Painted Pretty ♡

By ArielleWeekly

1.8K 34 11

In a twist of fate, Ariah Martin's world flips upside down when she receives an invitation to a Christian sum... More

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Author's Note

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38 1 0
By ArielleWeekly

I was practically born with a spatula in my hand, destined to whip up dishes that would make your taste buds do a happy dance. Thanks to my grandma, I can whip up the most amazing, smothered chicken you've ever dreamed of, and don't even get me started on my three times baked mac and cheese. Picture this: layers upon layers of gooey, cheesy goodness, with not one, not two, but like three or four different cheeses playing a flavor symphony.

Now, let's talk about that mac and cheese. It's like a secret mission. The trick? You've got to get that perfect kind of burnt. Not like charcoal black, but that magical level of toasted that sends your senses into a frenzy. The kind of burnt that's like a flavor explosion in your mouth. It sounds easy, right? Well, let me tell you, it's a culinary tightrope walk, and I was determined to master it.

Imagine me, standing in my grandma's kitchen, flour all over the place, and her guiding me with a grin that's a mix of mischief and love. "Honey," she'd say, her voice all warm and soothing, "you gotta feel the food, let your instincts guide you." So, there I'd be, stirring and mixing, trying to channel my inner culinary wizard.

But that mac and cheese dance? Man, that was the real challenge. The heat, the timing, the whole magical equation of not-too-burnt and not-undercooked. It was like chasing a unicorn. But with each attempt, each batch that came out of the oven, I could feel myself getting closer to cracking the code. And let me tell you, those "almost there" bites were like tiny victories that fueled my determination.

There's something about cooking that goes beyond just food. It's like crafting a spell, weaving memories and emotions into every bite. When I serve up that smothered chicken and mac and cheese – with the perfect amount of that elusive burn – I can almost feel my grandma's approving nod, her laughter echoing in the kitchen. It's like our love for food, for flavors, and for each other, all passed down through generations.

Life's a wild ride, isn't it? Twists and turns that take you to places you never saw coming. My story's like that – a tale unfolding in chapters that toss aside my past and embrace a whole new world. Gone are the days of grandma's recipes and cooking escapades. Instead, I've stumbled into a realm of creativity that sets my heart ablaze – crafting, painting, and planning my way through life.

Let's talk about my ambitious attempt at recreating grandma's culinary wizardry. Spoiler alert: it was like trying to catch lightning in a jar. My kitchen escapades turned into a comedy show. But her lessons? They stuck with me, woven into my heart. Those recipes? More than just food. They're a taste of cherished memories, a connection to my roots.

A neon sticky note for my wall screams today's motto: "Rise with resilience, shine with strength." I scrawl those powerful words, and they join a colorful mosaic of inspiration on my wall. Each note tells a piece of my story – the ups, the downs – reminding me of how far I've come.

Sunsets cast a warm, golden glow, hinting at the promise of the night ahead. Tonight's the night – my art's taking center stage. Belmar's streets are decked out with fancy glass-fronted stores, a dreamy haven where artists display their soul's work. I've walked past those windows countless times, imagining the day when my creations would be there, inviting the world to take a peek into my heart.

One night, there was this guy. We met through that notorious app, and our plan was simple: catch a movie at Belmar. But here's the twist – it spiraled into a sensory overload. Dude smelled like a walking perfume factory, and yeah, it sounds harsh, but it was a headache in motion. As his hand brushed mine, it should've been sweet, but the scent kind of killed the vibe.

And wait for it, he got bolder. His finger traced my thigh, and I was done. Seriously, who does that? It's like the moment guys get a glimpse of my tea, I turn into some otherworldly creature in their eyes. Suddenly, I'm not just me – I'm an exotic fantasy...a fetish they can't resist chasing.

But here's the real deal – I'm not here to play someone else's script. I'm writing my own story, complexities and all. It's like this dance of misunderstanding that keeps playing on repeat, a reminder of how this world can't quite get me. Yet, I'm not backing down. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe the roles were reversed, and I was the one chasing after Bryan at GCC instead of him chasing after me.

I had this long chat with Peter this morning. We must have gone on for hours. I spilled about my art show happening later tonight. He already knew I was a bundle of nerves. He wished he could physically be there to back me up, but that's Peter for you – he's this ever-present force, tucked away either in my pocket or cradled in my hand most of the time.

Currently, I'm fiddling with the lace on this wig. That wig glue didn't hold it down right. Edges weren't really my thing. Maybe I just didn't get the hang of it, or I was just too darn lazy to binge-watch YouTube tutorials. To be honest, I thought I looked pretty good without those sleek edges. But makeup? Oh, I had that down pat. At least that's how I saw it.

Then, in waltzes Mom. She's got this grin that could light up Broadway. "Well, aren't you a sight?" she gushes, her hand flying up to her lips as she gets closer, like she can't believe what she's seeing.

I flash my own smile, giving my dress a friendly pat. "Thanks," I chirp.

"Hmm, so you went with the black dress, huh?"

"My little black dress," I correct her. "See those little sparkles? Think they're a bit too... extra?"

Mom's eyes twinkle. "Nonsense, sweetie. It's perfect."

I cock my head, playing it up. "I just wish your blessings had included a bit more in the... you know, boob department."

She playfully swats my arm. "Oh, stop it! I'm not sure how those pills are doing their thing, but they're definitely doing something, boodabear."

"Mom, chill. I might be upgraded, but deep down, I'm still the same ol' me." I wrap my arms around her, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"You've always been a bright star. Now you're just...extra sparkly," she says, holding me tight. Mom eventually lets me go after I make wheezing noises to get her to loosen her grip. "I'll see you at your showing."

I glanced out my bedroom window, and there she was – Nea, stepping out of a car. And guess who was behind the wheel? None other than Paul. Nea leaned against his sporty ride, which had this cool BRZ vibe going on. Meanwhile, Paul himself was rocking a caramel blazer that matched his pants. Talk about style. His shoes were all pointy and slick, and that olive skin of his stood out against the outfit. Oh, and he had flowers in his hand. Flowers!

In a whirlwind, I grabbed my stuff and practically raced downstairs, bursting out of the house. Nea was right there, and I didn't waste a second before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Ari, you're seriously the cutest!" Nea exclaimed, her excitement lighting up the whole street. "I can't even handle it. You're finally showing your artwork, and honestly, I might shed a tear or two." She waved her hands like she was conducting the happiness orchestra.

My nerves were doing this jittery dance. "I'm, like, majorly nervous. What if no one shows up?" I couldn't help but bite my lip, glancing down at my dress, second guessing if I made the right choice to wear it.

And then, Paul stepped up. " It's chill, we've got your back. Plus, I'm kinda stoked to see all those paintings you did, especially the ones featuring yours truly." He grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Nea swung her gaze between us, all wide-eyed and teasing. "Hold up, when did this become a thing?" She jabbed her finger in our direction. "Ari, you sly little fox, you've been up to some stuff!" Nea stomped her feet.

Paul didn't miss a beat. "Nah, it's on me. Blame it on Ari's enchanting eyes." He sauntered over, handing me the bouquet of flowers like he was delivering the winning trophy. "Blame it on her knack for reeling in the fellas," he added with a wink, his words hanging in the air like some sort of spell. Must've been the flowers or something, because suddenly there was this weird skunk smell wafting from the car, and Nea started laughing like crazy, mixing coughs with giggles. Then nonsense crept in my head, and I couldn't make out what was actually happening.

I couldn't help it – my mouth opened. "Are you two, like, on a whole different level right now?"

Nea managed to catch her breath enough to chuckle. "Just a tiny bit, you know," her voice raising an octave.

Paul passed me the flowers – a bunch of irises. My brows rocketed skyward in total shock. "Seriously, how the hell did you figure out these are, like, my absolute fave?" I drew in a deep breath, blown away. But then, right then, my thoughts started a rollercoaster. First, it was the heart laced with secrets he'd given me, then the Pikachu, and now these irises.

Paul just grinned, his eyes dancing, and reached for my hand. "Lucky guess?"

I snorted, playfully rolling my eyes as I laced my fingers with his. "You've turned into a total leprechaun, haven't you?"

He shrugged, all casual charm, and then gestured toward his car, like some kind of gentleman from another era. "Shall we, milady?" He said it with this half-smirk that got me every time. Opening the car door like it was the door to some enchanted realm.

I knew what I was doing – harmless flirting was all part of the game. I mean, come on, I was a single lady, and it wasn't like I was committed to anyone. Bryan? Oh, right. Peter? He was starting to become a pen-pal.

As far as I could tell, Paul was the only one present, actually focused on me. And honestly, I shouldn't have to be the one chasing after attention. Tonight, was all about me and my art. The spotlight should just naturally find its way to me.

I clung to the irises he handed me, their delicate fragrance mingling with the excitement in the air as he closed the car doors. Nea whipped out her blunt and took a drag, her exhalation ending in a coughing fit.

"Ari, c'mon, let me smoke you out," her giggles mixed with moans, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Nah, I'm good. Gotta be on point tonight," I replied.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "You're such a buzzkill. Everyone knows you're supposed to loosen up before a big event like this."

Suddenly, her attitude shift caught me off guard. "Hey, you alright?" I asked, concern seeping into my words.

"Just peachy," she quipped, twirling a strand of her hair. "Tonight's your time to shine, girl."

Paul toned down the music in the car. We hadn't even left the parking spot. "Okay, what's up?" I shot a glance at Paul, then turned back to Nea. "Seriously, you're not helping," I told him.

"Hey, off-duty over here. And I'm clueless about what's happening," Paul raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Whatever. Nea, seriously, what's going on? This isn't your usual vibe." I reached for the blunt, but she yanked it away.

"Back off, seriously," her words came out between giggles. "Gosh, you're so persistent. Stop worrying about me, okay? What's your deal?" Her response hit me with unexpected force. I turned away, throwing in the towel in my attempts to help her, whatever was going on.

"As I said, nobody's got time for India right now. Not even my parents, clearly," she muttered, inhaling from the blunt and then breaking into another fit of coughing. "They're splitting up," she finally admitted, her voice shaky as she glanced outside. The wind was picking up, ruffling the trees of the suburbs. Nea wiped at the corners of her eyes, trying to brush away the tears forming there.

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