Izuku The Man Of Iron

By NezutheRatGod

379K 9.4K 8.4K

After Izuku was told he was quirkless he felt broken and lost and that his dream was forever gone. His mom br... More

Chapter 1. Beginning Of The Journey To Number 1
Chapter 2. Welcome To UA
Chapter 3. Crazy Gear Head
Chapter 4. Final Blue prints
Chapter 5. Arc Reactor
Chapter 6. Future Plans And Meeting Izuku's Mom
Chapter 7. Designing A Rocket And Building A Factory
Chapter 8. Building The Suit And First Flight
Chapter 9. First And Second Stage Of The Sports Festival
Chapter 10. Third Stage Of Sports The Festival
Chapter 11. Semi And Final Fights
Chapter 12. Grand Opening
Chapter 13. Happiness And Consequences
Chapter 14. Date
Chapter 15. Hosu
Chapter 16. Going To I Island
Chapter 17. Battle For I Island
Chapter 18. Cold Justice
Chapter 19. Rescue And Father
Chapter 20. All Might Vs Iron Man
Chapter 21. Road To Success
Chapter 22. Rivalry
Chapter 23. Court Case
Chapter 24. Summer Training Camp
Chapter 25. Training Camp Battle Part 1
Chapter 26. Training Camp Battle Part 2
Chapter 27. New Arc Reactor And Foundation To The Future
Chapter 28. Preparing For Kamino Ward
Chapter 29. Battle For Kamino Ward
Chapter 30. Another Trial
Chapter 31. Dark Days Ahead
Chapter 32. Saving Someone In Need
Chapter 33. Goodbye And Healing
Chapter 34. Quirk Supremacists
Chapter 36. Iron Man Vs Iron Monger
Chapter 37. Family And Preparing For The Expo
Chapter 38. The Future And Alien Life
Chapter 39. The Race And Whiplash
Chapter 40. Mental Breakdown

Chapter 35. Greed And Love

3.3K 117 38
By NezutheRatGod

Izuku was running himself ragged after he fought the quirk supremacist, he checked his blood and saw that the toxicity spiked up to 22% from 9% giving he flew all the way to the middle east from Japan and back in his Iron Man suit plus fought villains.

He's also been working even harder on all of his other projects along with helping Mei with hers.

She couldn't stop cheering when a bunch of desert countries or those that had large populations in desert regions bought a bunch of her moisture vaporators from her.

He then looked at all his other works he has to do, building a mining factory on 16 psyche, finish Marvel Enterprise Tower, Space Elevator, the cargo ship he called the Pelican, terraforming equipment for Mars, a space station that will be present on the moon, orbital space stations with construction docks to build ships for space travel and lastly cryosleep and a warp device.

Izuku put his hands on his face as he ran them through his hair, he had so much to do with such little time giving the progress of the palladium poisoning.

He's spent the last week in his companies temporary HQ since he's still waiting for Marvel Enterprises Tower to get built.

"Jarvis.. how is everything going with my companies and all my projects" he said hoping that they were making good progress.

"They all progressing very well, giving the new factories Uraraka Construction built, we have quadrupled production of our rockets and will be able to launch 3 today to space, one will be for the space station while above Terra, while the other two will be heading to Mars.

They begin the space station over Mars so that we can begin terraforming it within the next couple months and thanks to today's technology, we should be able to get the planet ready within 30 years if everything goes well" said Jarvis.

"Yep... just have to build hundreds of mirrors and lasers to superheat the planet then build a artificial magneticsphere to protect the planet and as we are terraforming it we send a rocket to the Moon of Titan and mine it for Nitrogen then launch it at Mars with a giant cannon" said Izuku.


"Yes a cannon because think how funny it'd be when they see I build a giant gun and launch them at Mars and eventually Venus since I did some last minute research and realized that we can colonize Venus... with some difficulties" he said looking west towards where Russia is. "Though I won't be crashing probes on the planet nor mistaking a lens cap for a alien".

"Papa what's a alin" said Eri entering the room with a apple in her hand as she walked towards him.

"It's Alien, princess, now they are extraterrestrial life that lives out in space" said Izuku.

"Ext-rril" said Eri struggling very hard with that word.

"Hahaha sorry, it means they don't live on earth, they live somewhere out in the galaxy and the universe throughout space" said Izuku.

"Could you tell me about all that" said Eri walking up to him and raising her arms telling him she wants to he picked up.

He reached down and placed her in his lap as he let out a sigh "Well I'll try and keep it simple because it's extremely complex, ok?" Said Izuku.

She nodded her as she lifted her apple up "want a bite papa?".

"No thank you sweetie" he said patting her head "now the A galaxy is a huge bunch of stars clustered together in space. Our solar system, which includes the sun, Earth, and seven other planets, is part of this galaxy, called the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains hundreds of billions of stars like our sun. The galaxy stretches for over 100 thousand light years".

"Wow" she said with stars in her eyes "so that means we have lots of stars everywhere in space?" She said turning to look at him.

"Yes and no, stars are everywhere in space but at the same time their is millions to billions or even trillions of miles of nothing but empty space with nothing but utter coldness" said Izuku with a warm smile. He always found space fascinating, hence why he wants humanity to reach for the stars and put petty differences like different quirks, religion, race, gender and politics. All he truly wanted for the human race to come under the same goal to explore the stars.

"Wow... it sounds scary with their being nothing but empty coldness everywhere" said Eri.

"Hehe your not wrong Eri, it is a little scary but at the same time... it's beautiful... hundreds of billions of planets and hundreds of billions of stars as well for who knows how far truly. That is the beautiful thing about space Eri, it's never ending and you never know what you might find, for all we know, their may be billions of different life forms out in the stars" said Izuku.

"Are they nice?" Said Eri.

"Well who knows.. maybe their are peaceful alien species out in the galaxy that want us to be peaceful as well and join the galactic system... but on that same coin, their may be aliens that are hostile and want to hurt us" said Izuku.

"Wow... papa I wanna help" she said turning around so she was facing him.

"Help with what?" Said Izuku.

"I wanna help you reach the stars, I wanna explore and see more of those suns.. they are so pretty and I want others to see it" she said looking up at him.

Letting out a chuckle he rubbed the top of her head and kissed her horn "when you get older and learn more and still want to, then I'll let you help, how does that sound?" Said Izuku.

"I'm gonna study extra hard papa" she said raising her fist in the air.

"Hehehe your to adorable Eri" he said pulling her in a hug and kissing her head.

Eri smiled happily and snuggled into his chest, enjoying how nice it felt to be hugged. Then she remembered something "papa where's mama?".

"Oh she's with her family celebrating her sister's birthday, I would've come but I have so much to do that I couldn't leave it behind, plus your still not used to new people" he said.

She nodded her head at that, she could understand his reasoning, papa is always busy from what she's seen.

Just then his work phone started to ring and he reached over pushing the answer button for his secretary "yes?".

"Mr Midoriya, Obidiah Stane is here and says he'd like a meeting with you" she said over the phone

Izukus eyes narrowed for a moment before he sighed "Ok, tell him I'll be ready in a minute" he said before hanging up.

"Eri Cogman is gonna take you to the cafeteria for some food ok?" Said Izuku.

"Huh but why can't I stay here papa?" She said confused and worried she did something wrong.

"I have a meeting with Obidiah and it's gonna be a very boring one, so I want you to do something else, ok?" Said Izuku.

"Ok papa.. but when I come back can you tell me more about space?" She said looking hopeful.

"Of course sweetie, here I'll tell you what, next time one of the rockets gets launched I'll make sure you get to watch it, ok?" He said.

She nodded her head and got off his lap and walked over to the butler robot, who gave Izuku a small bow before he took Eri through a different door to the cafeteria.

"Send him in" said Izuku pushing the phone before he leaned backwards in his chair wondering what Obidiah wanted, he made it very clear he isn't gonna sell weapons for war like he does.

The door opened and Obidiah Stane walked into the room with a warm smile on his face "Ah Izuku Midoriya it's so nice to see you again after so long" he said like greeting a old friend.

"This is a surprise.. what are you doing here Stane?" Said Izuku with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm here for a meeting with you in hopes that you will reconsider selling your tech for weapons to sell" he said with the same smile.

"And like I said before, no" said Izuku slightly annoyed "my gear is for myself and to help humanity go into space".

Of course he left out the part where he makes things for shield, but that's a bit different.

"And i'm guessing there's no way to convince you otherwise" Stane said.


"I see... well that's too bad" he said standing up and extending his hand for a shake "Sorry for wasting your time".

Standing up Izuku reached for his hand, but then he froze as he heard a ringing in his ears and his body slowly fell down in chair and he went as pale as snow as he was unable to move.

"Like my quirk? It paralyzes people for a short amount of time as long as I get close enough to them" said Stane walking over to Izuku and pulling out his briefcase. "I have to say Izuku, I can call you Izuku right?".

He got to response so he just took it as a yes "you making that arc reactor then the Iron Man suits... along with all these other projects.. it's truly amazing" he said pulling out a device he placed on Izukus chest where his Arc reactor was. "But you don't have big enough of a picture, you see I'm a weapons salesman and the fact you have a trillion dollar idea sitting here doing nothing... I couldn't stand it and so".

With a twist he pulled out the arc reactor making Izuku let out a groan in pain as his face went paler.

"I had to take things into my own hands... and don't worry with me owning this I'll be sure to buy your company and take good care of it" said Stane as he put the arc reactor in the briefcase. "A pleasure doing business with you Izuku" he then walked away carrying Izukus phone which he dropped in the trash before leaving Izuku alone to die.

Izuku tried to force his body to move, but nothing he did worked, so sat their completely motionless for 5 minutes before he was able to move again. Slowly slumping off the chair he forced himself to crawl to the trash can to get his phone, he had a suit here with a arc reactor in it and If he could just get to it.

Forcing himself forward, struggling more and more as the pain in his chest got more intense and him still fighting off the paralyzes. Slowly but surly he made it to the trash can and tipped it over and managed to grab his phone and push a button on a app he made himself.

The book shelf on the wall let out a small hiss before it lowered down and showed a massive thick steel door, which made some clicking noises and opened showing his old mark 3 suit with a arc reactor inside the chest cavity.

Letting a small smile cross his face he began to slowly crawl towards it and only made it half way before he slumped and was having trouble breathing giving his body couldn't push anymore.

"Is this how I die... alone and only feet away from what can save me.... I'm sorry mom.. Mei... Eri.. but I don't... think.. I can save... myself........ this...... time........" he thought before passing out.


Eri left the bathroom and was sneaking to her papa's office, she managed to get away from Cogman and she wanted to spend more time with her papa. Slowly but surly she made it to her papa's office with the help of a couple workers who she bravely asked where his office was, they all knew who she was and told her where.

She walked into the secretary room, with the secretary looking up at the girl and smiling before she went back to work. Obidiah left so Izuku was most likely free for Eri so she didn't have to worry about anything.

Eri opened up the door and closed it and looked around the office for her papa before he eyes landed on a sight she wasn't ready for.

He was laying on the floor pale as a ghost and his chest was barely moving.

"PAPA!!!!" She Screamed as she ran forward to him and sat next to him in complete worry "Papa what's wrong!? Please get up papa!!".

She didn't get an answer and she started to get more scared as tears ran down her cheeks "SOMEONE HELP MY PAPA!!!" She Screamed but no help came giving his office was sound proof.

Eri looked back down at him while still sobbing, her special quirk bracelets red light was glowing, it was turned and keeping her quirk off, giving it detected her quirk activating. As she looked at his chest, she noticed that his glowwy chest reactor wasn't in his chest anymore.

"No papa what happened? What do I do? What would papa and mama do? She said still panicking since she didn't know what to do and she didn't want to leave him. "W-what do I do...".

As she kept crying, feeling completely useless, the corner of her eye caught something.

Papa's old Iron Man suit had that reactor thingy in its chest.

Looking at it for a moment before looking back at him, her eyes hardened with resolve as she wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"Don't worry papa.. this time I'll save you" she said standing up and running as fast as her little legs would let her, to the iron man suit.

Once she got to it, she tried to jump and open the chest panel but couldn't get high enough, her fingers could only barely graze the metal. Looking around the room she saw his chair and quickly ran to it and pushed it over to the suit, before she locked the wheels on it and climbed up the chair. Now onto of the chair she was infront of the chest plate and tried her hardest to open it, but no matter how hard she pulled or pushed, it didn't budge.

She looked back over to Izuku and saw his chest slowing down from his breathing and a new wave of panic set in.

"W-what do I do.. It won't open up!... p-papa... what do I do..." she said feeling hopeless again, she was about to begin crying when she remembered something. Her papa opens his suit from pushing a button on his phone if he needs to do some quick maintenance, plus he said something about how only him and mama could access it.

Climbing off the chair and ran over to him and saw his phone in his hand and it was still open, grabbing it she looked at it but now faced a new problem, she was still learning to read Japanese and she could hardly understand anything on the phone.

Slowly she pushed the part of the suit where the chest was and something popped up with a yes or no question. She pushed the yes and heard sounds of gears moving.

Looking at the suit, the chest part opened up and exposed the arc reactor.

Eri ran back over and climbed up the chair before she grabbed it and carefully pulled it out, as she did, she saw it had a a wire connected to it and thinking quickly, she unhooked it and ran back to her papa.

She took the arc reactor and lifted his shirt and paled. His chest had lots of nasty jigsaw patterns all over it and was heading towards his head. Shaking her head she placed the reactor in his chest and hoped he'd wake up, but nothing happened.

"N-no... p-papa why doesn't it work.." she said trying to understand what was going on. Pulling it out, she was gonna put it back when her eyes caught something.

The old electrical port for his arc reactor that he's been meaning to take out, but was way to busy to bother.

"I-I'm sorry papa but this might hurt.." she said as she took the cable from the arc reactor and slowly brought it into his chest and had to feel around a bit. It was hot and felt horrible, but she pushed through and soon found the metal port. Lining it up, she inserted the wire.

"AAGGHhhhhhh" Izukus eyes shot open as he suddenly began to breath normally and regained consciousness, looking around he saw that Eri was infront of him and was holding a arc reactor and was sobbing.

"PAPA!!!" She lunged forward and hugged him as tightly as she could while she broke down into tears in his shoulder. "P-papa.. I-I was so s-scared... I thought I l-lost you...".

Izuku smiled and wrapped a arm around her, while he used his other and pushed the reactor into his chest and locked it in place. Once he did that, he wrapped his arms around her too.

"Thank you Eri... you saved me" he said.

"N-no I-I-I" she was cut off when he gently cupped her face and made her look Jim in the eyes.

"Eri you saved my life, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here... today you were my hero Eri" he said warmly as he kissed her forehead before hugging her again "I love you Eri".

Eri began to cry again and hugged him back but smiled this time "I love you too papa".

As they enjoyed the moment, Izuku's mind went somewhere else.

Obidiah Stane now had his Arc Reactor and was most likely heading to America... this meant he'll be taking a trip to the Land Of the free to get his property back.

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