relying on love -Tom Kaulitz

By ll_TokioHotel_ll

2.8K 95 39

|| a young girl only 19 years old leaves home to live her own life. It is 2009 and jeneane is a hopeless roma... More

moving forward.
group of girls.
my fault.
Room 80.
give me a brake.
what's happening.
look out.
waking up.
on my mind.
acting cold.
alone, together.
i finally understand.
taking her place.
End of him.
What Do I Say?
Homes Like Ours

watchful eyes.

175 6 9
By ll_TokioHotel_ll


I woke up at 11am. I was not a morning person usually, Although today I woke up more motivated than I've been in years.

I was already feeling homesick but I didn't want that to stop me from enjoying my day. I sat up, the sun glaring through the glass balcony door I slowly got up, making a long groan while I stretched out of bed.

I made the sheets all nice and fluffed up the pillow's. I walked over to my cloths and decided on what to ware today before making my way to my bathroom.

It had a long side with a deep black sink in the middle of it and a huge Mirror, opposite the sink closer to the door was the toilet witch looked totally technological. Then at the end of the room was a fancy shower that had a sliding fogged glass door,

I brought my cloths in and placed them on the side a long with my phone and afue other bits, I turned the water on to heat the shower up as I got all my shampoos and conditioners out and got undressed.

While getting undressed I started to look at myself in the mirror, these past few months I had lost a lot of weight but hadn't been working out very well. My curve's weren't showing as much as they should, honestly it frustrated me. But that was what I was here for, to work on myself and my life's health. I'll lurn to love myself. Eventually.

Then walk into the warm walk in shower and let the hot water trickle down the back of my neck. I didn't realise it was getting hotter till I felt a sharp poke on the back of my neck I quickly pulled away and put my hand on where it had burnt. That was going to leave a mark at least.

After washing my hair I left the shower and got ready.

I wore a baggy dark blue shirt with a baggy light cream jumper and some baggy light blue jeans with a cream belt that had jem stones along the top and bottom of the stitching I completed it with some dark blue trainers and a natural make up look. I put my hair in a semi-tall ponytail and let it flow over the blue cap I wore letting two blonde highlights fall to either side of my face.

I left the bathroom and decided to unpack as I had the time, I put all my clothes in the draws and all my things were they should be.

I got to the last bag of stuff I had decided to bring with me. This one had all my personal items, meaningful ones I didn't want to lose on the trip here. I decided to just throw the bag next to my bed and go though that one later.

As I threw it on the floor a picture slipped out the side of it, I knew what this picture was. It was a polaroid I took when I was 17 in england with my old friend. Well friend was an exaggeration we just knew eachother from are father's work nothing more. To him at least.

on my 17th birthday me and him went for drinks, he was already 18 so he was able to buy stuff for us. We had just been wondering around and I found an old Polaroid camera in the bushes. I decided to take a picture of us since I knew I were going to move when I turned 19.

Back then I really wanted him to come with me. But he had other interests then 'wasting his time travelling with me'

the picture was of me holding the camera in the air as he was trying to take it off me I had snapped a shot before he did and I kept the polaroid ever since.

I took a deep breath and I slid the picture back in the bag. As I stood up I hurd a knock on my door then a peace of paper slide underneath it.

I walked over to the door hesitantly slowly bending down to pick up the paper, it had a yellow tint and it felt more like a thin card that was folded with *T.K* in the corner in a red pen. I opened it, it read *Jeneane, be at room 80 by 6pm.*

I wasn't stupid, I knew T.K stood for Tom kaulitz.

Why does he want to see me what use could I be for him. Maybe he wanted to yell at me for last night, he seemed the aggressive type. He seems dangerous so I'm not dumb enough to go to his room I'll at least try do some research on him first. If I even go that is, plus I was busy today meeting up with kit so he could show me around the area as he knew it pretty well.

I picke up my key and put the card on the side, hoping to forget about it I pick up one of my small bags and put everything I needed in it, extra lipstick, my phone, a hairbrush, some hairbands, a small tazer and a small pocket knife for protection and some money. By some I ment quite a bit, who knew if i would want to get someone expensive plus I don't know the cost of living over here yet. And I wanted to be able to treat kit to a nice dinner.

I left my room and made my way down to the reception before signing myself out. I felt watched as I walked down the halls, I decided to convince myself it was nothing as I walked out the hotel.

I sat on the sidewalk waiting for kit to drive to me he had called not to long ago saying he'd be here soon.

It was such a pretty day today, I stared into the morning blue clear sky with only afue thin clouds drifting away from eachother.

I thought about my new life here. How I wished it wouldn't turn out like before.

Kits rusty old car pulled around the corner as he parked Infront of me, leaning over and opening the door inviting me in

I walked over and got in the car.

People around giving us looks but I didn't blame them, walking out of that place and getting into this old car must've been surprising to them I guess.

He drove me around for awhile, we got to speak talking about all that's happened to us since we last spoke.

I realised that he didn't tell me much about his life. Only small details nothing big he was more paying attention to what's happened to me. Maybe he had grown more secretive over the years.

"Your dad called this morning y'know." He looked over to me, then back at the road

"Oh really? What about" I tried my best so sound as uninterested as possible. My dad was the last person I wanted to hear from.

"He just wanted to know if you were ok. That's all"

"Well that's a first" I rolled my eyes as I spoke.

Kit was always understanding I liked that about him even if he didn't fully agree, he'd still be reasonable about whatever.

Kit looked almost uncomfortable at the mention of my father.

"So we're would you like to go?" He showed me a quick smile before paying attention to driving again

"Take me to the most expensive restaurant here."

He looked a bit surprised at my words, as he didn't have any money to spend on expensive foods and drinks.

"I'll be paying for us, don't worry I have plenty of money"

"You don't have to spend money on me jenn" he gave me a sympathetic smile

I looked at him like he was stupid, of course I was going to treat him what was he thinking?

"Kit it's my treat I haven't seen you in years let go eat something nice together!" I made sure to sound as excited as possible so he would say yes to going with me.

Kit let out a sigh before agreeing I let out a prolonged excited 'yay'

Kit drove us to a restaurant while I danced around to the music in the car.

As we got there I pulled out a mirror and fixed up my makeup before getting out of the car.

Me and him walked up to the doors as we saw 2 men standing Infront of it, I looked over at kit confused on where he had taken me, it didn't look like a restaurant at all. Maybe it was just what a German restaurant looked like? I thought to myself

"Wir sind die Familie Huxley, dürfen wir eintreten?" kit asked the 2 gentle men Infront of us if we were allowed in, and told them we were the Huxley family.

Wow the place he took me must have been expensive if we had to ask for entry

The too men tensed up and moved to the side to let us in I smiled at them as I walked in, they didn't even make eye contact with me. Bit rude of them.

We walked in and the place looked almost like a bar but much more fancy, the only people in here were old guys and young lady's, or old ones with way to much make up on. Even so they all looked very rich and important.

Kit led me to a boof that was empty and we sat down, I put my bag next to me on the long leather chair as he sat opeset me.

"Wow kit, what is this place?" I asked while looking around suprised of how he even knew such a place

"Some guys from work told me about it, invited me in one time." He looked smug to be sat in a place like this

"Well those friends of yours must be loaded" he chuckled at my comment

"I'm going to go get some drinks, stay here." He got up and left to the bar

I was looking around the crowded room, my eyes reached the far corner and I sware I saw a familiar figure making out with a girl while another sat next to him corresing his free arm that wasn't wrapped around the other girls waist.

I frowned at how the girls looked so attached to him, and as I thought. When the girl moved away it was indeed tom kaulitz with his toung down her throat. I was disgusted that he was here but it doesn't matter I'll enjoy my night, plus he didn't know I was here

I found myself staring at him, then when he finally removed his eyes from her he looked over at me, making eye contact.

His eyes were so pretty, like a models. But I'm sure he knew that enough.

I quickly looked away waiting for kit to get back.

Tom kept starting at me.

I glanced his way every now and then, hoping he was looking away. He never was

It was like he was keeping an eye on me, making sure no one spoke to me, or me to anyone else.

I felt that same feeling that I did back at the hotel. Like I was being watched except this time I knew who was looking at me.

I'm not surprised that he here, he's obviously got loads of money. Just, Why did it have to be tonight of all nights

When he looked at me it's almost like he controlled me. His glare never left my way, it was so powerful.

It definitely made me nervous but I wasn't going to show it. I wasn't going to let him see a single bit of weakness in me. And I was good at hiding it, my parents taught me well.

As I looked over to him this time, there was another guy walking over to him

He was tall, taller than tom. He had long black hair with some of the ends highlighted blonde he was in black skinny jeans and a black short sleeved shirt, a lot of rings and necklaces on. There was black eye shadow and liner on his eyes.

Dispute the hair and different style he looked a lot like tom. Maybe they were related in a way?

The guy whispered in Tom's ear as he moved his gaze away from mine to look at his friend, he looked angry. I wondered what about

He pushed the girls off him quite roughly and stood up to follow the guy, they walked into a room. I was tempted to follow him but then kit came back with drinks.

"I'm back!" Kit seemed exited I glanced a quick smile as response while I grabbed my drink out of his hand

"You ok? Something seems up, did someone bother you" he now looked worried for me.

"No nothings up, I'm ok! Just saw someone looking at me, they're gone now so let's enjoy are night!"

Kit held up his glass and as we held are cups together he said


Witch I said with him because I knew it ment cheers.

I put on a fake smile for kit but, I felt genuinely worried about tom, If he was here he's probably a powerful guy. And he has his eyes on me.

Why me.

I feel like this chapters a bit small, but gotta leave some story for the other chapters :), hope you liked it I'll update every week or try to, sometimes maybe twice a week if I'm able too!! Byeee

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