LOVER || r. bowen¹ ✔️

By robsfysiekehumor

16.6K 460 53

"You're my lover." In which you get born with a black stain on your body where your soulmate is supposed to t... More

You're the one I want at the end of the day.
He was a skaterboy she said see you later boy
Hear our song on the radio
how am I supposed to think about anything else?
for your eyes only I'll show you my heart
so take your time while you're mine and smoke slow.
secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide then i thought.
I'm wasting my time when it was always you.
I like you so much it's kinda gross.
I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
kiss me once cause you know i had a long night.
I'll look after you.
It's the start of something new
two hearts in one home
I see forever in your eyes
I think I'm in love again.
Cause when we'd fight you give me space and not communicate.
All I want is love that lasts.
I get a little bit alone sometimes.
you left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong.
But right now I just feel like shit.
She's getting on my nerves.
I'm the one who burned us down.
We'll be alright.
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you.
Cause I've got you.
I thought you were my fairytale.
Some of us need to be heard.
falling for you fools gold.
You're the habit that I can't break.
everything you do is magic.
we were to close to the stars.
A moment in love.
Nothing can come between you and i.
There's not a star in heaven we can't reach.
we make each other strong.
2nd book

i was enchanted to meet you.

879 18 2
By robsfysiekehumor

· • ❝〔 c h a p t e r   o n e 〕❞ • ·

This pretty much is how her night goes every day. She'll return from dance class to see a boy skate past her house.

So today will be no difference, in like 5 minutes she'll be in her street, having to step aside because he almost hits her, hin yelling out a sorry, her rolling her eyes with a soft smile on her face as she keeps walking.

It became a part of her routine. Although at first it was annoying, she kinda got used to the cute, curly-headed skaterboy.

However, today they meet a block away from her house. The girl her headphones are plugged in, the bridge of 'Cruel Summer' blasting into her ears on highest volume with her phone tucked away into her back pocket and her dance bag over her shoulder.

She just walks past the corner as suddenly the boy skates infront of her, she was just aboe to step aside without getting hit, but that didn't stop her from tumbling to the ground, her bag falling off her shoulder and her airpods scattering on the floor.

"Shit!" The boy curses as he comes to a stop and rushes back towards the girl he sees every day.

The girl groans as she sits up, already looking over the ground for her beloved airpods which she wears pretty much everywhere.

"Hey, Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" He moves his hand towards her cheek to lift her head to check for any injuries.

But that quickly is forgotten as a handprint in her face appears in all kinds of different colors.

He stares at her in aw, and the girl not being able to see  her own face furrows her eyebrows. "What?"

He lets go of her face, showing his hand which is covered in pretty colors, The girl gasps softly as she stares at his hand till it turns back into his skincolor.

"You're my soulmate." The boy still is starring at the girl in awe. He saw her multiple times, and always thought she was cute, however he never noticed the mark.

"I am." She answers in a whisper, still in shock herself.

Suddenly he realizes what happened as he stands up, holding out his hands to help her up. "Shit, sorry once again. Are you hurt?"

The girl places her hands in his, letting him pull her up. "I'm fine." She nods her head, letting go of his hand as she looks back at the ground. "Although I wish I had my glasses so I could find my airpods."

Ricky quickly scans the floor, looking for the items till he spots them, bending down he picks them up. "You wear glasses? I never saw you with them before."

She shrugs her shoulders, taking her case out of her pocket to put the airpods back. "I come back from dance at this time, so I don't wear them right now. I practically only wear them at night."

"Ah. Makes sense." He nods his head. "I'm Ricky by the way."

"El. Or well Eleanor, but everyone calls me El." She introduces herself.

"Well, nice to meet you, El." He smiles, holding out his hand.

She grins as she shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you Ricky."

The girl bends down to grab her bag from the ground, lifting it back over her shoulder she turns back towards Ricky.

"Are you sure your not hurt?" The boy asks once again. "You fell pretty hard."

She chuckles as she shakes her head. "I'm serious, Ricky. I'm fine, I dance I have had pretty bad injuries, I could handle it."

"Okay, Just making sure." He lifts his hands in surrender. "Wouldn't wanna be the reason you got hurt. I did so wel for the last year with not hitting you."

"Excuse me, I'm the one who all the time had to step aside because you didn't bother to skate a little more to the side."

"I just knew you were gonna move." He grins.

"And what if I didn't?" She crosses her arms infront of her chest.

The boy shrugs his shoulders. "Then we would have figured out earlier that we're soulmates. And you'll probably have had a concussion."

She shakes her head. "I'd rather not, so from now on how about you actually watch where your skating."

"That's kinda hard when you skate past a pretty girl everyday."

She raises her eyebrow. "We just met, Ricky. Calm down with the flirting."

"I'm just stating facts." He replies. "You're a pretty girl so why deny it?"

"Sounds like flirting to me."

"... Okay maybe it was a little flirting. But seriously, El you're pretty. Really pretty."

"Thank you." She blushes. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go home now."

"Oh." He says dissapointed. "Could I maybe get your snap, or something? So we could talk?"

"Yeah, give me ur phone." She takes his phone and adds herself on snap.

"Okay, see you later, skaterboy."

Chapter one:)

I wanna watch s4 so bad but I don't have disney+ and the sites I use to watch stuff doesn't have it yet, I haven't been on tiktok all day to avoid spoilers

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