Food For Thought.

By pallazzio

2.5K 14 0

I always loved that phrase -food for thought- and use it a lot, sometimes i even hashtag my posts with it. So... More

On the way to find me.
Working on myself.
I want to be a good mother.
Being the best version of my self.
Beautiful on the inside.
What do you do when you can't be with the person you love?
Healthy Romantic Relationships.
A lunch with family.
What others would say?
Feeling Ashamed Of The Human Species.
Feeling Ashamed Of The Human Species 2.
A Hug.


46 0 0
By pallazzio

Whenever i think of success, my mind goes first to the success that someone can have through their profession. However, i believe that you can have success in other areas of your life too. 

Everyone wants to be successful in everything they do. Especially, they want their efforts to get recognized. To feel accepted, embraced, not judged without a reason. Sometimes, what we do, who we are, gets easily recognised and success will come after that. Though, there are times that we fail. Our efforts aren't good enough to bring about the most needed and wanted results. And most of the times, others don't reward the time that you have spend on trying to do something, only the results of your efforts. You might have struggled a lot, but others to not be able to see it, they might diminish you and your efforts. It's good when you have people in your life that can recognise your efforts and support you always, even when you fail. It makes you feel much better when you have that and these kind of people in your life, it gives you strength, power and motivation to not give up, no matter the results. Although, if you don't have that, you have to rely completely on your own feet and find something to keep you going, maybe love in your self and what you are doing, strong belief in your abilities and a hope that sometime or someday others would be able to see what you see, recognise your efforts and like you and what you do.

Failure is a part of life. I won't say that without failure there is no success but when we try something there is always the possibility and the risk to fail. That though shouldn't stop us. Unfortunately, too many failures, many wrong choices can break our wings and destroy our motivation to continue. Make us afraid that we will fail again and even damage our belief to our self and our abilities. Test our self love and self compassion. 

No matter what happens we have to keep going, to keep marching forward and pay less attention to the failures of the past and to what others might say about them. It's more important what you do now and how well you do it and we constantly learning and improving our selves and what we can do. 

I want to finish this by writing a few quotes from Winston Churchill and from Thomas Edison that are about this subject and i really like them. Winston Churchill said that success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm, that a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty and success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. And Thomas Edison said I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work, that many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up and If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. I hope these quotes to help you as they have helped me from time to time in my journey and don't forget to not give up, you got this!

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