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By xofroggiexo

37.2K 578 91

๐–๐‡๐„๐ Adam Banks realized he loved something other than hockey. ๐Ž๐‘ When Adam Banks meets Scooter Holland... More

โœฐ ๐˜Š๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต โœฐ
1. Summer
2. Eden Hall
3. The Ducks
4. Dumb Name
5. Cheerleading Practice
6. Hockey
7. First Game
8. Payback
9. Fight
10. Father
11. Ice Cream
12. Sleepover
13. Sunrise
14. Scooter's Point Of View
15. Funeral
16. This Feeling
17. A "Friend" Date
18. Adam's Point Of View
20. Bye Bye Ducks?
21. Old Face, New Friend
22. Just A Kiss
23. Team Hang
24. Break My Heart

19. Lesson Learned

1K 21 19
By xofroggiexo

My friend date with Adam was the only thing I had focused on for the past couple of days.

I had avoided him, worried I gave off the wrong impression, or maybe he avoided me too, as I never saw him trying to talk to me either.

Julie and I were currently in Home Economics, sewing quilt squares for a grade.

Dumb idea, if you ask me.

"I still don't see why you have to avoid him." She sighed, pulling her thread through the yellow cloth.

"Because, I can't just tell him I like him!" I huffed, pricking my finger in the process.

"Careful. And why not? Adam's a reasonable guy." She chuckled, finishing her square.

"Because he'd laugh at me. And then I'd have to kill him." I frowned, sewing the edges of the square.

"I don't condone violence, unless it involves me." Julie gave me a goofy smile, putting another square in her pile.

In the time it had taken Julie to finished 10 squares, I had finished 4, pricked my fingers a dozen times, and had to re-thread my needle, twice.

"How are you so good at this! I keep poking my freaking fingers!" I sighed, exasperated and frustrated.

"I'm not sure. I just kinda focus my hands and my fingers do the rest, kinda like when I'm skating and playing hockey." She shrugged, finishing her eleventh square.

"That makes perfect sense and no sense at the same time." I laughed.

"Thank you. That's one of my many talents." She gave a small bow.

I smiled at her silliness. Julie Audrey Gaffney was my absolute best friend, no questions asked. If I needed a body buried, she'd show up with a shovel and a pack of skittles.

"I adore your many talents. They make you so much cooler." I shook my head, finally managing to make a perfect square.

"Hey! I'm at peak coolness. No one even comes close to my cool scale. Except.." She droned off, her eyes going to the window.

Varsity was outside, tossing a football around, clearly laughing and happy.

"Except?" I shook her shoulder, pressing for more.

"No one. Nevermind." She turned away from the window, face red.

Julie had a crush. And he was on the Varsity team.

"Juuuuullllieeeee, tell me." I grinned, nudging her.

"Nooooo, let's go back to you and Adam." She shook her head.

"Ugh, you're no fun." I stuck my tongue out at her, looking back out the window.

I saw the guys talking, and Cole's gaze turned to me, he winked, and cocked a finger, encouraging me to come outside and talk to them.

My eyebrows furrowed.

I turned and put my hand up.

"Yes, dear?" Mrs. Smith looked up from her desk, adjusting her glasses.

"May I use the rest room please?" I asked, speaking clear and loud like Scooter had told me to on my first day.

"Yes, sweetie, take the pass." She pointed to a lanyard hanging beside the door.

"Thank you." I nodded, grabbing the pass and shutting the door behind me.

I made my way through the hall and out a side door, seeing the guys still goofing off.

"Don't you guys have class?" I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Don't you?" Rick snarked, rolling his eyes.

"Ella, go back to class." Scooter shook his head laughing.

"How about we ALL go back to class, yeah?" I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Hard pass." Henry rolled his eyes, tossing the ball back to Rick.

"You guys are dicks." I turned, done with their childish behavior.

"Hey, Bunny, wait up." Cole called after me, rushing to catch up.

"What, Ackerman?" I hissed, using his last name.

"Harsh, Bunny, Harsh." Cole shook his head, expression hurt.

"What do you want?" I pressed, crossing my arms again.

"Let me walk you back to class." He pleaded, looking sincere.

"Fine." I brushed him off, walking back inside.

His arm wrapped around my shoulder and I jumped a little. I didn't like this contact.

"So what class are you in?" He kept his arm in place.

My body remained on high alert at the foreign and uncomfortable touch.

"Home Ec." I mumbled and he only nodded.

Cole had never touched me like this. Usually a hug, maybe messing up my hair, bust this was different,

His hand slid down my back and I gasped, goosebumps littering my skin.

I didn't like this.

I didn't like this one bit.

My arms crossed, picking at each other.

I realized we were going to wrong way.

"Hey- uh, my class was down that hall.." I looked back as his hand now reached my waist, pulling me to his side and down the other hall.


"Cole. Where are we going." I asked, ready to cry.

He didn't answer, and his grip tightened again.

"Cole, please stop." I choked, fear lacing my voice.

Someone help, please.

"Hey, Idiot. Let her go."

My prayers had been answered.

I turned to see Charlie standing at the end of the hall, looking furious.

"Oh great, Little Conway to save the day." Cole hissed, fingers tightening.

I yelped in pain, tears finally coming out.

"Cole, please." I sniffed.

He was really hurting me now.

"I won't repeat myself." Charlie stepped towards us.

"Damnit, Cole, enough." Scott was here.

I stepped back, twisting Cole's arm to the side so I could escape his grip, rushing back towards my brother.

"You're okay." His whispered, pulling me behind him.

What I saw next was something I'd never expect to see from Scooter.
His fist made contact with Cole's face.

That was all it took.

Scooter and Cole had engaged in a fist fight as Charlie came to my side.

"Thanks, Captain Ducky." I whispered, watching the two pummel each other.

"Don't mention it." He nodded, wrapping an arm around me.

His touch was fine, comforting almost.

We watched Scooter beat his frustration and anger out on his former friend.

Cole wasn't trying as hard anymore, clearly losing the bloodbath.

Cole's eye was black, his nose bleeding, and his lip cut.

Scooters cheek was a little bruised but nothing more was done to him.

Teachers flew out of their classrooms, hearing the loud noises and grunts of the two boys attacking each other.

Students formed a circle around the two, and Charlie and I just stood there.

Lesson Learned.

Don't mess with Ella Holland, or Scooter will fuck you up.

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