Naruto: soldier of 141

By Kedarcriticalgod

127K 1.6K 455

Every since he was born our little blonde has been neglected by his parents for his sisters who are Naruko an... More

Chapter one: the night it all started
Chapter Two:Training Part One and Secrets Revealed
Chapter three: Training Part 2 and Flight
Chapter Four: Training Part 3
Chapter Five: Training Final Part: Weapons Training
Chapter six: First Mission
Chapter Seven: Time To Get Nuclear.
Chapter Eight: Promotion
Chapter Nine: Team Bonding.
Chapter Ten: Unexpected Occurrences
Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Occurrences Part 2
Chapter Twelve: After Match
Chapter Thirteen: Meeting The General.
Chapter Fourteen: Bounty
Chapter Fifteen: Arrival
Chapter Sixteen: A Brothers Love.
Chapter Seventeen: Test Run
Chapter Eighteen: Mother-son Time.
Chapter Nineteen: Capture.
Chapter Twenty: Recovery Part 1 of 2
Chapter Twenty-one: Recovery Part 2 of 2
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three: A-10's of fun
Chapter Twenty-four: Kushina
Chapter Twenty-five: Crazy?
Chapter Twenty-six: Under Attack
Chapter Twenty-seven: Recovery
Chapter Twenty-eight: Limit reached.
Chapter Twenty-nine: Let's go hunt.
Chapter Thirty: Search and Rescue
Chapter Thirty-one: Naruto-Sensei
Chapter Thirty-two: Real Training And Warning ⚠️
Chapter Thirty-three.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Close Air Support.
Chapter Thirty-five: An echo in the wind (Part 1)
Chapter Thirty-Six: Echo in the wind (Pt 2 )
Chapter Thirty-seven: New Life
Chapter Thirty-eight: Tear a new one
Chapter Thirty-Nine- We love you too
Chapter Forty: Commander
Chapter Forty-One: Under Attack
Chapter Forty-two: Back From The Dead
Chapter Forty-Three: Back Home
Chapter Forty-Four: Meeting
Chapter Forty-Five: Team Test
Chapter Forty-Six: Being With Family again ❤
Chapter Forty-Seven: Why Should We
Chapter Forty-eight: Easy Day
Chapter Forty-nine: Bonding
Chapter Fifty: Arrival
Chapter Fifty-one: Why Stop?
Chapter Fifty-two: Two Man Team
Chapter Fifty-Three: Missing Sub Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Missing Sub Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Missing Sub Pt 3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Cigar Of Surprises
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Savior Or Not
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Movement On Hold
Chapter Fifty-Nine: What's My Type?
Chapter Sixty: One man Army
Chapter Sixty-one: Dear Kami Help!!
Chapter Sixty-Two: Screw it, Kami, Help me fuck these sluts
Chapther Sixty-Three: I want you Back
Chapter Sixty-Five: Final Mission
Chapter Sixty-Six: Road to Recovery.
Chapter Sixty-Seven: New Threat
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Leave No Alive
Chapter Sixty-Nine: No Messes with My Women
Chapter Seventy: My Son
Chapter Seventy-One: The Ghost Within
Chapter Seventy-Two: The Red Raven (Part 1)
Chapter Seventy-Three: The Red Raven (Part2)
Seventy-Four: The Red Raven (Part 3 )/The Beast
Chapter Seventy-five: Always the Bad Guy
Chapter Seventy-Six: Awake?
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Awoken
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Love and Resilience
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Workday
Chapter Eighty: Retaliation and Resilience

Chapter Sixty-Four: Air Demon

327 10 1
By Kedarcriticalgod

"Any available air support in the area come in." 

The pilot of the A-10 in the air radio went off, he then flip a switch, turning on the radio channel. 

"Air Demon in the A.O," 

Was all that was heard before the company of marines on the ground heard the sounds of the aircraft engines overhead. 

"Air Dermon, Alpha 1, we have a large advance of tanks coming our way, moving northeast and southeast of our position, our location is marked by green smoke." 

The CO of the company said over the radio, it went silent for a while until they heard the voice of the pilot once again. 

"Copy tangoes, am I cleared for engagement?" 

He asked. 

"You are cleared hot Air Demon." 

Was the pilot's reply who wasted no time, turning his stick to the left, he rolled the plane down, diving at a 20-degree angle, he leveled out the plane and saw the column line of tanks. 


Was the only thing the Marines heard over the radio before they all heard the explosions of tanks being destroyed and the Gatling gun of the A-10 coming alive. 






Was all they heard every five seconds after the last one, the conical sound was followed by the heavenly sounds of explosions. 

At the outpost, the Marines had to keep their heads down, the explosions and bullets flying becoming a danger to them should they move out of cover, but to them all, it was a sight to them. 

Never had they seen or heard in this case, a single A-10 destroying what would be called 2 battalions of T-72 tanks. 

"Heads down, bombs away." 

With that statement, all Marines in the outpost hit the ground as they heard the fall of bombs. 






Five bombs were dropped in 4 seconds and with that came multiple explosions of what the Marines could only hope to be the enemy's tanks. 

"Alpha 1, Air Demon, all tanks down, you boys take care, Air Demon bugging out." 

And with that, they all heard the iconic engines of the A-10 fly overhead, going east of their position. 

The Marines came out of hiding and looked around at the destruction caused by the lone pilot. 

Tanks with bullet holes the size of human fists, tanks with their turrets missing, and some with fire blazing inside. 

"I'm glad that pilot is on our side." 

Was all one Marine could say, the entire outpost agreeing with him, no way was anyone going to believe them when they said a lone A-10 pilot took out 2 tank battalions. 


"Boss, outpost Charlie is requesting an escort mission, their outpost is being hit hard by enemy air units." 

I heard over my radio, I flipped the open communications switch and began my plan. 

"Send in the F-35s, outpost Alpha is taken care of, you and the others get moving too, I'll stay in the air and provide whatever support I can." 

I told Santos over my radio. 

"Copy that boss, be careful up there" 

"Always am. Air Demon out" 

I said and end the connection, moving towards the refueling airfield to get some ammo and fuel. 


"Alright, the Commander took care of the tank battalion at outpost Alpha and is staying in the air to deal with any more CAS requests, our job now is to enter that naval base in all the chaos and find the president and get him out, once we are finished with this mission, it will be the end of this war." 

The plane's atmosphere was tense, three teams of special force units occupied the cargo bay of the plane, their leader being the great Commander and daughter of General Warshower, Commander Sheila Warshower. 

The team was the Bravo team from the Navy SEALs, consisting of Jason Hales, Raymond Perry, Sonny Quinn, Brock Reynolds, Trent Sawyer, and Clay Spencer. Those six made up the great Bravo team of DEVGRU. 

The next team on this mission for peace was Task Force 141, Commanded by Captain Price, his second in command John 'Soap' Mactavish, the others on the team being Kyle Garrison, known as Gaz, Simon Riley, callsign Ghost, and Roach, these five made up the elite unit known as Task force 141. 

The last team on this special mission was Demon Dogs, a semi-new team consisting of a recent member of task force 141 and the rest of the members being Marines. The team was formed and commanded by Commander Uzumaki Naruto, but it is now being commanded by his mother, Commander Shiela Warshower, her second in command being Sargent Alana Santos, the others on the team being Private first class Lenihan, Corporal Lockett, Squad leader Emlay, Corpseman Terry Adokule, and Lance Corporal Harris. These six made up the feared team known as Demon Dogs. 

These eighteen people were on a dangerous mission, a mission to go into the heart of the most feared and strongest naval base to help the Russian president who had been captured by his own Minister of Defense. 

They were tasked with the responsibility to infiltrate the base, find the president, extract him, and all without failure. Failure of this mission would result in an all-out war between the US and the Russians. Failure of this mission would also cost them their lives, this mission was dangerous and filled with a lot of unknowns but that's what made special force life exciting. 

"Alright team, I know we all are thinking the same thing, that this is insane and that we need a different strategy but this is the only one we have, we have been trained to deal with situations with the odds against us, but this one doesn't seem to have any evens" 

The Commander's voice was heard on radios all over the battlefield. The Marines, the outposts, the pilots, and even back at their own FOB. 

"But we aren't here for that, we made our choice to service the people we love, to serve the country we live in, the country we love, no one will know of the sacrifices we did today, other than you, I want you guys and girls to give it everything you got, we of the United States Navy, Marines, and Special forces do not give up, we are the hunters, the ghosts that haunt them and they are the prey and we hunt them all, today we end this battle, one way or another we end this fight and we are going home, are you all with me?"

The transmission was cut after that speech, the radio was silent and so was the plane's cargo bay, it was Commander Shiela's voice that had broken the silence on the plane and the radio. 

"I am with you all the way son." 

She said, encouraging a lot of people all around to do the same. 

"Alpha Company is with you, Commander" 

"Charlie Company is with you, Commander" 

"Bravo Team is with you brother" 

"The 141 is always with you kid" 

"Demon Dogs is always with their leader" 

And more and more responses came from the radio, from the different divisions of allied units they had over the lands of mother Russia. 

"Alright, you guys have your orders, you are to all hold your lines and make time for the special forces to extract the president, you guys all know your role, air support will be on tasking if needed, just hold on for as long as you can." 

He said on the radio, the order for the mission of the guys on the ground was simply, they need to keep the enemy units on the ground occupied by whatever means necessary while the special team invade the fortress. 

"Skyline 1 to Demon 1, we are 40 seconds from the drop point ma'am" 

"Copy that Skyline 1" 

With that, the Commander of this dangerous mission got up from the seat she was in and took up her gun. 

"Alright guys and girls, get into position, we are approaching the drop point." 

She told the team who all nodded and got to the back of the plane after making sure their gears were on properly and working. 

"20 seconds to drop!!"

The commander shouted at the team over the depressurization of the cabin of the aircraft. They all did the final checks and patted each other's shoulders in the line starting from the last coming up to the Commander who got her shoulder patted by Captain Price. 

"Green light, green light!!" 

The light beside them turned green and the commander started off the free fall and the others followed after. 

On the ground, you could see eighteen dots jumping out of the plane that was about 40,000 feet in the air. The dots all fall a line, with what could be their leader in front, coming in fast with the others hot on her tail. 

 It took them about 2 minutes before they all touched down in the forested areas that had surrounded the naval base, their parachutes either catching on the branches of trees or some finding a lucky gap in between trees to land safely in the ground. 

Once they got everyone down, who was stuck, they quickly buried their parachutes and started to travel east, towards the direction of the most fortified naval base on the planet. 

"Alright team, we split here, Snipers take a position on that water tower."

She addressed the snipers of the group who happened to be Ray, Clay, Roach, Harris, and Santos.

"Alright with them in position, extraction team, you find the vehicles and we meet here, with the president." 

She told the extraction team, which was Sonny, Trent, Gaz, and Terry.

"Everybody else on me, we infiltrate under the cover of the snipes." 

With that, the rest of the team followed Commander Shiela, which were Captain Price, Soap, Ghost, Jason, Brock, Emlay, Lenihan, and Lockett. The nine-person squad moved from their position, going down the little hill that was separating them from the base. 

Once they made it down the side of the hill, they carried on their advance, dodging patrols and occasionally taking down enemy combatants should their needs be. 


"Air Demon, Charlie 2-1, We need immediate assist at our location."

I heard from my radio and I turned my stick to the left and punched the throttle to a hundred percent, their position was about 3 miles from my position and I need to make it since they sound like they are in trouble. 

"Charlie 2-1, Air Demon, inbound to your position, be ready for tasking."

I told them and just flew and keep switching to other radio channels to see if everything was going well all over the battlefield. 

So far, all I heard is the Lightning Pilots being tasked to different targets on the ground while the battle cruiser that was present with us, USS Port Royal, was providing shore bombardment for positions taken overnight by the Russians and was also launching missiles to keep the enemy on their toes. 

 With that as a distraction, I reached the battlefield and turned to the side, looking down at the ground to see that they had the same problem just as Alpha Company. 

A battalion of soldiers was coming at them as well as Tanks and other light armored vehicles with fighting capabilities, which would mostly be BTRs and Katusya launchers. 

"Charlie 2-1, Air Demon on station for tasking."

I told them, waiting on targets to be confirmed and pointed out for me. 

"Enemy Tank battalion in front of the compound moving fast, marked with yellow smoke." 

And just as he said that I saw the yellow smoke and smiled, not that anyone could see the cause of my mask and that I was alone. 

"Roger that, heads down."

I said and rolled the plane and pointed it down in a negative G dive towards the tank battalion and unleashed hell with my guns and missile pods at them. 

In just my first run alone, I took out at least five tanks and disabled at least 4 of them. I then turned back around after gaining altitude and started another dive, going for the tanks that were still operational, and quickly ended them, using the momentum I had left in the dive. 

I turned my sights on the 6 BTRs that were still in the AO and unleashed hell on them, tearing them to shreds with my 30 mike mike cannon. 

"Charlie 2-1, need laser guidance for the remaining enemy targets." 

I told him as I used up more than half of my 30 cal ammo and my rocket pods were about finished, the only thing I have left would be the bombs I have. 

"Roger that Air demon, targets are lased." 

With that, I saw around 5 different laser guidance from the troops on the ground to the Katusya Launchers. 

"Targets confirmed, bombs away." 

With that, I sent 5 bombs, 6 seconds away from each other at the targets, letting gravity do the rest and my results were huge explosions. 

"Guess they had a full fuel tank." 

That was the last thing I said over the radio and bugged out of the area, going to the refueling airfield to get done fuel and ammo. 


"return enemy fire!!" 

Sheila yelled as they were barricaded in the president's prison cell, which was a room similar to that of an office meeting room. 

The team had managed to get inside the building and located the president as well as two of his remaining secret service agents. They were taking cover behind a concrete wall that was used to separate the meeting room, which was where the team was, from a bunk room of some sort. 

"We can't hold them any longer and the guys outside are really determined to get inside ma'am." 

Emlay told the commander who only cursed under her breath, the mission was an extreme fuck up as they are surrounded on all sides without a clear exit. The only reason why they weren't even captured yet was because Emlay laying down extreme suppressive fire on them with his SAW. 

"Any available units in the area, be advised we are overrun and need immediate support." 

The command had just put a distress call over the radio, to everyone else, it was a clear sign that the real mission was about to fail if they don't try and get them out. 

"Let's hope this ends well." 

Price told Shiela who only nodded, their situation doesn't seem to have any evens for them. 

Emlay's SAW can only go on for so long before he had to stop firing, in fear of destroying the barrel. 

Their ammo was running low and as much as they took from Emlay, it only works for the ones who had 5.56 ammunition then came the facts again that Emlay needs that ammo since he was the only one laying down fire at the window, he was already on his 3 belts, he was firing 3000 rounds like it was nothing. 

"Lenihan, switch, I can't keep this up!" 

He yelled at the young marksman then nodded and took his gun and took over taking care of the targets down below them. 

Sheila, looked on in fear as she saw Emlay's gun barrel red hot and smoking, he no doubt can't fire that for a while. 

"Grab one of the AKs and help Lenihan." 

She retask him and he nodded grabbing the gun and going back to his previous position to lay down fire. 

"Alright team, with the SAW out, I need Jason and Harris to keep fire on the targets below, the rest of you focus up and save our ammo, only shot what you know is a sure kill, one-round burst only." 

She told the persons who were left and they all nodded their heads and keep on shooting, making sure to get vital spots and only shooting if the target is a sure kill. 

"Santos, how is your end." 

She asked over her radio to the sniper team who was also providing cover fire but with the amount of people, it was hard keeping them down. 

"We are doing what we can boss, Sonny and the others are trying to make their way to you with the vehicles, just hold out a little longer." 

She told her Commander, taking down another enemy soldier who had the guts to try and climb up to the team. 

"We lose the SAW, Emlay can't risk going any longer with the barrel or it will become inoperable." 

She told her and the Latino cursed under her breath, it was something so stupid, the M249 SAW's barrel can't handle the extreme heat that came with firing 1000 rounds a minute and it put the gun in trouble if you didn't let it cool off for a while. That's why in basics they told them to only use a 5-round burst with the gun. 

"Air Demon in AO heads down." 

That voice alone sent joy and relief over their heads as they heard the iconic sound of freedom from the aircraft 30 mike mike cannons. 


I am leaving you all with a cliffhanger for now, 

Hope you can forgive me for taking so long but this chapter needed a lot of work, so I hope you all enjoy it. 

Peace 🚶‍♂️✌️

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