Hating Grayson ✓

By simon_waters

3.8M 114K 81.9K

Dallas hates his brother's best friend, Grayson Scott. He's annoying, rude and always makes fun of him for no... More

26 (Grayson)
40 (Montage)
43 (Grayson)
46 (Mitchell)
54 (Grayson)
Book 2


49.6K 1.5K 747
By simon_waters


"What are you doing here?" I wondered.

It was a valid question. More than valid, actually. This was the girl who cheated on one of my best friend's.

She's holding a gift basket in her hands with an envelope on top of it.

"My mom made me come over and give these to you. There's a get well soon card for your mom too."

"Oh..... uh, thanks?" I gave a polite half smile before taking the basket.

"You look terrible." She stated the bloody obvious.

"Well I've had really terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." I say, quoting the movie that I was watching, which was 'Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day'.

"Yeah, I saw the post." She says with a frown. "I know I might seem like a bitch, well, a massive bitch really, but I'm truly sorry this happened to you. It must suck."

She seems sincere...

Okay, who is this young lady and what did she do with Alicia?

"Yeah, it does." I say.

It's mortifying.

"Can I maybe come in?"


"Sure?" I say, unsure.


Why is she so apologetic all of a sudden....

Did she post the picture?

She walks inside and I close the door behind her and lead her to the living room.

"Uh, I was hoping to talk to you about something." She says, awkwardly and nervously.

Is she about to confess?

"Okay?" I take a seat on the couch, she takes a seat next to me.

Either she did it or maybe she knows who did?

Not that it matters. It's not like she can go back in time and stop it from happening.

Everyone will still know.

"I have a confession to make." She says.

Oh my god.

So she did do it?

"How did you know?" She asks.

"Know what?" I'm confused by her question.

I know two plus two equal four.

I know how to speak a little bit of Italian.

I know that you should never wash whites with red clothes.

"That you liked guys?" She wondered.



"I don't really know if I do." I answer honestly. "I mean, Grayson's the only guy I've ever liked. Well, the only person, really. I mean, I've never really had crushes before."

"Oh, okay."

"Why?" I wondered.

"I think I might be a lesbian." She says, shocking me to my very core. "Actually, I know I am."



I am so confused.

"I didn't cheat on Jake with Diego. Well, I did, but.... Diego and I are friends, and he's the only one who knows about me. I got scared, and I didn't know how to tell Jake the truth so I asked Diego to help me break it off."


"So you guys kissed and posted it on the forum?"

"Yeah." She says, her head facing down to her shoes. "Jake was this really great guy, and I just... I panicked."

"Why didn't you just tell him? I'm sure he would have understood."

"I was stupid." She says. "Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't. I promise."

"Thank you." She offered me a smile.

"At least, not until I tell Jake myself. He deserves to know the truth." She sighed and stands up from the couch. "You know, you're actually nice to talk to."

"Surprisingly, so are you." I say.

I walk her over to the door and we exchange goodbyes before she walks down to her car and drives off.


"Who could have possibly done this?" I asked aloud.

My friends and I were gathered at Phillip's place trying to figure out who posted that picture of Dallas and Grayson.

"Maybe it was one of Grayson's many sexual partners?" Cody suggested with a hint of animosity towards Grayson.

"I can't believe it." Jake still hasn't wrapped his head around this.

"I know. I mean, it's okay that he may like guys, but why does it have to be Grayson." Cody groaned.

We all knows how much Cody hates him.

"Cody, get over yourself." I say.

"Yeah, Grayson is such a catch." Says Hannah.

"Hannah, that's not the point." I tell her.

"Did any of you know about this?" Asked Jake.

"Nope." Answered Hannah.

"Nah." Cody answered next.

"No." Phillip's answer came second last.

All eyes then turn to me.

"Maybe?" I answer.

"Oh my god! You knew about Dal and Grayson and you didn't tell us!" Hannah says.

"It's not my place to tell you. And I didn't know know anything. I just, may have caught them vibing."

"And by vibing you mean..."

"Why does everything have to mean sex to you?" I snapped at Jake.

"Vibing can totally mean sex." He says, defensively throwing his hands up.

"Okay, has anyone spoken to Dal since?" I ask.

"Nope." Answered Phillip and Jake simultaneously.

"He's not answering my texts." Hannah says.

Cody shakes his head.

"Me neither. Maybe we should go over and see him?" I suggest.

"If he's not answering our texts, he clearly must want to be left alone." Cody says.

"And it's getting late." Jake stated the obvious.

"No shit Sherlock." I remarked.

"We are not leaving this basement until we come up with a list of suspects." I say, both literally and figuratively putting my foot down.

"That could take forever." Groaned Phillip.

"So what. This is our best friend, and someone at our school just outed him to everyone. It's not fair, and I am, well, we, are going to personally find this asshole and ruin their lives. Now who's with me?"

They all laugh.

Wow, I thought that was a pretty good speech.

"Guys, I'm being serious."

"I'm sorry, Luce... but the 'who's with me' at the end was hilarious. You looked like you were leading an army." Laughed Phillip, the stoned pig.

Oh my god.

At this rate, I'll grow old before we find whoever did this to Dallas.

"I still can't believe he's gay." Jake says when the idiotic laughter died down.

"We don't know if he's gay. He could be bisexual, or Pansexual? Or maybe he's curious or something." I say.

"I for one think he and Grayson are so cute together." Says Hannah. "I'm actually jealous."

"Do we have any leads?" I ask.

"No... but I have a friend at school, total nerd, knows a lot about technology. I can ask them to find whoever did this." Jake says.

"Alright, that sounds like a good idea." I say.

I pull out my phone and text Dallas again.

I am worried about him.

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