A perfect match?

By Edndmti

36K 1.7K 135

Tine begins his first year at university, this is the moment he has been waiting for a long time, but unfortu... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
part 18
part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32 - special

Part 29

669 35 6
By Edndmti

Sarawat hurriedly brought Tine to the hospital from their campus, as Tine was experiencing mild stomach pains. Despite the pain being relatively minor, Tine insisted on getting checked at the hospital due to his fear that it might escalate.

Sarawat sat patiently beside Tine's bed while the doctor conducted an ultrasound to ensure everything was alright.

"Everything appears normal, I don't observe any indications of complications" reassured the doctor to the apprehensive couple.

"Check again!" Tine's voice raised unintentionally.

"Tine..." Sarawat attempted to soothe him, but the doctor intervened.

"Of course, there's no harm in rechecking," the doctor agreed promptly and signaled to Sarawat that everything was alright and unaffected by Tine's reaction. The doctor proceeded to explain the details to Tine, offering thorough information in an attempt to alleviate his concerns. However, Tine still seemed anxious and was having trouble breathing. "I have a suggestion - take my contact number. If you sense even the slightest discomfort, don't hesitate to call me anytime, day or night."

"Thank you... and I apologize for my behavior" Tine expressed embarrassment over his behavior.

"What are you apologizing for?" the doctor chuckled and playfully winked at Tine.

"Tine, may I borrow Sarawat for a few minutes?" the doctor inquired with a smile.

"Yes, you can" Tine responded, although he wasn't quite sure why the doctor needed Sarawat.

"I'll asked the nurse assist you with changing your clothes," the doctor stated.

The doctor took Sarawat to her private office.

"What did you want to discuss with me? Is everything alright with the baby?" Sarawat inquired, his concern evident.

"Everything is fine, the baby is healthy" the doctor assured him with a smile.


"I'm worried about Tine. His fear of losing the baby is substantial and quite noticeable in his scent. He's struggling to keep it under control" the doctor explained. Sarawat recalled that ever since Tine learned about the pregnancy, his scent had carried a strong undertone of fear.

"I'm concerned that this fear might have contributed to the miscarriage" she added.

"What can I do?" Sarawat asked earnestly.

"Typically, in alpha-omega relationships, using pheromones from an omega can have a calming effect on their alpha partner. You can use pheromones on him without physical contact... it has helped many couples," the doctor elaborated.

"Is there anything else I can do?" Sarawat inquired eagerly.

"Well, there is something..."

"What is it?"

"Engage in certain intimate activities, but stop before completion..." the doctor tried to hint, but her attempts at subtlety didn't seem to work - the alpha didn't catch her drift.

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean" Sarawat admitted, attempting to grasp the doctor's suggestion.

"You know, engage in 'it,' but not fully..." the doctor tried again, but her hinting still fell flat.

"Perhaps you should just tell me plainly," Sarawat suggested with a smile.

("he so hot but so stupid") The doctor, feeling a bit embarrassed, leaned in closer to Sarawat and whispered her idea.

"********" the doctor whispered. However, upon hearing her words, Sarawat realized there was no way Tine would agree to such a suggestion.

"He definitely wouldn't be comfortable with that!" Sarawat exclaimed.

"At this point, it might be the most viable 'approach' you can take..."

(Hi, The next section is going to be more of a more mature section, I tried to write as much as I could, hope you like it!)

Tine and Sarawat sat up in bed, enjoying the fruits that Sarawat had prepared for them.

"Lee Joon-gi is like a fine wine, he only gets better with each passing day" Tine commented.

Tine noticed the look on Sarawat's face and added playfully, "but not as handsome as my husband" He hugged Sarawat's hand and winked at him.

Sarawat felt the familiar effect of Tine's gaze, but he resisted this time. "What have you bought now?" Sarawat inquired, scrutinizing Tine's expression.

"I haven't bought anything. Why, are you feeling insecure?" Tine's voice cracked with an uncontrollable laugh.

"Since when do you prioritize me over your Korean stars?" Sarawat teased, folding his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tine replied innocently.

"Tine..." Sarawat scolded, a playful glint in his eyes.

"The poster was really cheap this time, I got it at half price" Tine assured Sarawat and rested his chin on Sarawat's shoulder.

"Alright, it's fine," Sarawat relented, leaning back against the bed's headrest. As he relaxed, a memory of the doctor's advice resurfaced.

Flashback - Doctor's Office

"You know, engage in 'it,' but not fully..." the doctor tried again, but her hinting still fell flat.

"Perhaps you should just tell me plainly," Sarawat suggested with a smile.

The doctor leaned in closer to Sarawat and whispered her idea.

"You can use your... fingers..." the doctor whispered.

Back in the present

"Tine... I was thinking that maybe we should try something new?" Sarawat suggested.

"But there's one more episode left in this series. Can't you wait until we finish? I can't believe they killed everyone! If I catch this director, I will..." Tine began to express his frustration, but Sarawat cut him off.

"That's not what I meant," Sarawat interrupted.

"So, you want to try ordering food from a different place?" Tine didn't quite grasp Sarawat's hint.

Sarawat placed his hand behind Tine and pulled him closer, gently laying him on his back while Sarawat positioned himself on top.

"Sarawat...?" Tine was perplexed by Sarawat's actions.

Sarawat leaned in and kissed Tine gently on the lips. "The doctor said we can't..."

"Don't worry, trust me on this..." Sarawat whispered into Tine's ear.

Sarawat carefully lowered Tine's pants and glided his hand down Tine's leg, from his knee to his buttocks. Simultaneously, he continued to kiss Tine, aiming to distract him from his intentions. Sarawat cautiously attempted to use one of his fingers, but Tine swiftly caught hold of Sarawat's hand.

"What are you doing?"

"You are known..."

"Know what?" Tine was confused.

"If I can't satisfy you now because of the situation, can we find other ways, no?"

"Says who?" Tine inquired.

"The doctor..." Sarawat confessed. "She mentioned it could help ease your anxiety"

"What?" Tine pushed Sarawat away slightly, his expression one of disbelief. "I can't believe this"

"I thought it might bring you some relief" Sarawat responded, his tone tinged with disappointment.

"Who will enjoy being played by his ass with your fingers troll?" Tine was angry.

"You're so infuriating, why do you have to be so touchy all the time?" Sarawat retorted in frustration.

Tine's eyes welled up with tears. "I hate you!" Tine's voice trembled as he spoke. He quickly got up from the bed and stormed off to the guest room. Sarawat moved to follow him, but before he could enter the room, Tine slammed the door shut in his face.

"Tine... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," Sarawat whispered to himself, regret flooding his thoughts. ("Why am I such a thoughtless fool?") He strained to listen, his heart aching as he could hear Tine's tearful sobs behind the closed door.

"Go away... I don't need you! I'll raise this kid alone! So go find an omega who wants your fingers troll in his ass!!!"

"Tine, I'm truly sorry... I should have consulted you before doing anything, please open the door. Let's talk about this" Sarawat pleaded.

"Flatterer!" Tine shouted from the other side of the door.

"Me? How am I a flatterer?" Sarawat's annoyance was growing.

"All you ever say is "Tine... I'm sorry" Tine mockingly imitated Sarawat's repeated apologies.

"If you don't want to go out, fine! Just stay alone in the room!" Sarawat's frustration escalated.

"Who would want to sleep with a smelly alpha like you!" Tine shouted back.

"I stink?!"

"Yes, you do!"

"Fine, enjoy sleeping alone!"

"I'm already having a fun!"

Sarawat returned to the bedroom, lying on the bed, still annoyed. "Unbelievable, he's so aggravating!" He glanced at the other side of the bed and noticed Tine's pants were left there. Concerned about Tine catching a cold, Sarawat quickly got out of bed and headed to the guest room.

"Tine... um, your pants! Open the door" Sarawat called out, but there was no response.

"Tine? It's not funny! Answer me now!" Sarawat raised his voice but didn't hear a response, "Are you okay?" Sarawat squeezed and broke the door handle, and went inside but Tine wasn't in the room, he heard a voice from the guest bathroom that was in the room and went into the bathroom.

"Sounds of vomiting!!"

Sarawat saw Tine hunched over the toilet, throwing up. "Tine, are you okay?!" Sarawat's concern was evident as he gently patted Tine's back.

"Sounds of vomiting!!"

"What.... "Sounds of vomiting!!" does it look like?!" Tine snapped back angrily between heaves.

Sarawat grabbed a towel and draped it around Tine's waist to provide some comfort.

"Sounds of vomiting!!"

"Get lost! Go find.... "Sounds of vomiting!!" yourself an omega who will do what you want" Tine said tearfully.

"How will I find another omega with my troll fingers?" Sarawat chuckled and made Tine laugh too, but Tine held back his laughter.

"Not funny," Tine insisted weakly.

"Are you done throwing up?" Sarawat inquired.

"I think so..."

"Sounds of vomiting!!"

"Maybe a warm shower and some chocolate would help?" Sarawat suggested with a flirtatious smile.

"You and your chocolate obsession!" Tine managed to say with a tearful voice.

"And you with your love for hot showers... plus, it's something we can enjoy together," Sarawat captivating Tine with his gaze.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean I forgive you," Tine replied, his voice cracking.

"Let's figure this out together, okay?" Sarawat kissed Tine on the cheek.

"Mmm," Sarawat lifted Tine in his arms and carried him to their shower, filling the tub with hot water.


Tine sat between Sarawat's legs, leaning back against him while sipping the cup of hot chocolate Sarawat had prepared.

"See, there's nothing tastier than a cup of hot chocolate" Sarawat said triumphantly.

"I'm sure if most of your fans knew about you love to hot chocolate, they'd stop chasing after you" Tine commented.

"And what if I tell Fong that you watched the last episode without waiting for him?" Sarawat playfully threatened.

"You're evil!"

"Like my match" Sarawat replied, planting a kiss on Tine's shoulder before moving up to his neck.

Tine placed his glass on the floor and turned to face Sarawat, sitting on his lap and wrapping his legs around Sarawat's waist. Tine leaned in to kiss Sarawat, then pushed him back against the shower wall. "Tine?"

"I'm giving you a chance"

"Chance for what?" Sarawat asked

"Are you really asking?" Tine got angry

"woww, ok... are you sure?" Sarawat asked

"1.... 2..."

"Ok ok, if you want us to stop tell me"

"Just do it!" Tine yells

Sarawat ran his fingers behind Tine's waist until he managed to touch Tine's sensitive spot which caused him to moan out of his throat uncontrollably.

"Ahh.... ah..."

Tine lowered his hand until he caught the little Sarawat "What are you doing?!" Sarawat asked

"Are you going to wait until will give birth to your child?" Tine asked

"Ahhh" a moan came out of Sarawat's throat

"You're not the only one who knows how to please" Tine whispered into Sarawat's ear

Sarawat chuckled softly. "I know who my omega is"

"Who's yours?!" Tine retorted, his frustration still lingering.

"You are" Sarawat responded, gently pulling Tine closer to him.

"And you?" Tine asked, his anger starting to subside.

"I was born only for you" Sarawat whispered earnestly.

Tine kissed Sarawat on the nose and then hugged him tightly.

"I have a confession..." Tine began in a shy voice.

"I'll accept whatever you have to tell me" Sarawat said, his curiosity piqued.

"The poster wasn't actually cheap..." Tine admitted, revealing his secret.

"I knew" Sarawat replied calmly.

"How?" Tine asked, genuinely curious.

"I know who my omega is" Sarawat said passionately before leaning in and kissing Tine tenderly.


Four months later

Sarawat was sleeping soundly in bed, his hand searching for Tine.

"Tine?" Sarawat mumbled as he woke up, searching for his partner.

"It's all your fault!! I can't stand you!" Tine's voice came from the other side of the room, his back turned to Sarawat.

"What happened?" Sarawat asked, concerned and stressed.

"You said my belly wouldn't show that much!! Look how huge it is now! I look like a barrel!" Tine turned to face Sarawat, clearly frustrated. His attempt to wear a tight shirt had resulted in his belly being exposed.

"You look absolutely beautiful" Sarawat flirted with a grin.

"Beautiful, my ass!" Tine huffed, still trying to find suitable clothes.

"Well, then how about you wear my clothes for now and we'll go shopping?" Sarawat suggested.


"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Your fashion sense is repulsive" Tine retorted.

Sarawat rummaged through his closet and helped Tine remove the stubborn shirt before assisting him into one of his own.

"See? It looks good on you" Sarawat remarked.

"Because it's me... I make this shirt look good" Tine teased.

Sarawat chuckled. "You've got a point."



"What do you think about scheduling a meeting with our families this evening? We can't keep hiding it anymore," Sarawat proposed.

"You're right, let's do it," Tine agreed.

"What is it?" Sarawat noticed the change in Tine's expression, his happiness giving way to something more somber.

"This pregnancy is still in high-risk... What if I miscarry? Your family might hate me, and what if you end up hating me?" Tine's worries spilled out.

"First of all, you don't have control over the course of this pregnancy. It's not about you. And secondly, my family loves you more than they love me" Sarawat's words elicited a laugh from Tine.

"And most importantly, I love you, regardless of whatever happens now or in the future" Sarawat reassured Tine.

Tine hugged Sarawat tightly. Sarawat responded by planting a gentle kiss on Tine's shoulder. "Sarawat... I truly love you" Tine confessed with tearful sincerity.

Hey readers,

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