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_venus_sagittarius_ tarafฤฑndan

7.4K 191 10

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462 11 0
_venus_sagittarius_ tarafฤฑndan

Bellatrix's Outfits:

Spending the day with Matthew -

Sarah's phone call -

Spending the day with Marcus -

Dinner with Matthew -

Bodlien Library -

Bellatrix and Diana walk out of their college to reveal Matthew standing with their back to them. "Matthew." Bellatrix greeted.

"Are you off to the library?" Matthew asked.


"Well, you should know that it's full to the brim with creatures. Waiting to see if either of you can call the book up again. I thought we'd...Would you let me take you out for the day instead?" Matthew asked.

"Diana? Erm..." Gillian asked running over to Diana, who walked away from the pair slightly. Bellatrix stood next to Matthew but she tucked her hair behind her ear listening to the conversation.

"Are you eavesdropping Bellatrix?" Matthew asked, smirking as he leaned close to her ear causing her heartbeat to increase.

"Do you mind if we just...? I, er...I just wanted to explain about Peter Knox being at my house."

"It was you who told him about the book," Diana said.

"I told Sylvia. She asked. I...I couldn't lie to another witch." Gillian said.

"I trusted you," Diana said accusingly.

"You haven't exactly been honest with me. You've used magic for your gain."

"Did Knox tell you that?" Diana asked raising an eyebrow.

"He's a good man. He's in the Congregation. He's worried about you and so am I." Gillian said.

"Well, you don't need to be," Diana said angrily.

"Look, I know that you're angry with me. I understand. But that does not mean that you need to spend time with that." Gillian said gesturing to both Matthew and Bellatrix.

Diana walked away from Diana angrily and towards Matthew, who held open the back door. "I can open my door," Diana said still slightly angry, before getting in. Matthew turned to Bellatrix, opening the passenger and with a smile Bellatrix got in before Matthew got in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going, anyway?" Bellatrix asked.

"My house," Matthew answered.

Matthew pulled up to a wooden gate with a meat chain wrapped around, it before getting out and opening the gate. Matthew then pulled up to a large stone house before opening the door. "I spend most of my time at All Souls, but I come back here very occasionally."

"This whole place it's like a time capsule," Diana said.

"Mm. Can't stay in the same place for too long. Humans tend to get suspicious, so...I closed it up and left. But I've dropped by over the years. Updated the plumbing. Put in the electricity."

Bellatrix stood in front of a painting of a brunette woman. "Who's she?"

"My sister, Louisa," Matthew replied.

"Did you have to change your name?" Bellatrix asked.

"I always keep my Christian name. Otherwise, yes." Matthew answered.

"What is your real name?" Bellatrix asked as Matthew continued the tour.

"De Clermont."

"You're French?" Diana asked surprised.

"Don't you ask a lot of questions," Matthew said with a small smile, walking up the stairs.

"Yeah. It's the scientist in me." Bellatrix said with a smile walking after Matthew.

"I took my mother's name when she sired me. She lived in France with my stepfather, Philippe. He's no longer with us."

"He died?" Diana asked.

"Yes. We can be killed... if you try hard enough." Matthew said.


"Were you an alchemist?" Diana asked as she read a book at a table while Matthew and Bellatrix read a book in two different armchairs.

"No, no. I inherited those from my brother. He was fascinated by it. Science with magic, magic with science. He never knew which way round it was." Matthew explained.

"I'm not sure either, to be honest. That's why I'm drawn to it." Diana said.

"Did you... cast a spell to call the book up?" Matthew asked.

"No. No. No, I've never been very good at spellcasting." Diana said as Matthew walked over to her.

"I'm witness to that," Bellatrix said laughing, holding her hand up from the chair.

"Like you were perfect at shifting," Diana said laughing as she watched Bellatrix get up and walk toward Diana.

"Well, then...perhaps...there was a spell on it and you just happened to meet its conditions," Matthew said before pouring the glass of wine he had onto the book.

The books moved away from Matthew with Diana's hands still on the books. "What are you doing?"

"I thought so." Matthew mused. "Your magic's instinctive. It just comes out of you when you need it. You needed...Ashmole seven-eighty-two for your research."

"It's not that simple," Diana said.

"Well, no, of course not. There's something else, some kind of link between you and the book." Diana said before looking at the brand on her palm.

"Why don't I show you the gardens?" Matthew suggested before leading the women outside.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe my magic is connected to need." Diana said.

"Don't you have any memories of it having surfaced before?" Matthew asked.

"No. I don't remember much about my childhood. My parents died when I was young, our moms were friends despite being different creatures. My aunts babysat her most days, so we grew incredibly close." Diana explained.

"Almost like sisters," Bellatrix added.

"Yes, I know."

"Living without magic isn't... bad. I've survived without it." Diana said.

"I try not to use my shapeshifting abilities. The deal I made with my mom was she gives me peace until I turn twenty-eight then I go home and become what she what me to be." Bellatrix explained.

"Well, that's not quite true. You use it all the time. You can feel me when I'm looking at you almost like...magic." Matthew said.

"That feels cold. Like ice growing under my skin." Bellatrix explained.

"Witch power is in your blood and it's in your bones. You were born to be a witch, just as you were born to have blonde hair. Just as you were born a shapeshifter with blonde. Or those blue eyes." Matthew said.

"And you?" Bellatrix asked.

"Well, I was born a human. We didn't keep track of birthdays back then. But I'd estimate it was in five-hundred and then I was reborn as a vampire in...the year five-hundred and thirty-seven." Matthew said as Diana walked ahead into the garden while Matthew and Bellatrix stopped at the bottom step.

"The things you must have seen."

Matthew nodded, humming slightly. "And done."

"Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?" Bellatrix asked.


Bellatrix sat on the couch in front of the television while Diana sat next to her on her computer when Bellatrix's phone rang and with a smile she opened it. "Hey Sarah," Bellatrix greeted before placing her phone on speaker.

"What are you doing hanging around with a vampire?" Sarah asked with a serious tone.

"Has Em been spying on me? Or Diana?" Bellatrix asked with a smile looking at Diana, who laughed slightly. "Anyway...most of the things we've been told about them aren't true."

"He could feed off you, take your memories," Sarah said.

"I'm sure that's not true," Diana said.

"That's what they do, Diana, Bellatrix. He could have fed off you already. Seen everything you saw when you opened that book? You wouldn't remember."

"He wouldn't do anything like that," Bellatrix said causing Diana to turn to her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not in any danger with him."

"Diana, Bella, do you remember the stories your mum told you when you were little?" Emily asked. "The Shadow Prince that lived between sunset and moonrise?"

"Yeah," Diana said whispering slightly with a smile. "Yeah, I used to love those stories."

"Shadow Prince was my favourite," Bellatrix said.

"What if it's him?" Emily asked.

"We are putting two and two together and making five. We have no idea who this vampire is or what he wants!" Sarah said.

"Well, he's coming to dinner tonight...so I can just ask him," Bellatrix said with a small smile.


Bellatrix walked out of the college noticing Marcus standing to the side of the college. "Morning," Marcus said following after Bellatrix, who walked away.

"I presume it's not a coincidence you're outside my college," Bellatrix said.

"Matthew's away at a conference. Molecular biology techniques. He asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Is he always this controlling?" Bellatrix asked.

"With us, yes. But with a shapeshifter...it's a first." Marcus answered with a smile.

"Okay, then, I may as well utilise you. I'm feeding Matthew tonight. Talk me through it." Bellatrix said before walking off, with Marcus following. Marcus followed Bellatrix to the covered market where she was walking through with a bag ready.

"Look, I'll tell you what Matthew likes if you come to the lab and get your blood done. We're taking DNA from shapeshifter remains and we've identified ten original packs. Don't you want to find out which one the Volencias belonged to?" Marcus asked standing in front of a cheese stall.


Bellatrix sat in Matthew's lab with Miriam in front of her the needle ready to stick. "Surely, you've wondered about the Volencia blood?" Miriam asked. "I certainly have."

"What will this tell us?" Bellatrix asked.

"Your inherited traits and abilities and where you come from. Through your DNA we can trace descent back to one of ten pack leaders who..."

Marcus was interrupted by the slam of the door causing everyone to turn around to see Matthew. "What the hell are you doing? Stop now."

"If any vampire is going to take her blood it's going to be me," Matthew said taking the empty vile from Miriam. Miriam stood up from the chair and walked over to Marcus as Matthew sat in the seat. "Are you all right?


Matthew walked towards Bellatrix's and Diana's shared room with a bottle of wine in his hand when he stumbled upon Miriam. "Hello, Miriam." Matthew greeted.

"You're craving her," Miriam stated bluntly.

"Miriam, how I feel about Bellatrix Valencia has absolutely nothing to do with you," Matthew said.

"She's a shapeshifter. You're a vampire. You know the rules. It's forbidden by the terms of the Covenant. Her mother is the chair for the Shapeshifters and she will take the chair next." Miriam said.

"The Congregation isn't about to enforce a thousand-year-old rule," Matthew said with a smile.

"Does Bellatrix even know about it? Because Marcus doesn't seem to think so."

"Bye, Miriam," Matthew said before walking away.


Bellatrix placed the plates on the table ready for the date with Matthew. Diana agreed to talk to Marcus about the witch's heritage tonight to get away from the dorm room. Bellatrix lit the candle as the door knocked. "Coming," Bellatrix said before sighing.

"Sorry, I'm running..." Bellatrix said opening the door revealing Peter Knock instead of Mathew.

"Expecting someone?" Peter asked pushing his way into the room.

"Get out of my room!" Bellatrix exclaimed.

"Feeding him? You shy away from us and yet you seek out vampire company." Peter said.

"I'm not a bigot like you. Why are so concerned with me? Diana, I can sorta understand as you knew her mother personally but me?" Bellatrix asked.

"Yes, just like your father and Diana's. So open-minded that he put himself, your mother and Diana's mother in mortal danger." Peter said harshly.

Matthew walked towards the door where he noticed it was open and Peter was standing in the dorm causing himself to speed behind Bellatrix. "Mr Knox was just leaving," Bellatrix said and when Matthew growled sightly, Peter finally left.

"Thank you," Bellatrix said turning to Matthew causing him to hand Bellatrix the wine as he shut the door.

"Mm. Red deer." Matthew said, eating a piece of meat, causing Bellatrix to smile at that. "A young Highland stag from the taste of it."

"How could you possibly know that?" Bellatrix asked.

"Our senses are heightened," Matthew answered.

"Oh, so some of the stories are true. Can you fly?" Bellatrix asked smiling.

"No. But we can run and jump very well which makes humans think that we can fly. And we're efficient, too. Our bodies don't use up much energy so we have an awful lot to draw upon when we need to."

"You don't breathe much," Bellatrix stated.

"Well...our hearts don't beat...very often," Matthew said placing two glasses on the table and opening the wine. "I thought you knew about vampires. That's why you invited me to dinner."

"I probably know a little less than most humans do."

"Most legends about us were...dreamed up by humans," Matthew said placing a glass to Bellatrix.

"Peeling skin, glowing eyes and animals," Bellatrix said bringing the glass to her lips.

"Yes. Somewhere in all those stories, there's a speck of truth. Something that frightened humans and...helped them to deny that we were real. What do you taste?"

"Flowers and spice. You?" Bellatrix asked.

"Oh, there's violets in there. Purple sugared ones. Elizabeth Tudor adored them. Ruined her teeth." Matthew said causing Bellatrix to laugh. "Also blackberries from hedgerows. Cigar smoke, redcurrants in brandy. I could go on."

"What would I taste like?" Bellatrix asked causing Matthew to turn to her with a look.

"Don't ever...say that to me," Matthew said harshly.

"I only asked to understand," Bellatrix said standing up, walking behind him.

"It would take but a moment," Matthew said turning to her. " You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck and I wouldn't be able to stop myself."

"I'm safe with you," Bellatrix said confidently.

Matthew grabbed Bellatrix by the arm and pulled her into him causing her heartbeate to race. "The smell of you...rain, raspberry tea and tulips. Ancient things I thought I'd forgotten. It's not only your scent. I can hear your shapeshifter's blood...moving in your veins. When I touch your skin...and it rushes to the surface." Matthew said before letting Bellatrix go. She moved towards Matthew, moving her hand to cup his neck where she placed a kiss on his lips but he didn't respond. When she pulled back, Matthew stared at her before pulling away. "Thank you for dinner," Matthew said before walking out of the dorm causing a tear to run down her right cheek.


Bellatrix walked toward Bodleian Library, noticing Sean. "Hey, Sean. I know you're closing. I need to get a book. Ashmole seven-eighty-two."

"People have been asking for that all week. It's missing. The last one who had it out was you." Sean said.

"I returned it to the stacks," Bellatrix said.

"Yeah, I remember. It's odd." Sean said nodding.

"Well then, it's got to be there. Can you check again? Just for me, please." Bellatrix pleaded.

"I'll go and have a look. Give me a few minutes." Sean said before walking away.

"Thank you."

"We'll wait together, shall we?" Peter said making her gasp as she turned around. "Gillian thought you or Diana might take the book out. You see, she understands its importance to us."

"You sent Diana those photographs."

"I don't want Diana to end up like Rebecca. Your father made her turn her back on her kind. Just as you are. Just as Diana is." Peter said grabbing Bellatrix by her shoulder roughly.

"Sorry, Bellatrix, it's just not there," Sean said causing Bellatrix to pull herself away from Peter, and walk towards Sean.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine." Bellatrix promised.

"What's going on?" Sean asked whispering.

"It's okay," Bellatrix said shaking her head.

"Bellatrix. Ask him to look again." Peter said.

"All of you, get out!" Sean said.

"With this binding knot..." Peter said holding his hand in front of Sean.

"Stop!" Bellatrix exclaimed walking towards Sean, who froze in his steps.

"I bring darkness to your mind," Peter said bringing his hand back causing Sean to collapse to the floor.

Bellatrix rushed towards Sean, cradling his head as the winds started to pick up. "Sean! Sean!"

Bellatrix slowly stood up, her body moving on auto-pilot, walking towards Peter causing him to be pushed back by a strong force. Bellatrix collapsed to the floor, trying to grab onto something, as she held her breath. Matthew burst into the Bodleian Library, rushing to Bellatrix who held her hand out. "Hold on, Bellatrix! Don't hold your breath. Just breathe, Diana. I've got you." Matthew wrapped his arms around Bellatrix pulling her into himself and Bellatrix grabbed onto Matthew. "You're safe."

"Sean, are you okay?" Bellatrix asked noticing the man regain consciousness.


The sound of rapid knocking on the door caused Diana to rush to the door, opening it quickly revealing Matthew holding an unconscious Bellatrix in his arms. Moving out of the way allowing Matthew into the room, she followed him into Bellatrix's room, where he placed her on the bed. "Is she okay?" Diana asked as she slid Bellatrix's shoes off her feet.

"No, she's exhausted," Matthew said.

"Not surprising. Witch wind." Marcus said walking into the room, noticing Matthew packing some clothes for Bellatrix. "I've checked on Sean. He's fine. And I've sorted out the Bodleian."

"If she wakes up, tell her I'll return soon," Matthew said as Diana walked out of the room. "Diana, pack some clothes. We're leaving, we need to get you and Bellatrix out of Oxford for a bit."

"Where are you going?" Marcus asked.

"I'm going to fight Peter Knox," Matthew said.

"If you make a move on him it'll be seen as a direct challenge to the Congregation." Marcus remained.

"He sent her those photographs. His scent was all over them." Matthew said.

"Are you seriously considering endangering our family just to avenge a shapeshifter and a witch?" Marcus asked.

"Are you questioning my loyalty?"

"I'm questioning your judgment. Think before you do this. Get Bellatrix and Diana out of Oxford, fine, but don't take on Knox. If you do, it'll be war." Marcus said carefully.

"I've never felt so protective over anyone," Matthew said looking down at Bellatrix before gently brushing her face with his knuckle.

"You can protect her without causing a shit storm," Marcus said. "Drop them off with Hamish in Scotland. Leave them at Woodstock."

"No. I'll take them to Sept-Tours." Matthew said.

"What? You can't put Ysabeau through that. You can't leave a witch and a shapeshifter at her house." Marcus said.

"It's my house too. And I'm not leaving her there. I'm going with her." Matthew said before walking out of the door.

"What is going on with you and Bellatrix?" Diana asked as she moved her luggage into the hallway noticing Matthew walking out of the room.

"I don't know. I've never felt this with anyone; the protectiveness, her scent and her." Matthew said making Diana smile before walking away. Matthew walked back into Bellatrix's room with a confused look at Diana's smile.

Bellatrix woke up, rubbing her eyes and pushing the duvet off herself before noticing the figure watching the streets from her window. "Matthew. What time is it?"

"Five o'clock." He answered. "You've been asleep for ten hours. You were exhausted from the witch wind."

"Witch wind?" Bellatrix asked confused.

"Mm. No witch has summoned it for centuries. You have to leave Oxford." Matthew said.

"No, I...I can't leave." Bellatrix said shaking her head.

"Peter Knox will come after you."

"I can deal with Peter Knox," Bellatrix said.

"Not yet you can't," Matthew said. "Your power is extraordinary, but it's undisciplined. You have to come to terms with it somewhere safe."

"I could go to Diana's aunt's," Bellatrix suggested shaking her head.

"No. No, I'm taking you home with me to France. No witch would dare trespass on vampire land. You'll be safe there. Both you and Diana." Matthew said before gently pushing Bellatrix's hair out of her face. Matthew kissed her and Bellatrix kissed him back placing her hand on his face.

Diana turned all of the lights off in her room while Bellatrix did the same with her room before walking out of the room, where Matthew was waiting for her. Walking out of the college, Matthew grabbed her hand before leading the witches towards his car.

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1.9K 63 28
Fan fiction/ Werewolves
750 60 16
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