Blue Archive - White Day (Vol...

By JustAnotherDay499

10K 265 30

Synopsis 'What does it mean to be special to someone?' A question that will bring trouble. A few weeks have... More

Words from the Writer


165 5 1
By JustAnotherDay499

Sensei's mind went blank. He heard his own heartbeat, saw Haruna's eyelids very closely, the coldness was gone, felt Haruna's soft lips pressing his lower lip tenderly. She pulled away a little, but before she pulled away from him completely, the silver-haired girl gave him a quick kiss as if she didn't want it to end. He watched her pull away as he felt the bittersweet taste of chocolate in his mouth. The gourmet chairwoman didn't open her eyes, rather, she turned red. Sensei's brain was trying to return to its regular functioning when he heard something fall heavily. He looked around and it wasn't long before he found that in front of them was Mika on her knees. The Trinity girl's dress was in tatters and her face reflected great distress. Sensei got up and ran to her asking her what had happened. Mika looked at him with her eyes watering. She didn't say anything no matter how much Sensei asked. He asked Haruna for help, but she was still in the clouds thinking about the taste of Sensei's lips. The S.C.H.A.L.E. leader shook her a little until she reacted. Mika's eyebrows furrowed. In the blink of an eye, Sensei found himself against the ground and Mika on top of him.

''You're not Sensei.'' The expression on Mika's face was terrifying.

''What are you talking about?''

The leader of the Pater faction raised her fist. She dropped it until it hit the barrel of a rifle.

''I'm sorry, my lady, but I think you're too angry to see clearly.''

She glanced sideways at her. Her other fist missed Haruna. She dodged it with ease.

''What's wrong Mika, why are you doing this?''

''The real sensei would never kiss Haruna!''

''If you really believed that he wasn't the real one, you wouldn't have hesitated so long to throw that punch.''

The pink-haired girl looked down. Her mouth curled into a disgruntled expression.

''Wait, you think I'm an imposter? Why?''

''Well... A lot has happened since you disappeared...''

''Since I disappeared?''

''After the fight in the industrial area, no one knew which police station was holding you, and then Haruna kidnapped you.''

''She kidnapped me?! HAVE I BEEN KIDNAPPED?!'' Sensei looked at Haruna. She looked away whistling. ''Since when exactly?''

''Since last night or so.''

''I need you to explain more precisely what is going on.''

The president coming from Trinity told Sensei the details of how the whole impostors thing and her supposed confession to Haruna had unfolded.

''THEY DID WHAT?!!!'' shouted Sensei to the sky clutching his head, ''Can't I be absent or have a day off without everything ending up in a big conflict?''

Both Mika and Haruna were kneeling side by side. Mika was embarrassed as she looked back on it all; Haruna, she didn't regret it in the least.

''Wait... That means that the fireworks from earlier were actually...''

''That was me and the president of the Abydos club fighting Hina to get here.''

The educator got up and ran to find his two students.

''When this is all over, you're all going to listen to me.''

In the middle of a shattered field, full of craters, he could see someone's body in the distance. From the hair, it was easy to identify who it was. Sensei hurried his steps so much that he stumbled and rolled to the bottom. Hina was on the ground with her eyes closed and her hands on her belly. The club advisor grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her violently pleading loudly for her to resist. The Prefect Team president immediately opened her eyes. She tried to ask him to stop shaking her, but she couldn't say anything because of the shaking. Haruna and Mika stopped him.

''S-sensei, I'm fine.''

He hugged her tightly. Hina hugged him back gladly. Haruna thought it was cute. Mika thought he was hugging her too much so she separated them.

''And Hoshino? Where is Hoshino?''

''She's here...''

The president of the Foreclosure Task Force was sprawled on the floor snoring. Like Hina, she was jolted awake by Sensei.

The four girls were lined up getting a loud lecture from the educator. Hina and Mika cringed at the scolding while Hoshino nodded from sleep and Haruna puffed out her chest proudly.

''I know this was mostly all your plan, but please don't be so proud.'' Sensei looked in the direction of the Utnapishtim district. "We have to stop the war immediately. Can any of you communicate with the girls on the bridge?''

The four ladies in front of him checked their cell phones and communicators. With the exception of Haruna, they had all destroyed their devices during their fights. The president of the Gourmet Research Society Club tried to contact Iroha, Ibuki, Satsuki, the Prefect Team girls and, as none of them answered, Makoto, but she couldn't reach her either.

''What do we do?''

''We have to make them all realize that he is the real sensei.''

The pink-haired girl, the biggest one, looked up at the sky. She saw the blimp moving across the sky.

''How about we use that?''

''That's a very good idea,'' Hina said, "If we had the number of someone from Kronos, maybe they could help us transmit the image of sensei on the blimp.

''Leave that to me, I think someone can help us,'' Haruna said, "It all depends on whether she's on the bridge or not.''

''And how do we prove it's him? The way the impostors are identified is still sensitive information. It would be better not to reveal it. That would still give us an advantage over the enemy.''

''It's simple. The Shittim Chest only works on him.''

''And where is it?''

''I don't know. Since Aru's birthday, I haven't heard anything else.''

''I hid it in Makoto's desk in the Pandemonium Society Club room,'' Haruna said.

''You had the Shittim Chest?!''

''How could you trust Makoto with something so important?'' Mika asked.

''You said so, Sensei. Almost everything was my plan. Sorry, my contact isn't answering.'' Haruna put her cell phone away. ''And I didn't entrust it to her. I just hid it there. Makoto still thinks no one knows about her secret garden behind the closed building.''

''You and I will have a long talk,'' Sensei said.

Hina and Mika forbade him to do such a thing with frowns on their faces.

''Maybe among Makoto's contacts we can find the info of someone who is in the Kronos school. Let's get moving.'' Hoshino remembered them what was really important.

Sensei and his four students went to the Pandemonium Society room. Haruna looked for the Shittim Chest and returned it to sensei. Arona appeared on the screen with tears in her eyes.

''Sensei, sensei, I missed you so much!''

''It was only a couple of days without seeing each other.''

''Sensei, I just thought I would never see you again.''

''Everything's fine. Don't worry about it.''

''I found it,'' Hina said.

Then the Prefect Team president called Kronos School. At the same time, Haruna's cell phone rang.

''Hello, how's it going? ''

''How's it going? Have you finished what you were going to do?'' Shots could be heard in the background.

''Ah, yes. Sensei is mine.''

''Of course not!'' Mika shouted.

''What happened?'' Haruna asked, ignoring her.

''Is sensei with you?''

''Yes, why do you ask?''

''Take him away!''

''What? Why?''

''I'm at the academy campus, but...'' The call was cut off for a moment by the background noise. ''I don't have time to explain! Go away!''

The call was disconnected. The Gourmet Club leader looked at her cell phone with concern.

''What are you saying?'' Said Hina, ''The bridge is about to fall and they are still fighting...? Ok... Ok... Ok... All right... I'm counting on you.''

''What did they say?'' Asked Sensei.

Some gunshots were heard outside the building. Haruna went to the door. She threw her cell phone at Mika. They asked her where she was going, but the silver-haired girl didn't say more than protect Sensei. The S.C.H.A.L.E. leader asked for someone to accompany her. Hoshino went after her.

''What's going on? Where are they going?''

''I don't know... but I have a bad feeling. What did the Kronos girls say?''

''They will help us, but... The situation is really bad. The bridge is about to fall, there are many injuries and there are many who keep fighting without listening to anyone. Besides... I didn't understand it very well... I'm not sure... But apparently there is someone who crossed both fronts causing a lot of havoc on the road and... It seems she was coming this way.''

''Ican think of a name when I hear that..." Said Sensei.

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