No. Maybe? Yes! (TAEKOOK)

By dreamistaekook

25K 1.8K 858

When a little boy unknowingly is pushed under the care of six mysterious teenagers, things were definitely ab... More

Chapter One.
First Character Introduction.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Second Character Introduction.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight.
Chapter Thirty Nine.

Chapter Nine.

568 44 17
By dreamistaekook


Comfort means a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain. Comfort also means a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. The easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.

But if you ask Namjoon what comfort is, he will tell you it's none of these above-mentioned meanings. Comfort to him is a person. A person who gives him peace when he wraps his arms around him. A person whose smile can make his heartbeat run at a high speed but also makes his heartbeat calm down with a loud laugh.

Comfort to Namjoon was and will always be a person. A person who is home after a long tiring day. A person whose sparking eyes can bring joy into his boring life. A person who understands each and everything even without Namjoon saying it in words.

Hence, comfort to Namjoon will always be a person. His comfort will always be a person who he loves dearly yet couldn't ever portray it to him. A person he wants to comfort back as well but couldn't be brave enough to confess.

Comfort to Namjoon will always be his Jin hyung.

Namjoon had to take up everyone's responsibility suddenly–he was bound to take everyone's responsibility on his shoulders yet this one person took his responsibility. He took his responsibility and secretly took everyone's responsibility away from his shoulders too without letting him know anything about it.

He was always grateful for his comfort in his life yet slowly and evidently his comfort changed into the form of love. He fell in love so hopelessly and effortlessly that he didn't even have the time to stop his heart from drowning so deep.

Tonight as well when he entered to his mansion, he didn't reach his home. He walked through the doors, crossed the dining hall and gushed inside the kitchen. He scanned the area and found the person he was looking for. He walked towards him and very carefully put his face on the person's left shoulder and closed his eyes, releasing a deep breath. Just his face leaning into the person's shoulder, his body far away from the person's body.

He is finally home.

"How many times have I told you to hug me properly if you want to Namjoon-ah." Jin said very softly as he felt Namjoon's lips curving up in his shoulder.

"Are you tired? You can freshen up a bit and by that time I'll prepare some tea for you. It will help you to relax and soothe your muscles a bit." Jin said as he felt Namjoon shifting a little closer and hovering over him from behind.

"Go you big baby. What's with you today?" Jin questioned as he giggled a little when he felt Namjoon being extra clingy today.

"Hyung, Jin hyung, I am just resting a bit as I am finally home." Namjoon spoke up almost in an inaudible voice.

"Is something wrong?" Jin couldn't help but ask as he slowly turned around. Namjoon moved a little back to give Jin his own space.

"No. Just that some days I feel I am growing old and our kids are growing up too soon." Namjoon whispered as Jin smiled at him softly.

Jin opened his arms wide as he signalled Namjoon to move forward towards him.

Namjoon without any hesitation dropped his huge, built body into Jin's wide open arms and almost turned into jelly. Jin's hugs always made him feel safe.

"If anyone is growing old here, it's me. Don't forget that they might be your baby but to me, you're my baby too. Stop feeling so burdened about everything. It's not your responsibility only." Jin explained as he moved his palm up and down behind Namjoon's head.

"They love you as much as you love them and now, they all have become responsible which includes our little Jeongguk-ah too. Taebear has already made Jimin and Jeongguk so much more responsible than they already are." Jin said as he slowly patted Namjoon's back as Namjoon inhaled a deep breath, taking in oxygen as well as Jin's natural honey scent.

"They are happy right, Hyung? They've grown up happily and without any burden right? I didn't fail as a parent right? We didn't fail as their parents, right?" Namjoon voiced out his concern, sighing as he finally wrapped his arms around Jin's waist who suddenly chuckled a little.

"If our kids being such responsible and brilliant hyungs to Taebear count, then I feel we didn't fail but did a marvellous job, my dear big baby." Jin responded as he felt Namjoon chuckling in his hold.

"Is our newest addition to the family doing well? I still didn't get much time to interact with him." Namjoon said as he sighed, his hands still intact around Jin.

"He is much better now, Joon-ah. He has even gained some weight. It's been two weeks since we started the treatment–if we call it that, and we clearly see some changes." Jin explained as he beamed with happiness.

"If everything is fine then I suppose, everyone is sleeping by now?" Namjoon questioned as Jin nodded his head, humming a little.

"Then why are you awake?" Namjoon questioned as Jin scoffed a little.

"Really? Why else? My koala baby didn't come home and you expect me to forget everything and sleep? I won't even get an ounce of sleep if I don't have all of you here at home, resting well." Jin replied as he rolled his eyes a bit when he felt Namjoon smiling in the hug.

"Your Koala baby is sorry, hyung. His intentions are never to worry you or anyone but sometimes work clouds his mind so much that he doesn't have any other option than to stay back and work." Namjoon explained as Jin sighed a little.

"I understand but please don't make it a habit, Joon. Work is a priority to you, I know but to me you're my priority. You always need to remember it." Jin responded as Namjoon chuckled a little.

"I wish you knew what my real priority is, love." Namjoon wanted to say these words out loud but he couldn't. He just couldn't but he really wished he could.

"Go now. Change and take a warm shower then come back here so that we can have dinner together." Jin said to Namjoon who hugged him more tightly in return.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not wait for me on the days I am late, hyung? Your health is more important than me eating alone some days." Namjoon grumbled out as his voice turned stern.

"And you think your health isn't? As if I don't know how you would skip your meals rather than eating alone." Jin scolded Namjoon as his previous anger vanished and he whined a little.

"You know me a bit too well, lo--Jin hyung." Namjoon corrected his mistake in a second and then released a sigh.

Before Jin could reply, a small pittar pattar sound resonated in the kitchen and before they could break the hug, a small voice broke the silence in the kitchen.

"Taetae h-hug?"

Jin laughed a little as Namjoon broke the hug almost unwillingly. He turned around and saw little Taetae standing there with a bunny plushie in his hand. The sight was so adorable that his heart was filled with warmth.

"Before you get a hug, why are you still awake Mr.?" Jin questioned, crossing his arms on his chest as he playfully glared at Taetae. Namjoon internally chuckled as he was endeared at the sight.

Taetae in response pouted and then looked up at Jin with big, round eyes.

"Taetae wan traw milk." Taetae pouted some more as Jin narrowed his eyes.

"Taebear, you cannot have strawberry milk so late at night. What if you get indigestion, love?" Jin tried his best to convince the boy whose pout deepened.

"Taetae twell Boba then." Taetae used his ultimate weapon as Jin rolled his eyes.

"Go on. Your Boba is scared of me. I'll see how he convinces me." Jin said as he smirked and Namjoon shook his head at their childish bickering.

"Taetae, why don't you sit on the table and you can give me company while I eat dinner?" Namjoon asked as he walked towards the little boy. He kneeled a little in front of him and slowly leaned in.

"I'll convince him for the strawberry milk, hm?" Namjoon whispered into little Taetae's ears as the boy's eyes went wide and they sparkled bright like the stars in the night sky.

"Taetae likey Joo. Joo best." Taetae almost yelled as he gave Namjoon a new nickname suddenly.

Jin behind them chuckled a little and wondered how can a boy be this adorable?

"Don't spoil him, Joon-ah. Jeongguk does that a lot anyway." Jin said even though he smiled and then walked around a little to get their dinner ready.

"My little boy here deserves it." Namjoon said as he went towards his room to freshen up a bit. He can take a shower later on.

"Jinnie, Taetae hug?" Taetae asked as he walked behind Jin almost following him everywhere in the kitchen. He was told to sit on the table but why would he listen? He has full right to do whatever he wants. He was given the right by none other than Jeon Jeongguk.

In the last two weeks, Taetae has made a lot of progress in healing his mental health. He has been visiting the doctor too and even though he still gets scared of crowded places, he doesn't hide himself behind his Boba's jackets anymore. His Boba does miss that but he doesn't say anything because before his own wants, Taetae's health matters.

Jeongguk after visiting the doctor for the second time realised that Taetae's fear won't disappear if he only brings him to the hospital once a week. He needs to take him to more social places for him to slowly get used to it. Therefore, he chose places which would interest Taetae but would also help in healing his fear. He started with ice cream parlours then he carried on with candy shops. He took him to toy stores, to playgrounds and eventually to his own company.

Taetae in the first week would tremble and hide behind Jeongguk's jacket always but slowly in the next week, he has improved a little if not a lot. He still doesn't walk on his own as he prefers to be carried by his Boba but he definitely doesn't hide behind Jeongguk's jacket anymore and he doesn't tremble now either.

His stuttering hasn't completely left him too but he is getting there too slowly. One day, he will surely talk without stuttering at all and Jeongguk would be the proudest when that happens because little Taetae blabbers with him the most.

A new thing that happened in the last two weeks is that Taetae got quite well acquainted with the people in the Jeon Corporations. Yes, Jeon Jeongguk is not only a fearful and dangerous mafia, he is also the most successful yet youngest CEO of the country. He may be the CEO yet he hardly visits the company because he wants his Namjoon hyung to eventually take over.

If Jeongguk was given an option he would never enter the company but some works cannot be done without him--mostly his signatures and of course his face. The face of the company was him.

Even though Jeongguk hates it, he took this as an opportunity to help Taetae and when he took his little baby devil to the company, the boy won the hearts of everyone in the company within minutes.

Another big thing that happened at the beginning of this week was the adoption of Taetae by Namjoon, legally. Choi Taehyung was no longer Choi, rather he was Kim Taehyung now. When Taetae heard that he was utterly confused because that boy never really learnt his surname, ever. But when he heard he shares his name with his Jiji, he squealed and jumped on Jeongguk's stomach at least ten times, who almost lost his sense of breathing that day. That was also the day Jeongguk realised he needs to start working out so he is prepared for all these antics of his baby devil in the future.

Some may wonder that if they all are known as the Jeons then why Namjoon is a Kim? Well, not only Namjoon but also Jimin carried the surname Kim. When Namjoon was taken in by the older Jeon couple, Namjoon wanted to carry their mother's surname. He wanted at least someone who would carry their mother's surname.

They didn't have any idea that they would meet more people down the line and have such a big and adorable family but when Jimin got to know about this thing, he clinged to Namjoon and was adamant to share the title Kim too and who could honestly stop an adamant Jimin? No one. So from that day onwards, Namjoon and Jimin were Kim Namjoon and Kim Jimin legally even on documents while the others which included Jeongguk, Seokjin, Yoongi and Hobi were Jeons.

But who would explain such details to the world? So the outer world knows that they are the Jeons because eventually that surname belongs to them too.

Jeon Jongsuk and Jeon Ji-Eun were lovely people and they always wanted a big family yet they couldn't because of some complications Ji-Eun faced after giving birth to Jeongguk. But they never once hesitated to help whoever was in need.

Jin was only four when Ji-Eun had given birth to Jeongguk. And no, none of them were related or brothers except Jin and Jeongguk because Jin was the only one legally adopted by the older Jeon couple when they thought they would never be able to be parents. On documents, Jeon Seokjin is the official heir to the Jeons and Jeon Jeongguk is their younger miracle child. Yet the company is under Jeongguk because Jin hates anything related to business. He despised being a company worker or owner, he followed his mother's footsteps and took over the household as well as the position of an extremely skilled fighter.

Jin was the first child in the Jeon household and the next was Jeongguk. Soon after Namjoon came followed by Hobi then Yoongi and lastly Jimin. These four were not adopted legally but they were more than loved by the older Jeon couple who honoured and pampered them like their own children. If anyone ever dared to raise questions then they could just fake some documents.

The other four were taken in by the older Jeon couple because they wanted to. As simple as that. The older Jeon couple were lovable and caring and extremely precious even though they were into this underground business but the outer world wasn't like them so they gave the other four their own surname so that no one could ever raise a question or judge them or call them outsiders.

The Jeon mansion till date had two Kim's yet now there was another Kim added and you should have seen the way Jeongguk was delighted when  Taehyung's surname changed from Choi to Kim because anyway, Choi Taehyung sounded extremely wrong to him.

Jin placed the food on the table and picked Taetae up in his arms as he hugged the boy, who in return hugged him tightly, snuggling his face into his neck.

"Shoft." Taetae mumbled as Jin laughed slightly. Oh, if Jeongguk heard this he would be extremely jealous.

"Okay okay, you don't have to butter me anymore, you can go and sit down, I'll give you your traw milk." Jin said as the boy leaned back a little and then kissed Jin on the nose.

"Jinjin best." Taetae said as Jin laughed and brought him down from his lap.

Taetae without another word went ahead and sat on the chair at the crown of the table which was specially made for him. The chair was of the same level as the other chairs but his one had small steps so that Taetae could easily climb up and sit on it. It was extremely unnecessary but please make Jeongguk understand that.

By the time Namjoon came back, Jin also took his place beside Taetae. They were well prepared to dig into their own respective food when another person came down frantically.

When Taetae looked up to see who it was, he gulped quite evidently.

He was small, he was a child but he very well understood that things are about to get serious.

And when Jin looked up, he knew shit was about to go down. 

I swear it takes me so much time to write these days because I feel I don't do their emotions justice!🥺

As I said, we will have Namjin, Yoonmin and Hobi and someone too so not every chapter will have Taekook but our main focus will be Taekook. So please don't skip these chapters because they will have some information in it too.😌😌


Let me know your thoughts okay? And what do you think the cliffhanger is all about?😂😂😂



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