Group
Chapter 20 Circumstances
VOL 1 Chapter 21 Blackmail
VOL 1 Chapter 22 Unmasking
VOL 1 Chapter 23 Meeting
Chapter 24 50%
S.S Those who were left behind.
Author's Note 2
VOL 2 Chapter 1 Tranquility before the storm.
VOL 2 Chapter 2 Those Who Reached Me
VOL 2 Chapter 3 Alliance
VOL 2 Chapter 4 Beast
VOL 2 Chapter 5 Confession
VOL 2 Chapter 6 Rumors
VOL 2 Chapter 7 Trap
VOL 2 Chapter 8 In trouble
VOL 2 Chapter 9 The trial
VOL 2 Chapter 10 Change for Yourself
VOL 2 Chapter 11 Do you have 5 points?
VOL 2 Chapter 12 Confrontation
VOL 2 Chapter 13 Shizuku
VOL 2 Chapter 14 The Red Moon
VOL 2 Chapter 15 Stalker
VOL 2 Chapter 16 Potential
VOL 2 Chapter 17 Second Year Status
VOL 2 Chapter 18 Scum
VOL 2 Chapter 19 Phantom Asura
S.S Fiancé
S.S Ideal
S.S Determination
Author note 3
VOL 3 Chapter 1 Paradise Cruise.
VOL 3 Chapter 3 Fast Moves
VOL 3 Chapter 4 Handing out the work
VOL 3 Chapter 5 Maturity
VOL 3 Chapter 6 Doubts Affecting the Heart
VOL 3 Chapter 7 Arrogant
VOL 3 Chapter 8 Exercise
VOL 3 Chapter 9 C Class Camp
VOL 3 Chapter 10 The days on the island.
VOL 3 Chapter 11 Respect
VOL 3 Chapter 12 Relationships
VOL 3 Chapter 13 Unexpected Companion
VOL 3 Chapter 14 incident
VOL 3 Chapter 15 Culprit
VOL 3 Chapter 16 Distracted
VOL 3 Chapter 17 Burden
VOL 3 Chapter 18 Taekwondo vs. Hybrid
VOL 3 Chapter 19 Utility
Special note
VOL 3 Chapter 20 The fool
S.S Greed
S.S Destroy
VOL 4 Chapter 1 Accumulated problems.
VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday
VOL 4 Chapter 3 Observed
VOL 4 Chapter 4 Another special test
VOL 4 Chapter 5 The zodiac exam.
VOL 4 Chapter 6 Exam Eve
VOL 4 Chapter 7 the first session
VOL 4 Chapter 8 Apologies
VOL 4 Chapter 9 Cards
VOL 4 Chapter 10 Control
VOL 4 Chapter 11 In the shadows
VOL 4 Chapter 12 Among friends

VOL 3 Chapter 2 The special exam

960 36 2
By EdisonSerna

We landed on the island, obviously we were told to change into our sports uniforms, we are gathering around the teachers.

Of course each class is organized by their respective groups and they confiscate the phones of all the students. Multiple murmurs of dissatisfaction among the students arose. When they were quietly going about their conversations a tall teacher stands in front of everyone with a megaphone to speak. It is Mashima-sensei the teacher of class A.

Mashima: First of all, I am happy that you have arrived here safely today. However, it is unfortunate that a student is unable to participate due to illness.

The smile of an arrogant Loli rises in my head.

Mashima: So, let's get on with the first-year academic test.

And here's the bombshell with which they're going to shatter the students' peace of mind, countless question marks rise among all the groups.

Huh? What do you mean, test?

The student whose name I don't know exclaims the thought that surrounds everyone.

Mashima: The duration period will be one week. It ends at noon on August 7.
From now on, you will live on this deserted island for one week. It is a test to see if you can all live together as a group. In addition, this special test has been designed with reference to real-life corporate training. Even before we start I am going to give you hints on what it takes to win this special test.

Come to think of it, my birthday is coming up, I hadn't noticed because of all the stress, what a way to spend my birthday being graded on a test.
Although I'm sure I'll buy myself a slice of cake, and mentally sing the birthday song. How depressing. But I don't have time to think about that.

Class C student: Since it's a deserted island, there are no boats or ships, what shall we do about accommodation?

Mashima: That's right! You are not allowed to board a boat without a justifiable reason. Living on this island requires you to consider everything from where to sleep to food preparation. At the time the test begins, each class will receive 2 tents and 2 lanterns each. A box of matches will be provided. There is no restriction on the supply of sunscreen. Each person will receive a toothbrush. As an exception, sanitary goods are allowed without restriction for girls only. They can ask anything to their head teacher. That is all. What remains now is to distribute the supplies.

Complaints everywhere are voiced, to be fair, I feel a bit of agreement with them, as a lazy professional, I wouldn't want to spend my free time on such a strange test as survival on an island.

Chabashira-sensei begins to speak in support of Mashima-sensei.

Chabashira: What is the meaning of this test? I bet you guys are thinking like this now. Or you may doubt the very existence of this training program, but students who think like this will become adults with no chance in the future. You may think. Is this talk a basis for criticizing them with words like "You are insufferable", "You are ridiculous"? But you are just students. You are not yet somebody and your worthlessness is equal among yourselves. Are you going to criticize the methods of a first-class corporation? That would be ridiculous. To give you an example. To control a corporation, you have to rise to the top as a manager. If they were the president running a higher ranking company than the one I mentioned, they may have the right to deny it. However, there should not be a basis that seeks to deny lesser human beings.

Going against the flow of the system is futile, no matter how dissatisfied we are, we will always have to obey, the only way for us to gain our "freedom" is for us to rise to the top. Looking over everyone.

?: But, teacher ... It's supposed to be summer vacation. And we came here under the pretext of a trip. Don't you think participating in a survival training test is foul play?

A random student tries to protest.

Mashima: I understand. You are not wrong on this point. I also understand your discontent and complaints. But don't worry. In this cruel everyday life, being coerced into rigorous criticism is quite common. When we say that this is a special test, don't think too much. From now on for one week, you will swim in the sea, you will also have barbecues. I think it will be nice. You will be able to sit around campfires, talk to friends and develop relationships. That's not so bad, is it? The theme of this special test is "Freedom".

As usual they use misleading terms to create a honey trap for idiots. I don't think it will work with some people, after all it is a competition.

?: Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? ........ Freedom is the theme? .... So can we have a barbecue???? And this is all part of the test? I feel confused.

Confusion spreads among everyone, that they were told that they can enjoy the trip I think an interposition with the test.

Sakagami: This test of survival on a desert island is supposed to be of great importance. It has been decided that each class will receive 300 points. If they decide to spend these points wisely for a week, there is a possibility that they will enjoy it as if they were on a trip. For this very reason, we have prepared a manual. Mr. Mashima has put together this manual by collecting information from various masters over the years, until it was large enough to become a book. This book contains a list of how you can get points. He advises on daily necessities, drinking water or finding food, also on how to barbecue. About equipment, ingredients and how to prepare a meal, how to take food from the sea, how to have enough food and water, how to fully enjoy their daily life, how to gather various tools and in many occasions even how to use them.

I have to look deeply into that manual.

Mashima:When I finish this special examination, the points left for each class will be added to the overall points.
The points will be reflected when the summer vacation is over.

They didn't tell a lie, if we want we can spend on this island like kings.

Mashima: Each class will receive a copy of the manual. If you should lose it, we can give you a reprint, but it will cost points. So, keep it safe. Again, there is one absent student from class A. Since this is a test that requires physical ability, even though the student has withdrawn for health reasons, we will subtract 30 points from class A as a penalty. So, class A will start with 270 points.

Disadvantages can be seen like this. They have no mercy.

When each class ends, they gather around their classroom teacher. Making the contrast between them clearer.

They also explain the uses of watch, a very convenient tool to keep an eye on the students.

Chabashira: Next I am going to pass out the list of rules that they must abide by if they don't then they will have penalties.

She passes Horikita a list of the rules along with the manual.


-Each class will be given 300 S Points.

-S Points can be spent to buy items listed in the manual.

Also, additional points acquired during the test for completing certain conditions will only be added after the test ends. They cannot be used during the test.

-Each class will choose one student to be the leader.

-Leaders cannot be changed without a valid reason.

-On the last day of the test, each class can declare who they think the leaders of the other classes are.

For each leader guessed correctly, the class receives an additional 50 points.

If the leader is guessed incorrectly, the class loses 50 points as punishment.

Finally, a class whose leader is guessed correctly by another class loses 50 points as a penalty and all additional points earned during the test.

-Places on the island that function as testing grounds can be occupied under two conditions:

A special key card is required to occupy a certain place.

The key card may only be used by the person designated as leader.

Occupancy rights expire every eight hours, and each renewal gives the class a bonus point.

-Use without permission of a place occupied by another class will result in a 50-point reduction.

-Students will receive penalties under the following conditions:

*Those unable to continue in the test due to ill health will result in a 30 point penalty and removal of that person.

*Environmental contamination will result in a penalty of -20 points.

*Each absence when the daily roll call is taken at 8 AM and 8 PM will result in a reduction of 5 points.

*Violence, theft or destruction of property of other classes will result in immediate disqualification from the class to which the offending student belongs and the loss of all private points for that student.

With that he proceeds to explain about the roll call, the supplies provided by the school, about the withdrawals, it's basically the same, I'm glad they won't place any extra requirements.

Satou: By the way Sensei, I don't see the bathrooms anywhere, where are they?

Chabashira: Bathroom? I was thinking of explaining that from now on. Use it when you need to go to the bathroom.

With one foot, she tapped a cardboard box from a stack. Then, she removed the tape and pulled out a corrugated cardboard box.

And here comes the first headache.

Satou: Huh? You're kidding sensei.

Chabashira: Of course not, it's a basic toilet. Each class will receive one. Please handle it carefully.

Shinohara: But it's a cardboard box!

Chabashira: It may be a corrugated cardboard box, but it's so well made that it can also be used in times of disaster.
I'll show you how to use it from now on, so remember it well.

While being booed by the girls, Chabashira-sensei explains how to use it.

As expected the girls' faces are in complete displeasure. Maybe at this moment the fight between boys and girls will explode.

Ike: Let's put up with this kind of bathing. It's not time to fight about it, Shinohara.

Shinohara: Stop nagging. You guys don't mind, do you? I won't do it in a corrugated box.

Ike: Stop acting like a spoiled child.

Shinohara: What do you know, you're just a pervert without a cause, you don't understand how us girls feel.

It's a pain in the ass, but I have to intervene before they form sides, it will be more problematic to unite them when they are already separated. Besides I can't depend on the two social monsters right now. Since being friends with everyone will put them in a very tight spot, Horikita is also not an option, her words are carried through logic which would make one of the sides furious.

Hachiman: You two, stop.

They all fall silent and look at me in surprise.

Huh?, why is everyone staring at me, maybe my voice was too loud?

Everyone turning to look at me makes me uncomfortable as always, although I thought I had gotten used to it, my recent backlash made me take a step back, living my social anxiety, however my position as a leader does not allow me to say it was a slip of the tongue.

Tch, the lighter I free myself from this position the happier I will be.

Hachiman: I understand the point of view of both sides, but this moment is not to worry about only the bathrooms, we also have to take into account the food, our water supply, where we are going to camp, so I assure you that we will talk about all that, point by point, however at this moment we must let Chabashira-sensei explain everything related to the test, I ask you to be patient about these issues, which as I repeat will have a solution.

Everyone looks at me astonished, the corner of my mouth has a typical nervousness for being in the spotlight again.

Anyway, the important thing is that they have a cool head to think better about our situation.

Chabashira: Hikigaya is right, you can talk about those topics as a class later, the main thing is to listen to what I have to tell you. In the manual you can read other special rules. In short, you will be granted permission to roam freely, but several sites are provided in each part of the island. These sites will be called simply "Possession Rights", and the class possessing them will be entitled to exercise their rights there. How to use them is the prerogative of the class that obtained that right. However, the possession right is valid only for 8 hours from the moment it takes effect, after which the right is automatically revoked. It means that each time, they get the right to acquire another class. And they can get a bonus point each time they occupy a place once. Still, this one point is temporary and cannot be used during the test. Therefore, it will be placed and added only at the end of the test. Since the school constantly monitors the situation, there is no room for fraud regarding this rule. It is better to pay attention to this last point.

I approach Horikita to read these rules.

-A unique ID card is required to occupy a seat.

- You will get 1 point for each occupancy. Occupied sites can be used freely.

- If you use a site occupied by another class without permission, you will get a penalty of 50 points.

- The use of ID card is restricted to people who became leaders.

-Leaders cannot be changed without justified reasons.

Chabashira: Without exception, all of you will decide one person who will be the leader. However, you are free to participate or not. If you are not greedy and ambitious, you will not be recognized as a leader and will probably end soon. When the leader is decided, please report back. We will provide a name badge stamped with the leader's name. You have a time limit, until today's attendance list. If it is not decided at that time, we will decide at our own discretion. That is all.

With that she walks away from us, I think that's the signal to tell us that we're on our own.

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